BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

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BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post23 Sep 2014

And this is the level of Brahmacharya or celibacy BKs follow. Wait, are these two helper BK center-in-charge? If they are, the next news from BKWSU would be, "These two are not Brahmakumars, we do not know anything about them".

When BKWSU will be pressurised by media, they would re issue another one like, " These two were BKs some 5-6 years ago but due to their misconduct, we expelled them. And now they are on their own terms. BKWSU is not responsible for this deed." Om Shanti.
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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post23 Sep 2014

What does it say?

Affected BK

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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post23 Sep 2014

SI wrote:Are these two helper BK center-in-charge

No. Both are quite old surrendered BKs living in Shantivan (Brahmakumari HQ) doing seva in VIP kitchen.

SI, could you please translate it in English?

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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post23 Sep 2014

ex-l wrote:What does it say?

As it is very blurred, so i am translating whatever I can read from that crap.
Abu Road: A 29 year old youngster working in a VIP Bhandara (someone tell what's bhandara called in English, it's basically a "function" where thousands of people eat together at one place to nurture brotherhood) registered a complaint in police for getting forced to have unnatural sex for 4 days by two persons (both male).

On instruction of S.P. , Rajiv Pachaar, Sadar police registered the complaint. According to Kailaashwan, the chief police officer of Sadar circle, victim, living in Shantiwan area, informed police about the incident that happened when Kailashbhai & prakashbhai forced him to have unnatural sex in a room repeatedly from 27 to 30 August. After that, they threatened him & made agreement not to disclose anything. And now they are again pressurizing him for doing same.

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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post23 Sep 2014

So, is this type of service, Seniors in BKWSU ask for? I think nothing has really changed except the faces, earlier same thing Lekhraj did with girls, now these male BKs are doing same with juniors boys who surrender themselves for service or seva.

Lekhraj was a bit better, at least he never did all those shameful acts with boys. And, ex-l, I think you were bit correct about that homo-pleasure part. There may be many in BKWSU due to/for that. Well, it's none of my business, I think.
BTW, who are these so called "bhais"?

Beware current BKs, think before you call anyone your Bhai (Brother). Are they worth becoming your Brother?
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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post24 Sep 2014

Abu Road: A 29 year old youngster working in a VIP Bhandara registered a complaint in police for getting forced to have unnatural sex for 4 days by two persons (both male).

Correct me if I am wrong but Shantivan - The Forest of Peace, is where "God" comes on earth. The BKs first claimed that "God" can only come on earth because it's the only place "pure" enough for him to do so, hence he cannot travel to London, Tokyo or Geneva etc to speak there.

Then Destruction did not happen, the number of financial donors wanting to see "God" became too many, and, logistically for a number of reasons, it became impossible to hold spirit seances for large groups in Mount Abu. Therefore, the BKs changed the rules and moved "God" down to the bottom of the hil.

Of course, despite it being "the most pure place on earth", Madhuban was where the BK children were sex abused (we know of Madhuban and New Dehli at least).

Now Shantivan and its kitchen, where the "pure" vibrations of their God fills the food, becomes a scene of a humiliating and disgusting homosexual sex abuse.

So, please allow me to ask in plain English, what does "unnatural sex abuse" of a male by other males for 4 days mean?

It's either blow jobs (oral sex), or anal sex. In this case, anal rape.

So much for Baba's promise that, like a "mother cat", he would not allow a single hair on the head of a follower to be harmed.

At the base of Mount Abu, just before Abu Road begins its climb up Mount Abu, lays, to the left of the road, a magnificent complex, the third Brahma Kumaris campus, Shantivan. This sprawling collection of buildings was built in response to University's ever–growing world–transforming activities in the area of spiritual education and training. It provides an excellent venue for holding large conferences, spiritual congregations and retreats, and features modern means of communication, transport, extensive kitchen and dining facilities, well–laid–out roads, electricity, and solar energy.

The main attraction of Shantivan is its massive, awe–inspiringly Diamond Hall, built to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of the University. Majestic in art, architecture and equipment, it has the distinction of being able to seat 20,000 people!

The Shantivan complex includes a main conference hall and six smaller halls. The seating capacity of the conference hall is twelve hundred and there is facility for simultaneous translation in six languages. The smaller halls each accommodate three hundred and fifty people and are suitable for lectures, seminars, workshops, etc. There are also two halls for meditation and a spiritual museum on this campus. Shantivan’s residential buildings can lodge 15,000 guests.

One building houses the University’s printing department and publishes its two monthly magazines: Gyanamrit (Hindi) and World Renewal (English), as well as many books and booklets in several languages.

Note, the BKs "celebrated" their Diamond Jubilee Year, 60 years from the start of the religion.

But how could they celebrate their FAILURE?

Destruction was meant to happen in WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1996 ... and, according to their god spirit, it failed to happen because they did not make enough efforts to become pure, they were not ready to go to the Golden Age. In short, they FAILED ... and yet they celebrated it.

Or were they just "celebrating" reaping all that money to build such fine palaces for themselves to live and play in.

And now ... male rape of lowly - and we presume unpaid - kitchen workers forced into silence.

Next ... listen to the silence of BK adherents as they respond to this abuse within a culture of abuse. Please allow me to celebrate an abuse BK finally going to the police and speaking out.

Affected BK

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post24 Sep 2014

ex-I wrote:So much for Baba's promise that, like a "mother cat", he would not allow a single hair on the head of a follower to be harmed

Their justification is easy ... It's only because of bad karma the soul had done in previous births. He must have done the same to those two, and so they have done it to settle the accounts.

Only the Yoga yukt souls would be able to understand this karma philosophy.
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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post24 Sep 2014

Affected BK wrote:Only the Yoga yukt souls would be able to understand this karma philosophy.

Well, generally it escalates like this.
    They ignore the issue.
    They cover it up and make sure no other BKs followers and VIPs hear about it
    They hush-hush the issue up by sweetening up or paying off police and media.
    They blame the victims saying it was their karma.
    They blame the abusers within the system and claim they weren't BKs or have been kicked out.
Indeed, because the bad karma (sex abuse) happened in "Baba's home" it is even luckier for the victim because it means they have cleared even more of their bad karma.

This is not a joke. This is based on their previous responses to child sex abuse, rapes and sexual relationships within the cult. It's never their system's fault.

Now, consider these ...
    a) Given this was the VIP kitchen, would those unpaid workers not be the highest upon high and especially screened for putting Baba's pure vibrations into the food? (I don't know if they were unpaid cooker or just unpaid kitchen porters).

    b) Adult male rape is often more about power than sexual attraction, e.g. in prisons, where males are denied natural sexual expression.

    c) Or was it as we have questioned before, a homosexual tryst gone bad? Evidence of suppressed homosexuality within the BK community, e.g. homosexuals choosing to become BKs rather than openly express their sexuality?
It's one thing to rape, it's another to threaten an individual to cover it up.

In the past, the BKs' have blamed Sisters who have 'cried rape' saying it was jut a relationship and chucked them out. Are they going to blame the Brother in the same way?

Could any BK get us an official position on this matter?

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post24 Sep 2014

And then some head of all PR faces like Shivani will say in interview that one or two cases may happen but that does not apply to all BKs or whole BKWSU.

Whatever happened with that another innocent boy is bad & sad enough to send an impulse among those who are yet to be brainwashed. But are current BKs going to ask the authority about this issue or simply forced to believe in some foolish explanation given by their Didis, Dadis & yes those by Murli writers too.

One thing becomes clear that BKWSU is neither safe for young married/unmarried girls nor boys. The forced celibacy or those pretend to be celibate are often their own desires' suppressors & see what is the final outcome. This is only one case that is known to everyone but what about those many cases in which victim chose to shut up & keep getting similar abuses?

But this should not be very unusual incident for those who idolize people like Lekhraj.

Affected BK

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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post25 Sep 2014

ex-I wrote:Are they going to blame the Brother in the same way?

Sadly, Yes.

It is being said in the centre, and in Shantivan, that the victim is responsible.

The victim was going to massage the Seniors, which is against the Shrimat. The Shrimat clearly says that no body-touch is allowed among the two souls. It is a sign of body consciousness, then why did the Brother going for massaging them? The Brother has given them the margin for doing such a shameful act.

Moreover, the culprits are under police custody, they asks for "pure food" of Madhuban only.

Police are bringing them and taking them back to custody after finishing their "pure food" intake. :-?
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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post25 Sep 2014

Affected BK wrote:Sadly, Yes. It is being said in the centre, and in Shantivan, that the victim is responsible ... Shrimat clearly says that no body-touch is allowed among the two souls. It is a sign of body consciousness, then why did the Brother going for massaging them?

OK ...

What they are saying is, some Brother was massaging other Brothers, they got a stiffy and he gave them a hand job, blow job or sat on them? Or they were overcome with lust and jumped on top of him ... one after another for 4 days (!?!) ... then started threatening and abusing him, so he went to the Police?

My bullsh** meter is flipping here ...
    Firstly, I know BK Sisters who give Senior Sister massages. This has been going on for decades.

    Even in Madhuban, it's very common for some Sisters to give long, loving, bare skin massages to other Sisters and this had been going on for years. I know of 'old school' BKs who were quite shocked to see it.

    Thirdly, you have the practise of senior BKs or trustee types going to health spas.
And the BKs don't like prison food so they BK luxury food instead! It did not make them pure before so it would seem a bit late now!!!

More details please ...


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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post25 Sep 2014

I know a BK "teacher" giving me a long, loving, bare skin massage, this is male and female. I think he was testing his soul-consiousness on me. Poor guy.
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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post26 Sep 2014

It's funny how the words "body-conscious" and "soul-consciousness" are being used.

It would seem body-conscious has simply come to mean "taboo". Obviously touch can be for health as well as pleasure (both or either for giver and receiver).

But what on earth is going on? Males can also be raped or sexually abused by other males and, if this is the case, we should not make light of the situation.

I would say a normal heterosexual man, whether BK or not, would be automatically revulsed by a homosexual man making sexual advances on them ... and would be highly unlikely to go back for more for 4 days. However, abusive forms of male on male sexual abuse, e.g. in prison, monasteries, are also often as much as about power than sex, e.g. more powerful males abusing less powerful or more vulnerable males to assert their authority.

Did the victim in question go to the Seniors to ask for help and what did they do about it?

And to think, this is all happening in the Brahmakumaris holiest of holes. The VIP kitchen in Shantivan.

Such events tend not to "just happen". Usually there is a kind of build up to them or general background atmosphere first.

Sadly, it would seem in their zeal to expand and pulling in big numbers, the quality of BK soul has lowered.


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Re: BKWSU Male Rape of Shantivan VIP Worker: Police involved

Post28 Sep 2014

I think we should allow the police investigation to be completed before we express anything with conformity. On the face of it we do not know.

However, the organisation will do well to avoid such situations or avoid such staff.

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