Ramesh Shah

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Ramesh Shah

Post26 May 2008

I thought it might be worth documenting BK Ramesh Shah's contribution to the Yagya.

Obviously, as architect to the 17th of January 1969 World Renewal Trust, there is that residual controversy that will likely last for as long as the Yagyga over claims that its formation broke Lekhraj Kirpalani heart.

What I found interesting was that according to "Peace and Purity: The Story of the Brahma Kumaris a Spiritual Revolution" by high profile and influential BK Neville Hodgkinson's ex-wife the popular author Liz Hodgkinson is that;

"Ramesh [Shah] first came across the BKs when a youth of nineteen studying law and accountancy in Bombay.
Liz Hodgkinson wrote:In 1950, when I was sixteen, my Father died of heart failure, and my mother was broken-hearted. She became permanently depressed, and nothing I or my two Sisters could do made any difference. I tried to take her to gurus, but noting helped. In 1953 a small BK center opened in Bombay, and my mother started going. From then, there was a dramatic change in her behavior and attitude. What we had not managed for three years, the BKs managed in fifteen days.

At the meeting, the Sister in charge went into trance and gave a trance message from my Father, saying he was in the habit of chewing betel nut and paan, which was true. When I got home, I asked my mother why she telling the Sisters about Father's bad habits. She said: "But I never said anything." ... so I asked the one that had gone into trance to pick out my Father's photo. As a keen photographer I had around 3,000 pictures, but she picked out my Father instantly. She had seen him in trance ...

at the time I could not accept Brahma Baba, and I became a student of the Bhagavad Gita.

He drew up and signed the Trust Deed that came to own all the BKWSU's property and I understand that he now runs an accountancy business and that company does the Yagya accounts. Certainly BapDada consults with him over the running of the BKWSU.

My questions are this ... 1953 ... was that BEFORE or AFTER the first revelation of Shiva, as we have learned that he was not accounted for in the BKWU until after 1950? What did he know of the earlier period? How much was discussed? I wonder if the "could not accept Brahma Baba" was because they thought that Lekhraj Kirpalani was still Prajapati God Brahma, the Gita Inventor? I note the reference to Patanjali Yoga which is, of course, Patanjali's "Raja Yoga". The original and actual "ancient Raja Yoga".

I also note the reference to the psychic mediumship of the BK center-in-charge which suggests much broader mediumship was much more widespread in the BKWSU than it was now as late as the 50s. But ... let me ask ... why was Ramesh Father still hanging round the spirit world (and where is this spirit world) three of more years after his death? That does not fit in with Gyan as it is taught now.

OK ... mystic sidetracks elsewhere ... we have documented elsewhere Ramesh's part in the coordination of dying BK's Wills, what else do we know ... bearing in mind that he is a living individual and so please ensure all biographical details are accurate. My feeling is that he is MUCH more influential in the running of the Yagya than BKs realise.
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Re: Ramesh Shah

Post27 May 2008

Ramesh Shah,

I have driven him once for a duration of about an hour ... Nice Brother not typical bkish in the sense of giving drishti and stuff like that ... not a great orator ...

Yes, very much involved in the Dying Wills business ... and does a good job of it from legality and covering other local laws etc ...

He and Brother Nirwair don't see eye-to-eye ... In fact, I have heard Nirwair openly being critical of him in some of the classes in Madhuban ...

He and his wife are both held in high esteem in the Yagya ... in fact, Didi Nirmala of Australia also came in to the Yagya with them ... it is also said that Mama stayed with them for a long time during her sickness ...

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Re: Ramesh Shah

Post07 Jun 2013

Born 1934, age 79 (2013).

First encountered BKs 1953, when he says, "he could not accept Brahma Baba (aka Lekhraj Kirpalani)". Now we know that at that time the BKs still thought Lekhraj Kirpalani was God, and so Ramesh Shah was actually being reasonable (In this video he also says 1952 but met Lekhraj Kirpalani in a hospital Mumbai in 1953 when he was having a Kidney stone operation).

1960, aged 26, married BK Usha to save her from an arranged marriage (1969, set up trust to take over BKWSU 2 days before Lekhraj Kirpalani died, PBKs controversially claiming that it caused Lekhraj Kirpalani's heart attack because it was not according to Shrimat). Wife died 2011.

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Re: Ramesh Shah

Post26 Apr 2017

Mentioned elsewhere on this forum, the BKWSU's accountant Ramesh Shah, who established the original trust which took over the property of the religion from Lekhraj Kirpalani, died on Saturday, January 28, 2017 aged 83, from 'List of recent BK deaths'.

The BKs allegedly sent a spiritualist 'trance messenger' up to the "Angelic Regions" to bring back a message regarding his death to set the groupthink.
Bhog Message for Respected Ramesh Bhai

Today, as I reached the Subtle Region, carrying love and remembrances from all of you, especially from respected Dadis, all teachers, senior Brothers and all Brothers and Sisters, what did I see as soon as I reached the Subtle Region? Very beautiful stars were sparkling in a V shape on one side. On another side, they were sparkling in the shape of a half-moon. On the third side, there were stars in various different designs. The light from those stars was very beautiful and the reflection from those lights was making different designs in the Subtle Region. After some seconds, Baba was visible coming from a distance and Rameshbhai was with Him. From the stars that were in the V shape, many beautiful angels began to emerge and they were holding garlands of light which they were putting on Rameshbhai. Light was automatically emerging from the stars that were in the half-moon form and creating garlands of different designs, and from the stars that were of different designs (on the third side), the light emerging from these was in the form of beautiful tilaks and crowns which were fully decorating Rameshbhai. This decoration was looking very beautiful. Rameshbhai was looking towards Baba and Baba was also giving very sweet drishti to Rameshbhai. Rameshbhai asked Baba: Baba, what is happening? Baba replied: Child, today, all the souls whom you have served in Bharat and in the whole world, whom you have inspired and with whom you have created new plans on the field of service, in return for all of that, all of them are decorating you in their own way. Everyone has so much love for you in their hearts and everyone is remembering you with so much love.

I said: Rameshbhai, you have left all of us. He said: I have not gone away, I was with Baba and I am with Baba. Baba then said: In the last few days, the child’s body was working at a very slow speed. The doctors were doing their work and the body was doing its work, and this child was with Baba in the Subtle Region and having a very good heart-to-heart conversation with Baba. I was wondering what the conversation would have been. Baba smiled and said: From the beginning, this child always felt that new plans for service should be made, what the systems of the future world would be, and how intense our effort needed to be at the present moment – he was talking to Baba about all of this. Hearing this, I felt that all of this will automatically exist in the Golden Age anyway. Rameshbhai said: No, in order for it all to be automatic, we have to create the sanskars before that, then the laws and regulations, and then its setting will all work automatically. I said: While sitting here (in the corporeal world) you used to do all of that. You always used to be engaged in creating the laws and systems of the Yagya and the government. Baba said: While doing everything here, the child used to think a lot about what the future world would be like and what the economics of that world would be. He always used to write something or the other about that too. How to do all of that practically – he will now carry out all of that at a fast speed in advance.

I said: Baba, all the Brothers and Sisters will miss Rameshbhai, they will especially miss him in the Yagya. Our senior Brothers and the Dadis will also miss him. Rameshbhai smiled and said: Baba has given His company to everyone and Baba is inspiring everything and I am with all of you. I said: You were looking after so many departments. From the beginning, you created many new plans for service. As he was hearing this, he laughed and said: I didn’t do that. Baba made it happen because it is Baba’s work. Baba taught me and inspired me.

Then Baba said: From the time that this child recognised Baba, he has been an example in the lokik and alokik family. Having been a trustee, he did everything accurately and efficiently, making sure that nothing was lacking, that there were no mistakes. No matter what happened, he was very strict, and always had the aim of making sure everything was done accurately. He made sure all the systems of the Yagya were correct, that there was never anything wrong, and he did everything with a lot of love. In all departments, he has his experienced jewels with him who are doing everything now and will continue to do so. I said: Those from all departments are remembering you a lot. He said: Tell everyone, if you continue as a trustee and always keep Baba with you, if you have faith in one another, are co-operative with one another, and keep the gathering strong as you do everything, then Baba will touch you with new methods. Baba is bound to you to make sure every task is carried out accurately. Baba said: This is My task, I am with you and I will always fulfil the responsibility.

Then Baba showed a very beautiful scene. Many various scenes were coming in front of me as scenes and scenery. Seeing all of that, Rameshbhai asked Baba: What is this? Baba replied: Child, in the final days, you always used to think that many should receive Baba’s message through the Godlywood Studio. You carried out the work to give the message here, but now I am making the child an instrument for ‘Holy wood’ through which everyone will remain healthy, wealthy and happy in the Golden Aged world. What will be the scenes of that world – Baba is showing you those scenes now.

Then I placed Bhog in front of Baba. Baba said: Child, you have not accepted Bhog for a long time. So, today, special Bhog has come for you from Madhuban. So he said: First call our Dadis and senior Brothers. In a few moments, all of them were emerged in the Subtle Region. Then Baba first fed Rameshbhai with His own hands. Rameshbhai said: Baba, feed everyone. Baba took a little piece to feed each one and said: Open your mouth. And I saw, that instead of everyone opening their mouths, everyone had little plates, which had Brahma bhojan from the Yagya in it. Seeing that, everyone was very happy. From the beginning, his mother (Shanta Mata) never used to allow anyone to go without feeding them. So, today, that scene is in front of me and Baba made the whole family emerge there. Everyone was very happy to see and meet one another.

Then Baba asked Rameshbhai: Do you want to say anything to anyone? He said: Let everyone continue to move along as a trustee and continue the work in Baba’s Yagya accurately. Let there not be any consciousness of “I” in it. It is Baba’s task and Baba is inspiring it. Make sure that there is never anything that happens that makes the activity of the Yagya become slack. Let everyone do this accurately by paying a lot of attention while keeping Baba with you. Then Baba gave remembrances to all those who served him, the doctors and his companions from his departments and asked them: Did you all serve him or what did you do? Baba then said: This is not service, but you have got that experience. Working with such a Brother, you learnt and experienced a lot and also accumulated in your account of charity. In return of service, you received this fruit and also blessings. Then Rameshbhai gave remembrances to everyone and said: All are Baba’s hands. Let all these arms continue to work accurately and make everyone move forward. Seeing this scene, I came back to the corporeal world. Achcha. Om Shanti.

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Re: Ramesh Shah

Post29 Apr 2017

I first met Rameshbhai in Bombay, in late 1976, during the Divinize the Man International Conference. After the conference our party travelled to Madhuban and we spent more than a month undergoing intense training in meditation. Each day a top brass BK was our instructor, including Rameshbhai, who was visiting Abu, from Bombay.

I recalled, at that time, he was passionately seeking a double foreigner or Indian native trained in sociology. As an undergraduate pre-med student, my career plan was only of interest to Baap Dada, for the BKs preached that there was no need for physicians, veterinarians, and other healers in Sat Yug. Many questioned why I was pursuing training in medicine when destruction was going to happen on January 18, 1977? On the evening of January 18 1977, Baap Dada gave a discourse on transformation and predicted that many BKs will be jailed.

I could not meet with Rameshbhai in the summer of 1977 when he visited the West with Kumaka Dadi. I was undergoing guerrilla warfare training in the Amazon jungles. I met him again in the early fall of 1980 when there was a huge New York City conference for Didi who was visiting the West. As we chatted and he learned of my surname, he perked up. That's because my name sake was a famous global sport personality who was knighted by Her Majesty Elizabeth II and the specific sport is part of my DNA.

May the Great Spirit be with him.

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