Psychological profiling of the Om Mandli, God or No God?

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Post27 Jun 2007

yudhishtira wrote:Can I clarify then, how do you see God? It sounds like you do believe in God from this paragraph ... The difference between us is that my experience is that no one can come between me and God.

The difference between us is that I am not so concerned about what God is up to but what the BKWSU is up to in God's name.

I think part of my turning point with regards the BKWSU came about because I thought that it would be much better to become the sort of person that "God" - or any of "God's" mates - would want to hang out with naturally; rather than attempt to get to know him by sucking up to either Him, or self-elect and unaccountable representatives, endlessly. I also accepted that perhaps I was not even needy or worthy of having God's personal attention and that actually, I might be adequately served by the part-time attention of some angelic force far further down in the Godly bureaucracy ... I mean, why would any god need or want to laivsh his or her love and attention on me when I have hardly even started to learn to walk spiritually?

So, at the most I will take "the God of the other 355 days of the year" when he is not hanging out with the BKs, thanks. In the meanwhile, I will be happy and satisfied with the weakest rays of the sun and a few drops of dew water.

Actually, what I can say is that I do not believe it is God that enters into Hirday Mohini any more. I do not know if I ever really did looking back. I can accept it is Lekhraj Kirpalani, that Lekhraj Kirpalani is at a far more potent stage than I am, and that he is channelling something or somehow ... but what's the opinion of a little church mouse worth about the actions of any higher beings never mind a Godhead?

I also saw or heard the voice of Lekhraj Kirpalani in the Murlis despite their recriminations that it was not. So whether it is, or whether it is not, it really does not matter. It is the bit in the middle that needs sorting out not the Her, Him or Them.

The BKWSU leadership kind of distracts one's attention to that in 10,000 different ways. I honestly do not think that we have even started to understand God yet and I am not satisfied with second best. Nothing is better than second best.
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Post28 Jun 2007

ex-l wrote:The difference between us is that I am not so concerned about what God is up to but what the BKWSU is up to in God's name.

I think part of my turning point with regards the BKWSU came about because I thought that it would be much better to become the sort of person that "God" - or any of "God's" mates - would want to hang out with naturally; rather than attempt to get to know him by sucking up to either Him, or self-elect and unaccountable representatives, endlessly.

Hey man, do not put yourself down.

Whether you believe God is coming thro DG or not, you have every right to His/Her/its full, total attention at any time. God is after all unlimited in space and time. Don't give the BKs any power or rights to limit your connection!

DJ goes on about Baba not liking us when we do this and that. That is BS in my opinion. Her limited view and her experience which she tries to impose on others. We don't need to take it on board. According to what He says, He's also busy with the bhagats, scientists and various others. Don't think He do not have time for you whenever you want. You have a right to your opinion.

Of course, BB is in the Murlis! Some bits are him, some bits are Shiva Baba. The proportion changes every day. Of course, they would like us to consider it is all Baba, because they have deified Brahma and wont acknowledge that he had to go through his own process of becoming pure. But if you are trying to clarify a relationship with the bodiless one, that is not really helpful ...

Hardly anyone in the BKs really has an idea of who Shiva Baba is. They do not discuss it. There is over reliance on taking from BB and the Dadis. God is full and complete. He doesn't need sucking up to and you cant get to him throough another human being. You can go direct to Him. You and every other soul is worthy of that. He loves you unconditionally. After all, the way I see it is, hey, you came and found me when I was really in the gutter and you didnt have a problem loving me then, why should that change now, just because I am more self aware?

Frankly, I order Shiva Baba around. He needs me to change the world. Fine. I need His full cooperation. So I tell him what I need Him to do. Its my right as His child. Especially as the family that He's provided only has a few people in it that I can take cooperation from, as the rest are off on another track.

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