Bizarre behavior's of the Admin in BKPBK forum

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Bizarre behavior's of the Admin in BKPBK forum

Post02 Oct 2023

bkpbk site, the other site

The funny part is, I usually write in simple language for everyone to understand, The Admin on the other site went bizarre and started allegations about comprehending my English, and hyphens, coma etc.

He started deleting everything we posted with no confrontation. I thought Shivasena was a spiritual person.

Thank you, jayadeepan. Does anybody have a similar experience?
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Re: Bizarre behavior's of the Admin in BKPBK forum

Post02 Oct 2023


I don't know which site you mean right now. I don't know who or what is left. But, in one incarnation, I think Shivsena gave his site away to a BK called "Golden Heart", among others, who was also the Admin. Golden Heart was a total nut and, I suspect, considered a crank even within the BKs.

I honestly don't know what happened, or how they are aligned. It was supposed to be a site for BKs, PBKs and others to work out their issues together in the beginning. However, it became clear that Shivsena was an ex-PBKs who had become anti-PBK. They also attracted the Vishnu Party of ex-BK-ex-PBK-anti-PBKs who have their own gripes about both BKism and PBKism and I think the PBKs all quit.

I have no idea how the Golden Heart/Admin of that forum aligns themselves, but it seemed to be a BK-ex-PBK alliance.

I got banned too, unsurprisingly, despite having done all of the work and giving it all to Shivsena.

One thing doing all this has taught me is what a selfish, do nothing/expect everything bunch the BKs are.

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