Another false prediction or preparing for another revision?

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Another false prediction or preparing for another revision?

Post14 Oct 2013

To be honest, what any BKs or their god says means absolutely nothing ... because they can change from day to the next without seemingly having any problem with it. BKs are just encouraged to keep believing and accepting whatever hogwash they are told.

In this case, some surrendered BK Sister is claimed to have gone to Subtle Region while offering food to their god and was told there that if BK followers do not become complete angels by the end of 2012 ... then the spirit of Lekhraj Kirpalani would not remain in Subtle Region but will take another human birth. That was, of course, nearly a year ago. As usual nothing happened and no one did. The prediction is forgotten, if it comes up the follower is blamed, and everyone moves on to the next.
    As the soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani is already late in reincarnating as Krishna in time for his coronation as Narayan at the beginning of the Golden Age, are the BKs preparing for another climb down?
The surrendered BK Sister in question only entered the BKWSU in 1985. At that time, Destruction was meant to be in 1986 or between 1986 and 1996. It did not happen.

How may times do these things not happen until the BKs wake up to what is going on?
Vivek Sinha

Breaking News: One surrendered BK Sister or 28 years in Brahmakumaris Gyan had gone to Subtle Region while offering Bhog to Baba on last thursday and Baba told her that if children will not become complete angels till the end of 2012, then Brahma Baba will not wait in Subtle Region and he will take another birth.


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Re: Another false prediction or preparing for another revisi

Post15 Oct 2013

To find out about their new End of World Prediction. I went online (About 2 months ago) on social media and randomly picked one BK from a BK group. I asked him if the world is coming to end. He said "Yes". I asked when. He said "Baba says, 2036". They pushed the date little far this time. Obviously they are getting smarter in choosing new End of world dates.
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Re: Another false prediction or preparing for another revisi

Post15 Oct 2013

BK_Victim wrote:... randomly picked one BK from a BK group. I asked him if the world is coming to end. He said "Yes". I asked when. He said "Baba says, 2036".

Not sure if you can strike up that discussion again, but, BKs always say "Baba never says an actual date" - so if this BK said "Baba said 2036", please ask him - where is that said? Where does that come from?

It would be good if we have a dated Murli, or message, chapter & verse to quote.


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Re: Another false prediction or preparing for another revisi

Post15 Oct 2013

Not sure if you can strike up that discussion again, but, BKs always say "Baba never says an actual date" - so if this BK said "Baba said 2036", please ask him - where is that said? Where does that come from?

As I said this was about couple months ago. I actually forgot the temporary account details and don't think I could recover that info and contact same person again.

But then itself, I actually asked him, how the 2036 came from Baba? He replied via "Murli's". And after that conversation with him, I was frustrated with his answer and I tried to convince him this is all not true. I questioned about the Rolls Royce at their Pandav Bhavan, and the luxuries being enjoyed by their Top leaders. But he responded like I should not be jealous of others and should trust Baba and so everything will be fine for me.

A few days later he came online again and started cross examining me about my location, what I do etc. I did not give my details, but explained more about their cult practices. He seemed to totally ignore me and said Om Shanti and then quit.
It would be good if we have a dated Murli, or message, chapter & verse to quote

Being a victim of them, I was in frustrated stage at that time. So I wasn't pursuant enough to get more documented details. I will keep that in mind if I get any such opportunity in the future.


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Re: Another false prediction or preparing for another revisi

Post15 Oct 2013

Untill ruled out by scientists in January 2013, there was serious talk that asteroid "Apophis" will hit Earth in year 2036, thus causing its destruction and end of life on it .

It is possible that The Brahma Kumaris jumped on the destruction news opporunity, and started promoting it as their
latest prediction for end of the World .

Apparently this has also failed (in advance), and they have to figure out a new date..!!

Apophis asteroid: Large space rock 'will not hit in 2036'

A 300m-wide asteroid will not hit the Earth in 2036, US astronomers say.
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Re: Another false prediction or preparing for another revisi

Post15 Oct 2013

BK_Victim wrote:But he responded like I should not be jealous of others and should trust Baba and so everything will be fine for me.

A typical BK non-answer which they learn from their leaders ... "don't look, don't think, don't question" ... turning the problem back on you.

You weren't "jealous". You were asking a valid ethical question. He could not answer.

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