The Cycle, belief in identical world events every 5000 years

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The Cycle of Time.

Post07 May 2006

Cycle of Time

Well worth a read.

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Re: The Cycle of time.

Post08 May 2006

Well worth a read.

I looked at the site. The writer is a journalist who is a BK.

The fact that she says there is no evidence for evolution has nothing to do with whether there is evidence or not. Actually there is excellent evidence.

Believing the BK cosmology, one is forced to conclude, "all these scientists are befuddled idiots." Not true! Similarly, because we have the exclusive "missing link" of the spiritual jigsaw puzzle -- BK knowledge of the precise nature of the soul and God -- we can progress spirituality in ways where others of all previous traditions have struggled and failed. Also not true!

The force of judgment, the way it leads you to negate others, ultimately leads to negating of the self, since you expect others to judge you as harshly as you are judging them.

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Post11 May 2006

Interesting site, nice quotes, nice pictures, a few reasonable articles, but as usual with all BK related issues ... quite limited, it's just another re-hash of the 7 day course with all the usual suspects absent - no mention or justification of a 5,000 year cycle, no analysis of population discrepancies, no mention of the planet recovering almost instantly from nuclear devastation, no new insights into the role of the deity etc etc etc ... just the same old rubbish prettied up a bit, lacking any kind of objectivity, vague, brief and as porous as a wooley jumper.

Jim Brady
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Post11 May 2006

i feel glad to say in all my time as a BK i never felt convinced by The Cycle, what a load of twaddle
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Post12 May 2006

I think if you torture the 'scientific data' enough you can get it to confess to anything.

My money's on the 5.000 cycle. I just don't trust scientists.
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Post12 May 2006

John wrote:My money's on the 5,000 cycle. I just don't trust scientists.

I'll have £50 on that :lol:
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The Cycle

Post13 May 2006

Mr Green wrote:i feel glad to say in all my time as a BK i never felt convinced by The Cycle, what a load of twaddle

I have to say that I agree with you. Not just on the length but also on the primary school level logic that is applied to how such a transformation could take place.

Do you remember, the pictures of Krishna sitting on top of a cut out India floating alone in the middle of a global ocean with all the charred bones of nuked Billions and chopped up Hindus from the bloodbaths of India pressumably neatly swept under the carpets or washed away under the sea?

Like you, I was willing to put aside my reserves about this and other parts of The Knowledge because I wanted to believe in the BKs on the basis of the example of a spiritual community that they gave, i.e. harmonious, peaceful, vegetarian, no smokers, no drinking, very disciplined in comparison to other groups.

To be honest, I did not really believe in " The Knowledge ". It is ridiculous and the intellectual basis for it within the community of BKs, especially the Seniors, is none existant. My feeling is that it is just a well designed series of mental plugs intended to shut enough of the mind down in order that it be used for the psychic channelling of whatever the so-called Shiva is up to.

One cannot " know " it is true, one can only suspend disbelief and invest faith in it gambling that it might be true.

We all know that there was " The Dinosaur Question ". That probably did not matter to the Bharatwasis, they probably did not know such things existed anyway.

What is interesting is that in order to continue believing, I had to create for myself my own private " sub-beliefs " to sustain faith in the organisation.

I used to ask simple questions such as, " if there are an unlimited number of Cycles and each cycle a man goes off to the moon and plants a flag [ to say nothing of the hundreds of tonnes of space junk being launched into outer space ], how is it that slowly all the resources on Plant Earth used to make them do not slowly diminish away to nothing? " How do they get the flag on the moon back? Why are the foot prints not still there when Neil Armstrong arrives? How is all the space junk recovered and put back in place for the next Cycle?

Of course, it cannot be, so there has to be another answer. What is it ... and why could it not be asked?

At this point the B.K. starts to be confronted by the less than subtle mind control within the BKWSU. The answers that you are given, the peer and senior pressure, is to put you down for asking. To shut you up and stop you rocking the boat. I can remember some very public humiliations at the hands of the Seniors. Even the so called " God " of B.K. would not give an answer.

You are " not answered ", told " just have more Yoga " ... " remember Baba " ... " spin The Cycle ". It was infantile or infantising [ if there is such a word ] garbage. Worse, if you started to come up with some theories either scientific or mystical. That was then " Manmat " and you immediately became an untrustworthy pariah or were reduced to being a " character ". Belief in Manmat, thinking independently, was death for the soul and death within the community.

Only those that dumbed down happily and towed the party line were rewarded.

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Post16 May 2006


Ex-lent points made. I couldn't agree more with you. Keep on posting!
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Post16 May 2006

jim brady wrote:Ex-lent points made. I couldn't agree more with you. Keep on posting!


Its funny but in English, at least, the noise a sheep makes is Ba-ba. We talk about " ba-ba lambs " and there is the famous children's or satirical poem " Baa-Baa Black Sheep ".

As soon as I hear a BK saying, " Baba says ... " spin The Cycle for example, I think of a human being having turned off their mental faculties and become a sheep in a big flock just looking up in a stupor at one making sheep noises. Baba says ... Baa-baa says .. Baa-Baa.

It is infantilising. What does " spin The Cycle " mean? The BKs takes such pleasure in parroting what they have heard. In fact, I will go as far to say, the Bharatwasis especially love their little one or two line English language rhyming ditties and pass that off as deep " knowledge ".

" Spin The Cycle or it will spin you " they would say. OK. Tell me how the Advance Party or Golden Age deities get Mariner satellite back from the orbit of Pluto? Why then, cycle after cycle, does the orbit around PLuto not filled with metal?

There could be another answer, I am loathed to encourage would be BKs or anyone to consider it but it equally does not fill into BK Knowledge [tm] and that is that at the end of each Cycle the entire material universe has to disintegrate. Matter has to recycle in a some cosmic " Big Bang" kind of thing. But that does not fit in with their infantile pictures of Baby Krishna being born and lots of white engineers, nuclear scientist and cable engineers running around the Golden Age construction site.
    • Can you really have a Golden Age when the ground under your feet is full or partly decomposed corpses and bones?
    • Do the Advance Party magic away the nuclear waste?
    • Filter the land and seas of toxic poisons with a wand?
    • Oh, take the Kali Yuga litter down off Everest
    • AND establish an entire balanced sympathetic ecosphere of plants and animals within 30 years or less?
Folks ... are your alarm bells not ringing!?!

This is the domination of intelligence that the Seniors within BKWSU is riding on. When you see their pictures of a white sari-ed BK riding on the back of a tiger, that tiger is logic and reason which has been entirely subdued, its natural instincts supressed.

It is almost as if The Cycle is the mental test that this entity called Shiva [tm] uses to see if the individual is gullible enough to dupe into not questioning and believing in anything.
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spinning heads

Post18 May 2006

If I am eternal and matter/nature is also, what does it matter how long The Cycle is? The 5,000 year cycle reffers to a cycle for human souls (?). Rather than thinking in terms of an on going situation, what if the soul goes beyond time, completely, as it does, then simply drops back in again at the accurate point in the drama. It would also explain the need for all to be purified.

"Spinning The Cycle" is , in my experience, a very powerful method for becomming detached from time / space / lives , if practiced properly. Perhaps it can only be taught well by those who have mastered the technique, hence the confusion/lack of understanding.

Spinning The Cycle is not about re-playing history in our minds, though this could be part of it, but only to bring about that detached experience. So, spinning The Cycle is more to do with experiencing than basic dry knowledge. Is not ALL spiritual knowledge ?
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Re: spinning heads

Post18 May 2006

sparkal wrote:The 5,000 year cycle reffers to a cycle for human souls(?). Rather than thinking in terms of an on going situation,what if the soul goes beyond time,completely,as it does,then simply drops back in again at the accurate point in the drama. It would also explain the need for all to be purified.

This is one of the commonn "BK Revisionist" theories; that there is a 5,000 year cycle but that it only applies to human beings and that Time and Space continues on in a straight line or perhaps an even longer cycle.

The human beings drop in to Time and Space, travel along it, are pulled out, then transport back in time to the identical starting point as before to repeat. It fits the Hindu idea of a short repeating 5,000 year Cycle within a sort of acceptable Western quasi-scientific frame of mind.

It is not supported by the BKWSU, not one that their God has proposed and, of course, cant be proven. Perhaps you had better explain in detail what you mean by the practise of "spining The Cycle".

The "more to do with experiencing than basic dry knowledge" is a popular BKWSU tact. Avoid the absolute and turning to unexplained subjectivism. Feelings and sentiments rather than answerable facts.
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The Cycle and Science

Post22 May 2006

If we live in a cyclic universe then why don't we discover relics of our past?

For instance plastics are supposed to take a long time to degrade so we should have been digging up relics of ourselves from previous cycles? Of course, after a big explosion I would expect a lot to be lost but there would have to be some relics.

More to the point the early Sisters and a few Brothers had God living in their house for (how long?). It did not occur to any of them to ask some serious Science questions? Give me just 10 mins and I would have the Universe sorted! Knowledge is all about understanding in detail - so let's have the detail - no Hindu myths! I want to know about sub-atom particles, what makes up the Soul, other life forms in the Universe etc etc.

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Post29 May 2006

A very good question to ask, destruction should take such intensity that it is understandable that not much can be left, and most of the world is supposed to go underwater for at least 2500 years, quite a lot for things to be desintegrated. I also imagine that their will be such purity of thought in Golden Age that everything is cleaned thoroughly.
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Post29 May 2006

If everything went under water for 2500 years (except a few places) then the animals woldl be adapted to these places and when the earth re-emerged from it's slumber they would only have a few years to spread to other parts of the world and re-adapt. Same with humans - Indians have dark skins after all.

The Wooly Mammoth for example, he would look a bit out of place in the Golden Age though an elephant may not. What about a Polar bear or arctic fox? There simply cannot be a cycle or if there is one it has to be much longer than 5000 years. Radioactive waste is hazardous for hundreds of thousands of years. Not to mention the fall-out after the Nuclear bombs hit us.

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Post30 May 2006

This is true that all this seems to be like a fairy tale but I'd rather hold on to it. Because we leave in kalyug, which means an age of lies, all what has been said in the scientific world is no exception. For example, the carbon 14 has now for long been proved itself to be totally unreliable. For example, some rocks or objects that were dated thousands of years old, were finally proven to be from the fifties, this is what I remember from an interesting article from a Retreat magazine (so my example is very approximate).

Because science follows the same path as any other branch in society, where everything is lead by economy, so needs to be sold to receive funding, now the motivation that underlays anything (project, product, idea...) is to make it sensational, interesting, appealing, with results...and the carbon 14 is the same, it was convenient for the scientific world to have such a good tool that would prove so many things, like this squeleton is our ancestor and is dated an extraordinary amount of years.

There are many example about how false the world we live in is. This is why I am trying to make sense of the story of The Cycle and make sense of it. Because I am coloured by this world, it is also hard for me to figure out how that works. But lets imagine that it goes like that: With the nuclear power that would have nearly destroyed the planet but not quite, come a small age of glaciation, which is a scenario predicted by scientists.

During this time, there are a few souls, who would be in such intense meditation, totally soul conscious, focused with God, that they are able to maintain their body in a sort of hibernating state, and breath the minimum so they are not affected by the radiations around. During that time animals like mamouth, etc. might have existed until the planet becomes again a paradise, with perfect nature. I think that nature is now in such a state because the mental state of the human beings is so degraded. when all trace of evil and vices would have dissapeared, then the purification of the earth would be much easier and quicker, in a way that is beyond our understanding.

Have you ever heard of quantum physics, this is a fascinating discovery of science, that has existed since the beggining of the 20th century, but people cannot manage to accept it, even if they use it to build lasers, and make atom bombs with it. this science proves that the mind affects the reality that is around us, in a tangible way.


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