BKWSU claim children to take birth through the power of Yoga

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Re: Children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post01 May 2008

jannisder wrote::D :D Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!! In a very divine family I was told. Divine??? BK family??? ... by Yoga??? :roll:

But do you still believe in it? Is it not wise for you to just get out of the rut you think you are in and live a nice life ... forget BK and go live a peaceful life.

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Re: Children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post24 Mar 2009

I was really happy to have found this thread and hope to read more about it from others.

Two Brahmins in love

There was a time when I and a Brahmin felt much love and affection for one another but his self-control was such that we remained good BKs and resisted each other's pull for bodily attraction!

However, he did often visit me in the Subtle Region in lustful ways which I thought was rather cowardly. A Senior Sister told me how difficult it was for a Brother to be celibate and therefore, how noble this Brother was being. Okay. I'll give him a medal the next time I see him.

One day, after a lovely exchange of spirituality, drishti and warm feelings, he kissed me, like a little bird passes a seed to its' chick. I did not get pregnant.

The end.
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The sat yug death..

Post24 Mar 2009

Hi all

anyone thought of how the death takes place in sat yug.

    1) In Satyug everybody lives for 150 years ... that is 149 years 364days 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds and then ... Tick ... tick ... he is dead. :sad:

    2) And elsewhere in Satyug ... one devi devta couple are in the process of dhristi ... and here he comes ... the child is born ... :D.
Am I correct ??!!

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Re: Children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post24 Mar 2009

rayoflight wrote:One day, after a lovely exchange of spirituality, drishti and warm feelings, he kissed me, like a little bird passes a seed to its' chick.

Bear in mind too that the Brahma Kumaris leadership taught their following that Swans are so pure that they also procreate in such a manner, that the cock passes his seed to the peahen via a tear. This was always the example that was given in the old days.
spritual spy wrote:And elsewhere in Satyug ... one devi devta couple are in the process of dhristi ... and here he comes ... the child is born ... Am I correct ??!!

Yes, you are correct. The BKs claim that in the Golden Age, children are created by the power of Yoga, not sex. We were also told earlier by the Brahma Kumaris that children were born feet first ... and, depending on which version you heard, ready to walk around and talk straight away.

However, recently Gulzar was recently quoted on this forum saying children were created in exactly the same manner as today. I do not know how accurate that is, or if it is an official view. Someone else will have to enquire from the BKWSU.
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Re: BKWSU claim children to take birth through the power of Yoga

Post24 Mar 2009

All this reminds me of when I was a little girl I asked my mother how babies were made and she said you eat a flower seed. I believed her, of course, because I was maybe 5.

I understand that we are God's children, but we are not five anymore. So why would anyone believe such nonsense? Are we all subconsciously guilty of the original sin and of being sexual beings?

Are we so ashamed of this that we would believe some spiritual "authority" who uses fairytales to remind us that we are naive little children?

Their power of conviction is amazing. This is a great example to use to really look at how manipulation and power can make people believe just about anything like that the sky is green when it is clearly blue. But maybe something's wrong with my eyes. Or the classic example, if they told you to jump off a building would you? Apparently, yes.
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Re: BKWSU claim children to take birth through the power of Yoga

Post24 Mar 2009

If the threads title includes the 'theory' of immaculate conception, then we need to take care that we don't oppose any of these ideas or theories just on our own disbelief, or inability to understand how or when this can take place. IMO, this process certainly exists in our world but the BKWSU do not understand it, so only theorise it into their teachings making it look pretty and attractive to their followers.

There is no depth in their explanations, just philosophy.



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Re: BKWSU claim children to take birth through the power of Yoga

Post24 Mar 2009

rayoflight wrote:manipulation and power can make people believe just about anything like that the sky is green when it is clearly blue

Bing! (That's the light bulb going on, not the singer).

This reminds me of George Orwell's book"1984", when O'Brien finally breaks Winston Smith. The secret is to find his deepest fear, then threaten him with it, then promise to protect him from it ... if only he agrees with whatever Big Brother says is true. He gets him to agree that 2 + 2 = 5. Smith is "cured".

Is this not the way of all tyrannies, political or religious?

    What does nearly everyone fear? Death, or the cessation of ego.
    What can you threaten them with? Imminent destruction, certain death for them and everyone else
    What can protect you from a sisyphus-like eternity for refusal? Agree with them.
    What do we need to agree to? That 2+2=5. You know what i mean


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Re: BKWSU claim children to take birth through the power of Yoga

Post24 Mar 2009

It is funny that on one hand I have been such a pukha BK, following all the principles, being a good example of dedication, being sweet and loving and cooperative and not giving trouble to anyone, etc, whilst on the other hand I never gave up my common sense and never gave others the power to run my life.

I did rock the boat a bit in my early years but realized it was not beneficial to any and thus, out of respect for to others following this path who did not want to be disrupted in their beliefs, I became quiet and shared my personal understanding only with those who were open to it.

I became celibate by choice and still am. I enjoy it. It made my relationships with women much smoother and more profound and enjoyable but I could never think of those who are not celibate as impure. I could never really understand how sex would be a bigger sin than murder, or even a bigger sin than hypocrisy and deceit.

I was amazed to see apparently intelligent adults believing in such things as procreation through a kiss or a tear and believing that peacocks actually reproduce that way. Although I did believe it was God speaking, I never perceived that he was stating these as a fact. I do, however, remember clearly him saying that children will be created through the power of Yoga and not to question how this could work.

It never bothered me not to really know. It does not bother me to think that the one and only way may likely be through sexual intercourse. What is wrong with that? It does not stop me from enjoying my celibate life now but being celibate does not automatically makes me a better or purer person.
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Re: BKWSU claim children to take birth through the power of Yoga

Post24 Mar 2009

Dear bkti-pit,

You sound like a healthy and balanced BK, clear about who you are and what you are ready to believe and not believe. Your energy is smooth and easy. That must feel wonderful.

I see the world like a rose and each petal is in relationship with the other. In other words, we are in relationship with everything around us, not just people, but also rganizations, cities, breeds of animals, flowers, you name it. Some work for us and some don't. It is the same with the BK's. The BK personality is such that it will either work well with your own personality or not. You will either believe in birth through Yoga, or think these people are just laughing all the way to the bank.

Someone like me who allowed herself to be changed in order to be accepted by a group that mystified me most of the time, is something I need to look at within my own self. I wanted to work on myself but I knew deep down that this group did not work for my personality. Why did I have to be a member of a group anyway to work on myself? This caused me much skepticism regarding the organization's honesty and integrity.

Understanding ourselves is a process and it takes time and patience.

Apart from waxing philosophical till the cows come home, we can rely on two things as far as I know (today):

    1. Everything changes.
    2. The truth always reveals itself.
Love and light,

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