
for young people from 13 to 20 involved, interested or whose families are in the BKWSU
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Post04 Mar 2007

My name is Seva,

I am a child of someone associated with the BKs, and I would like to learn about the religion, and also to come and ask questions when I need to. My parent does not want me to recieve PMs from adults, so if you have a message, please leave it in the "Friends and Family" section, or send it to World Peace, who is the moderator here.

World Peace, would you please tell me what it was like growing up in the Brahma Kumaris?

Thank you,




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Post06 Mar 2007

Welcome on board dear Seva. Hope you have a great time on this forum. Sorry for the delay in response.

I was with the Brahmakumaris from the age of 15 to 20.

I had a great start as a Brahmakumar. I was treated special for two reasons - I was a kid, I came from a religion that doesn't look upon the BK beliefs favorably.

The red light, silent atmosphere and esoteric knowledge all attracted me. Soon I found out that my belief has completely changed and I lived and behaved like a BK - getting up early for meditation, attending classes, gave up meat eating, stopped watching movies and so on and I knew I was on the path of God. I was looked upon with respect by my friends and their parents and other elders for my maturity and mannerisms.

But I had a fight, a difference in opinion that was growing by day in my house and that would burst one day.

Before I continue my experiences further, I would like to know how much is your exposure to the BK system, beliefs and theories. That would make our conversation better and more focused.
    Have you been to the BK centre?
    Have you taken the 7 day course?
    Else have you read about the BK - institution, people, purpose, systems and beliefs on this forum?
    If not, would you like to know about them or get it explained further if haven't understood clearly?
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Post08 Mar 2007


Thank you for the welcome. I have only been to the centre once. When I was there, I wasn't very social, but the people were nice. I was little at the time, so I don't really remember that much. I was never a BK, and I don't intend on being one. The only reason I am here is to try to understand one of my parent's background. When I went to the centre, it was an odd experience, mostly because people there were saying to me to come again, to go to India, and it sort of unsettled me.:D

I think I was pretty fortunate to have had someone there for me, so I did not really have to say anything. Er, so when I had the chance to go to the centre again, I did not have to go, and no one made me .

Now, did you have any friends whose parents were BK's?

So pretty much I just want the chance to learn more about the religion, but not to join it. Not really my thing if you now what I mean.

Oh yeah, and why do Pukka BK's want the house so clean?

Hi Bansy: Thanks for the welcome too, and yes I know this is not a chat room, I am not allowed in chat rooms. And hi to Proy. Hope your doing good Proy.

See ya:D



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Post24 Apr 2007

Now, did you have any friends whose parents were BKs?

Yes, I did have friends whose parents were BKs or it was the other way, I knew BKs who had children and invariably they were brought to the centres. Some of them (very young), enjoyed the warmth, adolescents frowned a bit and grown ups came usually out of compulsions.
Oh yeah, and why do Pukka BK's want the house so clean?

Yeah, all that is part of the teaching and BK way of life. I like those aspect though, keeping yourself and your environment clean.

Their theory is that clean environment will foster clean thoughts. And this is natural I guess.

Sorry of the delayed reply :D
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Reply to Andrey ... you may reply on Di's thread ... 6/13/07

Post13 Jun 2007

Brother Andrey,

I have been asked by Seva to reply to this:

The family system has failed. You could have seen also the youngster seva on the youth forum who has put an advocate between him and his parent. He will not talk to his parent but will search the net to find information regarding the "background" of his parent. Hey, your parent is at home and where are you searching?

Seva did not put an advocate between us parents. We, the parents, saw the need and signed the necessary forms for Seva's interests and well being. Children are often the little unseen victims of religions that are not meant for young children, they often suffer, are emotionally scarred and suffer abuse. Upon seeing the impact on Seva, we as parents, placed our own issues aside to insure Seva's well being and we as parents wanted Seva to be the happy child Seva was meant to be.

I won't go into the details Andrey, as I respect Seva's right to privacy. I will say this, upon which you may take heart or choose to recite Baba/Murlis back as a reply. The advocate process was initiated before we ever knew of a forum and gratefully, The Golden Age was not our priority. Seva was the priority. This may seem like a foreign thought to you but a true soul can not let a child suffer. Through this process Seva found a voice, learned to voice Seva's choices, and relay to us what made Seva happy. Later on there was another (spiritual advocate), an ex-BK (centrewasi) who helped Seva as Seva gained access to the teachings and it became a problem.

Young brilliant minds, Andrey, seek things that are not for them, even if they are considered intellectually brilliant, as it only proves to make the road of excess more available to them to follow in depths beyond their years of development. So, thanks to this ex-BK Seva was saved, continues to be a brilliant, beautiful child with many things to offer this world.

Andrey, Seva knew of the site, but it was I that told Seva to come here should Seva ever find the need to know about the teachings or help again from those with many years in Gyan teachings. If you ask why I as a parent would say this to Seva, my reply is that I have trust in these people that saved my child's life, in essence Seva in many ways has become their child to hold and continue to care for too.

Andrey, it is my sincere hope that you would find the love of fellowship in reaching out to others that are not on a religious path. I say this to you as other yogis of other faiths have offered their help, advice, and wisdom for Seva’s benefit. The Love of God does dwell within many throughout the world when they seek to reach out to others in need, especially the very young. It is, in the small things we do to help our fellowman that true greatness resides.

Sincerely, Seva's Parent

Thank You to the ex-BK's that have helped me - Seva
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abrahma kumar

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Seva's story ...

Post13 Jun 2007

Thank you Seva and Seva's Parent for coming here and sharing with us.

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Post14 Jun 2007

Seva's dad, I wish I had a dad or husband like you. Blessings!


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Re: Introduction

Post12 Mar 2015

I am from usa tx and my name is adam blart and want to discuss on some important topic.
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Re: Introduction

Post12 Mar 2015

Please do, if it is BKWSO related.

Thank you for sharing.

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