Anything the BKWSU possesses is coming directly from DONATIONS

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Save Innocents

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Anything the BKWSU possesses is coming directly from DONATIONS

Post10 Sep 2014

It is just common sense that anything BKWSU possess is coming directly from DONATIONS. Or is there any contradiction? They have no other job than lecturing their Gyan in BKWSU & local centers. And they are not paid for it by any external by any external organization. It is all contribution from followers. Expenses of food, shelter, clothing, other basic to luxurious necessities of BK teachers (all Didis, dadas, babas, Dadis & bhaiyaas) are outcome of donations. No brahmakumari teacher works in any other organization to earn for her living. So, it is not big question to identify their source of income.

I am not against any form of donation if it is used for survival of a living being including BK Didis & Dadis. But it should be open & direct, with full transparency. Why Dadis keep on hiding these financial facts? It is OK if they do not disclose it to their followers who are just meant to donate but they must give all information precisely to outsiders. Either they consider their followers fool enough to be fooled in every way they wish or that is the only way left for Dadi or Didis survival.

These days they have started giving credit to some senior BKs but earlier followers were told that money comes from Baba's miracles & that it is not donation which they use for their livelihood, Baba is director of BKWSU, He runs this institute, etc etc. It is another way to attract superstitious ones. And several BK Seniors are writing books & doing all sorts of commercial propaganda as mentioned on other posts with evidences. I think it is possible that a BK Didi marries a non-BK guy & pass donations to that guy for setting up a business or anything else for securing her future, in case she is expelled from BKWSU.

In the traditional system of spirituality, whether you consider Buddhism or Jainism or Hinduism, a person devoting his whole life for spiritual goals used to abandon every wordly thing & their nutritional requirements were fulfilled by householder in forms of Bhiksha or alms. That was the most respectful state considered for a spiritual aspirant. Today we see a whole new trend in which people say they are very spiritual but you can see them involved in every so called worldly activities, much enthusiastically than the so called wordly people.

It is same in BKism.
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Re: Anything the BKWSU possesses is coming directly from DON

Post10 Sep 2014

The Brahma Kumaris leadership are 99% about money, and 1% spirituality. Some don't even make that much. Or at least, a combination of money and status, the two going hand in hand. Until you start to view and analyse them from that point of view, remembering that most have no skills or education and that in India there is no welfare system to act as a safety net, you are being fooled and don't understand what they are about.

The key to understanding them is to consider that Brahma Kumaris is development of two primary threads;
    a) their low middle class but internationally trading Bhaiband merchant caste or jati.
    b) Lekhraj Kirpalani's mental breakdown after dabbling in spiritualism, and their "folie à plusieurs" (meaning "madness of many") during the first 20 years when they considered him to be god.

    Any BK reading that, please consider that second statement seriously; for the first 20 or 23 years, there was no God Shiva in your religion, only God Prajapati Brahma, aka Krishna.
I am not sure when they first invoked Destruction into their cult, but it is clear that they considered WWII the End of the World and, upon its failure to deliver liberation, they changed it to 1950 (14 years of Sangum matching the chapters of the Gita). That date also failed and with it Lekhraj Kirpalani's money and other 'inhouse' financial sources soon evaporated. The private cult, which had diminished from approximately a few hundred to around 60 or 70. Despite Lekhraj Kirpalani's multi-millions, from the early days they took donations from the families AND even the British Government.

But soon their money ran out and so they had to find a new income stream, so what did they do?

What they did was apply their caste or jati's business principles to religion and started to used their caste or jati's business networks to expand (I am not sure whether the Bhaiband would be considered a caste or jati).

What their caste did was act as middle men, taking other people's products at a low price and selling it at a high price elsewhere. Specifically they used the opportunities the British Empire afforded them (English speaking world) and followed the British trading routes setting up business wherever they went, hence the internationalist expansion of BKism initially wherever the Sindis had spread.

Where the Bhaiband had a symbiotic relationship with the Amils, and even had them to their dodgy dealing and false accounts in a hidden, secret language, the Brahma Kumaris had their Patels; their Gujeratis and Punjabis.

Making money out of religion is no big miracle in India. Most Indian's are superstitious and gullible to religion, follow 'the model', promise to remove bad karma, and you'll soon be raking in the donations. That's what the BKs did, modify their look (adopting the sari), beliefs and mores of their cult to ape Brahminism and Vaishnavism closely enough, to be acceptable and appeal to their market; and then hived a piece of that market off for themselves, or rather their own bank balance.

Funnily enough, I kind of agree with the PBKs that their Baba put in various limitations to stop them becoming too materialistic, e.g. not buying property, not accepting donations from non-believers, not selling The Knowledge ... it was meant to be a household path ... but they've thrown them all out of the window.

The second part, b) is simple enough. Now that we know there was no God Shiva in their religion until after 1955, and Adi Dev etc is largely fabricated, we have a far better view of how it all started out of a kind of mad house, a "folie à plusieurs", in which Lekhraj Kirpalani believed he was god (Krishna, Vishnu and Brahma) which the now leading BKs all went along with it playing out the part of his gopis. This is what a folie à plusieurs means ... a shared psychosis or psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief are transmitted from one individual to others.

Those individuals, who we're living out a Hindu woman's fantasy life of living with their Krishna, and at his expense, followed him blindly as he threw away his fortune on them, and on to his ultimate failure; the failure of his End of the World predictions, the failure of the death of his eternal partner Radhe, the failure of his daughter to deliver a child who would become a Hindu avatar, even his own death etc ...

So what they did, and have done since, is recreate and sustain those early times in the form of rituals, and reactively modified them turning them into fantasies and a religion, reinterpreting and adopting them to suit society's expectations of what a "spiritual" movement would be.

For example, running out of money becomes romanticised as "The Beggary Period" and is represented as a sort of test and purification ... rather questioned rationally by asking, "why did not they just get jobs rather than expecting to live off other people's earnings?"

Save Innocents

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Re: Anything the BKWSU possesses is coming directly from DON

Post11 Sep 2014

ex-l wrote:The Brahma Kumaris leadership are 99% about money, and 1% spirituality.

Yes, it can be about anything. Prime issue is that the money belongs to followers & there can be no second opinion about it, right? The problem is followers do not get credit to slightest extent for their tremendous contributions, if it happens it is just superficial talks or appraisals which are not part of Murlis [may be they introduce it now]. These leaders should tell their followers that "the real financial assistance is coming directly from you all followers & we are just using it the way we want. And no one should have any problem with that as it is given by your own will. We just asked for money & pressurized you for that but decision is always yours. You are donating because you want a better place in our virtual Golden Age which is not coming even after 10000 years."
Lekhraj Kirpalani's mental breakdown after dabbling in spiritualism ...

Let me make it very clear that there is no such breakdown if one follows spirituality in right form. And such breakdowns are a "show-off" strategies & to earn sympathy of followers. Deceiving leaders cunningly use this plot of pretending to be excessively innocent or rather as a foolish person, who after sometime turns divine. This strategy has been used by many other babas in India who later on play role of Krishna Bhagwan, mostly to malign Lord's image & to accumulate more paap than ever.
Any BK reading that, please consider that second statement seriously; for the first 20 or 23 years, there was no God Shiva in your religion, only God Prajapati Brahma, aka Krishna.

Just detach the Lord Krishna name from this BK system. Both are opposite. And it sound to us similar to the statements like "Shiv Baba was Jesus Christ" or "Shiv Baba was Allah" & praying Lekhraj for being divine. How come benevolent Jesus be ever compared with such incendiary Lekhraj? These comparisons of an immoral Lekhraj with divine beings is quite condemning.

While Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh are symbolic gods or adhisthata of three attributes present inside human being namely Sattva, Rajas, Tamas respectively, Lord Krishna is not a symbolic entity, he was a human being turned omniscient (nar se Narayan) Gyani Purush. And he bacame a Vasudev not just in one birth but thousand births earlier he attained such right character, knowledge & vision of justice. But these BKs so not understand the sin they commit by placing him on the cheap platform where Lekhraj is lying. May Lord Krishna forgive them for their utter foolishness.
Those individuals, who we're living out a Hindu woman's fantasy life of living with their Krishna,

And this is not the real Krishna but the Lekhraj claiming to be god of all religion. So, these women idolize Lekhraj, a corrupt minded person, as Krishna & then fantasize.
For example, running out of money becomes romanticised as "The Beggary Period"

What happened in that beggary period, can you tell in detail? For how many years they had to live like that ... like beggars? They used all their money & when left with nothing, were forced to beg for survival. Is it so or again some symbolic philosophy has been presented in BKism to praise even that the beggary phase?
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Re: Anything the BKWSU possesses is coming directly from DON

Post11 Sep 2014

Whilst, like Christ, the legends of Krishna might have been based on a real individual, or individuals, personally, I don't believe in him ... and one would have to ask, "which him?". You don't mention it but various cults of Krishna - and their arts; song, poetry, play etc - have been highly romantic and even erotic. I think it would be fairly elementary to propose that in a society where marriage is based on more on status, wealth and familial connections and bound by caste limitations - and basically society sanctioned rape - women have projected their unfulfilled romantic and erotic fantasy on Krishna. Indeed, various Bhakti paths have basically used this - somewhat like Sufidom, in my opinion, as a way of channeling not just women but male and transexual mental attention. The BKs often played/play old Bollywood songs about the "Lover and Beloved" ... Krishna and the Gopis.

More than one version of Krishna is also noted for his amoral, polyamorous, trickster and thief-like activities. He almost becomes a Pan like satyr, tearing at and stealing women's saris, biting their breasts, spying on them bathing.

Although I am not suggesting he went all that way, from the early documents we have I would say it is clear that he went much of the way to play their Krishna ... and, funnily enough, this is the title or connection the PBKs make of the "Krishna" mentioned in the Murlis. I am not a PBK but I understand the simple logic now that when the Murlis repetitively say, "Krishna is not God", what they were really reminding the Om Mandlites like Dadi Janki generation that "Lekhraj Kirpalani was not god".

As to the Beggary Period, like everything in the BKWSU history of it is vague and I suspect over exaggerated. During Om Mandli, they lived like little princess being fed, clothed and spending all of their time doing nothing basically. There is talk, the accuracy and connections of which I do not know, that Lekhraj Kirpalani had a wealthy female supported who continued to support him but there was also plot to try and sabotage the cult by concerned relatives and put an end to it, which included encourage them to move from Pakistan and then withdrawing the funding. Lekhraj Kirpalani's money having also run out and the End of the World not coming to save them.

So, it is said, "in the early 1950s the Beggary Period begins, continuing for around 10 years". We've started discussion, here, some BKs who are attempting to decode the past mention it here.

It is portrayed as a period of hardship used to weed out the weak, spoilt and faithless and "purify" the remaining cult members. Not hard enough that they actually had to go out and get jobs or do real work though ... It is also time when they started to send out members to collect donation to send back to Mount Abu to feed those still there.

There is an interesting problem there though ... the BKs claim the only way to purify the soul is to remember God Shiva and previously claimed that the Om Mandlites were doing intense tapasyā on him ... but the truth is there was still no God Shiva in their religion, so how could they be? Just what their daily activities where, I don't think we know.

Perhaps we could find greater truth speaking to the old people of Mount Abu. You won't find it from BKs, most of whom just parrot the mythological version they have been told by the leadership and never check their facts.
Period many children returned home to their families, rather than withstand the discomforts brought by simple food, cold weather and high altitude. The money had run out and those from wealthy families now had to sew, cook, repair bikes and clean.

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Re: Anything the BKWSU possesses is coming directly from DON

Post12 Sep 2014

ex-l wrote:There is talk, the accuracy and connections of which I do not know, that Lekhraj Kirpalani had a wealthy female supported who continued to support him but there was also plot to try and sabotage the cult by concerned relatives and put an end to it, which included encourage them to move from Pakistan and then withdrawing the funding.

It may be as it can be seen that the institute emerged out of sexuality in all ways. Why that wealthy women funded mandli? Even after owning huge sum, what did Lekhraj offered her so enticing after all? You get it what I man to say, right? It is simply a love story of two - that women & Lekhraj - who steered this institution from Pakistan to destroy India with aim to destroy Indian culture. I always used to think that this BKWSU which is located near Pakistan Boundaries may be very much influenced by terrorists groups & now the fact is out & wide open to me. It is indeed the biggest terror organization which is operating PAN India while moving along secularism lines.

Don't you think BKWSU is more like ISIS? This organization too preach & pretend to be propagators of Islam but they follow none of he religious instruction. Recently, a girl abducted from Syria by ISIS disclosed the reality of ISIS inner functioning where several hundreds females are brutally beaten, tortured & raped repeatedly by none other than those self proclaimed guardians of Islam working in ISIS. Money & sex are two factors which make parson wild & this is the reason why influence of both are said, by all religions, to be kept miles away from us. Both are the trigger to violence. The major difference between ISIS & BKWSU is that ISIS kills whole family at a time while BKism breaks the family & leave them to suffer throughout their life. So, guess who is worst?
So, it is said, "in the early 1950s the Beggary Period begins, continuing for around 10 years"

And the myth about it is shoved, still, in newcomer's mind. BK teachers tell that there was a beggary phase in which all students were tested by Baba. Those who left Baba wept a lot after sometime but they were rejected (when BKism accumulated lot of wealth) & those who remained one with Baba got Laddoos as result of efforts. The reality must have been that those BKs who wanted to leave mandli ,but doors were closed forever & non accepted by their own families, stayed while those who were again accepted by the families left mandli. And when Baba got money, these old BKs again tried to contact lakhraj but in vain. How on Earth God demand loyality from followers? Can such an entity be ever called divine or god?

Were the BK's Sisters sent out and away from Madhubhan because there was no money to support them?

cannot say about that past but it is evident in present.
.....the BKs claim the only way to purify the soul is to remember God Shiva and previously claimed that the Om Mandlites were doing intense tapasyā on him ...

They were intensely involved in Golden nights & late night parties on beaches. Then that bathing with girls, doing all sort of things as mentioned in one of the document in another thread, everything was done intensely. But is it called intense Tapasya? Yes, it is intense tapasya of Bkism.

The donations may face serious 'transformation' by 2036. as no such predicted transformation is anywhere round the corner. So, the only transformation that I can see for now is the BKWSU Bank Balance Transformation.

My only request to everyone is to support all religious faith that are there for thousands years like Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Vedic system, Judaism, Taoism, Islam ..... The religions have remained base of development of human morality since ages. The fundamental of all religions is based on rejection of bad attributes & accepting the good ones so that no one feels harmed from us. If one starts using religion for harming others like BKs (who in fact have no religion & it is just a unrecognized financial organisation) & other cults, the religion starts deteriorating & is bound to end one day. Personally, I would never like to see that day ever.
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Re: Anything the BKWSU possesses is coming directly from DON

Post12 Sep 2014

    No, I don't think the BKWSU is like ISIS. The BKWSU has no guns.

    I think such exaggerated statements are bad to make because they will only be used against us, and to discredit the good research and analysis this website makes.
Yes, the BKWSU are tearing apart families worldwide and feeding off individuals, but they are not outright violent terrorists, nor sexual abusers on the whole.
    No, the BKWSU is not influenced by terrorists at least on the worldly level ... you decide for yourself what is going on, on the spiritual level, with a god spirit or leader who wants to see 7,000,000,000 human beings killed by Nuclear and civil war etc.
Strangely though, you could say from a metaphorical point of view that they are "spiritual terrorists" to the point that they use the subtle fear of the End of the World and eternal failure with a Cyclic model of time to manipulate their followers. Including manipulate them into giving over money and property.

Lekhraj Kirpalani was without doubt a charismatic male with a great appeal to the womenfolk of his community. And it seems without doubt that there was certainly a sensual element to the early days of the Om Mandli ... we do not know if or how sexual it was. That is only hinted at in the early documents.

For the sake of our credibility, we can only say what is clearly document and no more.

The sensual part, however, is clear; hugging, kissing, rubbing breasts, bathing, feeding mouth to mouth ... imagine a handsome multi-millionaire businessman/guru in his late 40s and early 50s doing that to young unmarried women from their teens upwards and other men's wives in India ... there would be an uproar, even to this day. He'd probably be killed.

I moved 'offtopic' discussion about Krishna to, here.
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Re: Anything the BKWSU possesses is coming directly from DON

Post13 Sep 2014

I agree that exaggerated comparisons are only useful if one is clarifying some lack of distinction, which way does a certain grey area lead, towards Hitler or towards Gandhi if exaggerated?

The example of ISIS is a long bow to draw, although that they idealise a Golden Age (in their case back to the future circa 12 century caliphate) , and their belief that it is the one true god who inspires them is a kind of parallel. WHAT that ideal is and WHAT method their god is inspiring is of course quite different.

There is a more direct parallel happening ”in lokik” for this topic about donations.

In Australia, the previous centre-left federal government set up the "Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission” (ACNC) to oversee all such organisations. Previously the Tax Office was responsible for part of the role and other departments for various other roles of monitoring that activities of this sector were genuine. The ACNC was greeted positively by most agencies as it simplified their reporting etc etc.

The current govt, centre-right, is looking to abolish the ACNC and return things at least to the way they were, or even less regulated. This is at the behest/recommendation of the Roman Catholic church which is facing huge costs as more and more cases of abuse come forward at a Royal Commission, with growing compensation cases needing to be paid. The current government has many loyal Christian ministers, including the Prime Minister, who once trained for the RC priesthood under the person who became cardinal when the abuse cases came to light, and who is now at the Vatican advising the Pope on how to deal with sexual abuse cases!

How this relates to BKs:

A vast majority of charities, including many affiliated with various other churches, want to keep the ACNC. They say the RC church is wielding its influence so it to shift money raised for donations to the charity arms of organisations to be accessed by other parts eg the religious side, whereas this is not allowed under current law.

Rev. Harry Herbert ran the Uniting Church’s charity wing Uniting Care (which do all kinds of service of the aged, the poor, the homeless, counselling, etc) . He said in his 20 years he was constantly having to fend off raids from the church side who were after the donations given to the charities, and the establishment of the ACNC and its rules was ” a godsend”. He stated that the RC’s push is because over the years the numbers attending and donations to churches have fallen, while donations to the charitable organisations has increased, making the religious branch administrators more envious than ever of the charitable branches.

The BKs have never had clear demarkation - although they do have separate donation boxes for different purposes, most donations are not often given with any such distinctions in mind, and due to lack of transparency and auditing one could easily wonder about how much integrity there is in the way donations are allocated relative to original intentions versus fat cat largesse.

Further transparent internal and (truly) independent auditing is surely required to really know what exactly the BKWSU does with all its wealth and machinery.
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Re: Anything the BKWSU possesses is coming directly from DON

Post13 Sep 2014

Interesting ... you raise the issue that there are two elements to donations; how much is received and how they are spent and, in my opinion, the BKWSU are extremely non-transparent about both.

It gets private individuals to pay for business class air travel ticket or some other dubious expense ... not account for it but mentally accommodate it as "global service". Adherents are encourage not to distract their poor little intellects about the ethics and spirituality of such things, whilst the leaders clearly do ...

I note in accounts the leaders are not paid ... so where is their day to day income, never mind global travel money, coming from? I remember Dadi Janki offering special deals as she travelled around ... "anything you give to me goes direct to Madhuban" was her line. Did it? Or was it just a mental inducement based on donations to Madhuban being sold as being karmically more valuable. How, I have no idea.

But, more to the point ... where is the democracy in deciding HOW the donations are spent and on WHAT?

It's all done on the whim and according to the agenda of the Seniors.
    Spend $1,000s flying leaders round the world to chit-chat with some VIP ... no problem!

    Spend $100s saving the lives of some local child ... THE BKWSU DOES NOT DO CHARITY!

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