BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post29 Sep 2014

Police are cheap to buy in India. The BKs will go into cover up mode. Unless an insider or the victim is willing to speak out, we'll probably never know the whole truth.

And certainly not get it out of BK HQ. All we can do if keep collecting whatever fragments of information about such cases we can and add them all up.

Affected BK

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post29 Sep 2014

The culprit is rubbish fellow. Thrown out of the campus. But by this time he established himself. Own a luxurious apartment near Shantivan and shifted there.

The victim gone back to his village with bad taste in his mouth for ever.

This raise a very big question to whole of BK teachings and philosophy. The culprit is feeded with purest of pure food for more than 15 years in the first class VIP kitchen and served the pure food to the visitors also. It is said that he was denying the utensils used by others and was using special utensils for his lunch / dinner etc. did not that food and utensils purified him?

By doing this he set a BK rule about pure food which was followed by many adherents and refused food prepared by real mothers / real Sisters / relatives, because they want to be pure by following Madhuban rules and practices.

Why not they change the rule and allow adherents to eat food prepared by real mothers / real Sisters / relatives? At least it will not spoil the relationship which BKs are doing for decades.
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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post29 Sep 2014

Quite right ... how can they say his food was more pure than 99.999% of old family grandmothers' cooking?

And why after 15 years did it have no effect? Oh, the BKs will just come up with an excuse like, "the purification of Yoga brought up old sanskars ... and the two must have had bad karma with each other from a previous life".

So what actually happened? More details please.

Are the BKs compensating the victim? (... bad joke, I know, but one can dream of a better world!).
Affected BK wrote:The culprit is rubbish fellow. Thrown out of the campus. But by this time he established himself. Own a luxurious apartment near shantivan and shifted there.

The victim gone back to his village with bad taste in his mouth for ever.

Another life wasted then? I suppose he will have left the BKWSU forever now and lost all his time, money and everything else he gave.
    Where did the culprit get the money if he was surrendered?
    How many surrendered Abu BKs have their own luxury apartment?

    Can we say this is the first victim, or is it merely the first to report the offence and go public?
"Bad taste in his mouth" ? ... you can say that again! Too much salt in the milk perhaps?

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post03 Oct 2014

The matter is settled with police after the culprit being in the custody for 10 days. It is said that Rs. 4 Lacs is being spent by Yagya to settle the matter. Both culprit and victim are back on seva and working at different places in shantivan.
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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post03 Oct 2014

4 lacs is about $8,000.

Can you say what the actual offence was?


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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post03 Oct 2014

Wow ... just wow.

Save Innocents

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post04 Oct 2014

The victim gone back to his village with bad taste in his mouth for ever.

So, this guy was from a village, probably not very rich & urban, right? He might have superstitiously believed in BKism. One more thing we get to know from this incidents that poor guys or girls are given poor jobs, or the cooking, cleaning, & washing which involves more of the physical involvement. So, mind it if you are going to join or devote to BK forever, your status in it will depend on your bank balance. So, first get good amount before entering in it. Otherwise you may also have to return with a badly used ass.

Well, this luxury apartment guy is lucky, is he not? He got everything what he desired from BKWSO, I mean such people are real examples of Baba's grace which fulfills all wishes of children.

Please stop calling activites of this cult as "yugya". How come raping an innocent, then expelling - punishing him while the culprit enjoys luxurious food & an apartment ready to serve him - be a part of an actual yugya? See BK followers, behold this reality, your donations is accumulated & spend in these ways, you donate to help a rapist escape the punishment that he deserve.

And it is divine to see the police work to unearth the earthly facts, it took just 4 lacs to solve the very mysterious case in 10 days. Kudos to Indian police, they are really patriotic towards India & Indians.

It is said that Rs. 4 Lacs is being spent by Yagya to settle the matter.

Once again it is proved that nowadays money rules the world.

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post05 Oct 2014

an error in above post : its not 10 lacs, its 4 lacs. Edit it if possible.

ex-bk Jan

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post07 Oct 2014

Anyone can answer my question?
    1. The case happened was real? How does BK clan treat the victim?
    2. But no matter how, if criminal had happened, was there any protection for victim from the BK Clan?
    3. How does this clan improve themselves to prevent this thing happen?
    4. How does this BK clan teach the children, women for self-protection? (Please don't tell me, remember God, God will help. There was no answer and It's really nonsense).
    5. BK clan always mentioned they are the most high elevated. How good they solve the problem? Whether their suggestion benefit and protect victim?
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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post08 Oct 2014

ex-BK Jan wrote:How does BK clan treat the victim?

Interesting question ... I can only speculate on other case. For some, with silence ... and either a sort of internal fearful panic - as the event challenges they view of the BK family. Others, perhaps the most, will think it was his fault (karma) from the past.
3. How does this clan improve themselves to prevent this thing happen?

It won't.
4. How does this BK clan teach the children, women for self-protection?

Good question. I don't think so as they too are exploiters. This area concerns me as, instead, they instil a faith-based idea that "remembering Baba" is good enough and will save you.

In theory, therefore, one could have expected that the VIP kitchen was the place where BK "remembered" Baba the most ... was the most pure vibration. How then, as per the child about in Madhuban, could such events happen there? If it is not pure and powerful enough to protect victims, what hope to protect them out in the real world.

Women in Inda ... we also had the case of the Australian BK murdered on the way to Madhuban with evidence she had put up a struggle to save herself. Why did not Baba help? Baba does not.
5. BK clan always mentioned they are the most high elevated. How good they solve the problem? Whether their suggestion benefit and protect victim?

They will try by doing nothing and "believing" harder. They are taught to believe that unquestioning faith alone is enough to change reality.

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post08 Oct 2014

How does BK clan treat the victim

As per BKs, the treatment will be done at the time of final tribunal sitting which comprises of the complete and faithful BKs. Till then be a sakshi drushta the detached observer.
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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post08 Oct 2014

ex-BK Jan wrote:How does BK clan treat the victim?

The same way other institutions do, to blame them or denigrate them.

There are various investigations into abuse claims at the moment and various claims coming through the media all the time.

Today on the news we heard of an ultra-othodox Jewish boys school where sexual abuse of students happened. One man recently came forward to tell of his experience in the 1990s. The wife of the rabbi is a highly regarded woman - she recently wrote to the man accusing him of being a ”massev” (a yiddish word that was used for those who collaborated with anti-semites in 19th century eastern European pogroms) and of betraying his people. Other members of the community said that the perpetrator was a good man and how could he smear the name of the community this way ...

http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/rn/podcast/ ... 8_0752.mp3

The links below are to two other different cases in the ultra-orthodox jewish community alone.

http://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewis ... lia-371394

Today we also heard of the pentecostalist church leaders blaming the victim

http://www.theguardian.com/australia-ne ... MP=soc_567

How divine are the BKs? How different are they? Are not all these groups just as sincere, just as sure of their leaders and their gods, just as self-centred and self-justified? They are no different to all the secular crimes and abuses that take place - and for that we can truthfully call them hypocrites.

ex-bk Jan

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post08 Oct 2014

As I thought, BK will give more concern and love to the victim. Am I right? or Is it possible?

As my experience with this BK family before, there was a Sister lost her mobile when get prepare to her presentation on stage. She complaint to centre in-charge, the Senior Sister simply reply her, it was her karma, she had to face it and accept it. (I was stand beside the victim-sister. I surprised the answer given and victim Sister was blame careless). In the end, the senior and centre-in-charge ignore ... Nobody mentioned it ... time pass ... case close ... within a day. The victim Sister was shame and unhappy to tell people. But I quickly advise her to call telecom for the phone line cancellation or report lost.

As I thought, the outside country centre useless for help.

But how about Madhubhan's Senior Sister? Are they smart people to comfort the victim. Or BK Senior just act smart to help rich people/useful people?

Are their advise useful? Anyone experience?

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post08 Oct 2014

Pink Panther wrote: How divine are the BKs? How different are they?

Difference is just in their theories otherwise they seem to be approximately similar to each other & crime has only one definition whether done by a BK or other cult member or anyone else.

Well ex-BK Jan, I think your approach & advice to her was very supportive to such a troubled Sister or otherwise she would be left there to think its her karma only which brought such fate. And you can understand from this how BKs malign, misuse Karma theory to fool & silent their followers. I think you were courageous enough to suggest her an anti-BKism approach to register a formal complaint, evnen when you were one of them. It needs guts to do something which can be very unpleasant to those whom you follow & that too helping a BK Sister, who may accuse you for the loss. Definitely she was the victim & was not in a situation to do anything against the support you gave her.

And this is what a current BK while remaining within center must do. Observe all the activities of Didis, suggestions they give not just to you but to others also. Notice each, everything & I am 200% sure you will leave the cult within a month after knowing all their fake issues.

I think many BKs will commit such crimes in future as their role models are doing so or saving the accused. I think any rich male BK having a good status in their system in Shantivan, Pandav bhawan, center at Mount Abu, don't forget the kitchens or any BK center is free to commit such crimes because there will always be protection from Baba, Dadis & dedicated followers. All other like lawyers, police, a part of media that is corrupt, legal issues etc are not that difficult to deal with. And the victim will be pushed out of BKWSU after shoving all blames on him/her.

Now is that your Sangamyug & an initiation to Satyug, BKs?
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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post08 Oct 2014

Save Innocents wrote:I think many BKs will commit such crimes in future as their role models are doing so or saving the accused. I think any rich male BK having a good status in their system in Shantivan, Pandav bhawan, center at Mount Abu, don't forget the kitchens or any BK center is free to commit such crimes because there will always be protection from Baba, Dadis & dedicated followers. All other like lawyers, police, a part of media that is corrupt, legal issues etc are not that difficult to deal with. And the victim will be pushed out of BKWSU after shoving all blames on him/her.

You are right ... they've gone from the "Beggary Period" to the "Buggery Period".

In fact, it has already started with dodgy property deals, secret relationships and so on going on in Mount Abu.

Think of the BK inner circle like some very skilled criminal under world carrying out widespread frauds.

BKism is not the superficial Knowledge or religious facade on top, that is just the means to the end. They are now developing more and more techniques to exploit the Indian and overseas middle class of their additional wealthy. They main targets and appeals are to those wealthy middle classes, and have been for some time. From spending 30 years criticising Westerners, they are not using and adopting Western values, aesthetics and so on, BECAUSE they sell well to those Indian middle and upper classes for whom Western things have an appeal.

It's just a business and if a few little mice get crushed in the process of reaping the rich field ... then who is going to bother?

If they cry out ... throw them back to their families in another field. Or just dump their corpses (this happen in real life in one BK centre; a Sister was burnt to death and they threw away the corpse and cleaned away the evidence).

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