1938 Bhaibund Om Mandli Report & latest BK History Revision

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1938 Bhaibund Om Mandli Report & latest BK History Revision

Post05 Jan 2012

Some individuals in the Western Brahma Kumari Order continue to work on a polished "official history", attempting to resolve many of the anomalies in their religion's published, and oft repeated by academia, history. Meanwhile, the BKWSU in India, for reasons yet unknown, insists on sticking with made up and whitewashed Adi Dev version. One reason for this position was said to be the "tradition of showing respect for their elderly leaders", (i.e. not portraying them to be the pack of liars and manipulators of the truth which they have been for 50 years). Perhaps once they all finally die off the younger ones amongst them might be able to admit what we and even the PBKs have been saying is quite true.

I suppose another is not wanting to re-open dirty wounds caused by the early attitudes of the Brahma Kumari elite towards other religions, attitudes which the current leaders all went along with and which are currently still in the process of being written out of the Murlis and so on.

Much banging on the side of the great Shiv Shakti vessel has elicited a copy of an "Om Mandli Bhaibund Report", dated 1938. Please note, that is not the same as, the "Om Mandli : a true authenticated story about its activities being a reply to 'Is This Justice?'" report by the same Om Mandli Committee, which is dated Hyderabad, 1940 but it is a good start ... and is surprisingly modern in its criticisms of the early Brahma Kumaris. The latter report has yet to turn up yet and we have no idea if it is going to appear in public yet.

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It took ex-BK many years to come to a conclusion much of what the Brahma Kumaris was doing was hypnotism. Amazingly, that is precisely the conclusion the Brahma Kumaris critics in the 1930s came too as well.

No news as yet of the actual events of how Shiva Baba entered the BK canon, nor how and when the old history was decided to be re-written and erased. One has to wonder who misdirected the fantasist BK Jagdish Chander to write his made up versions, and even if he was in on the secrets?

Quite a different picture of the early days is painted giving rise to a far more fair and natural reaction against it. Juicy highlights include:

    Lekhraj Kirpalani paying a Sadhu in Benares to learn spiritualism
    Lekhraj Kirpalani accused of hypnosis which only worked on women, and the BKs as being a cult
    Lekhraj Kirpalani's wife having a foul mouthed attack against the Bhaibund Committee
    Lekhraj Kirpalani lying about and hugging young female followers, supplying them with silks, fragrances and servants
    An improperly trained Om Radhe driving the bus which crashed injuring most passengers, including one amputation, but the Om Mandli sending a telegraph lying that all members were unharmed, and so on.
I find the tone of the document to be fair and accept it to be pretty much accurate and true. It's documentation of the early seances/hypnotic sessions are in line with other independent personal witnesses of events recall them, and quite different to how the BKWSU portrays them. And, yes, Lekhraj Kirpalani was not 60 in 1936, nor did Shiva Baba enter into him then. Why then are all the BKs, and academia, running round repeating that story and what benefit is there is doing so?

Please bear in mind that although this is a rare show of openness from BKWSU adherents, for which we should be grateful, the organization as a whole is still being very conservative about releasing the whole truth. It is still withholding much information.

    One question, who might this "Sadhu in Benares" have been?



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Re: 1938 Bhaibund Om Mandli Report & latest BK History Revis

Post08 Jan 2012

It took ex-BK many years to come to a conclusion much of what the Brahma Kumaris was doing was hypnotism. Amazingly, that is precisely the conclusion the Brahma Kumaris critics in the 1930s came too as well.

It's outrageous what they have done to us.
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Re: 1938 Bhaibund Om Mandli Report & latest BK History Revis

Post09 Jan 2012

I agree.
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Re: 1938 Bhaibund Om Mandli Report & latest BK History Revis

Post18 Jan 2012

For me, accepting that it is a 1930s document, it was written in a second language and, for the most part, the Sind would be 'behind the times' ... the report comes across as rational, reasonable and modern. There is none of the Victorian pompousness, superiority complexes and hyperboles of the equivalent BK documents.

More and more I am taking the position that the Bhaiband Committee was genuinely in the right to be concerned by Lekhraj Kirpalani behavior. Even the "Anti-Party" name is a BK invention and an exaggeration. They were merely the Bhaiband's Om Mandli Committee. A committee set up to investigate and address the problems raised by Lekhraj Kirpalani and the early BKs.

Imagine today if some cult leader caused an accident in which a child had to have their arm amputated ... and tried to cover it up ... there would be outrage. And is it any wonder that when the child abuse reports started to come out of the BKWSU, that they covered those up as well?

    "Child Abuse. All well. Inform parents" ... except they did not. They covered up.
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Re: 1938 Bhaibund Om Mandli Report & latest BK History Revis

Post19 Jan 2012

What I found interesting about the Yagya history document is how twice the former knowledge/Gyan was instructed to be destroyed; once early on, and the second time in 1965, which explains why the early Murlis are not available from the BKs but only 5 years worth 1965 to 1969.

The second thing was how they describe Piyu entering Pushpa to give the early knowledge not Dada Lekhraj.



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Re: 1938 Bhaibund Om Mandli Report & latest BK History Revis

Post22 Jan 2012

And what about this?
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