History of the BKWSU meditation practise

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History of the BKWSU meditation practise

Post27 Jun 2007

Following on from other conversations, partly the topic on BK meditation and hypnosis, I'd like to start to document "The History of the BKWSU Meditation Practise", as obviously this has changed over its 70 years and dem young picaninny BKs ain't not got a clue about their roots and how we suffered for their freedom.

In there beginning, there was no Shiva and very little Gyan. So that excludes any of the current visualisations. Om Radhe talks about "Divine Insight" given by the Sisters in a m anner that suggests to me a direct transmission of psychic/spiritual energy. We presume they were all in love with Lekhraj Kirpalani, the SS have often confirmed this much and so we have to consider that was the depth of their rememberance - even if Shiva was sometimes in and out of Lekhraj Kirpalani.

Then there is a big leap for me to when the first guided meditation cassette tapes first came out in, when ... say, very late 1970s or early 1980s? These then set the mold for a whole new generation of BK Sister invented meditation styles.
    • First we have the "Orthodox" Jayanti Kirpalani one, which we are led to believe were based on her own actual experiences as a BK yogi and trance medium.
    • Then we have the casual West Coast Californian Dreaming-style based on Denise's imagination. (Please add details or correct me here, folks).
    • We had a few translations of these two tapes by star foreign double-foreigner in even more double-foreign languages, e.g. French, German, Brazillian.
    • Then, gradually, confidence grew amongst the new, junior, gifted and arty Sister and the floodgates opened to a whole load of inventions, let's point a finger first at Shakti Bhavan in London and then Australia.
Now, the whole Shiva thing has kind of become lost and buried in amongst virtues and values and endless preliminary courses ... including I dare say management skills. (Do they have special "Master of the Universe" leadership style meditiations?).

God has become widely nameless and formless again. Is this about right? Where is the current state of art? Have there been official BK Brother's tape?

For me, a lot of the fluff is just entertaining visualizations and from 'boderline' to 'actual' hypnosis and now borrows heavily from other sources.

For me, the real BK meditation is a kind of speachless psychic initiation into a relationship with this being or state "Shiva" and a channelling or transmission of his energy. I do think that some folks do actually get this in amongst the fluff, sometimes not even realising it.

But historic facts first and interpretations later please.

Ditto, how do the PBKs or other groups do Raja Yoga?

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