BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

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Save Innocents

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post08 Oct 2014

Or just dump their corpses (this happen in real life in one BK centre; a Sister was burnt to death and they threw away the corpse and cleaned away the evidence).

Yes, it is a real incidence that happened. But I hardly care about judicial treatment in the cases like rapes, people burnt alive, terrorism, etc. Do you think there is even a singly punishment available under any law which can give the accused right amount of justice in such cases? I think, NO. It's not there. And the human laws are weaker & even if made stronger, they cannot mitigate losses & suffering of victims. Maximum punishment that can be given is Death or life time imprisonment which really is too less for such a big crime. Otherwise if you rely on unreliable justice brought in courts, then certainly a culprit may come out with flying colors over the victim & would enjoy halva at some BK center while Didis telling others that this is the way our Baba saves us from worldly sh**.

These are the cases where HELL concept plays an important role & believe it or not, it's for real, they exist. You may get few horrible experiences of those who remember their past incarnation in hell on Youtube. There is much evidence. Spiritual literature have described it in exactness like one who burns other or rapes goes directly to seventh hell which is said to be worst among all hells. Life span is of few lac years where one goes under constant suffering. Even the body type in hell is completely different, the atoms made of parmanoos of hellish bodies are finer & million times sensitive as compared to ours. But due to the effect to current time where righteousness is fading, the seventh & sixth hell are closed & any such hard core criminal would land up in fifth hell. That is the only place where justice is done in such cases. Natures laws differs completely from what people generally preach. One may hide truth from everyone but its all open to nature & to oneself.

So, BKs Didis Dadis must understand the seriousness of their fate including that of followers. It's never too late. Wake up BKs !!!
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post08 Oct 2014

BKism is not the superficial Knowledge or religious facade on top, that is just the means to the end. They are now developing more and more techniques to exploit the Indian and overseas middle class of their additional wealthy.

There was that funny movie years ago with Robert De Niro as a troubled mafia boss and Billy Crystal as his psychiatrist helping him deal with his anger and other issues while he continued doing his criminal activity. I never watched it but I believe the TV series The Sopranos was based on a similar idea.

The BKs have their own meditation disengagement therapy which allows them to detach from their actions because all is done in the name of God and ”service”, and karma drama excuses almost anything. This is, of course, the justifications used by all religious criminals.

Give me any day an honest thief who doesn’t pretend to himself he is other than what he is or that he is not doing crimes for any reasons other than his own.

Save Innocents

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post09 Oct 2014

Give me any day an honest thief who doesn’t pretend to himself he is other than what he is or that he is not doing crimes for any reasons other than his own

There are many such thieves available in India. Now it's off topic, still I would ask to draw a line that demarcates thieves (non-BK criminals) & accused BKs. Both are world apart. There are thousands of cases I have read in newspaper where an innocent, generally poor, is falsely accused of stealing & thrown behind bars. It's like for 1 out of 10 thieves found in jails. His life, career, family gets already ruined when the decision of court comes out to be negative & accused is proved to be victim.

In India, there is hardly any financial compensation, keeping aside the support society gives to such victims. Actually the society is also sort of deteriorated in self-addiction much similar to BKs. I have myself witnessed two such incidents in which two kids were left to cry after their parents' demise. No one, from the place where I lived, visited to help them whose parents always worked to help everyone. This incident occurred when I was a kid & almost had no sense of what could be done in such situation but I never felt good about the response people gave.

Definitely, BK Didis are no different. They live within society but remain unaware of its problems or when they get to know, they either use it for their profits by pulling other emotionally or blame it as part of drama or karma of victims. Both ways it is wrong & not at all helpful.

I think the society which has started somewhere becoming ignorant is getting extra nutrition from BKism by its self-serving approaches & tricks. And in all these conditions where one has to, sometimes, silently see the crime happening in front of him where he may be asked to contribute to that crime is to find a ways that keeps these criminals far away. Criminals are not big problem but those organization which prepares such mindsets are. Never fall in situation like do or die, prefer to leave & live.
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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post10 Oct 2014

Did we find out what the specific crime in this case was, and what punishment?

Did the BKWSU use its money power to buy the police, or is it normal and acceptable to pay off victims?

If the BKWSU used its money, instead of the perpetrators, why? Was it just to avoid bad publicity of the case going to court and one of their workers being found guilty?

ex-bk Jan

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post11 Oct 2014

If they really use money to cover up, it means in the world money more powerful, not God any more!

No matter whatever bad thing has happened, just simply use money.

Money can solve everything and solve matters. Money can change a person. Am I right? (Money cannot represent everything, but money important for everything).

My funny question, is there any morality in this world, or this world a money game? Especially the BKs always promote themselves as the World Heroes and Heroines? This is a kind of criminal case, did the BKs become Heroes?

Save Innocents

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post11 Oct 2014

Yes, the situation & response of BKWSU towards accused indicates that they are considered heroes in BKism family. They were saved by the BKWSU by bribing the concerned authorities (it's a public opinion which can be legally & politically incorrect).

Now more senior BKs will commit similar crimes as BKWSU will stand there to protect them & don't forget the continuous supply of pure food from VIP kitchens which was/is/will be there for criminal BKs when they are behind bars.

They are role models for an aspiring BK who want to reach within inner BK circle for such special protection from the Baba. May be these accused get to play a bigger role in BKWSU drama in future.

BTW, what happened to the victim???
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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post11 Oct 2014

Save Innocents wrote:BTW, what happened to the victim???

I guess he has became a 4 lac rupees richer ex-BK with a sore ass and a bad taste in his mouth and will go back to his village where he will do excellent service warning people about how stupid, hypocritical and corrupt the BKWSU has become.

It may sound like a lot of money ... but how many years of his life did he waste in the BKWSU?

Every BKWSU victim should be paid compensation according to the years of their life they have wasted.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post11 Oct 2014

ex-BK Jan wrote:If they really use money to cover up, it means in the world money more powerful, not God any more!

Indeed. Right from my first trip to India in the late 1970s, I was troubled by the readiness of the BK institution, all the way to the top, to willingly condone paying bribes to achieve things, small and large. They always said this was the way things were done and they had no real choice. I have heard very senior BKs say it outright - Nirwair, Ramesh, Karuna, Brij Mohan ...

OK, in those days, decades ago, it was an unspoken rule and everyone did it. No one pretended otherwise. I was even told that I might be asked for something if reserving a train ticket or to be careful of possibly getting entrapped at Customs with the aim of eliciting a payoff. But this never happened to me.

I think such graft is directed at those more willing (maybe obliged) to play the game of leapfrog, i.e. to get special favours at the expense of others, or at risk of never even being in the queue. To be fair, I had heard and read of cases where people had to forget about their plans, were simply told a it's permanent, ”No’’ by officialdom until they could afford to pay a bribe.

Since those days there has been much change in Indian society, a more open debate and major political promises about cleaning up the small and large corruption that pervades and weighs on the Indian society. One leading independent politician made quite a name for himself over this issue. Did he get any support at all from the BKs?

The BKs could choose to make a stand at any point in time and issue directives - as Sri Mat - to all and sundry BKs: Do not pay bribes, report attempts at illiciting bribes or favouritism, work with anti-corruption officials, provide evidence, testify.

I think that wealth anywhere is an advantage, but in India it’s not just advantageous in itself, but such excess of disposable wealth can be used to facilitate favour or in having basic regulations, procedures and rules overlooked; even criminal law. The BKWSU has plenty such advantage and has over time become enmeshed with the corrupt, has likely become addicted to the power, privilege and advantage it affords them, and is even potentially the corruptor of upcoming BKs as well as previously honest public servants, as it plays the system and teaches them "the game".

OK. If this outcome of the "alleged" male rape was a matter of an "out of court settlement" then there’d be official documentation. Without it, it sounds more like "hush money" and "go away" money - which leaves the systemic cover up culture intact and the criminal to live freely, arrogantly emboldened and likely to re-offend.


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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post11 Oct 2014

Pink Panther wrote:Since those days there has been much change in Indian society, a more open debate and major political promises about cleaning up the small and large corruption that pervades and weighs on the Indian society. One leading independent politician made quite a name for himself over this issue. Did he get any support at all from the BKs?

\The BKs could choose to make a stand at any point in time and issue directives - as Sri Mat - to all and sundry BKs: Do not pay bribes, report attempts at illiciting bribes or favouritism, work with anti-corruption officials, provide evidence, testify.

You are spot on PP on this. It was really an unspoken rule in early days and if you did not bribe, you couldn't get some basic things done like driving license, passport etc. Almost everyone willingly did it to the traffic cop by paying some 10% or 20% of the penalty money to get away.

A lot has changed in the Indian society but Police and Judiciary is still too painful. I remember my Brother's vehicle getting stolen and then recovered by police. To get our vehicle back, they had to bribe Policewallahs else police was prepared to make the vehicle disappear. Corruption is still too deep in the society but I think your suggestion is worthwhile for BKWSU to incorporate and ask their followers to adhere to it.

These days it's practically possible to not bribe and get work done in most places. However, I must tell you that in India people will do anything to stay away from Police and courts still as these are the two most painful systems badly needing reform. When ordinary people get stuck in court cases, they will spend their lifetime awaiting justice which in many cases is denied. And, unfortunately, the politician you refer to has dug his own grave at least for now by some silly mistakes in the recent election.

Save Innocents

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post17 Oct 2014

Its interesting to see that a BK propaganda site bkbrainwashforum.net was very active at pointing out a mistake in this title 3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teenager without understanding the meaning of which ex-l explained to represent something not clear to anyone. But that forum did not take up this case (BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved) of the victim who was none other than the one within BKWSU, working for them by probably surrendering himself totally to BK cult.

Where has that learning zeal of learning spirit gone? Speak up if you are so interested in learning things, maybe you get to learn few lessons from this case if you are not a senior BK. And what about Easy meditation, can you see that this kind of kitchen meditation or closed door RajYoga is not that easy to neglect?

Tell your newcomers about it & label it as another miracle Baba can offer to newcomer or surrendered boys (through mediums) if they do not obey Seniors. Another BKs brainwasher mbbhat, who is very much dedicated in cult mission & may also be having a small stake in BKWSU service commision, can explore this miracle of Shiv Baba.

Baap enjoyed while this victim was getting hard experience through efforts cum service from his Seniors Brothers.
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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post17 Oct 2014

It's amazing how the BKs will ignore a Himalayan sized problem and instead look for the smallest grammatical error to excuse themselves from having to comment ... "oh, look, he missed out a comma or spoke badly, so we don't need to consider what he is saying ... nor expose our impotence and unimportance in the BK world by asking our leaders what is going on and question what they are doing. Terrible people these hate-filled Anti-Party members", the BKs say.
Save Innocents wrote:... cum service from his Seniors Brothers.

Well, the victim certainly got some cum service from his Seniors Brothers by the sounds of it, but there's no evidence that Baba entered the Seniors to carry it out.

However, it does say in the Murlis (really!) that "Baba does not mount a virgin". That is literally what it used to say (they may have changed it by now). I think it might have been some reference to Nandi, the bull vahana (or “mount”) of the Hindu god Shiva.

That's one quote the PBKs use against the BKs to suggest that God does not Sister Gulzar.

But who is to know if Lekhraj Kirpalani does not take a part in these actions? The BKs say he and other "advanced" Seniors can enter any BK at any time, work and experience through them. Anything is possible in BKism.

Save Innocents, you write "teenage boy"? Do we know that it was a teenage boy or young man? And how far did the abuse go? Has it reached the Indian media yet?

Or was the pay off "hush money" given under the condition that he would *NOT* speak out to the media?

I would have though male rape was even more newsworthy and concerning than female rape, especially in a spiritual ashram. The Western BKWSU leaders "wash their hands" and disassociate from anything going on in India and will not answer or discuss anything about it, so there is nothing we can achieve here in the West.

Save Innocents

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post17 Oct 2014

Save Innocents, you write "teenage boy"? Do we know that it was a teenage boy or young man? And how far did the abuse go? Has it reached the Indian media yet?

I think I mentioned "boys" only that too for newcomers not this victim. I do not know who he is apart from being a BK victim.

No, it has not reached Indian media yet apart from local Rajasthani newspapers, I don't think any other newspaper published the report. You know similar crimes are happening all over India, so it does not gain its special limelight. It may be possible that Rajathani TV channels might have aired this as headlines but I do not know about it. National newspaper did not have coverage as this case was soon closed before anything substantial could have happened.
... but there's no evidence that Baba entered the Seniors to carry it out.

Probably, Baba entered both alternatively in them to carry the task, teach (his sole mission is teaching) BKs a lesson that anyone who goes against authorities or fails to fulfill demands while remaining in system will have to reap his bad karma in this way. :shock:

Their Baap, then, protected both after they were arrested by motivating senior Dadis through mediums & trances to pay in order to close the case as both were just doing service with full dedication. The victim is faulty as said by Dadis. ;) He is responsible for arousal of Brothers to give service in order to play their role in drama. It should not be a surprise for old & senior BKs, such activities were common, I think, through medium of Lekhraj earlier. Now things have changed and as crap Murli says that Baba can enter anyone & do the service.

I know BKs will like this particular post which describes the so called mysterious ways in which Baba works. Now BKs, say, "waah baap waah" to that !!!
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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post18 Oct 2014

Thank you for understanding the sardonic humour in my post above.

I'd like it to say it was meant to highlight the silliness of the BKs claims (of the deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani and other dead senior BKs entering junior BKs to work through them) but who knows what is going on ... if the BKs say it, perhaps we should believe it?

Or is it just all ghost stories to control the child-like followers controlled, attentive and humble?
    If you do something good, it was Baba or one of the Dadis working through you.
    If you do something bad, it was you.
    If you are lucky and something bad does not happen to you, that was Baba saving you.
    If you are unlucky and something bad does happen to you, that was your own fault or karma.
Baba will protect you ... except when he does not protect you because that was your karma.

Confused? Having your self-esteem undermined?

I don't know if it still goes on but in the old days the BKs evolved their own way of speaking so they would say things like, "Baba worked through the soul to do ...". What they really meant was, "I did it".

And the Murlis also says, you cannot tell when Baba or the Dead Dadis have possessed you to work and experience through you because they are so subtle. On top of which, they claim Dadis both Dead and Alive can fly around invisibly and spy on BKs and BK centres, e.g. to see who is attending morning class, or who is sleeping during 4am Amrit Vela meditation.

I suppose it is just the same as Christians telling their kids and uneducated congregations that Jesus is watching them al the time so they cannot do bad things. It's scientifically proven that people who think they are being watched, modify their behaviour ... whether they are or are not.

So what happened in Shantivan? Was Baba watching, if not, why not? Why did not Baba fly in to protect the victim? Why did not Baba enter the abusers to stop them? It sounds like, even if we accept the BK theory of possession that Baba is not actually very powerful or effective.

The BK answer ... "Oh, Baba is all wise and he knows every soul and what ever soul needs?"
Why on earth does someone, either a kid or low level worker, "need" to be sexually abused?

The BK answer ... "Oh, he must have done such bad karma in his previous life, so it had to happen to him to teach him a lesson!" And, "Because it happened in Baba's home, it must be an extra-special, powerful purification".

Why then was the victim paid hush money and compensation? He should be paying the BKs for clearing his karma and giving him what he "needed" for his spiritual growth ... he, the victim, must be very impure.

So then, what about the abusers? How were they treated? Rewarded by being chucked out and not having to get up at 4am every day and work for free any more? Or just told to keep their heads down and come back in a few months? Moved to another department/centre?

Standard model of response.

Save Innocents

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post18 Oct 2014

So what happened in Shantivan? Was Baba watching, if not, why not? Why did not Baba fly in to protect the victim?

Or say at least he could have entered in one of the rapist to avoid the other one if he cannot enter simultaneously in both.
On top of which, they claim Dadis both Dead and Alive can fly around invisibly and spy on BKs and BK centres, e.g. to see who is attending morning class, or who is sleeping during 4am Amrit Vela meditation.

So where they, all Dadis, were when Baba was servicing through mediums?
I suppose it is just the same as Christians telling their kids and uneducated congregations that Jesus is watching them al the time so they cannot do bad things.

For kids it can work or they will harm themselves doing something they are unaware of but this should not a method for grown ups like BKs.
"Because it happened in Baba's home, it must be an extra-special, powerful purification".

Yes, and the kitchen where victim used to work must be full of all purest vibrations resonating with each morsel BKs have now. So, any BK who wants to become extra pure with pure fragrance all over & inside must go to Shantiwan & especially ask for food cooked in that kitchen & yes do not forget to meet those two Brothers, may be they through mediums repeat purification process.
Why then was the victim paid hush money and compensation?

Because it was not fault of BKWSU, so why they would suffer on behalf of victim's karmas? ;)
So then, what about the abusers? How were they treated? Rewarded by being chucked out and not having to get up at 4am every day and work for free any more?

I think someone wrote in one post that they shifted to a luxurious apartment near Shantiwan. Well, this case added Supershanti in shantiwan.

Save Innocents

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post29 Oct 2014

Zzzz ..... on BK.net No one dares to take this issue & misinterpret it. That shows how concerned they are about their followers. It is easy to lecture than to follow. Vision of Self did not get a single vision yet about this case perhaps. Or may be busy rehabilitating the accused.

It is dealt like all other cases by maintaining silence for decades & when someone will point this usual crime of BKWSU, they will say nothing happened. No proof will be regarded as real enough by then. What if same incident happens with a senior BK Brother? What sort of adjustment are they trying to teach? Is it just money which matters to them? How can someone be so stubborn to their own people?

Destroying lives one by one & still expanding. Horrible.

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