Dadi Janki falls out of bed

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Dadi Janki falls out of bed

Post24 Mar 2014

To Baba’s beloved Brahmin children around the globe,

Please accept hearty Godly love and remembrances from Ahmedabad.

Dadi Janki had left Abu on 18th to visit Haridwar for a special gathering of Saints and Sages. Three major events took place very successfully in Haridwar on the 20th, and then Dadi came to Dehradun on 21 March.

Late last night, Dadi woke up to use the rest-room but the feet slipped and she sustained a fall by the bedside. Doctor was called, and X-rays taken. There is soft tissue injury on the right shoulder, near the collar bone, and some pain in the hip etc. Dadi was brought by Air Ambulance to Ahmedabad late afternoon. Dadi preferred not to go directly to the hospital, and so is resting now in Lotus House.

Dr Deepak Dave, a senior orthopedic surgeon came to see Dadi within an hour of her arrival. He examined Dadi at length and doesn’t feel there is any major problem. He has recommended medication for the pain and swelling and is of the opinion that things will be all right soon.

Dadi is well otherwise. Tomorrow, her condition will be reviewed and MRI tests taken. Dr Ashok Mehta specially flew from Mumbai to care for Dadi.

So fortunately for all of us, Baba is looking after Dadi and with everyone’s loving vibrations all will be well soon.

Thank you for your concern. We will respectfully allow the healing process to take place smoothly.

With Baba’s love,
BK Nirwair
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Re: BK God does not comes to Earth 2013 to 2014 (15/30 Novem

Post24 Mar 2014

Amazing ...

the rest of the world is concerned about the death of 370 people in an airplane crash, including two 2 year old children; the Brahma Kumaris are all in a flap because Dadi Janki Kirpalani falls out of bed and bruises herself!?!

And then they fly her 1,100 km in an private air ambulance to receive expensive yet pointless medical treatment ... how much did that cost, and why?

Why couldn't she just rest where she was?

Meanwhile, 330,000 children die each year in India due to diarrhoea-related diseases which would cost $1 per dose to cure.

Nice to know the BKWSU has its "values" in the right place ...

Dadi-Janki-More_Money.jpg (42.25 KiB) Viewed 12431 times

The BKs have been milking every cough, fart or belch Dadi Janki makes for decades. Sometimes it feels like she's based her career on keeping her adherents on the edge of their seats every time she gets sick or something happens to her ... and yet they tell them to be detached from and have no feelings for their very own mothers.

Don't tell me ... it's a sign the End of the World is coming!

Perhaps I should send them a bedpan for her so she does not need to get out of bed at night ... only I suspect some stupid but too wealthy Indian industrialist has already ordered a gold plated one for her diamond encrusted ordure.



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Re: Dadi Janki falls out of bed

Post07 Apr 2014

"Dadi is as she was – she is not able to walk"...
Message from Dadi Janki and Dadi Gulzar – Friday – 4th April 2014.

Gulzar Dadi: Om Shanti. Good news I would like to relate to all of you today is that our Dadi is now fine. The pain has gone and our Dadi is as she was – she is not able to walk, but I am sure she will be able to walk. Today, it was the first time that Dadi had a proper bath and Dadi herself is saying that there is no pain. Dadi has Baba in her heart and Dadi is in Baba’s heart.

Dadi Janki: The whole world was concerned hearing that Dadi was in a lot of pain in her back and in the shoulder and that she was in complete bed-rest. The pain was unbearable. It was the wonder of Hansa and Baba. Today, I had good Amrit Vela and then I was resting until 10.00 am, but I was with Baba and ot even aware that I was in bed. Baba also used to say: I cannot bear to see the pain of the child. This is why I was not aware of anything until 10.00. I have Baba’s photo in front of me. I have Baba beside me and so I was saying thanks to Baba. It is a wonder of Hansa in giving the medication at the right time and looking after her duty. Out of her love she comes and kisses me again and again. Everyone has had a lot of Yoga for me with a lot of love. Hansa and Jayantiben have continually been receiving e-mails to wish me well. I had been waiting for Dadi from 10.00 thinking that it is a wonder of Baba and Dadi.

Dadi Gulzar: If Baba doesn’t perform His wonders on you, then on whom will He do that?

Dadi Janki: I have Baba beside me, in front of me, everywhere around me. Though I missed Baba on the 30th, I feel I didn’t miss anything. When the children have courage, the Father helps and that is the wonder I am seeing. The Lord is pleased with an honest heart. I have lived my whole life with economy.

Dadi Gulzar: I would like to relate the good news to everyone that our Dadi has become well. Dadi has received the fruit of all the Yoga that all of you had that Dadi has become well. We are all very happy seeing Dadi and all of you must be very happy to hear this: Our Dadi has come back to us. Now, she will get up, walk and do everything.

Dadi Janki: It is a wonder of Baba and Dadi Gulzar. Dadi Gulzar comes to meet me every day and also at night and that gave me a lot of sakaash. I read the blessing and question and answer of today’s Murli. Baba says: Whatever happens is the drama and benefit is merged in everything. The whole family has so much love. I am sending love and remembrance to all of you and perhaps this was something to enable everyone to remember Baba.

Saying Om Shanti three times in front of the sages and saints in Haridwar, I explained why I say Om Shanti three times. I am a soul, Baba is mine and everything that happens in the drama is accurate and benevolent. Baba says: Do not ask any questions such as what happened or why did it happen. Benefit is merged in this too. Everyone’s love is merged in this too. I received a lot of love from Dadi Gulzar who came to meet me every morning and evening.

Dadi Gulzar: Seeing this one (Hansaben) looking after Dadi quietly, with a lot of love, as though she herself is not doing anything, though she is doing everything.

Dadi Janki: Today’s blessing was so wonderful. Seeing Sakar Baba’s humility and greatness, Baba is truly an example in front of us. We have to continue to smile in every situation. Nothing is difficult. Baba is wonderful and Dadi Gulzar is no less.

Dadi Gulzar: Dadi, everyone is very happy that you are now fine – on the road to recovery fast.

Om Shanti.

Note: Dadi Janki is still in bed-rest and will be a while before back to normal, but everyone is happy that Dadi is now able to speak without too much pain, and back to her normal enthusiastic self, spiritually.
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Re: Dadi Janki falls out of bed

Post08 Apr 2014

All a bit too precious isn’t it? Faux humility.

True humility would have had us reading ”Dadi Janki is gradually getting better ... [report condition etc] ... Dadi says she is grateful for everyone’s good wishes but she is well-looked after. As this happens to many older people, it’s really no big deal, no drama. Everyone could consider the many sick and elderly who have no one to look after them and maybe extend a practical helping hand to them. "
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Re: Dadi Janki falls out of bed

Post09 Apr 2014

Hopefully this will be the start of the end and both we and the BKWSU will finally get rid of Janki Kirpalani ... and move on. For too long has her anachronistic dominance of the BKWSU, especially the young Sisters, held the organization back.

Of course, they will milk the funeral for all its PR value involving a huge transportation of individuals to Mount Abu ... but will we ever hear or read of what was in her Will/bank account? Certainly she'll die hiding many, many truths.

It's very typically nature's way with old folks ... they fall over and damage their hip, lose mobility and then lose purpose. As they cannot move, they weaken and it's hard to gain strength back.

For all the BKs' addiction to the old charlatan, and as much as she is worth to them financially, it will be better for the greater good when she goes. Inhibited as the likes of Jayanti is at "showing respect" to her will and ways.

But, oh, imagine all the emotional gushing from these "detatched of all souls" when she dies!!! They'll all be flying in business class from all over the world to throw expensive sandal wood on her bonfire.

No doubt they'll invent a whole new saintly fairy story about how she's "ascended" and become a world server free from the limitation of the physically body and still flying around spying on BKs ... or a myth about why she had to reincarnate and how she was only in her 83rd birth after all ... and then they'll have to work out who next can play the role of "One of the 8" top souls in the world.

Jayanti will line up for the position but will she pull in the money as well, will the old guard in Madhuban support her, and will she be able to hold the beakies together with the same authority? ... I doubt in at least 2 out of 3 cases.

Perhaps in her next life Janki will have to get a real job instead of living off bogus "Golden Aged karma earning donations", or do some real good for others?


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