Tennyson Road and the 1976 Prediction of Destruction

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Tennyson Road and the 1976 Prediction of Destruction

Post01 May 2009

Just a small footnote in the financial history of the Brahma Kumaris ... most readers will know by now that leading up to 1976 BapDada, the spirits the Brahma Kumaris inform their followers are the God of all religions, predicted that Destruction was going to happen that year. It was taken very serious amongst the followers. Many left when it failed and the failure was later put down to "Baba testing the BKs" and "The Children ... not making enough efforts". Usual twaddle that has been repeated since.

I cant remember which month of 1976 it was meant to happen in, perhaps others around at that time can remind us, but I was interested to discover that according to 'Title NGL91399' held at the Land Registry office, 96 Tennyson Road, Kilburn ... where BK "service" in the West started ... was purchased for the Brahma Kumaris on

    ... 26 March 1976.

When I write the "failure" of Destruction, perhaps it was not a failure at all ... I wonder how many followers handed over their wealth in order to increase their status in the Golden Age that year and where it all went? Who paid for Tennyson Road?

I am naive to find it remarkable that on one hand "God" and the leadership were telling their adherents that the End of the World was going to come and, on the other hand, they were buying Freehold property in one of the most expensive property markets in the world; London ... and in a country that was going to imminently sink beneath the oceans?

The owners being 'The Trustees of the World Renewal Spiritual Trust' went on to buy number 98 too (11 St Gabriel's Road was bought in 6 October 1978). No picture of Tennyson Road, but here is St Gabriel's Road. Looks humble enough from the front but seemingly worth £1,000,000 plus.

11-St-Gabriels.jpg (30.59 KiB) Viewed 3676 times

peter de


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Re: Tennyson Road and the 1976 Prediction of Destruction

Post04 Jun 2009

Who said that per Baba's knowledge England will vanish beneath the ocean? I remember Baba's saying us that England in the Golden Age will be a "picnic spot" for the deities to visit in their vemanas (airplanes).

I feel with you Brother and give the following example: I am now for 12 years renovating a small work house. The idea that it is all meant for Destruction very soon is often not encouraging. I just read the 1976 Destruction Murli in your Library (this time I took the complete version and the copy is in this case more clear and complete. Thanks).

I like the part of the place of the jewels. It's beautiful. I have not yet read the prediction of Baba. It must be in a previous Murli. But the part of His reaction in this Murli is easy and difficult for me at the same time. Interesting is the idea that nothing will be lost of all our good karma. Pure karmic spoken it doesn't matter that you build a house and the next day it will disappear because the karma, i.e. the effort, the energy, the money will stay in the register of the soul for ever! In another form, of course. From material to spiritual.

It's a question of understanding. If I, for example, not left the psychiatric institution 12 years ago to go and live in my old, worn out house, then I did not have to renovate may be for the rest of my life. Because I am an invalid, work goes very slow. But may be all my constructive efforts now have a better karmic result then when I stayed in that institution, much more dependent, maybe becoming much more tamopradan ...

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