Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

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Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post04 Sep 2014

Why free Murlis access denied to non-BKs or others?

This is not so with any other religion, you can read anything in any way you want. The truth is BKism is not a religion & can never be. Without foundation of truth, rationality & purity, it can never be called a religion. Is Murli too offensive? Or is it kept hidden so that further changes can be made without contradictions put up by 'outsiders'? How their so called god's knowedge be so impure that it needs to be hidden from everyone leaving it open for scrutiny by only supporters?

They should learn from Lord Jesus Christ who sacrificed his life & kept nothing hidden or personal.
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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post04 Sep 2014

Denied to BKs even. The BKs are so secretive ... and mostly so about their finances.

Why would "God's" own religion not be completely open and transparent? Ergo it's not God's religion.

In some centres, BKs were being blackmailed so that they not only had to come to the centre to read the Murlis but had to do so in a special area of the centre where they could be watched.

It's pitiful that the IT BKs invested all their time in creating a secure, encrypted system which limited access to Murlis rather than a fully open searchable one of all the original ones.

You could be a sort of whitewashed, watered down book of edited Murlis. They were less embarrassed by the Avyakt Murlis, but the old Sakar Murlis were kept under lock and key.

Yes, I believe they hide them from BKs followers and non-BK alike so they cannot question the changes, the failed predictions etc.

You voice my sentiments exactly ... but the BKs say it is not a problem with the Murlis, it is a problem with non-BK minds which are "too impure to understanding".

You've got to brainwashed before they allow you to access them, and even then, access is usually drip fed slowly, e.g. you be read one individually first and the BK will leave things out to begin with.

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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post05 Sep 2014

Hm ... sounds mischievous. I think this is the only reason due to which they cal their Murlis incomparable. There must not be any other document in world which is protected in this manner. But it needs to be protected first from BKs so that they do not modify it again & again & again & again & again ...

And this another rubbish called Sakar Murli, Avyakt Murli or vyakt Murli is just pathetic. Have they presented their theory ever in some international journals (alright Didis go & inform your Seniors that it is another idea we have given & now run after VIPs related to different international journals). Contact some international metaphysics department.

I think only retards can understand their Murlis in one go & accept it without questioning. It is full of contradictory views, though they try to hide their past but their present Murlis are itself contradicting. Every second statement contradicts the previous one. But it takes a lot of foolishness & utter non-sensibility to gulp it at once.

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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post12 Sep 2014

Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

No .. they have NOT. Daily murlils are easily accessible on omshanti.com with all the explanation, pictorial representation, even you can have the old Murlis and classes of BK Seniors. In addition to it, you can have live daily Murlis on peace of mind channel at 5 AM and recorded Murli class at 7 AM.

Please do not do wrong propagation just to prove yourself true.


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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post12 Sep 2014

OK. But what was the need to edit or modify them ? Why couldn't they be presented to the world in their original form ?

Thank you

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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post12 Sep 2014

They are presented in their original forms only. What you are to say that they are reading one Murli in Madhuban/centres and other are presented in site / pmtv...? if you mean so then this is also not true.


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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post12 Sep 2014

Kumar wrote:They are presented in their original forms only. What you are to say that they are reading one Murli in Madhuban/centres and other are presented in site / pmtv...? if you mean so then this is also not true.

What you hear, read and see as Murlis today are edited versions of the original ones (edited over many years) to avoid embarrassment of weird statements, predictions etc. made by `God'. You are already following the bait .. as you say, these are the original ones. All new followers, if not informed by this website or some honest BKs, would say exactly that.

I hope it's clear to you now!

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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post12 Sep 2014

Many senior BKs have tried to end all discussion on modification of old Murlis & if you show them errors in their own modified new versions of Murli which appear contradictory with current Murlis, you will get a fixed answer- " Baba says in Murli that Old points will not come to use." And, thus, anyone who believes all that crap of current Murlis must understand that these latest versions will also not come to use after few years. So, it is not worth considering any significance of Murli in BK system. It is as temporary as the system. There is no integrity in Murli of past & present.

All BK adherent must keep on collecting all current Murlis to compare them with with future Murlis to know the truth, if they still do not get what everyone is trying to tell. [though it may be useless as present Murlis are designed politically correct]. Note their TRANSFORMATION theory concept & Murlis related to it, you will yourself understand reality by 2036, may be.
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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post12 Sep 2014

kumar28061972 wrote:No .. they have NOT. Daily murlils are easily accessible on omshanti.com with all the explanation ...
They are presented in their original forms only. What you are to say that they are reading one Murli in Madhuban/centres and other are presented in site / pmtv...? if you mean so then this is also not true.

Ah, I see.

Omshanti.com links to BK Dr Luhar's website which continues to expand in its funny 'official-unofficial' manner. I can tell you without fear of contradiction that BK Dr Luhar's website only came about because the work we and the PBKs were doing to expose and the make the Murlis public, and to campaign for them to be public. RIght down to a searchable database of them.

What you see there is limited and a highly control selection.
    No, they are absolutely not in their original form.
It's also a little frustrating that they don't put the original dates on them so that one can cross check with other more original revisions.

It's another example of where we pioneered something, provoked discussion, the BKs refused to cooperate with us, and then they copied our lead. And did the job badly.

I had not seen the new developments until today but certainly all of the comments regarding secrecy and control was true up until very recently. Perhaps eventually we will get all of the original, unedited Murlis up in one database.

I suspect they were encouraged to do so because they did not want BKs coming here to find them ... and discovering all of the rest of the exposés we make.

The BK leaders are very protective of Dr Luhar. It's strange how they have to put the Murlis out via a "student". Perhaps someone could ask some sensible BK about all of the politics going on in the BKWSU behind the scenes about this and tell us. I know there were "differences of opinion" on this matter ... and more whitewashing of the Murlis to remove offensive elements.

We will never get the credit we are due.

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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post13 Sep 2014

ex-I wrote:No, they are absolutely not in their original form

What do you mean by the ‘original form’? You mean that these Murlis are not the ones,
    a) Which were read by originally Brahma Baba / Dada Lekhraj?
    b) They are reading one thing in Madhuban/centres and displaying other one on the site?
If you mean (a) then I don’t know, and if you mean (b) then you are not right (see the attachment)

However, I got the Murlis about mentioned dates of destruction, but could not find the dates of Destruction in those Murlis. Perhaps they might have been edited in the subsequent publications as you say.

Can have the copy of original Murlis in which those dates are mentioned? So that I can compare the two. And get the scan copy of recent one and attach the two on this forum for easy understanding for the user of this site.
We will never get the credit we are due.

Believe me, this site has remarkably removed my UN-necessary fear of Sister in-charges , Seniors and the whole credit goes to you.

Murli dates.docx
Murli Dates are mentioned in the website
(752.33 KiB) Downloaded 758 times
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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post13 Sep 2014

No, I mean the *original* date, not the revised-revised date, e.g. in the 1960s or 70s. In the old days, the revised Murlis at least had the date of the original spoken version AND the revised date, e.g. 1 April 1969 - 13 Sept 2014. That meant you could go back to the original, check the difference between the two, and work out what had been changed and removed.

For example, the BKs are really upset by the PBKs because the PBKs are very particular about the Murlis and where they believed there were references to Farrukhabad where the PBK head quarters or other issues which they raise ... the BKs would change or remove them. It's that immature!
kumar28061972 wrote:What do you mean by the ‘original form’?

It means that
    a) first and foremost, the content of them is not as was originally spoken by Lekhraj Kirpalani, they have had material removed, added and changed ... by unnamed and unaccountable individuals who, arguably, don't know the significance of it and are acting with a primary concern of its PR value.

    b) second, the additional parts - which one could argue were contentious BK State Control thought control in action - have become increasingly long and are promoted IN PREFERENCE to the actual content spoken by God Shiva/Lekhraj Kirpalani. By this I mean the Essence, Question, Song ... Essence for dharna, Blessing and Slogan, are all added by Madhuban to suit their own agenda. For a long time, it was ONLY these parts, the human added parts, which were circulated publicly.

    c) lastly, the English versions have been "polished" into language they did not originally use giving a false impression and, one presumes, all the non-English/non-Hindi language versions based on translations of the English ones have gone even further from the original.
Loads has been removed or modified. Most of it would be called "un-politically correct", e.g. stuff about Congress, Sanyasis, other religions, dark skinned people, cripples etc; some of it is stuff like direct mentions of individuals who have since left the BKs - so as not to raise questions - or whom the BKs now consider are unimportant. And then there is all the stuff about the 1976 Destruction prediction which went on before 1976 AND after 1976.

Now, here are the paradoxes ...

The BKs claim the Murli is the word of God and we should follow the word of God and not the words of other humans, and yet it is other humans who are doing all this chopping and changing and re-writing "God's" words.

Who knows best, God or humans concerned with politically correctness and public image?

There is another line of thought on all this, which is the PBKs' one. As far as I understand, the PBK accept the Murlis are the word of God and should not be changed, and where there are apparent faults or errors, the problem is with the human misunderstanding of them. They seek a more metaphorically understanding of the Murlis and all their faults and contradictions.

And, overall, it appears their context has been change, e.g. that, originally, they were more of 'question and answer sessions' with Lekhraj Kirpalani, which would explain all their repetitions.

Personally, I think that
    a) a great deal has been lost through all this process, not least a truer impression of the nature of the BK god and Lekhraj Kirpalani, and
    b) at the very least, the BKWSU Elite should allow anyone access to the original "words of God" so that they can research them and chose which version they prefer. No humans should stand between any individual and their god and interfere in their relationship.
Now, in my view, those opinions are the absolute correct ones to hold and beyond criticism, even according to BK Gyan.

What other religion has invested so much energy into hiding its scriptures and deliberately messing with them ... this to me exposes the true nature of the Brahma Kumari leadership;
    i) they think themselves superior to their own god or leader who they often patronise like cruel children to an elderly relative (e.g. "silly Lekhraj Kirpalani"),
    ii) they don't value the truth and manipulate it to suit their public image (and income)
    iii) they disrespect their following, a following which they have, in essence, subverted from God and towards them, putting themselves above and in front of both etc etc etc
I will avoid making any further obvious criticisms so as not to appear too "negative". I see the above as being very "positive" because it is highly accurate ... and Baba says, "be accurate".
Believe me, this site has remarkably removed my UN-necessary fear of Sister in-charges, Seniors and the whole credit goes to you.

Yes, thank you ... I am thinking of doing seminars called, "Regaining one's True True Nature; the Spirituality of Disrespect based on Inconvenient Truths™".

Unfortunately, they will only be available to VVIPs, extreme rich industrialists and Bollywood stars at exotic locations to which I will have to be flown business class ... at their expense ... and be provided with two young Kumari servants to cook, clean and look after my daily affairs, and one Kumar with a car to drive me around.

Does that sound familiar to anyone in the BKWSU you know?

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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post13 Sep 2014

ex-I wrote:No, I mean the *original* date, not the revised-revised date, e.g. in the 1960s or 70s. In the old days, the revised Murlis at least had the date of the original spoken version AND the revised date, e.g. 1 April 1969 - 13 Sept 2014. That meant you could go back to the original, check the difference between the two, and work out what had been changed and removed.

They still have the original dates on the Avyakt Vanis, but even though, the original Murlis containing destruction dates (as mentioned by you) have been removed in the subsequent publications which I confirmed yesterday.

BTW, can I have the copy of original Murlis in which the destruction date is mentioned ..?
Does that sound familiar to anyone in the BKWSU you know?

I did not get what you want to say ...?
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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post13 Sep 2014

did not I just give you a list of ones relating to 1976 in another topic?

The 1950 reference is in one of the "Divine Decrees". Have you ever seen any of those?


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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post13 Sep 2014

It's not just about the inclusion and exclusion of the Destruction dates from the Murlis. It's about the fact that the BK leadership has not been honest with their innocent and 'unquestioning' adherents right from the very beginning and that the foundation itself of their 'religion' is weak and based on sheer lies. Gross !

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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post13 Sep 2014

ex-I wrote:
did not I just give you a list of ones relating to 1976 in another topic?
Those were only date with destruction points manually typed by you. I am asking for the scan copy of the original Murlis if you have.
Tanya wrote:
it's not just about the inclusion and exclusion of the Destruction dates from the Murlis. It's about the fact that the BK leadership has not been honest with their innocent and 'unquestioning' adherents right from the very beginning and that the foundation itself of their 'religion' is weak and based on sheer lies. Gross !
Any evidence. Tanya?

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