Forty years of psychic influences from Adi Dev

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Forty years of psychic influences from Adi Dev

Post24 Dec 2008

Forty (40) years of Avyakt (Subtle) Sustenance through Adi Dev by B.K. xxxx

Thirty-three (33) years of sustenance through the corporeal form of Prajapita Brahma ended in 18.01.69 and forty (40) years of Avyakt sustenance through the angelic Avyakt form of Adi Dev Brahma has been experienced since he left his corporeal form. This subtle Avyakt sustenance will continue until the end of The Cycle which coincides with the end of Adi Dev Brahma Avyakt role and which is imminent. Although this Avyakt role is mentioned in the Gita (c9v1) as Nirguna Brahma and Sakara Brahma, no one in the path of devotion was able to discern and understand it. Even the Raja Yoga students of Prajapita Brahma became very perplexed, as they had no prior knowledge of this Avyakt role in the Subtle Region. They literally believed that Brahma would physically remain with them until the end of The Cycle.

However, many soon overcame that perplexity when they were reminded of their letter of faith that whatever happens or even if their supports were removed, they would remain unmovable with unshakable faith.

From Murli spoken on 21st Jan 1969

Some three days after 18.01.69, Shiv Baba explained, “the part being enacted at the present time is the method to make all of you Avyakt very quickly”. Shiv Baba told them that those who were stable in the Avyakt stage would have experienced that Brahma had attained the angelic Avyakt form for months prior to 18.01.69. Shiv Baba assured the children that the task of establishment is Brahma’s only and that they will be sustained through Brahma until the end of establishment. Shiv Baba knew that an ocean of upheaval had begun in some children and calmed the upheaval by reminding them that the part of establishment through Brahma is for 100 years and he will complete them in his angelic form.

Avyakt Sustenance - the Destiny in the Drama

Avyakt sustenance from a subtle body of light is easier and faster than sustenance through the corporeal form because to maintain a constant elevated Avyakt stage whilst in the corporeal body takes intense effort. There was need for expansion to spread this knowledge throughout the world in general and Bharath in particular. Therefore, the part of Avyakt sustenance was said to be the destiny of the drama, as Brahma Baba would become unlimited in the Avyakt form and an angelic karmateet stage. Today there are over 8000 centres spread over as many as 120 countries with an influence in many other countries.

Prajapita Brahma as Adi Dev in Avyakt Role

On 23rd January 1969, Avyakt Brahma Baba was sent by Shiv Baba to meet the children for the first time after experiencing the Avyakt form in the Subtle Region. The time had come for the children to now experience and master the Avyakt stage whilst in the corporeal form making it natural. The formal course of knowledge was completed in the Sakar form and this was the beginning of the revision course. Two days earlier on 21.01.69, Shiv Baba had told the children that “the body of Brahma had been fixed and so the Murlis that were spoken through that body will always be the Murlis. There is magic in the Murli of BapDada. So you have to revise all the Murlis that have already been spoken”.

Brahma Baba on meeting the children on 23.01.69 began the firm practice of the Avyakt stage by telling the children “Only my children who are stable in the Avyakt stage will understand this. Whilst all of you children are stable in the Avyakt stage, whom are you seeing? Are you seeing him (Brahma Baba) in the vyakt (corporeal) form or the Avyakt (subtle) form? Are you in the corporeal or the subtle stage? If you look whilst in the vyakt stage, you will not be able to see the Father. Today I have come to meet you from the Subtle Region’. By taking your own Avyakt form and receiving blessings through Avyakt drishti, you become the embodiment of remembrance permanently; you become the embodiment of power. So through drishti learn the language of drishti”.

The Main Difference between Avyakt Dristi and Corporeal Blessings

Shiv Baba in AM 11.11.85 says “The word you use is “Avyakt” and yet your desire is to experience the meeting in the corporeal. Now become Avyakt, destroy all attachment, maintain the consciousness of One, that is become the embodiment of remembrance”. This is the basis to pass in the final exam.

It is the right of the children to have the Murli. The meeting through the Murli and through Avyakt drishti is the children’s right. Through “words” and through “drishti”, both forms of meeting can give the experience of blessings. This is why, now, stabilise your consciousness in the subtle stage and experience all blessings through the drishti. Otherwise, in seeking to listen, you may miss the importance of drishti.

Experience claiming all rights and all blessings simply through drishti. The more that you stabilise your consciousness in the subtle stage, the more you will be able to catch the language of Avyakt drishti. A blessing received through drishti is a blessing of permanent transformation. Whereas the blessing that comes through words is sometimes remembered and sometimes forgotten”.

The End of the Avyakt Role of Adi Dev

It was only after 21.01.69, the deeper aspects of the Avyakt role of Brahma became clearer. Shiv Baba used the corporeal body of Prajapita Brahma for 33 years to impart The Knowledge of the Gita to transform ordinary human beings into true Confluence Age Brahmins. In these 33 years, the children got spiritual sustenance through the corporeal form. From 18.01.69, when Brahma became Avyakt, he became a resident of the Subtle Region and continued to give Avyakt sustenance to the children in this Avyakt form and Avyakt stage. Forty (40) years has passed and this Avyakt sustenance will continue until establishment is completed.

The moment that the Avyakt role ends coincides with the prenatal role of Krishna in the fetus of the mother. This auspicious moment in time is the commencement of the new cycle as stated in SM 28.07 2001 quote "Krishna has taken the full 84 births and has played the part of the complete 5000 years. The birth is counted even whilst the soul is in the mother's womb. From the moment the Krishna soul comes down and enters the womb, he has to play the part of 84 births in 5000 years. Just as you celebrate the birthday of Shiva when He is sitting in this one, when the Krishna soul enters a womb, there is movement and the calculation of 5000 years begins from that moment.

The Benefits of Avyakt Sustenance

Avyakt sustenance can be taken when you are in the Avyakt stage in the Avyakt form from Brahma Baba in the Subtle Region and this includes Godly sustenance of visions, trance, Murlis and sakaash, and touching and catching power. Included in this is incorporeal sustenance in the incorporeal form and incorporeal (bodiless) stage in remembrance of Shiv Baba in soul’s world. This can be done at regular intervals during the day although the most beneficial time is at Amrit Vela. With this practice constant, your drishti becomes most powerful and you emerge your Golden Aged sanskars. When your vision (drishti) changes, the world (shristi) will change and when your eternal sanskars emerges, the Golden Age will also come closer. Brahma Baba says that he constantly invites the children to come a keep his company, as he cannot do with the children.

The Experience of Avyakt & Direct Sustenance

In the beginning in Sakar form, Brahma Baba did not even realize how powerful his drishti was. It is said that when his drishti fell on the people he was meeting, many will instantly close their eyes and go into trance and have visions of their special deities and in particular Krishna. He was confused at first why people would close their eyes on meeting him until they explained to him what took place and then he came to know the power of drishti through this experience. Shiv Baba said in Murli 03.03.07 “Change your drishti. Become an image that grants visions.

In Murli of 28.05.07 Baba says: Really, some of these daughters are not clever at all! If someone has to be uplifted, I enter the child and uplift that person. I definitely have to enter an impure body in the impure world. Therefore, in order to bring benefit to someone I even enter some children. Some children do not understand this, whereas those who listen to them become cleverer than they are. It is because of the Father’s help. One thing is that there is faith in the intellect, and secondly, they receive drishti. Baba says: Although I can enter someone, it is not that I am omnipresent.

The destination of Raja Yoga is very high. It takes intense concentration of the mind to listen to this knowledge as well as a golden intellect to inculcate it. It requires incredible faith to believe this knowledge and this is the reason this knowledge must be experienced and it cannot be proven in a laboratory. These are subtle and deep incognito matters and it takes a clean and clear intellect to discern it.

Prepared by Yogi B.K. xxxx
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Re: Forty years of Avyakt Sustenance through Adi Dev

Post24 Dec 2008

Really, some of these daughters are not clever at all! If someone has to be uplifted, I enter the child and uplift that person. I definitely have to enter an impure body in the impure world. Therefore, in order to bring benefit to someone I even enter some children.

I don't want to discuss this from a "believers" point of view but I highlight the spirit entity at the core of the BKWSU (and this was spoken while Lekhraj Kirpalani was still alive) stating clearly that he has the ability to enter into the bodies of BK followers and influence thought, speak, perform actions in some way.

Now, accepting that is true, what did that mean and has this practised stopped? What is the different between this and possession? Surely it is possession, or 'overshadowing' by any another name ... the difference between a popular understanding of 'the possessed' being in the nature and quality of the spirit doing the possessing.

Many might dismiss this all as impossible and imaginary faith ... I tend to accept as it is said.

For me, this claim underpins the nature of the Brahma Kumari practise ... not as 'yogi', which I would call 'spiritual', but as a 'mediumistic' practise, which I would call psychic. Or suggest it is at a lower psychic level on the scale of spiritualistic phenomenon. I would go further that part of the initiation and practise is to open up one's mind literally to allow 'backdoor access' to whatever and whoever these spirits are ... to carry out whatever their longer term agenda is.

For their part in allowing this, adherents experience a short period of a high when they first become involved. My suggestion would be for individuals to look what psychic influences might be being made upon newcomers during that time. Both the social, the egregore, and actual spiritualistic. What are the limits to such entities abilities? Are they wholly benign? What we have discovered here is that they are not entirely honest, reliable or infallible ...

For the BKs, all this is "divine" ... despite involving the yet imminent and desirable terrible death of 6,000,000,000 human beings in a manner unbelievable to anyone with the smallest bit of education in them ... I am no longer so sure.

One of the first questions to ask, who is sustaining who? Is it all one way or are the BK spooks feeding off their followers too? Surely the leadership is too?

Just as "Knowledge", within BK circles, has come to mean something quite separate from real understanding; so "sustenance" might mean the opposite too. And, given the obvious sanskars of the religion and its leadership ... more of a business deal than a one way charity.

My concerns are that,

    a) obviously, newcomers are not alerted of this possibility when they start and
    b) there is no obvious point within their soft sell when it happens. The Brahma Kumaris do not make clear, "OK, at this point we are going to open your mind and initiate you into a relationship with a channelled spirit entities who are then going to be able to enter you at will whenever and for whatever they feel fit". Obviously, it does not work on everyone but everyone that is susceptible is encouraged by exhortations of how special and chosen they are ... a bit like how children are "groomed" by sex abusers.
Perhaps this is the point at which the addictive "intoxication phase" of being a BK is triggered off?
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Re: Forty years of psychic influences from Adi Dev

Post24 Dec 2008

ex-l, I'd like to respond to this with a question. It is a genuine question, and not a challenge to your ideas, but first I need to tell you a story that happened in about 1989.

In the center where I was living, the Indian Sister in charge suddenly became extremely fatigued, almost to the point of collapse, and had to be helped to bed. It was about 8.00 pm on a Sunday evening. She fell into a deep sleep and awoke late the next morning. From the gaddi, she related her experience. As soon as she got to bed, she heard souls calling for help, and cries from people who were trapped, burning, and dying. Brahma Baba and Dadi Janki came into our room and took us both, (myself blissfully asleep and unaware) to a place only a few miles away to give drishti, visions, words of support and help to the suffering, trapped, and dying. Apparently we stayed there for quite some time, and the souls we served were very appreciative.

Later that morning, as I was driving to work, I heard on the news that a plane had crashed only a few miles away at almost the exact time the Sister had had to be helped to bed. Tragically, people were trapped, injured and killed. I have always assumed that those are the souls we were "taken" to serve, she consciously and me with no awareness of it at all. That whole side of things, while I don't dismiss it, is a complete mystery to me. But it would seem that the agenda is a benevolent one.

My questions - well, is this the kind of psychic phenomenon you are talking about? And if so, do you really think it is harmful?

(Apologies if you have gone into this elsewhere on the forum. I haven't found it yet.)
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Re: Forty years of psychic influences from Adi Dev

Post24 Dec 2008

leela wrote:is this the kind of psychic phenomenon you are talking about? And if so, do you really think it is harmful?

Not in the first instance. I am taking what it says at face value. Shiva "enters" into the children to make them appear clever as contrary to the "stupid" first mentioned. My own personal experience is also that when guiding meditation, to groups or individuals, one can be 'overshadowed' or used by other spirit entities. Ditto the visions and experiences that happen when giving the course.

Is it harmful ... is it at all beneficial? I don't know. Unfortunately I am not that psychic either. Not as beneficial as fire fighting and first aid would be my primary answer. Such beliefs are certain not limited to BKs. Many psychics also relate similar. Why would two of the top souls in the world, one in direct contact with the unlimited, need two junior BKs to carry that out and why would they be bound by geography ... if it is possible?

The medium term dangers would be the unreal, fantasist element; any narcissistic illusion of one's own importance (the BKs do belief sitting on one bottom doing nothing but sending vibrations is the highest service to humanity). Who is kidding who? A read of others experience with channeled entities suggest that such faith affirming visions but ultimately unreliable or unconfirmable are commonplace. A read of this forum shows that even direct prediction of Lekhraj Kirpalani and the Shiva soul show they can be utterly unreliable (failed predictions of Destruction, wrong population etc). Why is that?

The long term dangers would be ... what is the final agenda of these spirits? One that includes "inspiring and giving the courage to use the Nuclear weapons to 'purify' the world".

If I was the devil, anti-human, and I wanted to seduce you, what would I do? Appear to you with horns and hate or as an angel of light leading you on with 99 little truths until I captured your soul with the one big lie at the end.
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Re: Forty years of psychic influences from Adi Dev

Post24 Dec 2008

ex-l wrote:The long term dangers would be ... what is the final agenda of these spirits? One that includes "inspiring and giving the courage to use the Nuclear weapons to 'purify' the world".

If I was the devil, anti-human, and I wanted to seduce you, what would I do? Appear to you with horns and hate or as an angel of light leading you on with 99 little truths until I captured your soul with the one big lie at the end.

Exactly, ex-l. Thank you. This is what's all about.

Dear leela, one thing is very clear for me, that your Indian Sister in charge was psychic. You must have read in the newspapers or watched in the TV, that after every tragic event like airplane crashes or earthquakes, one simple person on any part of the world who has nothing to do with the event and who is not on any spiritual path, has "seen" it. Such big catastrophes in a sudden, in which many leave their bodies in shock, causes waves of sorrow which can be "seen" or "felt" by psychics.
leela wrote:I have always assumed that those are the souls we were "taken" to serve, she consciously and me with no awareness of it at all.

Of course, this was what we were told almost every day in the Murlis and in the classes of the Seniors. It was imprinted in our subconscious.This wasn't your dream, but your Indian Sister's dream and you accepted it as yours under the influence of all BK pattern we were brainwashed with. And your psychic and pukka BK Indian Sister has seen the catastrophe but as for help she saw the only way we were taught.
ex-l wrote:the BKs do belief sitting on one bottom doing nothing but sending vibrations is the highest service to humanity. Who is kidding who?

Have you seen or heard any tragic event like earthquakes or floods, which are happening very frequently in decades in India and in the neighborhood, where the Seniors are running in a minute with money, aid material and a rescue team of ten thousands BKs? No, of course. Only if there is a BK center, weeks later, for show, 2 BK Sisters are send with scraps to disseminate to the starving victims.

There is also another spiritual aspect which we can take into consideration by analyzing such psychic phenomena.When a catastrophe occurs, as you know, not only the family members of the victims and official rescue team are running to that place, also some dark figures, who are searching for things to loot - until they get kicked out from there by the security.
For spiritual researchers, it is very common that at such tragic events of sudden great pain and grief where many souls are leaving their bodies in shock, some low level earth bound ghosts are also running there - like on earth - to see how many souls they can take with them.

If a psychic has seen BK Seniors on some tragedy ground it does not mean for me any more, that they are there for any good reason.
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Re: Forty years of psychic influences from Adi Dev

Post24 Dec 2008

tom wrote:Dear leela, one thing is very clear for me, that your Indian Sister in charge was psychic.

I think that is a good point to raise, Tom, and one that is not made public and discussed enough. In fact, that it is not discussed in public, or even within the BKWSU, raises even more confoundment in my mind. I am happy to sit on the fence and just "not know" until I do. But until I do, I will raise questions. The BK leadership are one big blank when it comes to discussing psychism.

You might not have read, but sometime ago we discussed the news that the BKWSU was training up mediums to take over from Gulzar in case she died. What we were told was that there were a number, I think it was four, younger Sisters and that some training was going on the New York state. Did we ever hear of any official discuss about how the mediums were chosen, groomed or trained; or what their initiate was like? Likewise, we also covered the reports of multiple mediumships and alternative recollections of the early Om Mandli period from both old Sindhis and PBKs.

Leela, you brought up something else in another topic about over emphasising work on the ajna chakra (third eye) which drew my attention. Ditto, the Brahma Kumaris - for 70 years of spiritualism - say or know nothing about chakras and I was never sure where their work fitted in to that alternative body/mind/spirit model. My experience of raising it was one of instant dismissal. Its not in the Murlis ...

I think you had a point on the chakra stuff too. I think some BKs have problems on that level. I think there is imbalanced, undiscussed psychic 'work' going on that few to none understand. I think the Brahma Kumaris are just blundering through it all causing all sorts of problems not knowing what they are doing all on the faith of "Baba ... Baba ... Baba" whilst folks at the extremes burn out, burn their families out, go nuts, even kill themselves in some case. It is really "the soul" or is it third eye stuff? Is the body/mind as simple as just two bits?

Yes, I agreed with you about the temporary attraction to the unreal BK world (by unreal I do not dismiss that something is going on, just underline that much of it is proven fantasy now) and the positive purpose it might play at a certain time within one's life. I just wish that they had spent some of the multi-million dollar resources and collective intelligence exploring and documenting it rather than sucking up to corrupt politicians and VIPS ... or, as Tom suggests, doing real charitable work.

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