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[Policy] Membership type

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2007
by bansy
Hi Admin,

What does the member category "not sure" mean ?

It is noticed that a recent member has a member type assigned as "Not sure". I am not aware if things have changed during registration and deciding what type of member one is during the registration process, if this has changed since the forum beginning.

If someone is "Not sure", but is able to comment on BK Murli points, that makes them at least ex-BK or BK. If they are able to comment on PBK points, that makes them either exPBK or PBK. Otherwise they are Non BKs or the other categories.

I think that there would be those who definitely likely to categorise themselves to make it clear to the others. Even so, it does not always seem to be.
However with a new category of "Not sure", it could mean that if the poster is not sure, which I feel also not sure of what that poster is posting.

However, if any member wants to remain anonymous and does not want to display a member type, then this option should be made for all existing members on the forum. So that a blank appears under the poster name. This is just a suggestion. Other views welcome.


PostPosted: 15 Jan 2007
by arjun
If someone is "Not sure", but is able to comment on BK Murli points, that makes them at least ex-BK or BK. If they are able to comment on PBK points, that makes them either exPBK or PBK. Otherwise they are Non BKs or the other categories.

I agree. Someone who is expert enough to comment on the advance (PBK) knowledge in deep way, certainly does not fall in the category of 'Not sure'. I also agree that many present members may be interested to get converted to that category if given a chance.
Anyways, whatever the external category, I think members can guess the actual category based on the writings.

Re: Membership type

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2007
by admin
bansy wrote:What does the member category "not sure" mean ? However, if any member wants to remain anonymous and does not want to display a member type, then this option should be made for all existing members on the forum.

Better ideas are always welcome. Likewise if the subscriber can define themselves more clearly their group can be changed. We can add 'ex-PBK' if users wish but it is good to define whether individuals are Brahmins or non-Brahmins.

When asked which category, this subscriber wrote "BK, ex-BK, PBK, Friends and Family of". Perhaps it defines their own spiritual evolution or perhaps they are beyond labels? Have any PBKs crossed the BK/PBK divide to be respected by both parties or is it yet to happen?

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2007
by arjun
Admin wrote:Have any PBKs crossed the BK/PBK divide to be respected by both parties or is it yet to happen?

Yes, there are many BKs and PBKs who are respected by both parties, but it is only at individual level. BKs, at an official level do not recognize the existence of PBKs at all. Although PBKs have, both individually and collectively tried to establish communication with the senior BKs, but it has not been fruitful so far because there is no official communication on part of BKs. There are gems on both side of the divide and if they join hands they can definitely work wonders. There are more similarities than differences, the main issue being the Chariot of Shiv. Once that issue is solved everything else would fall in place automatically. Afterall, both BKs and PBKs aim to bring about the transformation of the world. And if the hand of friendship, that Brother Mitra has extended by inviting the members of this forum to participate in the Aussie forum of BKs, retains the warmth for a longer period, then it would be a good indicator of the future events.
