Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post27 Jan 2013

For a detached observer, this show is becoming very entertaining indeed! Tweedledum and Tweedledee!
alladin wrote: Was I hallucinating all the times I heard Baba say in the Murli that the key for transformation of the Self and the world is silence ? The soul, a star, a point, and the Supreme Soul united; no noise, no words, no songs, no posters, no pictures even of Brahma Baba. No physical pilgrimage, no festivals, their time is over. Such things are detrimental for Yoga, a distraction from the aim

He also said it doesn't matter what clothes you wear. They don't pay much attention to that one either. I guess an army needs a uniform. They wanted me to shave off my beard (I already had a crew cut, or haircut would have been suggested too). Jeans were frowned upon, day after day. It seems that everything is superficial for them. Spiritual teachings are for others, not them, as they are already perfect. What matters is what race you are (are you Indian), what family you are from (Kripalani Klan?), what gender you are (female good male bad), and how long you have physically been with them. And their number one "virtue" is obedience. Switch your mind off at the door. Park your personality and your sense of humour outside.

Do what you are told. Never mind what happens now: there will be jam tomorrow. Honest.


Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post27 Jan 2013

The pair of you are mentally ill. You've lost your humanity, never mind your soul

Typical reaction....whenever your false sense of authority and delusion is shaken a bit..carry on with your ridicule mission and all the best
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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post27 Jan 2013

Would you call yourself a 'Dadi Bhagat' or a 'BK apologist'?

I preach not just 'the right to be irreverent about cult leaders who rake in millions from an impoverished nation while deceiving generations of adherents' but that it is extremely healthy for one's soul. I promise you, I've laughed so much about the BKs that it can only be inspired by God. Baba gave me a touching to make the jokes.

However, even the inner circle of the BKWSU knows that I am also capable of doing so much, much more than just political satire ... why not go and have a read over some of the historical revision research which has exposed the lies the Kirpalani Klan have been telling people for decades and answer me one question,
    "Can you build an 'Age of Truth' out of a mountain of lies?"
If you consider that one cannot ... which seems logical to me ... will you please tell us when the Brahma Kumaris will stop trying to do so, or what Janki is doing to stop it?

Why doesn't she tell these people to stop wasting their money on **** and start feeding starving children!?!

Another day another picture frame ... another marketing plug

2nd_Biggest Trophy.jpg
2nd Biggest trophy in the world?

And, let's not forget this one ...

Obergruppenführer Janki Kripalani salutes the SS Army on the eve of their Victory on the Eastern Front (noto bene to Karuna Shetty ... don't show this to the Jewish Chronicle!)


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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post27 Jan 2013

2nd biggest trophy of the world?

Who is giving to whom? DJ is giving to Anna Hazare or Anna Hazare is giving to DJ?

If it to Anna Hazare ... for what? Perhaps for remaining unmarried Kumar???


Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post27 Jan 2013

Anna Hazare (BTW, he is not a BK rather a very popular social activist) to Dadi Janki some 5 years ago I think ...


Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post27 Jan 2013

Ex-I wrote:The only way the BKs would gain my respect would be if they were to spend their donations on building modern public latrines.

I don’t think any other organization/railway station/airports/hotels/religious institutions do have as many latrine as in Madhuban.
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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post27 Jan 2013

Perhaps, but they are only building them for themselves ... not for the general public's benefit which was my point. That's how the hospitals started too. 99% of what the BKs do they are doing for themselves.

In most cases where they are doing something good for others, e.g. Dr Vinay Lakshmi's Village Outreach Project, the BKs who did it had to struggle against the BK leaders or system to do so. Although I accept things have changed, one has to firstly remember the context and where it all came from, e.g. lokik charity used to be 'against Shrimat', and ask what the purpose is, e.g. is it sincere charity or just cynical PR and damage limitation. Whitewashing in other words.

It's not only Janki who is getting awards and looking glum about it ...


And not only her that gets a funny hat ...


Honestly, it's going too far. It is a sign they have far too much money to waste and are setting a bad example. Where do they keep all these ugly trinkets anyway ... and are they going to take them to Sat Yug?

There's plenty more on 'BK Sewa', 'BK Media' and other sites. I am sorry but it's just meaningless, self-congratulatory garbage and a waste of money. I had no idea it was going on to this extent.

I suppose they're just doing it because it can be used for publicity and that is what they believe "service" is ... self-advertising mainly. Where are the pictures of them getting their hands dirty actually helping people?


Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post27 Jan 2013

ex-l Bhai: You seem to be having an off day today - honestly you seem to be more of trying to convince yourself in these posts now from the tone of it ... you asked me in other posts to show examples of misrepresentaiton- here is one so clearly evident

Firstly you picked the wrong picture - some 5 year old one wherein the program was organized by a non-BK group and award was given to DJ by a leading social activist - Anna Hazare ... perhaps you thought Anna was a BK as he was clad in white :-).
ex-l wrote:It's not only Janki who is getting awards and looking glum about it ...

Secondly the three leading Sisters of BKWSU getting "Maharani Jhansi" awards- again this is a recognition from a non-BK group to the three women (I think in relation with International woman's day) and nothing to do with BK internal ceremonies.
ex-l wrote:And not only her that gets a funny hat ...

Thirdly Bhai, the hats you talk about are not from a BK internal ceremony - I guess you have overlooked the fact that it was a convocation ceremony and I am sure you did not wish to ridicule the convocation traditions institutionalized in the West centuries ago. As you keep preaching Brahma Kumaris to do service outside the BKism, this is a must read as this ceremony took place in CENTRAL JAIL of one of the major states of India converting criminal into better human beings which is one of the best forms of social service (in conjunction with a university in a state).
BKWSU wrote:Highlights of the convocation function:
    --Total 86 students had enrolled for the academic programme
    --73 students attended Personal Contact Programme like Training Classes (14 full days)
    --56 students appeared for Examination
    --49 students took oath and accepted Certificate from VC of Annamalai Open University
    --9 of successful inmates were Muslim
    --Medals were given away to top 10 by Rajyogini Sarladidi, Director Brahma Kumaris
    --Safdar Nagori (SIMI) was at the top of Distinction Students’ list with 87.2% aggregate
    --Convicted inmate IPS officer DG Vanzara stood at 11th position
    --PG Diploma in Value Education and Spirituality was offered by Annamalai University
    --No fee was charged by Annamalai University for the course
    --VC Dr. M. Ramanathan offered MBA course for inmates
    --Safdar Nagori started his speech with Quranic verse Bismillahirrahmanirrahim; DG Vanzara did so with ‘Om Shanti’
The air of Sabaramati jail was filled with joy and appreciation for the inmates. Other jail inmates who were witnessing the function enjoyed and felicitated their friends.

And here is non-BK quote on why I see this as a powerful social service:
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
― Nelson Mandela

I think its easy to see how trasformation of each educated criminal from a central jail will lead to saving lot of lives, making lives of hundreds of children better including taking away their starvation and save so many families from the tragedies inflicted on them. You can always interpret it the way you want ... while BKs continue their similar services in other jails.
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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post27 Jan 2013

clearernow wrote:Firstly you picked the wrong picture - some 5 year old one wherein the program was organized by a non-BK group and award was given to DJ by a leading social activist -Anna Hazare ...perhaps you thought Anna was a BK as he was clad in white :-).

No, I did not look further than all the big, trophies ... whether they were giving or taking makes no difference to me. The whole thing is silly and pointless. If the BKs had any ethics, they would refuse them and just ask people to give donations to good causes instead. Even non-BK, Iron-Aged shudras have sufficient sincerity and imagination to do so ... and many refuse to seek to use every good thing they do as publicity.

I knew of Hazare from his "Anti-Corruption" campaigning in India and thought it was paradoxical. I was going to make a point about it in a future post and might consider writing to him and asking for his advice.

n-b/nishaybuddhi breached our code of ethics (again) during his registration. He's no longer a member. Our purpose is clearly stated during in registration process. Generally we are fairly accommodation of a wide range of point of view, if put intelligently, but we prioritise the interests of non-BKs and exiting BKs.
clearernow wrote:Lastly: Another technical glitch? I saw a post from n-b that seems to be removed while you answered

Your sarcasm is noted clearernow but I reported what happened ... and what would happen if I was in control ... with 100% accurately in the post your refer to. Unless you have any evidence to the contrary, I'll have to ask you to retract your allegation, or withdraw yourself. We base our credibility here on facts we can support with evidence.


Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post27 Jan 2013

ex-l Bhai- I have updated my post based on what you forced me to do and n-b can evidence regarding his post if he wishes - I hope you also stick to your code of ethics on anonymity - you took it too far ex-l by what you you were trying to do: please don't be so desparate and if you wish you can ban all the positive opinions and BK supporters but I suspect that your are getting very close to getting exposed by what you are doing these days. BKs have moved on and getting themselves aligned to the needs of the present times but you seem to not and stuck with the past.

I think you started it well few years ago attracting some people to support you who needed someone to hear their voices during exit from BKWSU and had very genuine questions and intelligent criticism. In the process of pursuing some mission/rage or whatever (which is still not clear to me as such) you started feeding such needy ex-BKs more magnified and exaggerated negativity about BKism which was very easily accepted for obvious reasons when anyone is in that leaving mindset. But you seem to be getting lost on the way.

Sorry it sounds a bit of sarcasm and apologies for being direct but it is my sincere suggestion to you to maintain honesty in whatever you are trying to do. I wish that you don't take it personally but I have been observing this for a while now and since I am not a part of inner BK circle either, I am looking at it as a "detached observer" and wish you use your time more creatively as you are a very intelligent person but it's your choice afterall.

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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post27 Jan 2013

It's 'off topic' but I am against the BKs' prison service in both the West and India, especially where it is institutionalised (which I agree is not all cases), because of the greater purpose of the BKWSU. I am against all the needless material expenses; dressing up etc. Prisoners are not free to chose and are vulnerable to BK indoctrination which, as we have seen, is not all true.

Besides which, they are criminals ... they're meant to be suffering! Do victim support instead ... or start work on the social reforms required to reduce crime?

One or two or even 100 prisoners apparently "reforming" themselves still does not pay for the number of victims in the past, nor the 7 billion victims of the future which is the agenda. Whether such work actually helps the individuals in the long run is wide open to speculation because the BKWSU does not do, and is not capable of doing, proper, objective follow up research.


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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post07 Apr 2013

I began to question DJ after watching her in India & abroad. Also when she began to become cruel, bossy & mean to me. I can see what many of you say about manipulative & about $$$s. I used to tell myself we are all human & so is she - but the egoism, the demand to worship her, the demand for unquestioning loyalty & guru worship was very obvious to me & always made me feel uneasy.

I decided long ago after an experience in London with both DJ & Jayanti that they were strange & very demanding of people, & I always made my own decisions despite of demands to the contrary from them. Very unlike the elder spiritual women I am used to. I realised, in the 90s, that DJ had revised the Tagus, much of the original teachings & instituted guru worship! It was nothing like the original teachings nor was it spiritual.

It's true I had some good experiences with her personally when I was in a difficult situation she was very kind & she did not have to be. This particular incident made a difference. I have always only had my main spiritual relationship with 'Biaine'. Our name for the 'god' never with a human as this is what our culture teaches ... so I always found the personal DJ or Seniors worship very strange, at odds with any true spiritual teaching & in its worse form. Very dangerous for anyone to believe or engage.

It's very sad that so many follow this ...
I know that I could never ...


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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post21 May 2013

Janki will always look the other way, if it benefits her. She doesn't care about morals or pure intentions, so many have suffered at the hands of Janki' s false teaching.

She is by far the biggest hypocrite !!!

I have always seen Janki get excited by VIP individuals and when you meet her in India Madhubhan, she makes gestures and promises and predictions. Then when you follow what she says, you still feel no sense of spiritual fulfilment afterwards.

You then ask her, "why I have these feelings?" she says one thing very confidently, "drama". I began to no longer trust Seniors or Janki, as they are experts at taking away people's confidence and self-esteem.

In the end, advice and support from Janki leads to disappointment ... unless your a ViP from a far away country.

I have also experienced that she is also a very good actress, the biggest hypocrite I know.

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