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[Policy] BKWSU Positive News section

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2007
by amaranthine
Abrahma Kumar wrote:Positive news ...?

Is that a dissagreement?

I thought these were examples of co-operation and/or charity feel free to expand on your reasoning.

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2007
by bansy
Positive news ...?

I know this is a BK forum thread, but on the other hand, I am guessing that there are also many other charities and spiritual organisations that are able to also give "positive news". Here's just one of the same title : ... elcome.cgi

However, there are good posts in this thread and look forward to some more.

Re: Personal experiences of BK charity

PostPosted: 28 Jan 2007
by ex-l
amaranthine wrote:Taken from from a paper titled:
Trustraising and Transformation; When it comes to giving, some people will stop at nothing
As I did, each of them looked up to thank me with their eyes in the Indian custom of drishti. After about three of these encounters, I was having difficulty keeping my tears out of the milk. They were tears of the joy I saw reflected in their uplifted faces.

This is a Tom Munnecke quotation, is not it? Tom is some sort of BKWSU supporter, what exactly is his relationship? Is he a BK, ex-BK, microphone or just contact soul?

I read this article some time ago, the "Indian custom of drishti" is bull. There is no such thing. Don't village kids just stare at strange foreigners? What the heck is a kid suposed to do when they don't speak the language!?! The guy was obviously in his Honeymoon Period with the BKWSU ...

Unfortunately the link does not work to go to the article, could you please give us proper attributions for your articles, e.g. the author, the media and their relationship with the BKWSU?
amaranthine wrote:From a presentation by: Julia Häusermann, MBE, President of "Rights and Humanity"

Abrahma Kumar is correct. This is not a news story.

It is just another, "Super BK Dadi Janki meets more famous people and someone with a real title!" story. Exactly what I feared.

Can you qualify IF the BKWSU raised more money for the Tsumani victims ... how much it was ... how much the actual organization gave?

"Co-operation" means nothing ... is it just the BKWSU sucking up for the sakes of service. Look, even the Tsumani victims got their donations along with Raja Yoga leaflets ... presumably telling them not to worry, the End of the World was coming and there were going to be more natural disasters to come!

I am sorry to be a cuss but I want to see something more fundimental, more real. I want to know "how much money", not just "IF someone gives it ...". But, please keep trying and ask the BKWSU to qualify their PR. This is the problem. BKs just are not used to hearing individuals questioning them ... and it burts the bubble of their illusion they are doing such wonderful good as God's only true instruments.

Charity in my book is digging sewers, giving money, breaking your ass for someone else ... and not asking for a reward for it, not even trademarking it. "Incognito good karma is the highest" it says in the Murlis. Or used to ...

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
Hello all,

Ex-I , I would like to thank you. Your post has lifted a burden that has descended upon my mind from the moment i read a BK's view
... I would say that a high proportion of the posts on this site express a bitterness towards the BKs and that the reason for this is that the most regular posters seem to have had a bad experience with the BKs that resulted in them leaving. Hence I often leave this site feeling its a bit one dimensional. I think this is a shame as I agree in principle with a lot of what is said here. Because of this, I do get a bit concerned that if someone was contemplating becoming a BK, and their research led them to this site, a lot of the points raised here might be ignored due to this blatant bias.

A conspiracy theorist's overactive imagination might see in that whole episode a tale of a BKWSU sympathiser engineering the creation of a BKWSU Positive News topic on an anti-BKWSU web site whose contributor's posts revealed a pre-occupatied with their bad experiences with the BKWSU.

What a coup. Might that be a good news story?

Having begun to feel part of this forum only to find myself dislocated from it by the description quoted was spooky. It has taken me from then till now to feel tuned back into myself and it was your forthrightness wot did it Ex-I.

BTW everyone, I do not think that any such conspiracy theorist exists.

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2007
by arjun
Abrahmakumar wrote:A conspiracy theorist's overactive imagination might see in that whole episode a tale of a BKWSU sympathiser engineering the creation of a BKWSU Positive News topic on an anti-BKWSU web site whose contributor's posts revealed a pre-occupatied with their bad experiences with the BKWSU.

I don't know if you are pointing towards me or the PBKs, but I wish to clarify that there is no conspiracy involved in creation of this thread. It is only to invite BKs to participate in this part of the forum. How the BKs respond to it depends on them.

But as ex-l has written somewhere, mere organization of conferences, rallies, fairs, retreats, mega programmes etc. cannot be expected to be accepted as positive news. I suggest that individuals (like BKs, PBKs or even ex-BKs) can write their experiences in this thread how they have benefited from their BK experience in their life.

I wanted to start a thread of this kind long back, but the fear of Copyrights issues stopped me from taking a step. As far as I have seen, there is no copyright clause mentioned on the 'Purity' magazine. If any BK has an objection to my quoting of any positive news from the BK magazines, they can intimate me through this thread or through private mail.

I also suggest the Admin. that we could put a restriction on negative comments in this thread so that the BKs feel comfortable to post in this thread. If anyone has any negative comment/counter claims to make regarding the news/views expressed in this thread then he/she could start a new thread with that issue in this section or some other section.

On Godly Service,

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2007
by ex-l
arjun wrote:But as ex-l has written somewhere, mere organization of conferences, rallies, fairs, retreats, mega programmes etc. cannot be expected to be accepted as positive news. I suggest that individuals (like BKs, PBKs or even ex-BKs) can write their experiences in this thread how they have benefited from their BK experience in their life.

I wanted to start a thread of this kind long back, but the fear of Copyrights issues stopped me from taking a step. As far as I have seen, there is no copyright clause mentioned on the 'Purity' magazine. If any BK has an objection to my quoting of any positive news from the BK magazines, they can intimate me through this thread or through private mail.

Personally speaking, I think as soon as a "Copyright" is placed on an article it is no longer "God's", "Godly" nor how "God" works ... (accepting Shiva to be God in this case or not). To me, Shiva appears to give unquestioning to all - without desire for rewards which is what rights are all about - and allows each one to take and make of it what they wish ... even a money making business, as we are increasingly seeing with the BKWSU community, or the BKWSU itself for that matter ...

From my point of view, I am happy for BKs to post their positive personal experiences in another thread. Mini-miracles and spiritualistic experiences are interesting, and if there are enough of them, convincing evidence that "something" is going on. But what I would like to see are some real, genuine, detailed, altruistic, "positive news" stories.

I am sorry but, as every one knows, I react very strongly against the kind of PR mush and layers of dishonesty that the BKs revel in ... you know, BKs disguised as other organizations, the social climbing and that kind of thing. It appears to me to be the BK Royalty and their courtiers performing a charade for their "subjects" ... sorry ... "students", in order to convince them something of importance is actually being done for all those hours of efforts and donations to Baba's box. Personally;
    • I'd like to see the BKWSU "news" subject to the same degree of scrutiny on this forum that the rest of subjects.

    • I'd like to encourage individual BKs to learn how to go back to their Seniors, and their publicity agents, and ask for hard facts, e.g. how much money, where did the goods come from, where did it go, who is this person, what are their relationship to the organization etc.
Frankly, I think "altruistic" is against BKWSU Shrimat.

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
Arjun. Of course I know that there was no conspiracy theory and I was not accusing any individual or organisation of participating in such. Apologies if it was not clear.

The aim of that post was to indicate just how any spin one wants can be put on just about anything. Plus the fact a lot can be misconstrued just from the sequence in in which events unfold themselves.

If you see my post again you will see that i clearly say, "BTW everyone, I do not think that any such conspiracy theorist exists."

Om Shanti

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2007
by arjun
If you see my post again you will see that I clearly say, "BTW everyone, I do not think that any such conspiracy theorist exists."

Dear Brother,
I did read the above line before clarifying my position. I was not casting any doubts on you but only giving clarification to remove misunderstandings, if any, in the minds of other members.


PostPosted: 30 Jan 2007
by proy
I can not think of anything good that I would call "News" but if you asked me for stories about positive experiences I had while with the BKs - you will see them posted elsewhere on this site. If you asked me about nice people and friends I have met through the BKs - it would be a long list of people. Most of the people I met around the BKs were nice or at least trying to be nice people. "POBODY IS NERFECT" as they say.

I do not see myself as fighting the BKs and I do not see this as an anti-BK forum or web site. It may look that way because I am now posting as an ex-BK. It is not clear from the labels that I started out posting as a BK. I do not see anyone who posts positive aspects of the BKs as a "traitor" to the spirit of this forum. I think the balance comes when you compare this site with the official BKWSU sites, which are Public Relations stuff only, promoting the BKs without any self examination or questioning. A company with no "Customer Feedback" is going to be in trouble if it does not start to listen.

My philosophy in life is that I take something positive from every experience I have. If what I post about the BKs elsewhere on this forum seems to be mostly "Bad News" then that is because I have no other place to say it, not because I hate the BKs or because I am bitter or resentful, I am not bitter or resentful. I just think it would have been better for all if I had known the FULL picture before I became a BK. I would never have got that full picture from the centres or the official web sites. Only here. I would love to hear some good news. I won't say here what news I most hope to hear because it has to do with the BKs becoming more open and more spiritual, and it would look like I am harping on about "Bad News" again.

I watch this space with interest - great idea Arjunbhai.

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
Thank you Arjun. I look back at our short exchange as an example of how the interactions in this forum can provide practical evidence to the world-at-large that soul's can communicate openly with each other irrespective of group designation or anything else.

PostPosted: 03 Feb 2007
by Mr Green
Should the activities of the Janki Foundation or the activities of the Living Values team be put under BK news?

They both have an independent charity number and 'independent' funding, are they really what the BKs are about at all or have they just been set up to provide a positive public face ... ? I know they're still run by BKs, but what they believe in and teach is intrinsically different from the BKs :?:

PostPosted: 03 Feb 2007
by arjun
Mr.Green wrote:Should the activities of the Janki Foundation or the activities of the Living Values team be put under BK news?

I think I remember the Living Values book being mentioned in one of the Avyakt Vani or BapDada speaking to the Living Values team of BKs. But I haven't read about the Janki Foundation in any of the Avyakt Vanis. So, I suppose that is a private/ancilliary organization of BKs. If any BK member could throw some light on these two bodies or their position within the BK Organization it would be nice.

PostPosted: 03 Feb 2007
by abrahma kumar
Mr Green wrote:Should the activities of the Janki Foundation or the activities of the Living Values team be put under BK news?

My immediate response was NO but in the time that it is taking me to write this I realise that I am indifferent. So long as these reports are based on facts then positive news is after all positive news so their inclusion is valid.

Personally, irregardless of what they publicise to the world at large, I cannot imagine that it's 'regular student-base' would feel comfortable hearing that the Murli is subject to revision (by which I mean alteration). I am now more interested in sorting my own head out and trying to understand just what I have been involved with for over a decade.

On a broader note, if there are alterations being made to the fundamental spiritual documents upon which the whole edifice of the BKWSU stands then how can we really trust these BKWSU organisms aka 'outreach initiatives'?

Why is the BKWSU seeking penetration into the mainstream on all of these various fronts? Definitely not to spread the word because it changes so much. No wonder access to the Murli is locked away so tightly. Thanks Mr. Green