Watching BapDada Milan (meeting with God) at local BK center

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Re: Watching BapDada Milan (meeting with God) at local BK ce

Post21 Feb 2013

Today I received SMS message from my Bankers, and it ends like this ... BK.

I said to myself, bloody hell, these old women even got hold of my bankers, before I realize that the bank started using "BK", as abbreviation to Bank.

I think I should visit this site less frequently ..!!
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Re: Watching BapDada Milan (meeting with God) at local BK ce

Post21 Feb 2013

Did you see, the BKs also own a chain of beef burger fast food cafes? And there was mean thinking mail2sundareee was talking about meeting with God at their local Burger King joint. (Joke ... it must really upset the BKWSO that someone else has trademarked BK before them).

I am sorry to hear you have lost your friend to the BKs, mail2sundareee, and your friend has lost his mind to them.

There is no way to "prove" it is God. The audacity of claiming to be God for at least 14 years as Lekhraj Kirpalani did and claiming to have a monopoly on God as the BKs do is enough to prove it cannot be. Especially when there God makes so many false predictions and claims.

What is amazing is how otherwise perfectly normal or intelligent individuals can fall for it.

Best to just keep being a friend but refuse to have anything to do with the center or discuss their philosophy. When he comes out of it, he will be grateful that you did.

If he has swallowed the hook he will only be interested in "serving you", i.e. converting you. It will become increasingly difficult for him to be just your friend as they will tell him it is bad karma to be attached and so on. They will curtail his normal interests and activities until all he can do is BK service and spout their knowledge.

What is the attraction to him?


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Re: Watching BapDada Milan (meeting with God) at local BK ce

Post22 Feb 2013

Although I agree Gulzar could just do the act under hypnosis by herself now ... and there was that strange confusion this season where she appeared to forget what she was doing and come back for a while ..

WHAT WAS THAT ex-l ? Kindly elaborate this instance for all. mail2sundaree, I can only give my sympathy to you after listening to your story.


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Re: Watching BapDada Milan (meeting with God) at local BK ce

Post24 Feb 2013

One of my relatives died last week. And on hearing this my friend said 'do not worry he (my relative) will be born somewhere in this earth on 16th day of his death'. We (Hindu) used to follow some event/ceremony on 16th day of death.

I hear some people used to tell different stories for that 16th day. I think BKs are telling their own story like all other stories.

They (BKs) should have many such stories (their own God said) for each and every event that we (Hindu) were following.
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Re: Watching BapDada Milan (meeting with God) at local BK ce

Post24 Feb 2013

saveyourlife wrote:WHAT WAS THAT ex-l ?

I think it was discussed on this forum. In the middle of a trance, Gulzar apparently started "channelling" herself confusing the translator complete. There was a video of it on Youtube.

Basically, they were saying that "Gulzar interrupted BapDada", she started talking about herself and then switched back to BapDada mode.

The BKs were never that clear about how their spiritualism/spiritism works. They don't know and no one seems to question enough to get answers. They just accept what they are told. The theory is, Gulzar's souls pops out of her body and goes into suspension in the Subtle Regions, then Lekhraj Kirpalani's soul enters her carrying Shiva's soul with him. Then Shiva speaks through Lekhraj Kirpalani's subtle body ... well, apparently Gulzar started to speak leading people to question was BapDada in Gulzar's body channeling Gulzar's soul?

Of course, our knowledge of the religion has changed somewhat. Ww discovered that there was no mention of Shiva in the religion between 1932 until sometime after 1950. We have no idea about how and when "Shiva" made himself apparent, or why they hushed up it all and re-wrote their history. We also discovered that there was another medium who channeled "Piyu" (The Beloved) who used to sit in seances and tell people what they were thinking, what they had done and speak Murlis.

Now, fair enough, perhaps that was the Shiva soul, perhaps it was a different soul, perhaps it is more than one soul, perhaps there is no god spirit being and it's all made up ... who knows and who can tell? We cannot. That is the nature of spiritualism/spiritism.

With spiritualism/spiritism you can never absolutely tell what is going on ... there is no accountability, no proof ... all you can do is look at the manifestation and from the manifestation tell about the nature of the being, state of mind or whatever the magic is. We cannot even tell if there are another beings for sure, we cannot tell if there are more than one and we cannot tell if there are none.

All we can do is look at the manifestation and decide from there.

What are the morals and ethics ... what is its ambitions ... how accurate is it over a long period of time ... what is the ultimate purpose to their efforts ... etc?

Traditionally schools of Yoga would encourage seekers to study their proposed masters for a considerable time before surrendering to them. We've now examined Lekhraj Kirpalani and his god and their manifestation for sometime ... how do you find them?

What the BKs seem to be doing most now ... in fact also did so so at the beginning ... is dangling the carrot of power and wealth and are attracting the surrender of hungry people to them on the basis.

What is the BKWSU really all about? What are its primary themes? It's driving factors?


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Re: Watching BapDada Milan (meeting with God) at local BK ce

Post11 Jan 2014

on 18 Feb 13 Henry wrote:There is confusion about the role of Dadi Gulzar ... makes sense. Trance mediums are not too common in the Western world. I have been in the meetings and there is no doubt for me that a very powerful being takes over the body of Dadi Gulzar and speaks to and meets with the people in the hall. There is a subtle difference in her face whilst in trance and her voice changes a bit. After the session the soul of Dadi takes over again, the facial expression goes back to normal and the voice returns to what it was before.

Here is how.



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Re: Watching BapDada Milan (meeting with God) at local BK ce

Post14 Jan 2014

It will become increasingly difficult for him to be just your friend as they will tell him it is bad karma to be attached and so on. They will curtail his normal interests and activities until all he can do is BK service and spout their knowledge.

As per my understanding from Murlis, it is not bad karma to be friend with anyone.

Om Shanti
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Re: Watching BapDada Milan (meeting with God) at local BK ce

Post14 Jan 2014

As I said in another post, your "understanding" is worth nothing. We deal with facts and evidence here, not wishful thinking or propaganda.

As a BK one might be able to be polite and friendly with non-BKs but the demands of the religion change the relationship completely. Non-BKs are called bhogis or devils. A pukka BK would have no time for friendships ... unless they were for the ulterior motive of promoting BKism.

Your profile says you are a "exiting BK". That means you are leaving the BKWSU. Is that true? Are you leaving the BKWSU?

How long have you been in The Knowledge?

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