Accused in BK Patna Rape Case Absconds, BKs deny charges

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Accused in BK Patna Rape Case Absconds, BKs deny charges

Post28 Sep 2013

From Brahmakumari raped for 4 years at Patna BK Centre: confirmed.

I am giving this a separate topic to flag up and record what happens next. The accused in the BK Patna Rape Case has absconded. This is so typical. Every time some serious crime or event happens, e.g. when that girl was either murdered or committed suicide by burning herself to death in Panipat and the BK got rid of the corpse, this is precisely what happens ... the BKs abscond.

I don't know if this is a BK thing, like the leadership just gives them "Shrimat" to run away (in previous cases they have turned up at other BK centers), or it is just a typical Indian thing ... it's so easy to just disappear in India and evade Indian's underfunded police force. Of course, I would not be at all surprised in the BK leadership does.

Where are the Brahma Kumaris "values" now?
Prajapita University In-charge Denies Claims of Sexual Abuse


The Center in-charge of the Prajapita Brahmakumari Ishwariya University in Fatuha, Rani Didi, at a press conference in Patna on Tuesday denied charges of sexual abuse of students saying the woman making such allegations was lying and had been expelled from the institute nearly six months ago."Charges against me and two officials of the institute are completely baseless and are being made out of personal vendetta by the 19-year old woman," Rani Didi said adding both the woman in question and the man had voluntarily joined the institute and no sexual abuse took place as alleged by the woman.

As reported, the 19-year old woman, in an FIR with the Kankarbagh police station, stated that she was forced to have sex with a man named Lallan Kumar."I was forced to sleep with him and have sex with him despite my resistance to such activities. The institute lures naïve girls and women into taking admission and then force them into flesh trade catering to high profile politicians and other clients," the woman told the police.

The accuser was sent to the Patna Medical College and Hospital (PMCH) for a physical test to determine the veracity of her claims, police said.

Meanwhile, authorities are searching for Lallan Kumar who is said to be absconding.
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Re: Accused in BK Patna Rape Case Absconds, BKs deny charges

Post28 Sep 2013

Meanwhile, the charm offensive goes ... BK Maureen Chen of Sydney, Australia meets the Governor of Patna and his wife at Raj Bhawan.

Maureen Chen is a BK from Sydney, Australia and has been a Meditation Teacher with the Brahma Kumaris for 34 years. She was based in Hong Kong for 21 years, travelling throughout Asia and spent 4 years in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Maureen is now based in India working with the BKs' PR campaign called the "Future of Power" project and networking with government leaders in all states of India.

The BKs must be organizing work visa for these people now. I wonder who pays for them, or if they are just spending their retirement in a warm, comfortable place with lots of BK servants to look after them?

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Re: Accused in BK Patna Rape Case Absconds, BKs deny charges

Post28 Sep 2013

"Charges against me and two officials ... are completely baseless and are being made out of personal vendetta by the 19-year old woman," Rani Didi said adding both the woman in question and the man had voluntarily joined the institute and no sexual abuse took place as alleged by the woman.

In a society where it is scandalous to have sex before marriage, to be dirty if one is unmarried and not a virgin, to risk beign outcast by all and sundry if one is raped, especially in a region which is ultra-conservative - you have to ask why would a girl tell the world she has been raped or sexually abused as means to a personal vendetta?

If it is a personal vendetta, you'd have to ask what would motivate someone to sacrifice their reputation and social standing for a vendetta against a BK centre in charge whom (one assumes) has little personal possessions? There is no indication of attempts at blackmail or anything similar in these reports. So, what is there to gain in making allegations of rape and abuse?

Is the center-in-charge such a nasty piece of work that she inspires extreme reactions, such as making a poor unfortunate girl take the risk of knowingly (and therefore illegally) making false accusations to police?

More likely, there is truth in the allegations that are worth investigating and the center-in-charge is living in a parallel universe where compassion means "lie through your teeth because what happens to a real person is less important than any taint on an organisation".

Whenever there is a suicide, a child abuse case, corruption, nepotism, abuse of power relationship, sycophancy etc we see the pattern, the culture of denial, anger at the whistleblower, lack of co-operation with law enforcement, prioritising reputation over compassion for victims, blaming the victims, protecting or abetting the perpetrators, and so on.

I do not know Rani Didi. She may be a sweet little old lady who is a front person for more conniving ambitious juniors. Maybe she has been instructed on what to say by Seniors.

But she is spokesperson for this institution of world purifiers, raja yogis, children of god. "I was only following orders" does not cut it when it comes to criminal acts.

It seems these "highest angels" are so detached, they're only concerned with serving humanity in only the most abstract of ways ( ones that satisfy their own egos).


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Re: Accused in BK Patna Rape Case Absconds, BKs deny charges

Post29 Sep 2013
पटना : यौन शोषण का आरोप लगाने वाली प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारी ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय की फतुहा स्थित रैपुरा शाखा की 19 वर्षीया साध्वी की पीएमसीएच में मेडिकल जांच हुई। महिला थाना पुलिस ने प्राथमिकी में नामजद शाखा संचालिका अंजू व सह संचालिका वंदना, साध्वी विभा व बेली रोड के रूकनपुरा स्थित सेंटर हेड माता सीता को हिरासत में लिया है। माता सीता पर पीड़िता ने बरगलाने का आरोप लगाया है। उससे पूछताछ की जा रही है। मुख्य आरोपी ललन की तलाश में छापेमारी जारी है।

बिहार सेंटर ने आरोपों को बताया निराधार : मंगलवार को संस्था की बिहार सेंटर इंचार्ज रानी दीदी ने पीड़िता द्वारा शाखा संचालिका अंजू व सह संचालिका वंदना समेत दो अन्य साध्वियों पर लगाए गए आरोपों को पूरी तरह निराधार बताया है। उन्होंने कहा कि आरोप लगाने वाली युवती और ललन दोनों स्वेच्छा से संस्था में आए थे। युवती को उसके बुरे आचरण की वजह से छह महीने पहले ही शाखा से निकाल दिया गया। उसने एक माह पहले ललन के खिलाफ अश्लील हरकत करने की शिकायत की थी। जिसके बाद उसे भी संस्था से निष्कासित कर दिया गया। पीड़िता द्वारा अंजू और वंदना समेत संस्था की दूसरी साध्वियों पर लगाए गए वेश्यावृति के आरोप बेबुनियाद हैं। बताया कि देशभर में हमारी दस हजार से अधिक शाखाएं हैं। लोग हमारी संस्था में ज्ञान पाने आते हैं। शाखा में कोई गोरखधंधा नहीं होता है।


संस्था ने जारी की जांच कमेटी की रिपोर्ट

शाखा सुपरवाइजर ललन द्वारा साध्वी से दुष्कर्म व यौन शोषण मामले की जांच को फतुहा गई बिहार बेरोजगार काउंसिल (विवेक) की चार सदस्यीय टीम ने मंगलवार को अपनी रिपोर्ट जारी की। इसी संस्था की सहायता से साध्वी ने महिला थाने में केस दर्ज कराया था। जांच कमेटी में शामिल पटना उच्च न्यायालय के अधिवक्ता चंद्रशेखर, शशि शेखर, प्रकाश रंजन व पूजा कुमारी के मुताबिक प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारी ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय की रैपुरा शाखा में देह व्यापार का संचालन किया जा रहा है। रिपोर्ट के अनुसार शाखा प्रबंधन आसपास के इलाकों व बाहर की सैकड़ों नाबालिग व कुंवारी लड़कियां को बहला-फुसलाकर संस्था से जोड़ते हैं, फिर उन्हें देह व्यापार के दलदल में ढकेल दिया जाता है। स्थानीय लोगों के हवाले से संस्था ने दावा किया कि इस शाखा को कई सफेदपोश व राजनेताओं का संरक्षण प्राप्त है। संस्था के अध्यक्ष जीएन तिवारी ने बताया कि वे जांच रिपोर्ट के साथ मोबाइल रिकार्डिग आला अफसरों को सौंप देंगे।

मोबाइल पर ताजा खबरें, फोटो, वीडियो व लाइव स्कोर देखने के लिए जाएं पर

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