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[Admin] Change of user names or ranks

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2007
by jann
One of my beloved forum members told me to read all my posts again from the start and I did. As a not knowing Raya Yoga student i signed up to this forum. I got a warm welcome and so much love and advisc and knowledge.

Oh boy ... have I been studying ... My avatar picture looks like a wondering angel and i want to change that. My new avatar is


Hope you like it. I am not the wondering angel anymore.

Love to you all and thanks,

Transformation - A bit like a spot the difference?

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2007
by abrahma kumar
Ah, how we remember those childhood days ;).

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2007
by pilatus
I've always experienced that invoking the Holy Trinity is particularly powerful.

Does this mean you'll be getting together with bro neo?

If so, can I volunteer to be Morpheus? (even though I don't look anything like Laurence Fishburn and am nowhere near as cool ...) :P.

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2007
by ex-l
pilatus wrote:I've always experienced that invoking the Holy Trinity is particularly powerful.

There is nothing holey about jannisder. She is in good condition and not worn out at all.

Re: transformation

PostPosted: 26 Sep 2007
by bkti-pit
jannisder wrote:My new avatar is
Hope you like it.

I love it!

PostPosted: 26 Sep 2007
by jann
pilatus wrote:I've always experienced that invoking the Holy Trinity is particularly powerful.
ex-l wrote:There is nothing holey about jannisder. She is in good condition and not worn out at all.

You got that right.

Re: The Point of Light

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2009
by Terry
You see how that little rank under my name - BK supporter - makes a newcomer like Spiritual spy think I am an apologist for the BKs. His rank as questioning BK made me think he was a BK who questions, when in fact he is questioning the BKs.

Can Admin, on the basis of content, not change the ranks to show spiritual spy as a non-Bk? (Oh yes, that's right they can, they changed mine from ex-BK to supporter - which I still don't get).
Hi terry ... what is your opinion on certain features of Satyug like ...

Dear spi spy - I could answer your questions from the point of view of a BK, but I won't because they may change my rank again to being an actual BK. We both know it is nonsense, so why ask?