The Beggary Period

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The Beggary Period

Post11 Jun 2006

arjun wrote:"You say that Baba is teaching us in the Confluence Age ... The intellect says that we have come out of the Iron Age. Baba has come ... Children know that when our study is completed then the destruction will take place. Destruction is certainly going to take place. There are some among you who know this. If it is understood that the world is going to be destroyed then one will start preparing for the new world. One will make ready the bag-baggage. There is a little time left. We should become Baba's children. Even if anyone has to die of hunger, it will be first Baba and then children." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 30.05.06, page2 published by BKs)

In the above Murli point Baba is telling that if anyone has to die of hunger in the Godly family, then it will be Baba first and then children. The question of Baba (i.e. corporeal medium) dying of hunger can arise only when Baba is present in a corporeal form amongst us, just as the beggary role had taken place during the times of Brahma Baba.


I think the more rational answer would be that this particular Murli was spoken at a time when Dada Lekhraj [ Lekhraj Kirpalani ] was alive and the Yugya had nearly run out of money. Just because it was spoken once, it does not mean that it was spoken for all time.

To the Western analytical mind such an argument, or dare i say it, misappropriation of a historical reference would weaken your position that Virendra Dev Dixit is the Chariot of God, not strengthen it. I am interested in the actually history of the BKWSU of about that time because it would seem critical to the changes that came later. Lekhraj Kirpalani obviously thought the world was going to end before his money ran out. We know a little of the 1976 events. From the Murlis of that time, like this one, and the stories of the Seniors we know that food was becoming short. There were also references to surviving on one roti a day and so on. I think these Murli points were a lot more practical and immediate.

We heard that despite the " women first " PR that a Brother was involved in setting up a trust to stop Lekhraj Kirpalani giving all this money away in faith. Where and how did the money start to come in from again to support the BKs? Were the BK's Sisters sent out and away from Madhubhan because there was no money to support them?
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The beggary

Post12 Jun 2006

Dear ex-l,

Omshanti. I agree that the above mentioned Murli point might have been narrated to hint about the beggary part that was played in the Yagya during the life time of Brahma Baba. But the Murlis do not reflect just one aspect of time but all the three, i.e. past, present and future. Since we have a limited intellect, we think only about the limited aspect, i.e. the past incident. But Baba says in the Murlis that whatever has happened in the beginning of the Yagya will be repeated in the end.

Yes, it is correct that Brahma Baba ran out of money and they had to reduce their consumption of food and even many of the Yagya Sisters were sent home for Godly service. But many among them thought that since Baba was left with no money he is sending us back and they lost faith in him and even returned to the lokik world. But those who thought it was only a test, overcame the obstacles and were successful. They are today in very good postions in the BK hierarchy.

I do not know who gave Brahma Baba the money to regroup and bring back the Yagya to its normal state, but ShivBaba has given the reference of a historical incident to hint about this incident that happened in the Yagya.

You must have heard about the great warrior king Maharana Pratap (a Rajput King of Chittorgarh in Rajasthan) who took on the mighty Mughal Emperor Akbar. During the hostilities between the Mughal empire and the Rajput kingdom, Maharana Pratap was forced to retreat to the jungles with his family and close aides. There he was forced to even eat grass. At such a time a prosperous person named Sanvalshah came to the jungle and gave Maharana Pratap enough money to regroup, raise the army once again and launch another attack on the Mughal Empire.

ShivBaba refers to this Sanvalshah in the Murlis often by saying that in the previous Kalpa also Sanvalshah had filled up the coffers (hundi) and will fill the coffers once again.

So, the Murlis are not applicable only in one aspect of time but always. That is the specialities of the Murlis. Who knows in which form the incidents of the Yagya in the past repeat now or in the later period?

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Post12 Jun 2006

I thought (maybe I am wrong) I read in a clarification that Lekhraj Kirpalani did not run of money, but wanted to test the faith of his children, so he pretended there was no more money. Then he offered to anyone who wanted to go to their lokik families to teach them Raj Yoga. There was around 300 children at that time, a lot decided to go because they thought that Baba could not sustain them any longer, and he finally was left with 70 children, the ones who wanted to stay with him whatever was the drama.

About the trust, wasn't it created by a Brother in particular but a group, without the name of Lekhraj Kirpalani, because he made a promise to the governement of that time that if Destruction did not take place in 76, he would give all his possession to them? So they wanted to secure his money.
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Post12 Jun 2006

Aimée wrote:About the trust, wasn't it created by a Brother in particular but a group, without the name of Lekhraj Kirpalani, because he made a promise to the government of that time that if destruction did not take place in 76, he would give all his possession to them? So they wanted to secure his money.

Someone else wrote on this forum that he was promising to give all his money to the Indian Government if the End of the World did not come. So then some Brothers got together to make the trust so he would not and one Brother's name was put on the trust. Its a small issue but underlines a need for historical accuracy when it is still all very recent. Have one accurate account. The BKs' version is so whitewashed.

I mean, "sent home to do service ...". You can just imagine the conversion;

    "There is not enough money to pay for 6 months more food for 300 people, what do we do?".
    "What about sending the women back for their families so that they can look after them now".
    "But what will we tell them? They have not been home for 14 years".
    "That is OK, we will call to it 'service'".
If by PBK's standards, Lekhraj Kirpalani / Brahma Baba had things a little bit confused despite "God" talking through him - and the fake 40 years long Confluence Age, his identity and End of the World confirms that - then perhaps there were elements of psychological denial in his actions. It is very convenient to re-interpret history in this way, but does it reflect the truth?

I'd be very interested to hear a non-romanticised version of Lekhraj Kirpalani's life. Rather than increase his status, as the BKs are doing, making him real, facing the truths, would actually benefit us. He has already been sanctified by the BKWSU and made worship worthy. I do not think that is the way it is meant to be.

And Andrey, no, not " All wars are for the sake of a lady ". WW I and WWII, Franco-Prussian, Communist Revolution, George Bush versus Islam ... I cant think of the women at fault. Mahabharata, Ramayana are mythological and not real. So give it a rest please. You are living in a dream. Snap out of it.
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Post13 Jun 2006

Yes, it makes it more real to imagine a conversation of this type!

It is true that the problem in the BK organisation is that Lekhraj Kirpalani has been put on a pedestal so high that he has managed to take God's place, which is not right. But I personally think he is quite an amasing character. He has supported the Yagya for so long and in such a selfless way and with so much love, no one ever would be able to say that Lekhraj Kirpalani did not give him love. And he is the heroine of the world drama, which is not a small thing. The problem is that the BK Seniors who have known him have worshipped him so much that he has become like God, so no one one can ever possibly show any mimimal humanity, weakness in him. And they have so much attachment that they cannot even consider the idea that God is still around and has the possibility to choose another Chariot if one failed him, this still was a great Chariot, but put back in his human dimension. Then no wonder why in the scriptures they have confused Krishna with the God of the Gita ...

So I do not know what the Seniors BK know, but some were around when Sevakram (the previous incarnation of Virendra Devi Dixit, actual Chariot of Shiv), with two very elevated Sisters, used to be the teachers of Lekhraj Kirpalani himself, and Shiv entered them.

In fact, the 14 years of tapasya they are supposed to have had, were actually 4 years. The first 10 years of the Yagya have been totally wiped out from the official BK history. That was between 36 and 46, when those elevated souls used to be around.

Here is a nice Murli point about it, from the 23-7-69 Murli pg2:
"the one who resided [with us] for 10 years and she used to go into trance. She used to make Mama and Baba perform the drill (of remembrance). Baba used to give directions by entering into them. They commanded so much respect. They are not present today. At that time there wasn't so much of The Knowledge."

and also, the Murli of 11.2.69 pg 2:
"Highest Father should enter in the highest person. People think that Shri Krishna is the highest."
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Funny money again

Post30 Apr 2007

I was just thinking about "The Beggary Period".

In some places within the history of the BKWSU it is said that the Yagya did not really run out of money, only Lekhraj Kirpalani pretended it had to test the BKs at which point some of them left.

    How could he "pretend", and fiddle the accounts, if he was not in control of the finances?
It is said that Lekhraj Kirpalani handed over all his wealth to the Committee (which did in 1938 was 18 strong and included his wife). So how did he fake this?

On the other hand, it is said that Lekhraj Kirpalani wrote to the Indian Government tell them that he was so sure that the World was going to End in 1976 that he was going to give them all his wealth and it was then that a trust was set up to look after the money (and stop him doing so). This trust was apparently set up with one or some Brothers involved but no one has ever documented this.

How could he promise to give away his money if he had;

    a) given it all away in 1936?
    b) run out around 1950 or during The Beggary?
More stories that do not add up and methinks we are not being told the truth again.
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Post29 Nov 2007

Just wanted to revise this topic. I read in an account of another old non-BK Sindhi that Lekhraj Kirpalani and the Om Mandli, basically, ran out of money as early as around 1950-ish. They account goes on to state that they were bailed out by a large donation from a non-BK.

Of course, this would be against Shrimat and is unaccounted for but would point a direction for the future development. Does anyone know any details about this episode? I am wondering if it was some rich family of one of the Brahma-kumaris or if it had any connection with the move to Abu, e.g. was it given to get the BKs (and the relative) out of Pakisthan for their own safety.

I also wonder about the run up to the start of "service" in India soon after this time. Why did the Brahma-kumar and Kumaris just not go out and get jobs to support the Yagya? Is it really possible to say that there was no conscious, or even unconscious, intentions to turn the BKWSU into a more traditional "temple" or sanyasin-type organization which took donations and funneled them back to the HQ in Abu?

Please note that beyond the issue of the "large donation", these are questions not statements. Really what I am attempting to do is look into the minds of the leading BKs of that time, as they are the leadership now and those were the guiding principles that defined the model of expansion they chose.
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Post20 Dec 2007

The story we got from Dadi Janki in the early '80s went like this: when Lehkraj was looking to move out of Pakistan, he was offered financial support to do so by Didiji's uncle. He was of the Watumull clan after which Global Hospital is named. I don't know what the arrangement was, but essentially the promised money never materialized. Dadi was implying that Wattumal had done the dirty on them, intending to achieve what the Anti-Om Mandli had failed to.

This brought about the beggary period. However Lehkraj had a friend and supporter - an anonymous woman - who used to give him significant amounts of money. I say significant because although it may not have been large amounts of money, but it was critical to the survival of the organisation.

The beggary period was never really talked about that I can remember and that was the only time I heard Dadi or anyone talk about it. Which is strange because it could be talked about in positive ways - it could be the basis of lectures on faith and sacrifice etc. But I think that the reality of the situation negates that - basically, it forced Lehkraj to rethink his formula and that meant sending the bludgers out to earn some money!

It wasn't about service - that had never been on the agenda before he ran out of money.
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proselitism for world benefit or wallets?

Post21 Dec 2007

earn some money! It wasn't about service - that had never been on the agenda before he ran out of money.

Interesting, (have I understood correctly?) I never thought about it. So what you are suggesting is that after the "bhatti", during which there was virtually no contact with the outside world, service was created as a fund raising activity.

Inevitable, if one wanted to support the self and the organization! Then cooperative souls started to appreciate Gyan, donate and support the "surrendered" Sisters. I wonder how many cases might have taken place of sexual harassment from donors - landlords to the naive virgins????
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Post21 Dec 2007

primal.logic wrote:Didiji's uncle ... was of the Watumull clan after which Global Hospital is named. I don't know what the arrangement was, but essentially the promised money never materialized. Dadi was implying that Wattumal had done the dirty on them, intending to achieve what the Anti-Om Mandli had failed to ... basically, it forced Lehkraj to rethink his formula and that meant sending the bludgers out to earn some money! It wasn't about service

Interesting. Another small piece of the jigsaw puzzle. So the Watumull clan have history with the BKWSU? More and more I feel like a bit part player in a family affair.

I have to say the early Yagya sounds to me as if it was a madhouse. 300 to 150-odd people (the figure we have for September 1969) all believing the world was going to be destroyed and they were to become the Gods of the Golden Age ... that the entire rest of the world was damned. Nice turn around to consider that it - the rest of the world - might want to contribute some money too.

All the same, the source that suggest Lekhraj Kirpalani was bailed out by a large donation was his advocate of the Om Mandli period, so it still carries some currency in my book. If we keep scratching at the surface, we might find out the truth.
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Post23 Dec 2007

Omshanti. The revised Sakar Murli dated 16.11.07, pg.2 published by BKs in Hindi mentions about the departure of many BKs from the Yagya after the beggary part because of fear.

"In between the beggary part was played. This was also a test. Many departed. What was ShivBaba's secret in it? Only the jaggery and the sack containing jaggery knows. So many departed out of fear. Otherwise it involves very less expenditure to eat two rotis."


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