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[Policy] The Common Room

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2006
by john
It seems in general that BKs and PBKs are keeping to their own section.

I just wonder if it would be useful to have a BK/PBK/ex-BK common room section, where matters of Gyan and the Yagya, history of Yagya, experiences etc can be discussed.

A meeting place that is no-one's, yet everyone's section.

Re: BK/PBK/ex-BK common room

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2006
by admin
John wrote:It seems in general that BKs and PBKs are keeping to their own section.

I just wonder if it would be useful to have a BK/PBK/ex-BK common room section, where matters of Gyan and the Yagya, history of Yagya, experiences etc can be discussed.

This is a good point to raise, John.

In the beginning, and following on from xBKChat where there were problems with PBKs "Murli bashing" and arguments between different parties, it was thought necessary to keep the various parties apart. In particular here, because of certain actions, the PBKs were limited to posting only in their own Forum and the general ones.

    • That limitation has been removed both BKs and PBKs can post anywhere.
It appears to be that the individuals attracted here are more mature, have grown or accepted the guidelines.

But your question is a good one and I invite others to comment on it. It may be time that we break down the walls - or separate the discussion not by group membership but subject nature, e.g. knowledge, service, Yoga, darna etc.
    Comments are welcome.

PostPosted: 24 Sep 2006
by arjun

I welcome the suggestion of John Bhai.

As regards the suggestion of Admin. to "separate the discussion not by group membership but subject nature, e.g. knowledge, service, yogam darna etc." I think it would lead to confusion for the newcomers if the sections are not separated as per the group membership as is being done presently. Since the PBKs are more active when compared to to other members, dominance of most of the threads by the PBKs may lead to other members complaining behind the scene, if not openly. So, it is better to continue the present set up. But a general section could be opened where anyone could participate on any topic related to the BK/PBK knowledge/ex-BK opinions. I would not talk for the BKs/XBKs, but as a PBK I would prefer the continuance of the PBK section. If the BKs/XBKs feel that the general section would be sufficient for them, then they can choose to close their sections.

I also welcome the suggestion of Admin to allow all the PBKs to post in all the sections. It is a bold move, but calls for more responsible actions by the PBKs. If any PBK appears to violate the rules then his/her activities can be restricted to the PBK section only.

These is my personal opinion and if anyone feels offended by my views I am sorry for the same.

With regards,

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2006
by admin
I have attempt to reset a couple of the forums to try out this idea but what topics would you imagine be discussed there?

Any offers for a different name/summary considered. If you want to suggest certain topics be moved out to The Commonroom from other forums, then please do.

Do you suggest that The Commonroom be the main place of discussion and that individual forums be for more specific topics?

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2006
by bansy
Although there's only one done so far, polls can go into the common room.

limitation to PBKs

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2006
by surya
Code: Select all
That limitation has been removed both BKs and PBKs can post anywhere

Dear Administrator, Thanks for the good news! Do you mean that I am free to go?! :lol:

Surya :D

Re: limitation to PBKs

PostPosted: 26 Sep 2006
by admin
surya2037 wrote:Thanks for the good news! Do you mean that I am free to go?! :lol:

Not until there will a new category called "Deities" and only then if you promise to be very good and know what to do without even being told, including using [quote] tags instead of [code] tags.

Re: limitation to PBKs

PostPosted: 26 Sep 2006
by surya
Admin wrote:
and only then if you promise to be very good and know what to do without even being told, including using quote tags instead of code tags

OK I promise to you that I will be good!
And do you know why so many mistakes in my postings? Because sometimes I use my mobile to write on this site and the screen in so small that I cannot see anything :x :idea: . You better watch over me. 8)

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
Sorry guys to tack this one on here perhaps the ops will move it to an appropriate place. Thank you.

I was observing, with a little surprise, that this common room is the place on this site where i feel most comfortable (for now at least as I am new to all this). I do not share this as a criticism of the other places on the forum but this realisation is an unexpected observation of my current stage.

Truth be known, I want while I am on the forum, to avoid the 'corporate BK speak'; the seeking of clarification over one Murli point or another; the defence of the BK system or PBK system; the glorification or vilification of the one thing or another. Am I mad? Does this make any sense? Will I never be able to hear the word sustain without an associated stream of BKWSU-inspired consciousness? My experience of the Comonroom is that within it there pervades the spirit of the seeker/the observer/.

In the BKWSU seldom chances have I seen the possibility to participate in discussions about the History of the Yagya. Where really has the BKWSU come from to get where it is today? And I do not mean the pre-BapDada meeting babble - apologies - that we get when in Madhuban? If a Historian wanted to write objectively about the BKs what would the story tell?

I confess to a great deal of ignorance about a great many of things but my finding Godly Knowledge and the ensuing study of it continues to be a highlight of this lifetime. But did it really have to be at the expense of almost every 'learned' thing that mankind has gathered knowledge about?

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2007
by bansy
Abrahma Kumar,

Glad you're working your way around, as the best way to get a feel of it is to post openly, the bark is not as big as the bite, as one finds as they progress.

This common room was an good idea, I think brought up by John. There are always good ideas from the members I have found, for the betterment of all to share. You can do so likewise. The PBKs also have settled in well, and we also hope more BKs come to realise how open this website is. For example, would a BK ever dared to ask openly at a centre who and what are PBKs, or who are Vishnu Party ? Yet it has been unearthed that Dadis watch the DVDs of the PBKs behind closed curtains.

The other subforums in this website tend to be a bit more specific but even then there is often overlap since topics can be as diverse as they can be specific.

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2007
by Mr Green
Abrama, you mind is entering a difficult phase, one I am still in although much further along.

It is good. You are in my opinion fortunate.

They told you about Kumbakarna, that everyone but they are asleep and most will be until it is too late ... well, now I suspect you are beginning to see that that is simply not the case.

True there are blissful experiences to be had in meditation (you've dropped the word Baba for God, I have also now dropped the word Yoga or Yoga for meditation) ... but most of the rest that goes on down there is a mess.

I long for the day when I don't even think about this stuff anymore, but that day is a way off yet ... it's all down to how deep your faith was as to how long the unravelling takes.

Don't panic, you're going the right way 8).

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
In the continued quest for knowledge I have come across some information which I think provides insights into Raj Yoga. ... t0026.html

I will study carefully and might post something later.

Thanks all