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Post11 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:Personally, I will leave it to proy to justify or not and make any request he seems fit.

Rather than argue the case I would say just delete it if it is offensive.
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vote for deleting

Post11 Mar 2007

I agree with all of you! But I vote for deleting it. If someone really enjoyed the joke, he can make a copy before it disappears! True, there are many vulgar and obscene things going on in Kaliyug including in the Yagya, abuse, lies and so on. Subtle are forms worse than the gross ones. Yet a joke like that can discredit the Forum and make readers feel uncomfortable, esp. BKs. They aren't even allowed to go to the movies, cinema.

So sorry Proy, however, I still love you!
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Post12 Mar 2007

Good joke though, :lol:.
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Post13 Mar 2007

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Re: Joke

Post13 Mar 2007

Mr Green wrote:Good joke though, :lol:.

Thanks Mr. Green. I acknowledge I went too far though. I do not want to damage the credibility of this forum, which does so much good in the world of BKs/ex-BKs/PBKs/Friends and Family of ... etc.

It is one of my foibles, I tend to go too far before I get the measure of things and see how far exactly too far is.
The above post by me was a copy of this one, but without the link to the dictionary meaning to Foibles. Second time I made that mistake. I think it is because I hit the preview button to see if my url entry looked OK, instead of the submit button.


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Post17 Mar 2007


For anyone who is ready for testimony i think it is a good thing to collect it all on one topic.


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Post19 Mar 2007

Testimony is not the right word :oops:
But to speak or not to speak.....i would like to see a new topic with the story's not a discussion but only the story's.
Also for those who only reed....please come forward.
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Post25 Mar 2007

2 copies pls delete this 1!!


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Post30 Mar 2007

Welcome to BrahmaKumaris.Info Forum.

As a new member, you will receive this message twice. Once you have read it, erase it, write your actual reply and submit.

* Always remember that a discussion form is not just chat but also publishing, the whole world we see whatever you write for a long time. Be light but make it worthwile.

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* Please use capitals when writing specific BK terms so that newcomers can understand that they have special meaning, e.g. "Murli" instead of Murli, "Avyakt Vani" instead of Avyakt Vani and so on.

* If you are using an ambiguous term such as "Baba" or "Father" that could refer to more than one individual, please clarify who it is you mean, e.g. Shiva [ through Virendra Dev Dixit or Veerendra Dev Dixit ], Brahma [ Lekhraj Kirpalani or Dada Lekhraj ], Mama [ BK Saraswati ]. Use actual names rather than titles where possible.

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posting problems

Post30 Mar 2007

katie wrote:Welcome to BrahmaKumaris.Info Forum.
If you need help, please ask others or use the Admin forum.

Hi Katie, Welcome to the forum. You are obviously experiencing the difficulties mentioned
Please click the blue link and see if you can sort out your difficulty and make your first post. If you still have problems posting then please send me a Private Message and I will help you.
OK you seem to have got it working. welcome again.


Post02 Apr 2007

OK.. Hello fellas.
Om Shanti. this is my second post here Dear Souls. and i think i may try to answer it really doesn´t matter how much time we been in knowledge, is said then. Old souls are allways in the company of the Father, howsoever !

i think i will took my space to try to understand here also. OK ?

OK, Shivsena asked us:

So Humbly i´ve alreaddy been Told i mean that, that Father Brahmä is known as PitaShri or, or say Pitamaha - let call it Pitamaha then, from now on, i know this from actual authority so i think i shall not deviate souls from the right source thinking that, anyway i am not interested on taking this for granted over myself. So, Brahmä Father Brahmä is known here (in this world itself) as PitaMaha, then Sri Krsna is also known as Para-PitaMaha, or prapitamaha = Krsna.

Perhaps not, the degradation is not about Krsna´s Vani..here, the degradation is about the nature of the soul, not the Gitä itself really. this is what authority says about the As It Is versions say Vani, not the "perhaps" "maybes" etc, etc...
Yes i been readding and i find this place very nice and important to us Brother Souls. so it goes.. Pitamaha (pitashri) and above that Para-pita-maha (Surya) - Sri Krsna, then. shivsena explain this that this is the adarmurth BK shooting world. right ?

Well, Shivsena´s question i find relevant about knowledge and Advanced Knowledge also as it is known advance meant that, allready. In subtle sense then Brahmä has allready got this subtle body existence actually, Pita Shri. known as "Avyakt BapDada" in BK.

so he wrote: (shivsena);
Now I want to know: How the shooting of this is happening in the seed world of PBKs?? or is the shooting limited only to the BK world??

From where i got to see dear fellas, is that about the shooting taking place in advance is that all religions had been hinted to be segregated say, separated; in advance shooting. and so this seed souls that go in advance to meet the Father may thread the definite garland once the Kingdom got readdy. But Just, Arrownd His.

So, i may answer your question sincerely if possible for me here that if you know shivsena Bhai what is the difference between advance Gyan, and the basic Gyan in you words, and about this shooting. what is the difference or say between Para-Pita-Maha and RamShivbaba.. from a BK perspective i can bear to see that theoretically Bindi ShivBaba is God in Gitä when He enter the Permanent Chariot. Does this gather your views, does there is a diference between RamShivBaba and Bindi ShivBaba ??? perhaps it is just about the permanent Chariot when He enters. you correct me if am wrong, Please.

Does BK´s loose them individual faith when ShivBaba in the basic adarmurth world of Gyan shifted Chariot? anyway, Does then the shooting be also stablished within the advan ce ??

Yes, Yes ..or may i think that shooting is just by BKs and destruction is just by PBK´s rehearse ??

If this is not so Dear Souls, if destruction and stablishment is at the same time being stablished now within the brahman world as rehearsed within the sole sangam-yuga Family. Then.. why is there degradation about Krsna´s Vani i ask. Does is this the Advance Shooting ??????

well personaly, i find Krsna´s Vani important as it is Ram´s one.

Murli says so i do have some copies of this one sheets over Home, that says PitaShri ShivBaba Yaad Hai ? as the sheet´s copys headdings.

Thanks for your Attention,
Thank You Very Much.

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Post19 Apr 2007

Many thanks for doing that Admin and for making it into one readable document.
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Post19 Apr 2007

sorry to double post, but have just noticed this seems to tie in with a thread started by bansy back in January.
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Post24 Apr 2007

Three Sisters

Three Surrendered Sisters decided to leave the BKWSU so they went to Dadi and said, "We don't want to be surrendered anymore, how do we quit?" Dadi told them, "Do something unholy and come back here in 24 hours." So the Sisters left thinking, "What can I do that's unholy?"

The next day they went to Dadi one at a time. Dadi said to the first Sister, "What unholy thing did you do?", and the Sister said "I stole a kid's bike." Dadi said, "I guess that will do, go eat some Brahma Bhojan. When the Sister did she wasn't a Sister anymore and she left the Center.

The second Sister walked in and Dadi said, "What unholy thing did you do?" The Sister replied, "I slept with a married man!" Dadi said, "Well, that's sinning. Go eat some Brahma Bhojan."

The third Sister walked in and Dadi said, "What unholy thing did you do?" The third Sister said proudly, "I ****** in the Brahma Bhojan!"
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Post24 Apr 2007

bro neo wrote:Three Sisters ...

You sinner you ... that is awful adaption of some other joke!!! I have heard elsewhere. Probably a nun joke. I do not get the connection with the 'wee' bit of bhogan but I should think there is endless BK material in nun jokes for those that want to go there ("two BK Sisters in a bath etc etc ...").

OK. Let me try and re-work some terribly racist stuff about Polish or Irish BKs ...

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