Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

haritha wrote:I want to ask one u no wat happens at last to dos cows or buffallos which feed us wit deir strong milk.

Wake up Haritha ... they don't feed us with their milk but their milk is taken against their will and choice.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

haha...dis is not yukti...dis is trying to help dem somehow...
Well it is not looting...if it is den it would even b under our sins account being fed by mother's milk wen v wer kids...dis is drama..everything moves in d way it already had moved...
And to go...nice meetin u..
Cow's milk..!! Oh
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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

haritha wrote:dey don go through lot pain wen dey give us milk..

How you as a BK can say that they don't undergo pain when their milk is taken out ? :shock:

Did your Baba told you that ?


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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

did cows ever tell u dat we are looting deir calve's milk..??
Dis is srusti.. Dis is wat v learn in Murli..every soul is on it's journey...
Have u ever seen animal planet..der buffallos get hunt by lions or so..den do u think d lion is looting..??actually many calves r being killed so...wat is it den..??
Dis is journey..each n every soul had its own accounts...v cant blame anyone for dis..dis is drama...k meet u very soon..

my Baba...oh wow...wat a lovely sound...
Well my Baba is d greatest..highest...he doent discuss bot dos wat gives nothing to his children...
He always says one thing...d pain is growing..and it will grow in d got to help my Father in d Yagya..dis is wat i learned...
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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

haritha wrote:if it is den it would even b under our sins account being fed by mother's milk wen v wer kids

You are not a kid now and, naturally, you do not need milk at this age because your digestion system is developed to digest other things.

Mother's milk is only for kids or offsprings who can not digest the other food. Why does a kid leaves his mother's milk by the way after 2-3 years ?

Name any animal who feeds on mother's milk life long till his death ?
haritha wrote:did cows ever tell u dat we are looting deir calve's milk..??

Oh ! come on ! Now you are talking like real pakka BK .

So you want the cow to complain to you to prove that she undergoes pain when some one takes out her milk ? Which language do you prefer Haritha for her complaint Hindi or English ? Oral complaint will do or you need a written complaint ?

You are a classic proof of BK's side effects ... MAY GOD HELP YOU !!!!!
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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013


you did not answer my question - How you feel when you drink a cow's milk , the milk which is naturally produced by her to feed her calves ?

Do you feel guilty ?

Do you feel burden on your karmic accounts after knowing that it was not naturally made for you ?
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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

Wonderful, I did not know there was a 'Blue Cross of India'. I see there is also a growing Vegan movement in India and a "Satvik Vegan Society" too.

Haritha, please write in proper English ... we don't do 'txt msg spk' here.

Yes, the diary industry is definitely linked to the meat industry. The BKs should stop taking any dairy products unless they are going to keep and look after their own cows and let them live a nature life.

Please tell them to stop. It's hypocritical. Milk = dead calves and dead cows.

Even then, I think they are going to have a problem because a cow will not give milk unless it has had sex with a bull and given birth.

Therefore, is not milk the product of impurity? I don't remember Baba mentioning anything about cows and bulls making baby calves by the power of Yoga!


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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

did cows ever tell u dat we are looting deir calve's milk..??

I remember a big cow fodder scandal in India where the minister charged of corruption in handling the money for cow fodder said very similar thing ..."when cows never complained, why you are bothering?".

Don't expect the realism from Blind Followers.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

I am sorry but I cannot read haritha's coded text. It is too painful for my brain having to decode it.


Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

Hello Haritha

Can you please write proper English and not the SMS styled language. Its very difficult to understand your viewpoints otherwise.



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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013


Do you even know how milk is obtained these days ? Have you ever wondered how easily and readily you get milk any time of the year, even in the non mating season (or some months after it actually) ?

The cows are artificially inseminated by injections, repeatedly many times (many many times actually), and in a very unhealthy and unhygenic manner as well, which causes infections and the milk obtained hence is unhealthy and needs to be processed, the calf (inside the cow) is aborted if it's male, and the female calf though allowed to be born is denied milk, instead is given artificial supplements.

Look at all the "negative vibrations" you are getting through this milk ... well, obviously if you believe in that bullsh** (or cowshit should I say)?
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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

The BKs *could* have peacocks in their big gardens ... but then they would be embarrassed because followers would see that they *really* don't make babies through their tears!!! ... besides which, they are hellishly noisy.

They could even save a few lives and give sanctuary to a few old cows and goats, and let them live the end of their lives in peace up at places like Peace Village and Global Retreat.

It would even save them cutting the grass ... but I guess they would not like the "impure" poop. Actually, cow poop is good for the garden too.

This is straying off the topic of Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals but it is connected ... most milk in India contaminated or diluted.

Almost 70% of 1,791 samples taken nationwide were contaminated or watered down, according to the report. Out of 33 Indian states, adulterants were found in all the milk samples from West Bengal, Orissa and Jharkhand.

Most samples were either diluted or adulterated with products including fertilizer, bleach, detergent, skimmed milk powder and glucose, or more shockingly hydrogen peroxide (bleach) and urea. Even the water used poses health risks.

Not so long ago, dairy products in India were very expensive precisely because the farmers had to adopt to natural cycles and production levels, hence ... beyond the religious aspect or even its 'treat' value ... it was connected to mental images of wealth and power. When Indians came to the West they over dosed on the cheap, Post-War Industrially produced milk without thinking or asking *how* it was produced to cheaply and applying philosophy to it ... asking whether this production was still sattvic or not.

Embarrassingly for the Krishna, Vishnu and Lekhraj Kirpalani worshippers ... "milk equals murder" and suffering for their "holy cows".

But the BKs don't care. They will never say no to it because "Dadi says it is OK" ... end of discussion, no disagreement allowed, anyone disagree will be blamed for cause conflict, not the Dadis for not changing with the times. Besides which, too many BKs would leave if they did! (It's said that is why they allowed tea and coffee too which are plainly not sattvic). It's nothing spiritual at all ... they just have to make compromises to keep the donations coming in.

Animals cost, don't donate, disturb meditation and don't do service so what's the value of them? Any worldly pleasure they might give is Maya.

"It's the End of the World, every living thing has to suffer", they say. Great justification.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post14 Jul 2013

haritha wrote:did cows ever tell u dat we are looting deir calve's milk..?? Dis is srusti.. Dis is wat v learn in Murli.


Cows also do not complaint when they are slaughtered for their meat.

Does BK Murli tells you to eat their flesh ?


Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post24 Aug 2014

Yes ... that's exactly what we were ... Lambs to the Slaughter!!! ... make no mistake ... we are westerners and don't need to be thrown in the deep end of an Eastern/Indian cult/religion ... so reckless and non apologetic of the Indian teachers and Seniors who strictly enforced this Insanity on young impressionable vulnerable ... and turning a blind eye when individual destruct under the most 'unnatural' spiritual practices and presure in God's Name!! ... and then always use the 'Maya' card to explain and dismiss the BK adherents decline into a breakdown and sickness ... with no help or compassion fr the "Godly Family" .... only judgement!! ... they are savages, monsters, parasites, and vultures of the very worst kind, and completely deluded through the Baba hypnosis effect!!... they are the embodiment of meglomaniac power mongers ...
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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post24 Aug 2014


Cover of American Journal of Nursing, article about benefits of Pet visitation therapy.

900 lakh highest Golden Aged souls, most connected to earth and nature of all souls, seem to have problems with animals, dogs especially.

Love of a God is a questionable, usually conditional in some way or other, metered out according to divine whim.
Love of a Dog is unquestionable, unquestioning, unqualified, beyond death.


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