New Asia Retreat Centre in Malaysia

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ex-bk Jan

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New Asia Retreat Centre in Malaysia

Post24 Jun 2014

Sunday the 15th of June 2014 was a memorable and historical day for the Brahmin family in Malaysia.
That was the day when Didi Dr. Nirmala inaugurated the Asia Retreat Centre (ARC) in Dengkil, Selangor
together with her hopes and blessings. The event also received recorded powewrful messages from
BapDada most beloved Dadi Jankiji & Dadi Gulzar.

The auspicious occasion was heralded by a lion dance followed by the breaking of the traditional coconut by Didi, Brother Charlie, Brother Letchu and Sister Meera. It was witnessed by some 700 Malaysian BKs, VIP guests, contact souls as well as the participants from 14 countries of the Asia Pacific National Coordinator /CC Retreat. All the participants from the 14 countries also gave their blessings and auspicious words of wisdoms for the Retreat Centre.

ARC is the realisation of a vision, the culmination of the hopes, sacrifices and determination of the Malaysian
BKs. It is a big complex of three blocks - the main block which includes amongst other facilities, a media
room, office, children’s room, meditation room, course rooms, Murli hall and a main hall that can
accommodate up to 1500 people, a Sisters’ accommodation block and a Brothers’ accommodation block.

Asia Retreat Centre, M'sia.jpg
Asia Retreat Centre, M'sia.jpg (33.03 KiB) Viewed 14848 times

Save Innocents

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Re: Wrong concept of mind given by BKs

Post24 Jun 2014

Ex BK Jan profile says "I left BK, this clan. I was happy, after left them" but you still seem to be one with BK philosophies. In your previous post, you have used words like : 'memorable and historical day", 'Brahmin family", beloved Dadi Jankiji & Dadi Gulzar, auspicious occasion, contact souls, ARC is realisation of a vision, the culmination of the hopes, sacrifices and determination of the Malaysian BKs, etc. Just clarify whether you are still one among BKs who believe in prioritising themselves above humanity.

Hm ... Interesting. Malaysia is the next target of BKWSU. I think they are not going to stop at all. When huge money & fame is pouring in, why would they change their strategies? Is it not really senseless on their part who claim about near end of world & are still keen on expanding their business? OK. GO Dadi, just go & destroy some Malaysian families with your evil tricks like you did in other nations. Go, woo some VIPs & ask them to worship your feet. Let your pride rise to new heights. Just like your imaginary knowledge, your pride also knows no bound. Right??? At least I do not grant you permission to do any of these things.

Alright Dadis if you all are reading this post, then a secret message to all of you, "After death, one has to leave everything that one builds or achieves in his/her life. You will bind merit or punya karma for only that part which removes people suffering when they join your centre but will bind demerit or paap karma when you start dissociating them with everything for money, fame & godhood".

Is it mentioned ever in your daily boring Murli, if yes then when are you going to implement it in your own life? If no, then take it from me. Don't take it otherwise. And if you think it is crap, then go on expanding your infrastructure across world.

ex-bk Jan

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Re: Wrong concept of mind given by BKs

Post24 Jun 2014

Ya. I really left. But I did not block other people sent me email. I saw this, I posted massage and picture. How nice BK described everything.

I posted this picture to prove no Destruction is coming. Don't worry your future. BK group built their centre, planning their future. I hope BK member who stick with them, please wake up now, start planning your own future. Take care yourself, your family.

''Save Innocent'', I confirmed what I want in my life. If I go back to this place one day, please curse me ''all my money looted by BK."
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Re: New Asia Retreat Centre in Malaysia

Post24 Jun 2014

It looks like a quote from a BK news release, SI, so please be careful not to be hostile. I am grateful for Jan posting it as evidence of the BKs' latest property acquisition and expansion.

How much do you think it is worth?

I suspect they are establishing "mini-Madhuban holiday resorts" around the world to fleece their followers. I expect to see more, especially in nations or area where individuals cannot travel to Madhuban in India to be fleeced there. From the business sense that drives the BKs, it makes perfect sense. It is, however, not very ethical.

They claim to be serving humanity but really they are just serving themselves. How much money did they have to store up and not use "serving humanity" to be able to afford that. We've not seen any of the financial demands they made towards their followers but there must have been many. "It's your chance to earn multi-million fold return, children ... give us your money now!"

Is it not strange that the Brahma Kumaris keep predict an imminent End of the World ... and then invest their adherents' money in land and big, bright new properties?

If the world is only going to last two or three years, surely there are better things to do with it? Strange the BK adherents don't seem to question this ... nor the ethics of them having built up their property empire on such millenarianism.

"It's the End of the World, so give us your money! We'll invest it in property to keep us looking good and comfortable".

I know nothing of the BKs' expansion in Malaysia ... can you tell us more, Jan?

Malaysia is 61.3% Islam, 9.2% Christianity and 6.3% Hinduism ... that's just about right for the BKs! How are the BKs' demographics there, are they primarily targeting Hindu Malays and are they managing to suck in a few gullible Chinese too?

ex-bk Jan

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Re: New Asia Retreat Centre in Malaysia

Post25 Jun 2014

I was appreciated ex-l. You knew the reason I posted this picture as well.

I do not really know that much. All BK information was sent by Malaysia Centre. I did not block their e-mails.

I found the guidance to be not logical. If the Destruction was really to happen, is it really need to build so many places? As per Murli, you can set up centre from home.

What BK Murli mentioned and their act and thought was totally different.

About donations, how do they manage it, which was a question?

What I know, if a big amount of money was kept in the bank, the government will observe the clan's activity. Especially in Singapore, there is freedom to join any religion. But Singapore government will observe the clan's activities and investigate the religion's finances if the donation amount is a bulk of billion and many people support. Therefore many religion (including BK centre), transfer many huge amounts overseas to avoid unnecessarily matters.
But Malaysia government although strict in religion control. They still will closed one eye if the government officer got benefit.
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Re: New Asia Retreat Centre in Malaysia

Post25 Jun 2014

Do you know who did the construction work of such a building? In London, for example, they brought in a lot of cheap Indian workers from abroad.

Save Innocents

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Re: Wrong concept of mind given by BKs

Post25 Jun 2014

OK Jan, I get it now. Apology for what I said considering you to be current BK. I was just asking to clear the doubt. Many times it happens that some current BK follower visit this site & start praising their bosses. Now I have understood & would encourage everyone to post similar information related to BKWSU, their expansion & evil tricks.

ex-bk Jan

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Re: New Asia Retreat Centre in Malaysia

Post27 Jun 2014

I hoped more ex-BK victims have courage to post their experience and their karma with this BK clan.

This is a good chance to let the world to see the truth face, to avoid the world people jump in the dirty drain.

ex-bk Jan

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Re: New Asia Retreat Centre in Malaysia

Post27 Jun 2014

Sorry ex-l and all Victim, I unable announce the truth of them.

I swore not to go back to this crazy clan and I had cut off with those people, only my personnel email not blocked.

What I can tell the whole world is, please do not donate your hard earn money to this clan. (Although BK Leader always mentioned, 'who wants to create your own future fortune?').

I guarantee you will not get any benefit and no future by donate your money.

Save Innocents

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Re: New Asia Retreat Centre in Malaysia

Post27 Jun 2014

What happens to those old aged people who sell their property & all their belongings for donation in BKWSU? Do they get a place to live or kicked away?

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