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Latest Service News

Post30 May 2011

See in the name of "service" BKs make up the most stupid things.

The more they serve, the higher the status. they come running to be Baba's number one ... which they will never be.
Dear BK Family,

Re: New Website for Global Hospital and Research Centre

Global Hospital and Research Centre has now been serving the people of Rajasthan for 20 years. In December 2007 BapDada said, "From the time that Global Hospital was built, the atmosphere in Abu has changed, and everyone is interested that you (BKs) are not just doing spiritual service, but you are also doing social service and also looking after health. So, this impression has continued to change and service has continued to increase".

To help continue this process Adopt a Department was launched and a new web site ( developed to give people ideas how they can assist the hospital with its work and to give current updates on our achievements.

We would appreciate any feedback about the website. Feedback can be given via our Facebook page: or directly to Br Stephen

In Baba’s Yaad,

Global Hospital and Research Centre



The Green Angel Initiative in Greece, under the umbrella of the Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative organized programmes in Thessaloniki, Xanthi, Chios and Athens. Sister Sonja from Denmark visited these places as the Green Angel coordinating retreats, seminars and talks. Different souls play this part of the Green Angel according to request, speciality and need. They fly to different places giving the message about the eco-seeds, spirituality and its links with Mother Nature.

The project began in Greece, creating its own blog, based on the idea that the original seed of every individual, each city, each country has a unique spirit that when tapped into can release a uniqueness that enriches humanity. These eco seeds are both spiritual and physical. Each participating city in Greece has selected a plant for the year that symbolises various specialties. The cultivation and care needed for physical seeds and plants so that they grow well and fully express requires the same respect, care and understanding necessary for the cultivation of the seeds of human thought, relationships and well-being.

In Thessaloniki on April 10 a day retreat on “Simple Living in Harmony” was organized in Baba’s centre and conducted by Sister Sonja. For the participants the keynote realizations included that before change in lifestyle can happen a change in awareness and understanding is needed. On 13 April a volunteer women’s club, XEN, which is an NGO and a member of the international YWCA also organized a workshop on the same theme. They liked it so much that the 40 participants will come to Baba’s house for a workshop on “The Green Angel’s Footprint”.

Follow up programmes on yogic farming are planned at the American Farm School, an independent, non-profit educational institution founded in 1904 to serve rural population in Greece and the Balkans. Also a proposal is being submitted to the open University of Thessaloniki offering a series of workshops and seminars on “Environment, Lifestyle and Consciousness.

The eco seed selected by Thessaloniki was the original wheat grain of the area, which they grew in small pots and distributed to the participants of the retreat. This strain of wheat symbolizes nourishment, strength and generosity. In Xanthi the topic taken up was “How to live in Harmony with Mother Nature”. The main idea was that care and respect was not only necessary towards people but also to the environment, this combination is the basis of true harmony.

The BK centre Xanthi will take part in an annual international Seed Festival on April 30 in the nearby city of Drama. The Greek organizers, Peleti, have been running a seed bank for many years and distribute organic seeds to all people including farmers. The BKs have been given a stand for the Green Angel Initiative. The plant chosen by Xanthi is the rose and they will give rose plants and also plant in playgrounds, parks, hospitals, terrace pots etc. throughout the city.The rose symbolizes beauty, sweetness and love.

On the island of Chios Sister Sonja gave a talk to a small group at the Green Angel House, built on a large area of land which has been developing organic farming. The talk centred on how scientists look and evaluate nature and the elements and how spirituality sees nature and the elements. Spirituality, especially the ancient traditions have a reverent inclusive approach whereas the modern scientific approach has fragmented the essential organic wholeness of nature with quite disastrous results.

Baba’s Green Angel room had a vase of red tulips which grow wild in Chios. The tulip was chosen as the plant symbolizing hope, love and sacrifice. A public lecture was held were the full cycle of life and nature was described with the emphasis on the 5th age where we go into ourselves and to the Original Seed to find the new energy to start all over again.

The final weekend on 16 and 17 April in Athens was dedicated to how we can make our environment greener by taking into consideration the inner dimension along with the outer.

In Baba’s bookshop ”The Silent Point” a gathering was held with a small group of people on “Ecology-Awareness ... observing the self and nature”. This gathering brought together inspirations and practices of different people from different groups who have adjusted their lives according to their ethical values and co-relation between all the living energies that Mother Nature has.

All participants presented their eco activity for about 5 to 10 minutes each. A person from the island of Evia has created a large green space based on simple organic living with a plan to make a one year self-sufficient calendar by laying down the principle of trading. Another from the island of Syros is experimenting with permaculture and eco-exhibits while creating programs to rise children’s eco awareness with the motto “Know-Love-Protect”.

Two people from the Action Aid Organisation are working on human rights and children’s poverty and are running campaigns to motivate children on eco-awareness. Another participant from southern Greece is working practically on her vision”Hopeland”, an eco-community where the houses are made of straw bails and land is cultivated with biodynamic practices with the hope that children can relearn forgotten truths from and about nature. All of these people will keep contact and interact with the Green Angel.

Sonja finally presented that spirituality makes the connection between the physical and non-physical by raising our awareness on the impact that consciousness has on the environment, as our way of thinking creates the world around us. And the theme of the day retreat was “The Laws of Nature ... how do we tune into them?” The plant of Athens was the olive tree which symbolizes peace, prosperity and victory, it was the special tree of the goddess Athena, the goddess of Wisdom.

Among the Brahmin family the most prevalent message that the Green Angel brought was that environment and spirituality are very close relatives and the link between the two can play a very complementary, unifying part in raising people awareness and bringing the shift that the world now needs.


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Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations: BKUN Internship and Prakashmani Scholarship

The Brahma Kumaris office at the United Nations is offering Brahma Kumaris students from around the world the opportunity to gain work experience at the Brahma Kumaris office at United Nations headquarters in New York for 2‐3 months. This internship opportunity is supported by the Prakashmani Scholarship, which contributes a substantial monetary gift towards travel and living costs, for the intern. The internship program and the financial support of the scholarship have both been created in honour of our beloved Dadi Prakashmani (1922‐2007).

To qualify for the Prakashmani Internship Program, the following conditions must be met:

    • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. There is no upper age limit.
    • Applicants must be fluent or near fluent in English.
    • Adherence to the life principles of the Brahma Kumaris for at least 12 months.
The purpose of the Prakashmani Internship Program

    • To provide a framework by which dedicated BK students from diverse backgrounds may gain experience in applying spiritual knowledge to global concerns.
    • To expose BKs from diverse background to the work of the United Nations and NGOs
    • To provide the Brahma Kumaris office at the United Nations with the assistance of qualified, skilled BKs and special interests relevant to our work, as well as administrative support.
Interns provide much‐needed assistance to the BKUN office, bringing with them experience from their country, as well as new ideas born from the perspective of a new generation. In turn, the Prakashmani Internship provides a framework by which BK students coming from diverse academic and cultural backgrounds may enhance and enrich their education through seeing the values of deep spiritual philosophy and practice in a diverse international setting.

In keeping with our aim of serving the world with humility and compassion, this internship is designed to foster diversity of thought and promote life‐long qualities of leadership, tolerance and respect in an increasingly interdependent world. To express your interest and receive an application form, please send an email to ‘’. Include your full name, country of residence and email address. We will then send you the application form, which outline all the requirements in detail. Completed applications must be submitted by 1 June 2011, so please send in your request as early as possible.

Om Shanti
Baba's blessing Green Angel Project [600].jpg


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Re: Latest Service News

Post30 May 2011

"Break your bones in service" ... they say Baba said.

Take it from me, ANY BK, should be ashamed of him or herself. Right to the point. "Hit the target" ... you'll be hit right back building up all this bad karma for a fake God.


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Re: Latest Service News

Post04 Oct 2011

Dadi Janki - Welcome Programme - Nairobi, Kenya – 23rd September 2011 – 6.30 pm

The Time is NowWhatever needs to be done, do it now. The one who inspires us to act is above. We are simply instruments. Dadi gets her energy to act and takes inspiration from Baba, Mama, Dadi Kumarka, Didi and Chandramani Dadi.

Who should you see first? See yourself first. See Baba and then see the family. The praise of the Confluence Age is increasing with every day. Every day brings with it new experiences. The Yagya is now celebrating the Platinum Jubilee – 75 years of service and recently UK celebrated 40 years of service. After Baba became Avyakt, Didi gave a lot of inspiration for service outside India. Didi told Jagdishbhai that now that Baba has become Avyakt, we need to show Baba to the whole world. Jagdishbhai used to ask me to make plans for service outside India.

Easy Yoga

Dadi says “I am not Dadi”. I am simply a student. I am a child of God. The aim is simply to give the proof of being God’s child by becoming worthy. Baba used to say see the Father and follow the Father. Dadi never forgets that. When we are able to see and follow the Father, then everything becomes easy and we are able to automatically have Yoga. Raja Yoga becomes natural. There is no need to make effort. It is about a connection of the heart. When you love someone, there is no effort.

Our role is not to see mistakes but to see only pearls. We have to become the embodiment of what Baba is teaching us. What is Yoga? It is to make the intellect so clean and pure that it can connect with Baba. Where there is cleanliness and purity, then there is peace and then the intellect becomes elevated. Make a promise to yourself from the heart to become pure, clean and peaceful. This is the way to become blissful. To be the embodiment of knowledge means to be the embodiment of love and peace. Then I am able to become powerful. This is Yoga. It is not Yoga when we say one thing and in the practical form we are something else.

There should be such power of peace within us then whoever comes in front of us is also able to become peaceful. Peace draws power. We have to create such a constant stage. There should be no fluctuation inside. What is inside gets reflected on the outside. We need to be stable and balanced.

My Place Is In Baba’s Heart

We only need to sit on the heart of the Comforter of Hearts – One Baba. Ask yourself if your heart is clean and truthful? If there is no cleanliness in your heart then truth will not present. The Innocent Lord Shiva is the Bestower of blessings. In one second, go into the heart of Baba. There is no other place for me. If you ask Baba, “Where are your children?”, Baba will say “The children are in my heart”. When you ask the children, “where is Baba?” The answer should be Baba is in my heart.

Three Types of Souls

There are three types of souls. (Dadi used the metaphor of the different types of soldiers – maharathi – the warrior who rides an elephant; the horse riders and the foot soldiers). We say that someone is a maharathi because they are powerful. The example of the elephant is given. The elephant is powerful but if something as small as an ant enters its ears then the elephant can become unconscious. In the same way, we do not have to listen to anything that will make us unconscious. When you are riding a horse, you need to keep the reins in check and control the horse. Our mind needs to be in our control for only then can we overcome the vices. We have to control our five senses.

It is easy to become arrogant and think that I have reached the stage of a maharathi. Dadi gives this advice to everyone that let these eyes and ears only see and hear what Baba says. If you see only Baba through your eyes, then Baba will keep you in his eyes. We have to become bodiless and we have to be trustees. To be a complete trustee means not to have even the slightest thought that anything belongs to me. There is an old saying that the mind is drawn to where one’s wealth is. That is why Baba says Manmanabhav – give your mind to Baba, then everything that belongs to you – your body and wealth will be used in a worthwhile way. A foot soldier is one whose mind gets distracted by material wealth and relationships.


Mama taught us to be the embodiments of knowledge and peace. Brahma Baba used to listen to what Shiva Baba was teaching, reflect and churn over The Knowledge and then share with others. Brahma Baba’s intellect was so clean. His example of surrender is remembered. Even when he was a diamond merchant, everyone used to go his shop because they trusted Brahma Baba because of his honesty. Honesty pulls the heart of God. It is through such honesty that the world is being served.

Time is short. We now need to become the garland around Baba’s neck. Deep from within, make yourself ready and worthy to part of the garland. Baba is our mother. Baba has taken us into his lap and is giving us nectar. We should remember Baba in such a way that on seeing us others also start to remember Baba. To be a yogi means to also be a cooperative soul. If you give cooperation, you become an easy yogi. Global Cooperation House in London, Global Museum in Nairobi and Global Hospital in Mount Abu are all the miracles of cooperation. Our only business is to be yogi and to give the hand of cooperation.

Making Decisions

Keep the mind pure and peaceful, then you get the signals of the right thoughts about what you have to do. Dadi is often asked how does Dadi takes decisions. In any situation, Dadi stays in silence for one minute and then the response comes. Sometimes the response is “Yes” or “No” or sometimes the response is “wait and see”. Dadi remembers that when Dadi was in Pune, the centre was very small and Dadi told Baba that this house is very small. Baba said “It will happen”. We need to have faith that it will happen. Do not have thoughts about how will it happen. It will happen. Simply become a trustee and become bodiless. Baba is the supreme benefactor and Baba makes the children the world benefactors.

Receiving Help

When there is courage, help is received. In your heart, carry the teachings of Baba. the sustenance received from Baba and the attainments from Baba. When you do this, Baba automatically makes you his helper. We do not have to beg for help and power. Where do we receive power from? Never leave your courage and help is received. Baba is happy with a clean heart. Always ask your heart, what will please Baba? Then only do what will please Baba. There should be no one but Baba in my heart, mind, thoughts and in my attitude. This is the real promise and it is with such a promise that I will pass. If you have such an aim then your aim will carry you to your destination and you will become the embodiment of that aim.

The Power of Sustenance

Give the sustenance you have received to others. When you sustain others in this way, they automatically do service and they will automatically have Yoga. No one will then look at their watches or fall asleep. Share what you have received with others.

Make your intellect a yogi intellect and give cooperation through your actions. It is not enough to just speak. There are many who can lecture and give class. Baba would always ask “Did the arrow strike the heart?” When we keep Baba in front of us and extend the hand of cooperation, everything is possible. The situation of the world is changing fast. Whatever you wish to do, do it now. We do not know what tomorrow will bring.


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Re: Latest Service News

Post04 Oct 2011

Dadi Janki Class – Mauritius 27 September 2011

My Baba, Lovely Baba, Thank you Baba, seeing this beautiful creation (Rachna), the creation of Baba, the creator is being remembered automatically. So as from today no one can say how should I remember Baba? Baba says ‘look at the creation’. Whose creation is this? How much can I praise Chandra Ben. I have not stayed with her but I do know her. Who can mention the qualities of Chandra Ben? I cannot hear properly and she cannot see properly but we are doing everything that Baba makes us do. Baba Karankaravanhar (The doer), the Satguru never forgets His children. We remember Him or not but He do so a lot. Baba remembers the children a lot. Wherever it is, He becomes presen t for the children. (Dadi presented a gift to Chandra Ben: A photo of Chandra Ben with Sakar Baba and Mama).

Sweet Baba sweetened us with Om Shanti. Has every one become sweet? Is there any bitterness in anyone? How bitter we were? In Karachi some vegetables were bitter, so Baba found some method to make the bitter sweet. In the same way in the world there are many facilities, relationships but no one has the power to hear bitter words. The one who has to say will do so, but the listener can’t accept those bitter words. Our sweet Baba has the feelings that we children become truthful, firm and sweet (Sacha, Pakka, Mitha). Those who are truthful become firm and those who are firm become sweet. The truthful one will become firm and won’t shake. Baba adopted a stage of being unshakeable and immovable. Baba worked so hard. You are eating the fruit of his hard work now. What have we done? We did the work of a gardener. Baba says: ‘What does a gardener do?’ He looks after the garden. It is the kindness of the Master that He has given us such service through which the thorns are becoming flowers. Chandra Ben has done the service of making thorns into flowers. One is transforming the thorns into flowers and the other is to make others like the lotus flower detached and loving. Many who are in family life are like the lotus flower. There is lots of praise for the lotus flower. Vishnu has four arms. Baba has given us four arms too. Brahman is one who holds the Swadarshanchakra (discus) in his right hand. I am a soul, the spinner of the discus. Those who spin the discus are free from looking at others. By spinning the discus, the whole cycle comes in front of us. We souls are with Baba in The Cycle. We played our part in the whole cycle and now we are in the Confluence Age (Sangam Yug) Baba is infront of us. We are sitting infront of Him. We are listening to Baba’s Murli. We are the same as last cycle. Who are those devotees who receive the fruit of their devotion? There are many types of devotees in the world. Those who were separated from God. The soul and the Supreme Soul were separated so long. There is an urge to have a vision of God. They are not those who are happy with a little. They sing the praise of Baba in the whole cycle. They don’t do so in Satyug. Baba has already given us the kingdom in Satyug, so we don’t sing His praise there. We are the practical proof in Satyug. They remember how we stayed and ruled in Satyug. We are that. This is the fruit of Bhakti. We are the children of Baba. Baba mentioned in several Murlis that the children should have the same praise as the Father. They sing the praise of Baba in Bhakti who made us like that. I can see how much effort has Baba did to make us like this. Baba has worked so hard on us, so we must become so sweet that Baba is happy with us. Sometimes I feel pity for Baba. He always stays in Shanti Dham, the world beyond sound (Soul World). When He comes into sound in front of us, we should at least Silver Age tisfy Him. Throughout the whole cycle he stays beyond sound. I say Baba come with us in Satyug! and Baba says ‘No I won’t!’. Baba you made us worthy of the kingdom in Satyug, please come with us and Baba says no. Baba says ‘if I come in Satyug, then I will have to come in Kalyug also.’ Baba is ever worshiped worthy. We become worshiper from worshiped worthy. By spinning The Cycle, there is enlightenment of knowledge. The Knowledge of Drama made us powerful. Each soul has its own part. Be a detached observer. The Knowledge of the creator makes us His companion and The Knowledge of Drama makes us observer. The rain is for those who are with their beloved. Baba once told me to do Murli class. I told Baba, how could I do Murli. Baba said play the song (Jo piya ke sath hai ounce liye barsaat hai..) then you will be able to run the Murli class by yourself. Baba has given the meanings of different songs in the Murli. Yesterday there was the song ‘mehfil mei jal outhi shama…’ This is the time to die for the Supreme Soul. ‘Sraad’ in over and now Navratree is coming. Now you have become worshiped worthy. ‘Sraad is offered to the Brahman’. Baba feeds the Brahman and give them new life. Drama is wonderful. With this knowledge we are like the lotus flower. We spin the discus and by churning, reflecting and remembering The Knowledge (Manan, Chintan, Simaran) we become victorious and become like a lotus flower. The ‘Shankh Dhwani’, the sound of the shell is very sweet from far away. No matter how much music is played, but the sound of the shell unlocks the intellect of many. So lovely Baba, sweet Baba who transforms thorns into flowers. When Baba was in Puna, he played the song ‘You have love for thorns and the flowers too’ (teri kanton se bhi pyaar…). Whoever comes to Baba, He never says that the child is like that or like this. He is my child. BY telling my, He made us pure. These days Baba says in Murli to know Him, recognise Him as He is the Almighty Authority and the Purifier. You heard the Murli of Sunday. Our Father is the Almighty Authority so there cannot be any weakness in us. The one who has God as his companion, never fears the storms. That one is fearless (nirbhay) and Worriless (Nirvair). There is no feeling hatred for anyone (dwesh bhavna). If we have love for someone, we do only what he likes. In Sunday’s Murli Baba told us to make a promise. I said that I won’t make any promise. I noticed that if we make a promise and do not fulfil it then we have to repent for that. That is why we should have peaceful, pure, elevated (Shant shoudh, Shresth) determined thoughts. The essence of the blessings in Murli is determined thoughts. Baba sees if a child does everything with heart, never makes excuses, He fulfil the thoughts of that child. Those who are truthful are firm. Once Avyakt Baba said that the Father (Shiva) is the benefactor and the children are World Benefactors. I never knew that Baba will send me for world service.&n bsp; Chandra Ben is very Good. She was in Canada. I thought that if Chandra ben stays here (in Mauritius) it will be good. She is so firm. She did not move from here. She made you all like the bees. She got direct sustenance from Mama and Baba. There is three things: Sustenance, Study and attainments. Baba has adopted us and sustained us. Baba has created the Yagya for us Children to look after it. Shiv Baba came, made Brahma Baba surrender and created the Yagya. Wherever there is Baba’s home, there is Yagya. Never say it is a centre but Baba’s Yagya. We are Brahmins the ones doing Yagya seva. Brahmins are the Shiv Shakti Army. You took power from the Father and gained victory over Maya.&n bsp; Ravan is Maya. Baba is the one who made us victorious over Maya. We are Shakti Army. Where do we take power from? Everyone has got the power of Tapassya with Tyag (renunciation) in their hearts that is why they are doing service. Renunciation is incognito. Our eyes should not be drawn anywhere else. (Kahan ankh na doube). No one can give us as much as Baba. That is why I like Tapassya very much. There are three things in Tapassya: Baba says (1) May you be bodiless. (2) May you be soul conscious means whilst doing action, you stay free from body consciousness. I the soul am separate from this body. This body is not mine. Mine is Baba. Leave the arrogance of body. When you free yourself from the attachment to this body, then you will be bodiless. I am the master of this body. The soul was trapped in body consciousness. Perform every actions in soul consciousness. We had the bodily bondages and now with the stage of soul consciousness we became free from bondages. God says to be soul conscious. ‘I make karm yogis not karm sanyasis’. First consider yourself to be a soul, then a karm yogi. Some say they will keep balance. Balance is the task of the sensible ones. They will not cheat themselves. There should be remembrance in action. It should not be that we get busy doing physical actions and get trapped in relations. In our relationships, we must be free from bondage. First is soul consciousness, (2) going beyond, we staying up above from what is happening down, is good. Drama is good. Baba says: sit with me. Sit with Shiv Baba and become like Brahma Baba, an observer. Brahma Baba became Avyakt and gave sustenance in an Avyakt form. Many children say that they do not feel that they did not get sustenance from Sakar Baba. Brahma Baba has the speciality of remaining Avyakt while in Sakar form. Baba does everything. Sakar Baba never said, he has to become Bapsaman. We have to follow Baba. ‘See Father follow Father’. See Shiv Baba, follow Brahma Baba. Since Baba became Avyakt, he keeps on saying become Bapsaman, become Bapsaman. To become Bapsaman there is only one mantra – Manmanabhava. Always have the mantra of Manamanabhav and the yantra ( engine) of becoming Bapsaman. Brahma Baba used to say do not remember me. I say I can’t remember Shiv Baba without you.

Poem by Hansa Behn for Dadi

Rajni Ben sowed the seed
See how The Tree has grown
Dadi served with her bones
She gave her life for service
Never concerned about food
Whether eaten or not
She served with so much of life
See the expansion now
She picked up door from the road
To make her bed
Which became useful to read Murli
Never had she worn shoes or coat
She travelled by train and bus.
Walking wearing slippers (Chappal)
She became victorious over matter
Connecting everyone to Baba
She never trapped anyone in her
Baba chose us for the unlimited service
Dadi did service from the heart
Baba embraced her
Accepting the systems of the foreign countries
She became famous in the world.
Even God salute her
She never wasted a penny
For she did the donation of knowledge
The whole world is singing her praise
God himself is showering flowers on you.

Poem by Hansa Ben for Didi Chandra

Today is a very special day.
I salute you.
Your greatness is limitless
You walk along so humbly
Even God’s eyes goes on you.
You have blessed Mauritius.
You are such a great soul
The honour of Mauritius.
Baba made you sit on the throne
We hoisted the flag of happiness
You give everyone courage and enthusiasm
You became the special friend of Dadi
You rule over everyone’s hearts
We salute you with our eyes closed.
Multimillion times salutation from our heart.

With unlimited thanks and divine regards, Sister Sangeeta. On behalf of Sister Chandra,
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Mr Green


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Re: Latest Service News

Post04 Oct 2011

that is not poetry

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