Defining BKisms ... "broad intellect"

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Defining BKisms ... "broad intellect"

Post29 May 2015

BKs often use the term "broad intellect".

Now, BKs and BKism is not broad minded. It's about as closed, simple and narrow as you can get in a religion therefore, immediately, we see the BKs usual use of complete inversion so give a mistaken flattering impression of themselves ... but what does it mean in to them?

A quote from my favourity BK bonehead repeating a mental plug for why Destruction has not happened as their god spirit prophesied in 1976.
mbbhat wrote:I believe knowledge has not changed after 1960s ... Of course, regrading dates of prediction, etc, you are right.

But - children had not understood. I do not say - all the mistakes are due to children, as Baba himself had given the date 1976, but some children could not think in broad intellect and got failed in the test as per drama. But - again - last bell has not rung. They have still chance to move.

So what does "broad intellect" mean ... Stupid? Gullible? Unquestioning? Or kind of eternally accepting of every twist, turn and reinvention their godspirit makes.

Their god spirit is never wrong or fallible ... it's just a test or the fault of the BK adherents from not understanding him properly.

So when he said 1950 or 1976 ... he really meant 1986 or 1996 ... or 2016 or 2026 ... or 2036 ... or ...

Who knows what he means ... he's the supreme spirit and eternally perfect. We are the imperfect ones, how can we possible understand his mystery!?!

Zzzzzzzzzzzz ...

Yes, it works as far as the BK system goes. The more you just accept and do not question, the more you are rewarded and the long you can stick around.

Seemingly demanding God is accurate and wishing to hold him accountable to everything he spouts is a sign of an impure narrow intellect. And certainly not a successful survival strategy within the BK social system.
"You don't have to be stupid, dishonest or illogical to worship here ... but it helps!"

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Pink Panther

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Re: Defining BKisms ... "broad intellect"

Post30 May 2015

That view of ”broad intellect” is meaning one who sees beyond the stated words to some deeper truth.

But what if the "deeper truth" is not an extension or implication drawn from what is stated but directly contradicts the stated words? That's not a broad intellect, that’s nonsense.

To 'read between the lines', one must first read the lines and understand them.

But if the lines say -
    God only speaks truth in a simple way that even these ”mothers” understand, is never wrong, knows three aspects of time and is always right.

but between the lines the meaning you take is:
    When God is wrong, its not God, its you who lack broad intellect. See rule one.
- well, that is just so much nonsense.

When you read between the lines, you can quite accurately infer that the use of the words ”speaks truth in a simple way that even mothers understand” doesn’t mean that once women have children they become stupid. It refers to the fact that in Lekhraj's time many women were uneducated and their main social function was mothering, therefore the language had to be simple and straightforward, not complicated, vague or enigmatic.

But when what was stated simply and straightforwardly is actually proven by events (or non-events) to be wrong, and to say it was not meant as stated, IMO that is either the height of self-delusion (if sincere) or outright arrogance (if insincere).

At least Howard Camping eventually had the decency to finally admit he was wrong, arrogant and sinful.
Although this is Camping’s second failed prediction this year, a source familiar with the preacher said he has predicted the end of the world 12 times. His first prediction of the end of times apparently dates back to 1978.

Harold Camping: Doomsday Prophet Wrong Again ... 2011

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Re: Defining BKisms ... "broad intellect"

Post30 May 2015

One of the scourges of the modern day are the Nigerian 419 fraudsters. Not only have they duped 1,000s of people of 1,000,000s of dollars, there is an entire eco-system in one area of Lagos supported by their "economy" ... aka theft.

Their scam works by promises gullible individuals a huge fortune in the future ... on the basis of their targets paying a smaller advanced fee. It's called an Advanced Fee Fraud, e.g. I will transfer to you $10,000,000 (which we will share 70:30), if you give me $5,000 now, up front, to pay for all transfer costs.

The amazing thing is ... a small percentage of individuals *do* fall for this AND once they are hooked, can be milked further and further by the fraudsters, e.g. "Oh, the $5,000 is not enough, I need another $5,000 to pay off the local police etc".

Once hooked, and invested into the scam, a smaller percentage of said individuals are willing to invest more and more - increase their risk in order to reap the return they are sure they will gain. They cannot believe they are being defrauded, even when friends, family and loved ones alert them ... even the authorities.

There have been studies and documentaries of this phenomenon.

Really, what is different about the nature of it, from the Brahma Kumaris ... the greatest Karachi Advance Fee Fraudsters? Do the Brahma Kumaris not offer you vast wealth and riches - palaces of gold and diamonds and a high status in a royal family - in the future ... *IF* you give your wealth - your money, your life, your chance to procreate and have children taking care of your future - to them today?

And do they not keep stringing the gullible along with more and more promises, modifying the con ... brushing aside the failures as "mistakes" or "test" ... to keep them hooked for as long, and as much as possible?

Just what this element of humanity is, and how and where it developed in our evolution (the nature to be hooked or trapped and not let go), I have not worked out yet. But I think everyone has it to some degree, some more than others, and a few predatory types appear to be wise to exploit it and tutor their subordinates to exploit it as well.

I have decided I am not going to the Golden Age, but I have a golden, diamond encrusted Palace there waiting for me. Would anyone like to buy it ...? I'll offer you a good price if you buy today! Let's swop ... you give me you run down, impure Kali Yuga property today ... and I'll give you my golden palace in the Golden Age!!!

Honestly, what more are the Brahma Kumaris doing?

How different are their promises (and victims)?

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