APJ Abdul Kalam on Multi-dimensions of Cardiac Care at Mount Abu

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APJ Abdul Kalam on Multi-dimensions of Cardiac Care at Mount Abu

Post09 Jun 2013

pawan_kr wrote:Oh, really !!!! What a miracle. You should tell this to BK Dadis, you do not know how precious advertising and publicity model you can be for BKs. You can bring more and more people to BKism and you will be rewarded a Golden Palace for your service. Hope I'll soon see you and your story on cover page of GYANAMRIT and PURITY and your experiences on BK's TV channel. BTW, if fatal and deadly diseases can be cured by BKism, why they built Global Health Research Centre at Mumbai and Abu Road ?????

Oh Oh ... this is being misquoted. I have shared a personal experience of my past association with BKWSU. Yes, to me, it was an extraordinary event but that doesn't mean I am suggesting that BKism can cure deadly diseases and medical treatment is not required!!

Meditation in conjunction with Medication is certainly a good combination, and can work wonders for certain diseases. Even Brahma Baba used to encourage students to take medication and not avoid it. All senior Dadis etc get diseases and go to the doctors. GHRC has been doing great service to the poor people in Mt Abu who had no access to good health care. Village Outreach program from BK Dr Vinay Lakshmi and CAD program for heart diseases have resulted in saving of lot of lives and improving health for many.

BTW, as you bring up the topic of GHRC hospital at Mt Abu, and ex-l asked me elsewhere whether there have been any independent research done to show benefits of BKism then here is one example

Coronary artery disease regression through lifestyle changes, vegetarian diet and stress management through RajYoga meditation

The efficicacy of this lifestyle programme has been evaluated on 518 angiographically documented coronary artery disease patients participating in two multidisciplinary prospective research studies. The Mt Abu Open Heart Trial and Abu Healthy Heart Trial - a randomised controlled study projects were sponsored by CCRYN, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi and the Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), New Delhi.

Not sure if you know or not but ex-President of India (and well known scientist) APJ, promoted how science and spirituality go hand in hand from his support of the DRDO - Global Hospital Initiative - see below
Address of His Excellency A.P.J. Abdul Kalam on Multi-dimensions of Cardiac Care at Mount Abu

Keeping this in mind the DRDO took the initiative of formulating a project in collaboration with the Global Hospital and Research Centre, Mount Abu an institution of the Brahma Kumaris. They added a spiritual environment to take care of total heart health. In addition, this project involved a partnership from many hospitals and research institutions spread in different parts of the country, wherein cardiologists, endocrinologists, physiologists, fitness experts and spiritualists worked hand-in-hand for more than eight years to understand if this integrated mechanism can provide an antidote to the expanding global heart problem.

Has there ever been a better known Indian scientist than APJ Abdul Kalam? Some of the forum members here have no appropriate qualifications in order to prove or disapprove Dinosaurs or 5,000 years but they are good at arguing and showing that any supporter of BKs is an idiot. But the fact is that there are many sensible and much better qualified people like APJ who won't just go and support so called parasites.
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post09 Jun 2013

moreclearnow wrote:Has there ever been a better known Indian scientist than APJ Abdul Kalam?

I would have said either of the Boses myself ... Jagadish Chandra or Amar.

I am sorry but you're doing another typical BKism, moreclearnow ... "He's famous so it must all be true!" ... which raises question about the credibility of your scientific understanding.

Let's look closer ... Kalam was an engineer rather than a scientist and has zero medical qualification. His highest qualification is a BSc, he has no PhD.

As you know, his claim to fame is rooted in the development of military ballistic missiles using secret funds supplied by Indira Gandhi ... despite cabinet disapproval ... and he was involved in India's nuclear weapons programme. Therefore, I would question his sincerity and ethics. You'll remember that Santhanam and Iyengar raised a lot of controversy over the claims made about the Pokhran-II thermonuclear test in 2009.

A man of god with a career in weapons of mass destruction? Well, I think we can see why the BKs loved him!

How can you pose someone spending their life conspiring to murder 10s of 1,000s of people as someone who is "great"?

In India, many are highly critical of his scientific credentials; much of his work was in back-engineering others' work and two of his aerospace projects resulted in total failure. They were even cancelled by the government under the pressure of the Indian Army. It appears he was more of a fund raiser, string puller and project administrator rather than scientist.

He even failed his physics studies.

I am sorry but someone who made a career working on military technology is not very high in my book and Kalam has been called "the 'Father' of the Indian hydrogen bomb" ... even if it was more of a fizzle than a fissile ... and acted as an apologist for and promoter of the nuclear power industry.
PY Iyengar wrote:If Santhanam says that the yield was much lower than projected, that there was virtually no crater formed, and that these reservations were formally presented by DRDO in 1998 itself, then there is considerable justification for reasonable doubt regarding the credibility of the thermonuclear test and, therefore, of our nuclear deterrent.
Mr Santhanam wrote:Figures don't lie, but liars will figure. He [Kalam] chose to ignore facts for his own reasons.

Science does not operate according on "fame" or even political influence. It's based on increasingly refined specialisms.

Just because someone does something technical, it does not make them a qualified to speak on all fields.
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post10 Jun 2013

moreclearnow wrote:Meditation in conjunction with Medication is certainly a good combination, and can work wonders for certain diseases.

Yes, but who is denying it. I just want to state it is universal knowledge, go read some ancient Ayurveda books, all is present there, even echoing sound of "OM" which Lekhraj used to practice is also described. But if you want to believe that BKs discovered all this just because it makes you feel proud to be associated with BKs GO ON.
Not sure if you know or not but ex-President of India (and well known scientist) APJ, promoted how science and spirituality go hand in hand from his support of the DRDO - Global Hospital Initiative - see below

I know very well about Indian politicians, If you have little political connections or if you hold some position in the society you can easily invite them on your child's marriage, opening of your showroom or some festival celebrated in your locality. This is what BKs do, publicity through VIPs.

What are you trying to say that no one should question BKs because they are certified by Indian politicians ?????????

I don't know if you have heard about Swami Rajnish - OSHO, many national and even international politicians were his followers (not one day invited visitors) and he preached spirituality through sex, his book "sambhog se samaddhi tak" is best seller. So you think this knowledge is also right.



Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post10 Jun 2013

dany wrote:When Brahma Kumaris keeps reminding its followers to remain ... DETACHED, does not that imply suppressing their feelings and emotions, in order to get to that status ...??


Practice of detachment is central to many religions- Buddhism, Bahai's faith, Hinduism, Jainism and so on ... It is often misunderstood and certainly doesn't equate to suprresion of feelings or emotions. In fact, this is nothing new and not a proprietary of BKs. See the key difference is that when people adopt a religion, it's more of an identity but many don't really practice what religion preaches in the core (world would have been a different place if that was the case). Key Indian scripture "Gita" is all about "detachment"!

In case of BKism, the biggest difference is that people are actually spending their entire lifetime practising what they teach like detachment. And I am not sure if you read the Murlis - detachment was always taught as "detached yet loving". Just like many people take science to practice but fail, some BKs fail as well when they forget the "loving" part of this practice. Detachment in isolation ("cold detachment") is not good for relationships - but when you practice "detached yet loving", it's precisely what the essence of lot of religious preachings has been and leads to healthier relationships. Perhaps we should open up a seprate thread to discuss this in more detail.

Here is something I liked from a BK teaching on detachment:
BK Charlie Hogg wrote:We need to extract ourselves totally from the influence, opinions and even past perceptions and take the ‘helicopter view’. From there we can view the whole picture with clarity. Detachment has always been the mark of great thinkers because it is only when we see the situation as a detached observer can we perceive the real truth. Otherwise our emotions, desires or attachments cloud our clarity. Detachment is so necessary to find true balance, but to many of us it can tend to feel clinical, or lacking in heart. That is why the first and foremost balance is love and detachment.

Love is the greatest need. Those who always express their love with a pure motive will always feel full of love. But to be truly loving we need detachment. When we are detached from others we are not irritated or affected by their actions, so we can maintain our love. Our love isn’t conditional to others’ responses. We are not trading in the business of love which says, “If you do this, only then will you receive my love ...”
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post10 Jun 2013

This is a bit of a problem with a BK quoting other religions, and likening themselves to them, because of the BKWSU's attitude and assessment of other religions as being impure, ignorant, offering very limited benefit and being inferior partial memorials to BKism. To quote the Murlis, they are "the paths of degradation".

You make a statement like, "the difference between BKs and other other religions is that BKs practise what they preach and other religion do not". The evidence we have collated, over decades and from every continent, suggests that they don't and that, in fact, your statement is just more public relationships whitewash.

BK Charlie Hogg has spent his life without working living off inherited wealth. I would argue that he was afford his position by the BKs because of his wealth. What does he really know about the real world and other religions? He joined the BKs at the age of 21.
dany wrote:Cults, including Brahma Kumaris, try desperately to "dehumanise" their freshly hooked followers, by stripping them of human emotions and feelings, thus producing obedient robots to the cult and its teachings.

"Well said", to all of your post, Dany. Part of what we should do is re-vitalise individuals' ability to feel and trust emotions, and be moved by them .. not to be frighten zombies afraid to take a stand and act. To be spiritual alive is to feel, e.g. was Buddha and Christ not moved with determination by what they saw? (Of course, the BKs saw both Buddha and Christ were ignorant and not good enough to enter their, and less than 50% as spiritual as they are!!!).

The BKs also attempt to disarm their victims, critics and reformers by developing 10,000 yuktis (strategies) to confuse or weaken them.

The reference to Kalam is a typical and hypocritical one that, in fact, reveals much of their true values ... if one is informed and actually thinks it through. They depend on most people not being informed and not be able to do so.

It is a fallacy, a fallacious or false argument, called 'Appeal to Authority'. In short,
    Person A is (claimed to be) an authority on subject S.
    Person A makes claim C about subject S.
    Therefore, C is true
In the BKs' case, it is even more rudimentary than that. It is as poor as
    Person A is (claimed to be) famous or powerful
    Person A makes claim C about subject S.
    Therefore, C is true
Kalam is a would be mass murder spouting a facade of religion in his retirement years. Why should anyone respect the would be murderous little monkey?

A "man of peace" who spent his career preparing technology for war against Pakisthan.

Oh, Kalam was "powerful" by worldly standards ... may be. I doubt it. I suspect he was more of a political puppet for the political puppet masters behind him. Sure, he might be able to pull strings, make introductions and pour rupees from some department or another but that is all it is about. Social climbing and financial benefits.

Nothing "spiritual" at all.

Moreclearernow claims to be a scientific professional ... but anyone with any science education would know that a military engineer really has no standing to make statements in the world of medicine. I understand his doctorates were all honorary rather than earned.

Note Kalam has entered the world of cardiology (heart medicine) but by doing what he does best ... using other people's knowledge and understanding. However, despite gaining publicity for his stents, I read his work has not been developed or used.
I recall in one of BKs' retreats, a very senior BL, an M.D. who was living in Oxford at that time, was saying in his lecture, if you see a man trying to murder another, do not react, do not try to stop him or do any thing ... because the Drama has to take its course ...!!

Yes, I have heard similar statements too. It applies to poor and starving children as well ... poverty and suffering is just "their karma" and they must therefore have been evil in their last life. It is the lowest form of medieval Brahmanism.


Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post10 Jun 2013

pawan_kr wrote:What are you trying to say that no one should question BKs because they are certified by Indian politicians ??

I don't know if you have heard about Swami Rajnish - OSHO, many national and even international politicians were his followers (not one day invited visitors) and he preached spirituality through sex, his book "sambhog se samaddhi tak" is best seller. So you think this knowledge is also right.


Yes, you are misquoting!!! At no point of time I have said that BKs are right as politicians are supporting them. I have no faith in Indian politicians personally so their endorsement has no value. I have quoted APJ because he has earned respect all over the world through science and work in healthcare absolutely not from politics.

The CAD project was well researched by independent govt authorities and in colloboration with DRDO - APJ did promote it personally and whatever his background was, he is certainly more qualified and experienced in the matters of science if not heart in comparison with some of the forum members here who claim to have better scientific backgrounds. APJ did a lot of work to improve healthcare. I quoted him to show that there is scientific evidence of benefits from BKism promoted lifestyle changes aimed at providing solutions to heart diseases and hundreds of succesful treatment cases.
ex-l wrote: Kalam is a would be mass murder spouting a facade of religion in his retirement years. Why should anyone respect the would be murderous little monkey?

And see how quickly the forum jumps to discredit such an eminent personality just because I quoted one of his support quote for BKs!! This shows the prejudice to what extent people can go with a propaganda against an institution. If I had quoted a scientist opposing BKs, I would have no doubt that forum would have jumped and idolized him even if he were in real life to be a failed scientist :shock:

Do you think the topmost recognitions from Indian govt and UN below are bogus?
The Government of India has honoured APJ with the nation’s highest civilian honours: the Padma Bhushan in 1981; Padma Vibhushan in 1990; and the Bharat Ratna in 1997 for his work with ISRO and DRDO and his role as a scientific advisor to the Indian government.

United Nations Organisation(U.N.O) declared October 15th, Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam‘s Birthday as the “WORLD STUDENTS DAY“. Its really a very great honor given to the Indian Personality.
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post10 Jun 2013

moreclearnow wrote:At no point of time I have said that BKs are right as politicians are supporting them.

You may not have said, but you are inferring it. Why else involve the individual?

As said, it is a fallacious defence based on an appeal to authority ... and your response to criticism of Kalam is to huff and puff and exaggerate and manipulate even more.
Do you think the topmost recognitions from Indian govt and UN below are bogus?

Well, answer the facts and criticisms ... don't just deflect from them.

The Government of India honoured Kalam for his work with the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) which is responsible for the development of technology for use by the military ... missiles and nuclear weapons!!! Work colleagues say fissled out.

He probably got his awards to keep him shut up about the project's failure.

Look, the evil little monkey spent most of life developing weapons of mass murder ... or, specifically in his case, attempting to back-engineer other people work in systems of developing weapons of mass murder including nuclear bombs. Nuclear bombs that would without any doubt be used against civilians in Pakistan and sold to others to use.

Do I respect that? Of course not. I am a pacifist and against anti-nuclear weapons. The best way to stop wars is not have them, not join them, not to help, not to develop more and better weapons. If every one just refused, there would be none. Those are pacifist ethics. I would not work for the military for a million dollars a year.

What most obvious is why the BKs loved him ...
    The god of the BKs specifically says that that Brahma Kumaris will "give courage" or inspire the scientists to use the nuclear bombs to bring about Destruction (End of the World) and kill 7 billion and most of life on earth.

    They must have been so excited by Kalam's past and predicted he had a special role for the future ... bombing Islam or something.
What's the point of curing heart disease if the world is going to End in two to three years? (You still have not told us what your illness was).

If the BKs are all about saving lives, why don't they save healthy children from malnourishment and starvation rather than wasting their money on mega-programmes?

Abdul Kalam ... The Indian Dr Strangelove
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post10 Jun 2013

moreclearnow wrote:APJ did a lot of work to improve healthcare. I quoted him to show that there is scientific evidence of benefits from BKism promoted lifestyle changes aimed at providing solutions to heart diseases and hundreds of succesful treatment cases.

APJ Kalam is called Missile-man of India. How he fits in BKs' peace mission only GOD knows!!!

I think like moreclearnow, all BKs also takes only positive (beneficial aspects)and ignore negatives from VIPs. As moreclearnow has praised so much about this scientist, like him BKs thought let they encash APJ's popularity (positive aspect) by bringing him to their seminar and ignore his missile developing job (negative aspect).

They are chasing Narender Modi as he is PM of Gujrat state (positive aspect for BKs) and ignore his role in Godhra Riots. They do not accept your food because they do not eat Shudra's food (negative) but heartily accept your money or property (positive aspect).
    If BKs believe in World Destruction, why are they purchasing freehold properties worldwide ????

    If they can reject someone's food why cannot they reject their donations????

    Do you believe that vibrations of person preparing food transfers to the person who is eating that food?
If food prepared by BKs is purest food with pure vibrations why don't they utilize some part of their accumulated wealth for distributing foods to the people? This would be the easiest method to transfer pure vibration from BK to others.


Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post10 Jun 2013

APJ was not promoting classic Brahmakumarism- he was promoting the research on healthcare and positive effects of BK recommended lifestyle/ meditation on heart patients

ex-l says that if one refuses to do missile development, wars will end! So the soldiers fighting to safeguard us are criminals in your definition? In any case you don't need a military job, you are wasting your talent here- you can get a handsome pay from any leading UK Tabloid by showing BK info in your CV :-)

Regarding food, yes I personally believe the vibrations of the food has an effect on the mind. In deep states of meditation, I could feel the difference between eating outside versus food cooked in remembrance of God. But I don't know to what degree and how important this is for a spiritual aspirant. Its a personal choice on what one wants to eat. I have seen examples where BKs would accept food from family members. I have also seen BKs who are very strict about these rules but show weaknesses in behaviour etc.
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post11 Jun 2013

Moreclearernow, you told us you were suffering from a fatal disease and that BKism cure you. What was it? You're being very vague and distracting a lot.
moreclearnow wrote:APJ was not promoting classic Brahmakumarism

The BK were using APJ as a "microphone soul" to spread their message as they do; attracting listeners, lending credibility ... and to creating an impression in the minds of the followers that they and, especially, their leaders *must* be important.

It's a mix of things, much of which is social climbing and power mongering rather than true spirituality. It's putting on an external show to hide the lack of internal values and ethics. Someone who is truly spiritual would not bother about such worldly hypocrites as Kalam ... someone who is a pacifist, cares about humanity or ethics would not use someone like Kalam who famous is for making weapons of war and spent his career in the war industry.

But for the BKs, someone who make weapons of mass Destruction is a hero. They love him. They love Destruction. They long for nuclear war and Destruction.
ex-l says that if one refuses to do missile development, wars will end! So the soldiers fighting to safeguard us are criminals in your definition?

Much of what you are doing here is twisting what I say and trying to make me look bad, or damage my credibility but you are doing it as such a rudimentary level it is easy to counter act, and use to make you look bad.

Wars are carried out my armies run by the military cliques and castes of all nations. Wars are carried out between the military cliques and castes of all nations. Wars are carried out by those military cliques and castes against the ordinary people of all nations ... wars are not between nations, as we are fooled to believe.

Up until the 20th Century, the military castes could fool ordinary people (usually poor, weak, younger males with no other options in life), into fighting for them against the ordinary people of other nations. The purpose is for financial gains, one way or another; usually to serve large industry who give money to the politicians. But since the 20th ordinary people have been able to think, travel and communicate with others; they have started to refuse to fight and go to war ... especially for the financial gains of rulers and large corporations.

They are called pacifists, people of peace, or conscientious objectors. People whose consciences tells them to refuse to kill others for some stupid and ugly reason in the minds of the toxic old men. Men who fight wars against each other using young men and women's bodies to do so ... all wars are the same.

India would not go to war with Pakistan if Pakistan had no army ... Pakistan would not go to war with India if India had no army ... how to stop war? Have no armies. And history has shown us how limiting military technology limits conflict, e.g. in Japan, the military caste (samurai) limited the use of guns and munitions and what few wars they had, they used only swords and fought only between soldiers ... consequently the nation had 250 years of peace until the Americans came.

99.999% of all wars were fought between sick, old, angry, greedy men paying other sick, old, angry, greedy men to build them "better" weapons to kill old ladies, young mothers, children to win their fight ... and you call someone who is part of that "great ... good ... or noble"?

The politics of nuclear war is MAD ... "Mutually Assured Destruction" ... I can hear the Brahma Kumaris laughing and clapping at the thought of it. No wonder they chased after APJ Kalam. Kalam had sold his soul to the military-industrial complex for money. Kalam is what we would call a "performing monkey", a cheer leader for the nuclear and arms industries. He spent his life developing weapons of war ... mostly stealing ideas from the Russians.

The Kalam Committee sought to increase India's military production and consumption more than double (although it failed to do so).
    Any scientist with a conscience would refuse to work towards it. All this just shown how indiscriminating the Brahma Kumaris are, how they like to appeal to Right Wing nationalists, and how they too have sold their soul.
I have seen examples where BKs would accept food from family members. I have also seen BKs who are very strict about these rules but show weaknesses in behaviour etc.

"Examples" means nothing ... it just means the BK is not following Maryadas. I know "examples" of where a BK center-in-charge has had a secret sexual relationship with another BK ... that does not mean it is allow or according to the rules.


Re: APJ Abdul Kalam on Multi-dimensions of Cardiac Care at M

Post11 Jun 2013

ex-l wrote: India would not go to war with Pakistan if Pakistan had no army ... Pakistan would not go to war with India if India had no army ... how to stop war? Have no armies.

ex-l, I do appreciate your views about nations not having an army to drive peace. Absolutely, that's how I would dream our world to be - totally free of armies, military and conflict; and peace everywhere.

I just cannot fathom how this can be practically possible in today's world.
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Re: APJ Abdul Kalam on Multi-dimensions of Cardiac Care at M

Post11 Jun 2013

Political peace is a separate topic, so I will not discuss it here but there are other examples and approaches than chasing nuclear weapons. Study; "open cities" (such as Paris in WWII), neutral countries, or those like Japan who retain only a defensive force and not an aggressive force, and refuse to develop nuclear weapons. The best way to avoid war is education, not to mess with other nations and extend human rights and democracy.

We've mentioned before but never studied the Brahma Kumaris "3D Healthcare" outreach campaign. Now, I am quite sure that God Shiva does not remove plaque from hardened arteries, and has much better things to be doing with his time, so I am suspecting it arose from three different stimuli:
    a) BKs target wealthy urban dwelling Indians who suffer from more than 3 times the average number of heart diseases than either other nations or the rural poor, largely because of their over-rich diets and lack of exercise.
    b) BKs were dying from it, again due to lack of exercise and poor diet, and something had to be done (a bit like the global hospital).
    c) It was a good avenue to approach high profile, influential and wealthy individuals, to be seen to be doing something. In short, it was just yet another worthy "service device" for the BKs to pursue to chase new adherents.
    d) It was a good way to utilise under-utilised facilities, i.e. teaching and retreat centers, during off peak period.
There's nothing in the Murlis to suggest God Shiva's work is fixing the healthy of lazy, overweight middle class Indians and so the website appears to confirm c). It's just another way of using adherents worldly connections to attract other people to the religion under a guise of some kind of conference or retreat or another. I don't know the history of it, and am willing to learn, but I suspect, like any other service device, it was started by one individual with personal interest or passion it in and just grew from there. If it draws in new supporters and donor

If we look at the website which comes with a "it must be true because we have a picture of India's missile man Kalam on top", it says
Multi-dimensionality to heal human being: The current medical approach addresses only one dimension, the physical body, which might explain why, despite state-of-the-art advancements in the field of medical science, the epidemic of syndrome has not been restrained.

A human being is not one-dimensional. Therefore, a new model of health, ‘Soul-Mind-Body Medicine’, is called for; and Soul-Mind-Body Medicine to address the root causes of syndrome.

RajYoga (The real meditation to get the Willpower) is One and the other Diet, Exercise & medicine are the Zeros which will amplify the fastness to recover your health.

Any incurable disease will heal that 100 % with Rajayoga (1), Diet (0), Exercise (0) but Medicine (0) will make it fast.

Wow. "Any incurable disease" will heal 100% with Brahma Kumari Raja Yoga??? Really? Why is not Science or Nature magazine knocking down the doors of Shantivan to hear about such a miracle.

The over enthusiasm of the BKs' website suggests it is just a service programme, and a highly exaggerated one at that, aimed at another group of vulnerable individuals. And it uses the same old Hindi word play devices
elf awareness:

Healthy = Swasth
Swasth = Swa (inner self/soul) + sth (conscious) approach become the very word incurable

Also means: in + curable: It is 'curable' if we go 'in'.

I think the etymologists might be jumping up and down, shaking their heads at this point too.
moreclearnow wrote:APJ did a lot of work to improve healthcare. I quoted him to show that there is scientific evidence of benefits from BKism promoted lifestyle changes aimed at providing solutions to heart diseases and hundreds of successful treatment cases.

Show me some good scientific papers and specific explanations.

If we are talking about coronary artery diseases. It's simple, 90%+ of the cause is that food and a lack of exercise. 90%+ of the 'cure' is better diet and exercise.

What one would have to do are studies comparing straightforward treatments with whatever the BKs are doing and see how many and how much of a difference there is.

Mind you, the cause of heart disease in India, which effects mostly urban dwellers, is too much wealth to buy too much rich food ... and the BKs can cure that. Their experts at taking wealth away! The poor hardly suffer from heart disease ... they cannot afford to.

Funnily enough, Western BKs had a hell of a time fighting with Indian BKs over issues of food and health in the old days. Western BKs were always complaining/concerned about the quality of food cooked in Madhuban. It was perfect heart attack and diabetes food; too oily, too sweet, over-cooked ... over spicy and so on.

They were told to shut up and forced to eat it ... that their power of Yoga would and should overcome anything. Exercise was looked down upon as "body-conscious", almost forbidden and certainly seen as a waste of time and energy which could be spent on "service" ... and so if the BK lifestyle came back to kill them, I am not surprised.

I remember them even being called "health bhagats" and you know how much of an insult something being called Bhakti or someone a Bhagat is in the BKWSU.

Check out the BKs' CAD booklet ... it's pure BK service including lesson from the 7 Days Course: CAD Booklet. As for why Kalam does it? He enjoys an audience, promotes himself and gets to stay for free in the BKs' presidential bungalow in Abu. He's a Muslim and does not believe in BKism.

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Re: APJ Abdul Kalam on Multi-dimensions of Cardiac Care at M

Post12 Jun 2013

Wholistic health - another example of taking something universal and branding it ©BK.
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Re: APJ Abdul Kalam on Multi-dimensions of Cardiac Care at M

Post12 Jun 2013

BKWSU wrote:"One hundred and twenty three angiographically documented moderate to severe coronary artery disease (CAD) patients were administered healthy and happy lifestyle (HLS) program comprising of low-fat, high-fiber vegetarian diet, moderate aerobic exercise and stress-management through RajYoga meditation."
Pink Panther wrote: - what happens if you leave out the "Raj Yoga" proprietary form and use another meditation?

Good question. Let's look at some comparable studies (it's late and I have only half a brain operating, and so this will be quick and rough).
Coronary heart disease mortality among Seventh-Day Adventists with differing dietary habits: a preliminary report. - Phillips RL, Lemon FR, Beeson WL, Kuzma JW.

In this 6-year prospective study of 24,044 California Seventh-Day Adventists age 35 and over, coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality rates for ages 35 to 64 and 65+ are 28% and 50% respectively of the rates for the same age groups of the total California population.

In the Adventist Mortality Study, heart disease was found to be 66% lower for Adventist men, 98% lower for Adventist women.

The Seventh-Day Adventists are a vegetarian Christian sect and so 'William Miller and Lord Jesus' trumps 'Lekhraj Kirpalani and Lord Shiva' ... bearing in mind that CHD in the California population effects only 7% of whereas it now effects 14% of urban Indians, therefore you can double the differences above.

In short, no big deal on the BK side.

As an aside, its worth noting is that cases of CHD in India have risen from just 1% in 1960 to 14% in 2011, and so the obvious answer might be for Indians to move back to 1960% lifestyle and living standards.

It strikes me that the BK elite could do a lot more by using their power and influence over their adherents to change their lives and health for the better ... but would they do so if it meant risking losing their support? Are they really ready to embrace health evangelists within their movement? I'd like to know what specific diet they are recommending.


  • Posts: 27
  • Joined: 27 Feb 2013

Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post25 Jun 2013

BK_Victim wrote:Similarly, if APJ Kalam supports OR likes spirituality, does not mean he likes or supports or promotes BKsim or their brand of spiritualism or their corrupt practices.

I had personally attended APJ's speech once and I was so inspired just for the fact that I saw him personally. He earned so much respect from me at that time. It has been only growing whenever I saw some news about him.

Today, I have seen APJ's videos with the BK CULT leaders and getting awards/trophies from them. He knows nothing about them and just ran to get on stage with them, to get photos and trophies. I could not believe him falling pray to such cheap CULT organization leaders and their mementos/awards/trophies.

Today he lost my respect.

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