BrahmaKumaris.Info: Subject to Internet Censorship & Hacking

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BrahmaKumaris.Info: Subject to Internet Censorship & Hacking

Post05 Aug 2018

BrahmaKumaris.Info is currently being subject to internet censorship, again.

This is not the first time it has happened. It is something we monitor and when it is drawn to our attention, we contact the companies involved and fight to remove it.

Generally it has taken the form of placing BrahmaKumaris.Info on blacklists that are used by companies and Internet Serice Providers to disallow users from accessing our website.

At present we are fighting "on/off" censorship at one major ISP that would categorise it along with porn, gambling and hate criminals. At the same time, numerous attempts have been made to hack this Admin account.

Some of this may be due to deliberate reporting.

censorship.jpg (27.04 KiB) Viewed 15561 times

It would appear that the BKs own discussion forum at, set up as a response to this forum largely as a direct copy, has now been removed. that was originally started by an ex-PBK but has since taken over by BKs, appears to have been reduced to one of the same individuals posting.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BrahmaKumaris.Info: Subject to Internet Censorship & Hac

Post07 Aug 2018

I have more than 6 months ago experienced the restricted access.
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Mr Green


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Re: BrahmaKumaris.Info: Subject to Internet Censorship & Hac

Post09 Aug 2018

It's so ridiculous the whole thing. Utterly silly. This website has only been honest and factual as far as I can see.

The BKs seems to be getting more secretive of their white sari order, maybe even a little bit paranoid and delusional. My friend believes their power comes from a dark place. I don't know where it comes from but I have experienced strange lights during Yoga sessions.

The whole thing is farcical and unlivable in theory but at the same time people have powerful meditation experiences. Or maybe it's just self delusional. Or maybe we all have the inner power to have powerful spiritual experiences.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BrahmaKumaris.Info: Subject to Internet Censorship & Hac

Post09 Aug 2018

Mr. Green,

The scientific evidence has been demonstrating that we all have the inner power to have powerful spiritual experiences; it does not mean there is no God or Supreme entity. God or the Supreme entity is not the same as the energy the BKs seem to monopolize and monetize.

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