BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

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BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post29 Oct 2012

The entire BK World operates on the versions from Murlis and they are now putting it wide open to public to reveal BapDada as instructed in the Murlis. This is despite the confusing appearance of Dadi Gulzar during the Murli of Apr-12 where even the very senior BK translator got confused !! Real test of faith for them?! Baba also didnt arrive in Oct-12 due to Dadi Gulzar's health! Questions? Suspicions?! If they had not believed their cause, they would have edited that before posting it to the internet. And it's not this alone, there is more and more stuff they are putting on TV, Internet and recent instructions in Murlis only promote that.

This goes against the general theme of this web-site against lack of transparency from them. Despite all these, they seem to only grow and grow - because in my view "core is pure"
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Re: BKWSU expands because core is pure

Post29 Oct 2012

I am sorry, I don't understand the point you are making in the middle section of your post ... it's simple, they hoped Gulzar would be better and did not want to lose money because no one came (think about it, they had probably ordered all the food and vegetables etc in advance) ... but I will answer the rest.
clearernow wrote:The entire BK World operates on the versions from Murlis and they are now putting it wide open to public to reveal Bap Dada as instructed in the Murlis.

Which version of the Murlis? The original ones, or the slimmed down, re-written and whitewashed ones?

Where is there one place on the internet to go and read all of the original Sakar Murlis as I can the Bible or Koran?

Let us be honest, *if* the BKs are changing, a large part of it is because of the influence of this website pushing them to do so. Have they publish a genuine history of the movement yet, or are they still selling the book Adi Dev and so on?
This goes against the general theme of this web-site against lack of transparency from them.

Have they published their global or Indian accounts yet? When they do, I'll start to believe they are being "transparent".

I don't expect them ever to be because we know they don't account for all the cash they get.

And let's wait until the next high profile rape or suicide case within the BKWSU and see how they respond to it.
Despite all these, they seem to only grow and grow- because in my view "core is pure"

I don't know what the overall figures are. In some countries they have lost high profile BKs and have been shutting down centres. I guess the numbers in India are still quite stable but the reason for this is that most people are programmed and happy to be followers and the BKs offer a modern-ish, lightweight version of Hinduism for them, and an escape from marriage for young women.

With the increase in income, the BKs can spend more on marketing and advertising, and accommodate more people, hence more followers ... but still not that many. I think there is a more rational reason for the increase in numbers and much of is financial and material; e.g. all the big buildings, paid for TV shows, etc.


Re: BKWSU expands because core is pure

Post29 Oct 2012

On the above-

1. Few years ago, the general BK view was not to open the Muralis in the public domain because of the misinterpretation that it would undergo. Now they have started with sharing videos of recent Avyakt muralis - even the one that can lead to confusion about Avyakt Muralis. I cannot be sure if this is the impact of your web-site but even if it is, it will be better for the newcomers in Gyan who can not only see increased transparency but even test their faith using the counter questioning aided by your web-site. I am sure it will happen to older muralis as well as you keep up the pressure, if that is what they are now countering you with. When you talk about Sakar Muralis, they have even uploaded voices of Brahma Baba and Mama on internet - let me share this knowing Hindi - both of their voices and language is pretty ordinary and may actually dissuade their followers from taking them as Godly versions - yet it's now public.

2. What is the need for you to know the accounts? Let's say they now have many properties worth millions of dollars - what difference does that make? In any case, it's so clearly visible across the world where they keep getting more and more centres, retreat centres and so on which clearly is a lot of property. What will you make if you know its value? Which religious/spiritual organization or for that matter any organization that is privately funded has opened their accounts to public or required to do so by law?? BTW whether you know or not they do maintain accounts of each and every center in detail and they undergo annual auditing. I came across few cases in which the centre in-charges found this auditing process very painful and were clearly instructed from Madhuban that their centre status would be relegated if they didnt follow the process. They are operating as per the existing laws and people who have problem with that can take those matters with authorities - asking here wont help

3.Their growth is real, undoubtedly in India many new centres opening up, globally many new countries coming up. The numbers were anyway considerably lower in the West and it will never be millions.

Last but not the least, a lot of the BK knowldedge is really about Raja Yoga - that's the key - and if they are improving on their weaknesses of philosophy as proclaimed by this web-site, it will only make their path even more appealing to people. Your efforts will actually help for sure as it will be real test for the faith of adherents - but majority still continue despite such dissuasion because of the pull of that Pure and Loving power.
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Re: BKWSU expands because core is pure

Post30 Oct 2012

Well, it appears to me that despite your big talk, nothing has really changed in the BKWSU. You cannot say they are transparent until they transparently publish their accounts. We need evidence of the organization's new found honesty (there is none, it is not; it is as simple as that).

So what? The Mafia bosses keep good 'private' accounts too ... and they does not publish them in public either. Even the Vatican publishes its accounts.

Personally, I would say they need to be transparent and accountable which means much more, e.g. keeping records of abuse and how it was dealt with, telling followers the truth about their past and how they have lied, having some kind of ombudsperson system, and so on. They need to clean up their house.

Do the BK operating within "existing laws"? Yes and no. They will bend them where necessary and possible, and always have done. Some BK leaders are more bent than others.

The Avyakt Murlis are no big deal. They say nothing. It's just Lekhraj Kirpalani rambling on and encouraging his troops. Why are the BKs afraid to publish the truth when they believe it is "God's truth"?

Yes, I remember someone writing that Lekhraj Kirpalani spoke in perhaps a low middle class Hindi at best but, no, Brahma Kumarism is not about "Raja Yoga". It's about "BK Raja Yoga". I wish they would fix that too. Raja Yoga is an entirely different practise.

I am sorry, when I first started to read what you wrote, I hoped you were going to give us some good news. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the same old exaggerations as we have become used to from adherents.

The BKWSU are not afraid of non-BKs "misinterpreting" the Sakar Murlis ... the BKWSU is afraid that non-BKs will read what they say and understand it perfectly. There is no need of "interpretation". They are written clearly in back and white. What the BKWSU wants to do is remove all the offensive bigotry and errors first before they release them into the public so that Lekhraj Kirpalani will look better to the world ... but in doing so, they will hide the truth of their religion.


Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post30 Oct 2012

There is no big talk- it's just a personal opinion- nothing to do with BKs' stance or how they would deal with it. And I do have great news but that wouldn't sound good enough to you. The great news is that I have taken tremendous benefit in all aspects of my life from them and have seen thousands getting benefitted - I have seen miracles happening through the power of spirituality and Yoga in life threatening situations. I have seen a lot of positivity and purity as well amidst some of the imperfections. If they were perfect, they would all be sitting in Subtle Region as per their own course! I see no point in knowing their accounts - They are not a state like Vatican and it doesn't help me. You can demand that using whatever method you want to adopt. There seem to be a lot of personal hurt that you have taken from them which I really feel for - sorry. Like you claim they exaggerate on the beauty of their knowledge, Yoga and Service, you are also exaggerating and continue to magnify few imperfections you saw many years ago at their end. Of course they have imperfections that need cleaning up which is already happening and if you keep patience, you will see a great deal happening in next few years.

If you cant appreciate the beauty of the Avyakt Murlis - it's entirely your choice and it will not really appeal to all - they are much subtle, sweet, deep yet simple, personal and contain an ocean of knowledge on all aspects of spirituality with practical advise on how one can implement it in their practical life. But It will be a waste of time justifying it to you because clearly you are just at the other extreme and wont see any beauty at all. Just like I can not undo what you have gone through, you wont be able to undo the deep peace, joy and positivity experienced by many like me who continue to do so despite the years of efforts you have put in here to convince us that its not real and everything is bad :-).

Lastly the BK Raja Yoga meditation is really the glue that keeps the adherrants going and as the problems in the world increase, more and more will take that up - its already happening at a large scale. Not sure of your experiences but it works like magic- there are thousands of individual stories on the experiences of meditation, it's super positive effects on mind, body and life - today without any prejudice I can say that that is the real beauty, the "core that is pure" -debating the rest can continue but its secondary and to me personally its a waste of time. There is much joy in the supreme being's lovely connection which elevates the consciousness and thats what I am going for now - what a lovely experience I had this morning and hopefully the same this evening :-).
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Mr Green


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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post30 Oct 2012

Raja Yoga is a title stolen by the BKs! Ancient Raj Yoga? from the 30's! Come on it's pure deception and lies!


Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post30 Oct 2012

Mr Green wrote:Raja Yoga is a title stolen by the BKs! ancient raj Yoga? from the 30's! come on it's pure deception and lies!

What's in a name! Call it BK Raja Yoga or whatever but the experience doesn't change and personal experiences don't lie - others always can.
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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post31 Oct 2012

clearernow wrote:What's in a name! ... and personal experiences don't lie - others always can.

It's not just the names (all of them) ... it's the principle of the matter.

In the BKs' case, that is 'taking something else that is someone else's and passing it off as one's own in order to increase one's status or make money'.

Those are the principles of theft, lying and fraud ... to which I would add equal sins of a lack of imagination and a wilful reluctance towards education.

As to "personally experiences not lying" ... oh, come on!?! How many lunatics do we have in the asylums who think they are Jesus, God or Napoleon? Even the BKs would claim the "personal experiences" of all other religious founders and followers are all delusions.

Actually, I have a longer answer for you, and I wanted to address something you wrote above, but please tell us the "good news" and give us a few examples of the miracles.

Yes, we are perfectly aware that part of the purpose of this website is to make the BKWSU have to become a better place (... and hopefully harm less people by doing so). Do you think we are so stupid not to know that? We do more influential service here than most BKs in their entire BK careers because they are to frightened to speak out as we do.

When I wrote "Vatican", I used it as a short hand for the Catholic Church and of course one can read the accounts of all the diocese ... but, on the other hand, I think you are wrong. The BKWSU is a sort of virtual and international theocratic State (or at least a State within a States), especially when it comes to money and taxes. Madhuban does operate a bit like the Vatican and the BKs certain have that aim (to own Mount Abu outright before 'The End").

I believe that for a long time they never paid any taxes or showed any accounts because they argued, they weren't a religion ... they were "a family". No wonder they suck up to big politicians and civil servants so much ...


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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post31 Oct 2012

The Core is pure?????????

Is a person with pure core deceives you by saying that it is only a matter of few years ... you are my once lost and now found child ... this is your last (84th) birth ... Come on, here I am GOD and I will purify you if you meditate with me ... subsequently starts insulting you and blaming you that because of you only the Destruction is not happening and you have to purify yourself ... come on, donate your mind, body, soul, energy, money, time, family, and throw away your life on this cause ... TIME IS VERY NEAR ... HA ... How near is near, my dear?? .. Yes, I know it will never come as I am not yet purified myself ... And I am responsible for all the sorrows happening in the entire world ... because I am the ADHAR MURT, and out of pity I feel guilt and throw away even the normal living and normal happiness because I am a future deity.

A part from legal accounts in terms of money, from where the BK Centre-in-Charges give the accountability of the false claims, teachings, hopes, they had given to thousands of adherents for decades, and they left the organization with the bad taste in mouth…? Yes, the BKs will always get the newcomers as time is very challenging and BK offer very simple (though untrue) knowledge of life cycle, karmas and philosophy which very easily appeals to people.

Bottomline is IF THE CORE IS PURE why not they come out with the truth…?

Why cannot they answers the simple questions as almost every BK and members of this website like to ask… (and he is not allowed in BK centre).


Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post31 Oct 2012

Well- all I can say by reading opinions of the key members of this forum is that they are fascinated by destruction much more than the BKs. Come on- the BK world has moved on but here people are stuck within a loop that starts and ends with destruction and destruction nothing else. Its the same over years if you look at the old posts.I see no point in relating every aspect of knowledge and meditation with destruction that is so rampant on this web-site - Another thing that I suspect now is that some of the members of this web-site probably may have had ego clashes with the centre-in-charges or some specific personalities ...but they do not run the BK world- Only Murlis do..And may be some of the BKs you have come across did misinterpret The Knowledge themselves- some still do but you can not generalize it! But then for all the readers and any newcomers in BK knowldedge my advise will be that NEVER BASE YOUR FAITH based on a BK individual- all of them are also trying to remove their weaknesses and are students...some succeed and some fail but they will get there..try and experiment your connection with the supreme and base your faith on that if you want to pursue the path.

Let me tell you that most of the BKs that based their faith on destruction have left Gyan each time they thought it was happening in a specific year. This in a way is cleaning up so that only the souls that base their faith on supreme carry on ....You must ask yourself- Do you give your life to God because only few years are remaining for destruction OR because of deep love of God??? So if someone in the BK world had told you that time that its about 50 years remaining- you would have left immediately- right? I did the same mistake and learnt from it and moved on- not stuck with it because I blamed myself for this not them because it was my FREE CHOICE not a coercion by them..

Only those who have based their faith based on connection with supreme have stayed on (which is the majority) and the same will apply every time people start counting years of destruction. Murlis have always mentioned to NOT BASE THE FAITH on DESTRUCTION. Which Murli advised to base your faith on destruction? This is a fundamental mistake some do and based their decisions of life based on this whilst they miss out on the pure connection with supreme that has no parallel in the world- simply deep bliss, peace, happiness and joy with the power of soul consciousness...Move on..A lot of positive change and transformation is happening in the BK world..yes there are few areas that require changes..it will happen..they will get there..


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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post31 Oct 2012

Now tell me who obsessed with Destruction?


Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post31 Oct 2012

It's so evident who is - out of the thousands of BK videos available on the internet regarding peace and meditation - who has picked the one and then using it for propaganda?????? Do I need to say anything else ... you almost made me laugh picking up this video ... move on as I said ... whatever you are stuck with, you will only see that and dig that one ... get out of the Destruction loop only then you will be able to appreciate what I am talking about.


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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post01 Nov 2012

Oh yes, thousands of peace and meditation videos are on Youtube. The fact is there no reference to the BK real agenda or teachings.

This is where it goes wrong. Turn it around, first tell people the true BK agenda and teachings and than come with the meditation which is based on the teachings. Scare people first, then tell them how to overcome Destruction which is following the teachings.

I don't think many of us here believe in a Destruction period. The fact is that BK keeps their followers in their claws to say Destruction will be in two or three days, and that for the last 75 years. We are sober people here but can you imagine what it does to vulnerable people? They are scared to death. BK is trying to turn it into transformation now to keep their face.

Now you might be all high over you're so called "experience", the fact is BK has been deceiving people for 75 years including you! Running a cult is an art you know, and you fall for it.


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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post01 Nov 2012

Clearernow wrote:Well - all I can say by reading opinions of the key members of this forum is that they are fascinated by destruction much more than the BKs.

Before joining BKs we never thought of Destruction, and now also we never think of it. But now we are learning to live a simple, beautiful NORMAL life free from hypnotized brainwashing (thinking you are elevated and top of the world, and others are dirty soul, deserving heavy punishment during the end of the world) .. Yes, we have to relearn it, as it is totally destroyed by the BK teachings ... Almost every Murli covers the point of Destruction happening soon ...

Before joining BKs, we were more social and spiritual and, of course, in search of GOD. That’s why gone to BK. Not because we were fed up of normal life and escaped from it. But to quench our spiritual thirst and BKs exaggerated this thirst and very confidently offered THEIR GOD as the ONLY GOD of all religions. Subsequently they tried to capture our lives and even self-esteem in the name of their bogus SWAMAN.

It is only in the BKs we learned about Destruction and that too very soon ...
Come on - the BK world has moved on but here people are stuck within a loop that starts and ends with destruction and destruction nothing else.

That’s what we are trying to tell that BK World has moved on (away) from their flow. First they give false teachings and then they move away ... in the name of DRAMA ... FUNNY ...
Let me tell you that most of the BKs that based their faith on Destruction have left Gyan each time they thought it was happening in a specific year.

Destruction is the false Gyan given by the BKs – So we did no left Gyan we left AGYAN. If Gyan means knowledge then The Knowledge should give the correct scientific information otherwise it is also a Bhakti (based on faith).
This in a way is cleaning up so that only the souls that base their faith on supreme carry on ...

The souls who are carrying on must have found themselves in first class air conditioned centre enjoying the seva of their adherents or they are carrying on because they have no other place to go.
You must ask yourself- Do you give your life to God because only few years are remaining for destruction OR because of deep love of God???

I cannot give my life to GOD. But God has given me this life. And I am still on his path but not in the cultist fearful teachings of BKs. Now I am free to help poor without the fear for getting involved in to the karmic accounts. Now I am free to go to the people, mix with them, eat their food, enjoy with them, help each other without the fear of getting polluted in their company. The list goes on ...

The GOD OF TRUTH will not relay on the false teaching ... and it will not play any yukti to grab the adherents.


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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post01 Nov 2012

You said that right.

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