BK Changing Masks: 'Happy Cottage Meditation Center' Dubai

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BK Changing Masks: 'Happy Cottage Meditation Center' Dubai

Post26 Jun 2013

The Brahma Kumaris cult does not take any chances ...

It already acquired a bad reputation for being a dangerous cult and has, historically, faced serious problems in certain countries.

The true identity of their "Raja Yoga meditation centers" can not be hidden for long, and sooner or later the face of Brahma Kumaris, presently hiding behind Raja Yoga mask, will get exposed ... In conservative countries like the Middle East area, they take such cultic issues very seriously, and do not tolerate teachings like BKism.

A new mask has to be created and worn, as the old one is wearing out quickly ... For that purpose, Dadi Janki recently opened a new center in Dubai, under the name ... "HAPPY COTTAGE "..!!!
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Re: BK Changing Masks: 'Happy Cottage Meditation Center' Dub

Post27 Jun 2013

ex.Brahma wrote:In conservative countries like the Middle East area, they take such cultic issues very seriously, and do not tolerate teachings like BKism ... For that purpose, Dadi Janki recently opened a new center in Dubai, under the name ... "HAPPY COTTAGE"..!!!

You've got to laugh at them, have not you ... presumably, the "Happy Cottage" is really Sukh Bhavan or something? Yes, they are also working under their corporate coaching disguise in Muslim countries.

But what is this all about ... "Dadiji with Dr. Abdul Aziz bin Ali Al Nuaimi, also known as the Green Sheikh" ... the BKs shaking down the Green Sheikh?

Let's think like a Senior Sister do an analysis ...
    a) Dubai is a place sloshing with stupid amounts of money which they spend on making even more stupid 'show off' buildings and projects ... anywhere with money is on the BKs' radar.
    b) It's also a place where a lot of wealthy Indians go for shopping etc, and it's a place with a lot of Indian migrant workers and businessmen, ... in the first place, potential sponsors and a good pick up point; in the second place, potential free laborers for any center.
    c) There's not so much competition from other gurus and cults ... good business opportunity selling their "Hinduism Lite" to the Gujeratis migrants (they'll be out tie rakhis and handing our Bhakti pictures tomorrow).
    d) There's a ruling royal families, and one is a cooperative, contact soul and a willing to be a mic ... yipee-eee! The BKs just l-o-v-e Royalty.
So, what's with the "Green Sheikh" whose doing his own environmental and youth leadership programmes to "Inspire young people to become Legends of Environmental Global Peace and Custodians of the Earth"?

I am sure Sheikh Abdul Aziz al Nuaimi is a great guy, sincere in his believes and vision, means well ... is being absolutely seduced (metaphorically) and conned by the Brahma Kumaris. For sure they have not told him what they are *really* all about and have picked him up at some UN or environmental caucus, e.g. one like this selling themselves with their solar powered water heater ... their German government sponsored project. Here, for example, they are using their "Brahma Kumaris Environmental Initiative in neighbouring Qatar at the the Qatar Sustainability Expo.

What are the BKs doing at a "sustainability Expo"? Back at their centers they say, "the nuclear bombs have been made and they must be used!!!"

They BK certainly have not told the Sheikh what they think of Mohammed and Islam ... they will have fed his people all sort of **** about what they believe and 'the One' ... 'the Father' ... even calling their Shiva Allah.

So, the obvious question ... has Janki asked him for some free land to build a center on yet ... suggested a co-sponsorship?

If she has not ... just give them time.

Are the BKs shaking down the Green Sheikh?

Ha. They have a separate site which for which they use the Raja Yoga Center title and they now call center-in-charges and BKs "Personal Development Trainer and a Workshop Facilitators". Strange ... they even brag that BK Yogesh Sharda has served Philip Morris ... the world's largest tobacco corporation currently targeting the developing nations and suing governments worldwide in order to peddle its death sticks as they are being squeezed out of America ... and target 6 to 12 year olds with a programme called "Enlightened Kids. Probably just Relax Kids under a different label.

Wisdom and Will Power
    Chief Guest: Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Ali Al-Nuaimi
The Seat of Protection
    Chief Guest: Mr. Tariq Hussain Al Shaali
Nurturing the Inner Landscape
    Chief Guest: Prof. Dr. AH Dawood Al-Azdi, Environmentalist
Feeling Great – No Matter What
    Chief Guest: H.E. Sheikh Nahayan bin Mubarak al Nahaya (the 'Sheikh of Hearts' and chancellor of United ARab Emirates)
Youth Fest 2009 (For age group – 13 to 25 years) etc

Of course, they have a shop ... Inner Space Centre of Training in Self Development & Meditation and sponsored an "experiential retreat" at Laguna Vista Resort in Egypt ... "a utopia that merges artistic design, excellent service, and ultimate relaxation". Their speaker list looks heavy on the corporate coach side; Aruna Ladav, Miriam Subirana, Mike George etc.


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Re: BK Changing Masks: 'Happy Cottage Meditation Center' Dub

Post27 Jun 2013

ex-l, your overall analysis, is not far from reality ...

Brahma Kumaris have their own devilish ways and tricks to make their way to a certain VIP, in addition to ordinary people, supported by varied set of "masks" to suit the specific occassion, and the particular person.

I only feel sorry for those who have been trapped and are unable to find their way out of the cult.

Sheikh Abdul Aziz is a well known and genuine Environmentalist, and I am sure he means well, but like others was conned by the Brahma Kumaris.

This site is doing a good job in exposing BK cult but I believe further steps should be taken to alarm, and to also enlighten those concerned, by refering them to reliable sources, such as Wikipedia, BK.Info, or similar.

Even though I do not know him personally, I took the liberty to e-mail Sheikh Abdul Aziz and ask him to check out above mentioned sites to get true informations about BK cult, presently hiding behind the "Happy Cottage" mask.

Brahma Kumaris would do anything to have a presence in certain countries, and I would not be surprised if they call their meditation center "Happy Brothel", if need be ...!!!
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Re: BK Changing Masks: 'Happy Cottage Meditation Center' Dub

Post27 Jun 2013

Yes, I believe the Sheikh is very sincerely and is merely being used as bait by the BK pimp masters. Thank you for taking the time to warn him or his people.

Increasingly, by the BKs' own original standards, some certainly are becoming "spiritual brothels" and I think this was hinted at in some old Sakar Murlis.

The word "prostitute" has two means; the other is "to devote to corrupt or unworthy purposes, or debase", e.g. 'to prostitute one's talents'. When I read of some sincere young man like Yogesh selling his spiritual services ... or being sold by the Seniors ... to a corporation of death like Phillip Morris (aka The Altria Group Inc), I think what a crime. He's been sold into a form of spiritual prostitution with no ethical standards whatsoever.

It's amazing ... the International Labor Rights Forum listed them amongst the The 14 Worst Corporate Evildoers. What are the BKs thinking!?!

The BKs need more prudence ... not fake Happy Houses.


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Re: BK Changing Masks: 'Happy Cottage Meditation Center' Dub

Post27 Jun 2013


I feel it is my duty to bring your kind attention to a very dangerous cult called the "Brahma Kumaris".

This cult is presently operating in Dubai under the name "Happy Cottage", and I believe your excellency was the quest of honour during the recent opening ceremony .

This cult was classified as dangerous by certain Governments, including France and Greece. For further informations about this cult, kindly refer to the following trusted Web Sites

Brahma Kumaris.info

With Kind Regards

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