The BKs to Narendra Modi

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The BKs to Narendra Modi

Post16 Sep 2014

The followers of Lekhraj Kirpalani used to make a big thing out of the fact he actually sent letters and gifts to the King and Queen of England and other famous people ... never mind they probably went straight into the bucket because they thought he was nuts. Nowadays they advertise how they sent an email.

Here is an example of an email sucking up to Narendra Modi after his recent election win bizarrely claiming that he is their god's Shiva's, chosen responsible instrument for the "gigantic mission ... of creating Ram Rajya" (Heaven on earth).
Congratulatory message for Shri Narendra Modi

20 May 2014


To the Supreme Being, God Shiva's, chosen responsible instrument,

Our dear beloved Spiritual Brother Shri Narendra Modiji,

Om Shanti - Greetings of peace!

Multimillion-fold Congratulations on the accomplishment of winning the 2014 General Elections with a landslide victory! This is clear evidence of your deep faith in the Supreme and His work of transforming Bharat into Real Ram Rajya based on Values, complete Peace and 100% Prosperity.

As the new Prime Minister of Bharat, you are the Hope for Tomorrow's Golden Aged Bharat. May the Supreme Father, God Shiva, bestow all His choicest blessings on your good Self to ensure 100% success in your gigantic mission!!!
With spiritual love & best wishes of the entire Brahma Kumaris Spiritual Family in Bharat in particular, and all parts of the world,

In Godly Service,

B.K. Dadi Janki, B.K. Dadi Hridayamohini,
B.K. Dadi Ratan Mohini, B.K. Sarladidi

Brothers: B.K. Ramesh Shah, B.K. Nirwair, B.K.Brijmohan

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Re: The BKs to Narendra Modi

Post17 Sep 2014

Oh, they just love meeting and getting clicked with the celebrities and VIPs ! That gives 'em sufficient content to fill up the pages of their monthly magazines.

But according to the BK view, aren't these VIPs supposed to be 'low-class impure souls' because they don't follow the tenets of BKism and don't believe that Lekhraj Kriplani is the real Krishna?

How can the BK Brahmins rub shoulders with shudras ? And the way they're trying to apple-polish the Prime Minister by calling him as 'God's chosen responsible instrument ... I hope they're not planning to engage him to reveal 'Baba' to the masses ;).

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Re: The BKs to Narendra Modi

Post17 Sep 2014

BKWSU wrote:message says : to the Supreme Being, God Shiva's, chosen responsible instrument

Again BKs turn out to be idiot. Citizens of India chose him, not your Shiv Baba, dumbs. It is a democratic nation, do you understand what democratic means?

Why did not they approached former PM Manmohan Singh in 2005-2013. Was he not the chosen one? Just see the partiality of BKs. And this message is from Dadis, so they are the actual deceivers. But they are so stupid that they think to fool a hard core politician who has remained in politics promoting religion for decades. It might be possible that BK again succeed in fooling process as I have seen how old stern followers of different religion were turned into their slaves. If they get Marandra Modi, it will be hat-trick & soon, this site will shut down, at least it will be banned in India. I saw one pic on this site whether PM Narendra Modi inaugurated a BK PR event. Can someone post that pic or link on this thread?
Multimillion-fold Congratulations on the accomplishment of winning the 2014 General Elections with a landslide victory

I have not seen even a single good spiritual institute involved in politics, praising politicians.
This is clear evidence of your deep faith in the Supreme and His work of transforming Bharat into Real Ram Rajya based on Values, complete Peace and 100% Prosperity.

Modiji, Brahmakumaris deny Ramayana or existence of Lord Rama & Ma Sita. They are just buttering & preparing a platform to get more of it. By '100% prosperity", BKWSU means their own 100% prosperity. Also, BKWSU heads planned decades ago to destroy world through nuke weapons, so kindly inform the Vigilance Commision & National Security & try to remain away from BKWSU where they may attack you to steal the nuclear weapon control, that is solely owned by none other than PM.
With spiritual love & best wishes of the entire Brahma Kumaris Spiritual Family in Bharat in particular, and all parts of the world,

Do you get it current Western BKs, India remains preference for Shiv Baba too. ha ha ha :D You people are simply the negligible part in BKism who is just meant to feed the unnecessary fatsos.

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Re: The BKs to Narendra Modi

Post25 Sep 2014

They go with the flow.

apj.jpg (8.16 KiB) Viewed 21604 times

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam - He was elected President of India because he was bachelor so pure and Brahmakumari's wave of purity helped him to achieve this post.

pratibha tai patil.jpg

Pratibha Patil - She was first Woman President of India, because of women empowerment wave spread by Brahmakumaris which enabled her to worn the crown of President of India.

and now Narendra Modi...

BKWSU to Narendra Modi:

This is clear evidence of your deep faith in the Supreme and His work of transforming Bharat into Real Ram Rajya based on Values, complete Peace and 100% Prosperity.
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Re: The BKs to Narendra Modi

Post26 Sep 2014

Our favourite act of social climbing was when Dad Janki met the royal family of Nepal - about which the BKs were very excited as they were the last ruling monarchy and "possibly" to be where Om Radhe had incarnated - and did her usual number of telling them and BKs how they were "special souls" with a special role.

And then one of them gunned down the rest with a machine gun!

You are right. All they care about is power ... and they will suck up to whoever has it, or is likely to get it. Their Baba used to specifically advise to chase secretaries or chancellors (I cannot remember the specific language) because although the VIPs come in and out of power, the secretaries etc tend to stick around and are more usual.

Therefore they chase every junior political leader and sometimes they luck out and the junior finally become a senior and, bingo ... Baba's miracle they claim!!!

Yes, but what about all the ones who did not make it?

Apologies for the quick response.


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Re: The BKs to Narendra Modi

Post27 Sep 2014


Narendra Modi asks world leaders to adopt International Yoga Day.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday asked the world leaders to adopt an International Yoga Day, saying that by changing lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help us deal with climate change. “Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day,” Modi said in his maiden address to the 193-member UN General Assembly in United Nations.

Noting that Yoga is “an invaluable gift of our ancient tradition”, he said: “It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature.” Yoga is the 5,000-year-old Indian physical, mental and spiritual practice that aim to transform body and mind. “Yoga embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well being,” he said. “By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help us deal with climate change,” he added.


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Re: The BKs to Narendra Modi

Post28 Sep 2014

Folding hands for murder?

modi.jpg (42.86 KiB) Viewed 21326 times

Lawsuit makes for awkward start to Modi's big U.S. visit

NEW YORK—A day before Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's arrival in the U.S. Friday, a human rights group filed a lawsuit here asking for punitive damages and compensation from Mr. Modi in connection with deadly religious riots in 2002 in the state of Gujarat when he was chief minister there.

A U.S. federal court ordered the Indian leader to respond within 21 days to allegations outlined in the civil case, which accuses Mr. Modi of crimes against humanity, extrajudicial killings and negligence under the Alien Tort ... ... 1411717748
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Re: The BKs to Narendra Modi

Post28 Sep 2014

I suppose politicians are all the same and appeal to the religious sentiments of which ever country they are in, e.g. Americans politicians to Christianity, Indian politicians to Hinduism, in order to win conservative votes.

It's all 'puppet show' to entertain the masses, as the BKWSU leaders k now very well and play the same game in their ascendency.

Yes, Modi's involvement in the 2002 mass riots in Gujerat which caused the murder of 2,000 Muslims, numerous rapes, children being burned alive, and widespread looting and destruction of property whilst he was the Chief Minister was controversial. Originally, he was banned Narendra Modi from traveling ot the United States and held responsible for whipping up racial tensions and instructing officials not to obstruct the Hindu rage against Muslims. BJP and RSS leaders were involved in coordinating it and many police were clearly complicit in the violence.

Modi refused to apologise, was absolved and then won a landslide victory for re-election. Police trying to stop the rioting were said to have been punished.

It's interesting just to show how deep into dirty you can go in Indian politics. And how far the BKs will follow.

This is the man they claim is Shiv Baba's chosen instrument for creating Ram Rajya?

"Ram Rajya" means Rama's kingdom. Strictly speaking, the BKs believe Rama is the Emperor of the Silver Age which does not make sense for Modi's involvement. Figuratively, without delving too deeply into Hinduism and the Ramayana where the ideals come from, it means a kingdom of righteousness where Shriram or Atma Ram rules over the five sense organs and the conscious and subconscious mind of each individuals.

Again, it's a little difficult to see how Modi will achieve that and so we can safely say it's just the slippery old Brahma Kumaris sucking up to yet another politician for some benefit or another, some land, some funds, a VIP attendance to pull in the crowds ... some protection from controversies.

Correct me if I am wrong but I just don't think God, or "God's instruments" would really be bothered climbing the slippery pole of power and influence. I am fairly sure God or God's instruments would just be busy doing good, uplifting the poor and vulnerable, and not concerned with any karma returns or name and fame games.

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Re: The BKs to Narendra Modi

Post02 Nov 2014

ex-l wrote:Therefore we must also interpret this as a death wish directed at all Hindus who resisted his influence and did not surrender to him. His social climbing had lead him to marry one of his daughters into the Muhki's family but who he later withdrew leaving a child behind.
In the original documents, this insult/death wish is directed at the Indian National Congress who came to dominated Indian politics nationally from around 1947. It was the prime mover in the Indian Independence Movement and its struggle against British colonial rule in India.

So, in a way opposing Congress group & supporting BJP makes me think that BKWSU is also involved in dirty politics & thus might be getting support from politicians. Both political parties BJP & Shiv sena have secular themes mainly Hinduism which are included in their core beliefs. Currently, BJP is ruling party here in India & they are trying to promote Hinduism & some typical beliefs which serve as votebank, I wonder do they know about BKWSU belief in which all Hindu Gods have been crushed by fat Dadis & Didis & have replaced them at least in BK beliefs?

Whatever be the reason, if their belief about Hinduism is disclosed to BJP or more importantly Shiv sena group, then bad phase of BKWSU would start. But wait ... you must also be knowing how politicians work. We have been hearing this a lot about the nature of politicians that they spit & then an lick it back if circumstances demand.
The INC is officially based upon the Gandhian principle of Sarvodaya (upliftment of all sections of the society) and places emphasises upon policies to improve the lives of the economically underprivileged and socially unprivileged sections of society. It also asserts the right to be free from religious rule and teachings.

Yes, and every political party has these sugar coated promises & policies, especially in developing nation. Ground realities are different than what you just said. Search about the corruption done during Congress rule & you will realize it. The rule of any political party in India till now meant upliftment of their own jumbos, accumulating more & more money & looting hard earned money of commoners through ruthless taxation schemes & policies.

What one gets here in India is out of his own efforts & I think that is pretty same in most nations. Here comes BKWSU, all BKs will get whatever they are able to save from their Didis otherwise be ready to lose all your wisdom, family, bank balance, properties & most importantly, peace.


Re: The BKs to Narendra Modi

Post02 Nov 2014

SI, what do you mean India remains the preference for Shiv Baba?
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Re: The BKs to Narendra Modi

Post02 Nov 2014

Save Innocents wrote:Currently, BJP is ruling party here in India & they are trying to promote Hinduism & some typical beliefs which serve as votebank, I wonder do they know about BKWSU belief in which all Hindu Gods have been crushed by fat Dadis & Didis & have replaced them at least in BK beliefs?

Yes, I wonder too. If not, I would love to speak to them.

Perhaps their politicians are just willing to compromise to whoever offers them a crowd of thousands to speak to. What they are dumb to realise is that when they speak to a crowd of 1,000s of BKs, the BKs are not listening but sitting their meditating at them and filtering out everything they say.

Do BKs vote? Do BKs take an active part in politics movements or campaigns?

The Brahma Kumaris have for decades clearly stated that Hinduism is an impure, ignorant and partial copy of Brahma Kumarism ... that they themselves are literally the deities that the Hindus worships.

This is the language of the Murlis, of Lekhraj Kirpalani or their god spirit ... "do you hear your devotees (Hindus) calling out to you?" ... "Go and create your servants and devotees (out of Indians)" etc.

Add to that that the Brahma Kumaris have LIED worldwide on official documents that they are "promoting Hinduism" to benefit their own business interests, and you have the real measure of the Brahma Kumari leadership.

Claiming to act on behalf of "god" they will lie black faced to the highest and most benign officialdom, e.g. board of charities, tax departments etc.

I think that the idea of the Brahma Kumaris "promoting Hinduism" is one of their most disgusting deceits, primarily because they, themselves, know so little about Hinduism and are not even from a strong Hindu society. The Bhaiband were not very devout and Westernised quickly.

But also because the their typical double language ... to themselves they may believe that they are advancing or "purifying" ignorant, wasteful, pointless, limited, unself-realised Hindus and HInduism. However, from the very beginning until this day, the Murlis are 100% critical of Hinduism ... and yet in public, especially to multi-faith religious groups, they put on a completely different mask and claim that they teach respect for all religions etc.

Again, we need to translate what "respect" means to them. They still think all other religions are wrong and below them, poor copies of BKism and that their founders never gained enlightenment and still must come back to the BKs to relearn. Is that "respect". I don't think so, I think showing respect to them means two things,

a) the art of deceiving the general public which they defined as the "divine art of revealing and concealing", and
b) seeing others specifically as their leader god spirit teaches them, e.g. Christ, Buddha, Mohammed etc as less than 50%, 40, 30% as spiritual as they are ... weaker souls who will never experienced heaven and never have a direct relationships with god.

There is actually no spiritual equality within BKism, it is extremely caste-ist in its own way. Indeed, unlike Hinduism, they fit all other religions into their inescapable spiritual caste system. At least you can escape the caste system in India by converting to another religion or becoming secular.

To the Brahma Kumaris, even communism, secularism, modern democratic society fits into their spiritual caste system ... and at the very lowest level of it.

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Re: The BKs to Narendra Modi

Post02 Nov 2014

quantum wrote:
SI, what do you mean India remains the preference for Shiv Baba?

It was a response according to this BKWSU statement:
BKWSU wrote:
With spiritual love & best wishes of the entire Brahma Kumaris Spiritual Family in Bharat in particular, and all parts of the world

See italicized part. Why they emphasized Bharat (or India) if they are from a University or something that treats everyone equal. Their statement denotes the importance BKWSU gives to its Indian organization & workers along with negligence to their workers from other countries. Secondly, i was mocking over that virtual Shiv Baba that BKism has generated for its followers. The message was from all senior Dadis who are supposed to be in touch with that virtual image. So, why such partial treatment to Westerners by their Shiv Baba & favors to Indian BK family expressed? It would have been good if they added two more countries to that message. Now you can understand why was it like that...message was just for getting political & financial support.
ex-l wrote:
Perhaps their politicians are just willing to compromise to whoever offers them a crowd of thousands to speak to. What they are dumb to realize is that when they speak to a crowd of 1,000s of BKs, the BKs are not listening but sitting their meditating at them and filtering out everything they say.

hahaha....just visualizing it will make you laugh.
Do BKs vote? Do BKs take an active part in politics movements or campaigns?

hahaha...don't know about this but if leaders do not vote (perhaps Didi must never be voting. Can you imagine them standing in a long queue for registering their presence & significance in India's development?), then in next election some shrewd BK leaders shall fight from some constituencies as they have bright chances of winning by garnering all BK votebank. So, BKWSU shall form a party for this purpose. ;)
Murli writer wrote:
"do you hear your devotees (Hindus) calling out to you?" ... "Go and create your servants and devotees (out of Indians)"

Very bad.

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