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Bhima's Son Ghatotkach like skeleton found

Post11 Oct 2010

BKWSU claims that their knowledge is the origin of all religions and there is no relevance of mythological Hindu books which are been read and followed for centuries. But again they don’t give any convincing knowledge about these things.

Following pictures raise some questions ... Can BKs answer them?


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Re: Bhima's Son Ghatotkach like skeleton found

Post12 Oct 2010

There is no need for BKs to answer anything. The photos are fake and originally referred to some other desert in some other country.

Please take this forum seriously. http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/b ... eleton.htm


exiting BK

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Re: Bhima's Son Ghatotkach like skeleton found

Post12 Oct 2010

Excuse me, as I was not aware of the fact. I received the photos on my email as an information. Admin may remove the post. I earnestly respect the forum.


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Reach Approach and the BKWSU

Post28 May 2011

Hi all,

I honed in on ex-l's thread above this one as I saw "Reach", but I'll post my response here too as the thread is active. I see my concerns about Reach were well-founded. I will talk to my current counsellor about this and see if she has any ideas on how to proceed.


I haven't posted here for quite some time as I have been working a lot of things out regarding my BK experience, which I will share with you all soon.

I wanted to reply to this though, as last year (well, Xmas 2009-Jan 2010) I saw a Reach Approach counsellor so can offer some insight. The counsellor is BK insofar as she believes in Baba and The Knowledge, but she recognises there are significant problems with the organisation, that it has really harmed people and agrees with me that children should not be subject to the teachings. I don't think she went to morning class etc, she just did her own thing with The Knowledge. I think Easton is a BK.

As far as I can tell from my limited exposure, Reach offer a bit of a one size fits all approach to counselling, which includes the four key stages set out on their website: Life Map Work, Hall of Shame, Dark Room Work and Lifestyle (see more here: http://www.thereachapproach.co.uk/approach.php?id=5). Life map work just involves going over you life and discussing it - talk therapy really - and I found this stage helpful. However, the counsellor also recorded some "deep relaxations" with me, designed to prepare me for change and learn to love myself. I recognise now that these were hypnotism, and my current (cult expert) counsellor has listened to them with me and confirmed as much. The script for these deep relaxations was prepared by the counsellor and I did not read it before she did a live recording with me, so I was in a hypnotic state when I first heard them, and I always fell asleep/drifted off when I listened back to them at home. So she was completely in control of the process and the ideas that were going into my head in that state - clearly this is not the way therapeutic hypnotism should be conducted. We only did 2 (I think there were 4 in the series) and they were fairly innocuous on the surface, but included BK trigger words and what my current counsellor views as potentially dangerous ideas along the lines of "no matter how hard this [process] gets, I will carry on with it because the fact that it's hard means it is the right thing to be doing". A few weeks into the deep relaxation process I decided I did not want to carry on working with Reach because much as I believed - and still believe - that the counsellor's heart was in the right place and she really did want to help me, I felt I couldn't trust her because she was a BK.

I am incredibly glad I came to this decision. Listening back to the tapes, reading the articles on their website and seeing the BK-inspired logo (all of which I discussed with my current counsellor) I am very concerned that the Reach view of a whole, happy, healthy person may be modelled on the BK idea of a whole, happy healthy person, and it was this very model that caused my depression and suicidal feelings. It seems like they have a set idea of where a person should be and what they should be like when they are "healed" and this ignores the client's individuality, needs and right to determine their own path and identity. It scares me a bit to think what might have happened to me if I had carried on with the Reach Approach - particularly if we had got to the "Dark Room" stage where the counsellor would have been "in the driving seat". I am also shocked at myself for just going along with the deep relaxation and being so trusting, not asking critical questions etc., but the counsellor was so nice and did have some genuinely useful insights during the talk therapy stage, so guess I just carried on based on that. But as we all know, that's how they get you ;-).

So I do think Reach has a BK agenda. I was told all the counsellors have been through the process themselves before they start helping others through it, and this means they really believe it works and they genuinely think it can help others. But counsellors shouldn't be steering clients towards a goal that has been pre-defined without the client's input, particularly when said counsellor is a member of a cult! (Although I am not sure if all the counsellors are BKs.) Of course I am only basing all this on one limited experience and my own subjective conclusions, but my current counsellor is very concerned about their practice.

In terms of Reach being a counselling service for BKs, I know someone at my old centre had problems with depression etc. and he went to them and is now better, but of course still a BK. I decided to give it a go as I thought it would be useful to speak with an insider who understood the BKs, but I now think I had a lucky escape, and what I actually needed was someone who could give me an outsider's view and who understood cults. I also know that my counsellor had at least one other BK/ex-BK client. One could potentially view them as a re-programming course for troubled BKs, but I really don't have enough information or experience with them to come to that conclusion.

Hope this helps.

If anyone does want some specialist post-cult counselling, I very much recommend http://www.hopevalleycounselling.com.


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Re: Matrimony for BK Followers

Post09 Jun 2013

The page has been removed.
bkmatrimony.png (3.75 KiB) Viewed 30828 times
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Re: Matrimony for BK Followers

Post09 Jun 2013

It is not removed. I just now logged on it !!!




Post16 Jun 2013

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Mr Green


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Re: .

Post16 Jun 2013

Yes, I agree.
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Pink Panther

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Re: .

Post16 Jun 2013

I would if I could, but I cannot, so I won't.
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Mr Green


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Re: The Guide to Choosing a Halloween Costum

Post29 Jun 2013

Now this is my type of Gyan, I can inbibe this sort of thing. Woman costume pm me and I'll give you a seven day course!


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post02 Jan 2014

Bright Spark wrote:I have read this thread with some dismay, and wish to offer an alternative point of view. Please forgive any clumsiness in tone or prose, but realise it is from the heart.

I have received personal and couples counselling through Reach at various times over the past 8 years, always through my own volition and choice. Indeed, the couple's counselling myself and my partner received was with Easton himself, and though difficult was nurturing and enlightening and helped us maintain our relationship through a period of great turmoil.

I find it difficult to associate the comments above with the organisation which has helped me so much. I knew nothing of the Brahma Kumaris until I read this thread, an act which was only prompted by my curiosity over an impassioned rebuttal to it on the Reach website itself. If, as the thread states, Reach is a "BK related con", why have I not been indoctrinated to at least the teachings or writings of the BK? I have been through the stages of counselling which are detailed, including the darkroom work, which forum member alanna feels to be "brainwashing", and can only relate that my experience has been entirely different, and overwhelmingly positive. I am an atheist, and my feelings and any "lack" of faith are not frowned upon, derided or challenged by the Reach approach, they have been embraced, and on no occasion has my view been altered, either subtly or unsubtly.

Without sounding like a cheerleader, or some sort of cult based sycophant, I do find Easton to be a remarkable man. He has helped me come to terms with my own masculinity, and also to contextualise it within a loving relationship, which at one point he helped nurture and maintain as our therapist. If, as is stated, such relationships are "taboo" within the BK, why would he do that? Wouldn't he have taken the opportunity to undermine that relationship and convert us? My Reach counsellor I also view as a remarkable woman, she has been fundamental at times to my mental health, and at no time have I felt challenged, indoctrinated, or pushed down a path I was unsure of. Apart from the money which I have paid my counsellor for regular sessions, I have not donated, or been asked to donate to Reach. They do not have a fee structure, and instead rely on an "honesty box" approach, you pay what you feel you can afford, indeed, as stated above, many pay nothing for this help.

I am sure there will be some who will read these words with disdain, but this is an honest account.( I agree with you 100 percent i also had councelling from easton and i will always reccomend those in need to reach.

If anyone wishes to engage in further discussion I am more than happy to respond.


Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post06 Feb 2015

Aham, your underlying Motives for engaging on this forum are in the mirror.
A false representation of one's self is deception to your self and others, and leaves unpleasant side effects to all concerned. And as far as your pic and question about the Shiv Baba symbol goes, this is just another 'carrott' you are dangling here to 'pull strings' of others, to draw them into more dialogue with you?

It's the ego of the intellect that craves all this self importance through such means, and feeding of the good energy and efforts of other contributors. You couldn't really give a 4X about the symbol. Pleaz go and research it your self, and report on it back here, OK. And let us know your 'discovery' and what importance & signifigance you find .

I am sure it will be just amazing.


Re: Good quotes

Post07 Oct 2015

Yes, that's how i spell 'u'. Your quote, "I pretty sure", ect.....mmmmm?.
It's interesting how some use quotes from Jesus, when it suits their purpose to highlight their agenda, but any other time they are quick to offend, insult, slag off at, mock and try to dis-credit, humiliate and offend Jesus, and others who enjoy a healthy, endearing connection to Him??....Funny that!

Jesus also says; "Before pointing your finger at the splinter in your 'Brothers' eye, look at the log in your own.

Yes, philosophying is easy.....i can philosophy that K'ung-fu-tzu said; "Hu-flung-dung", and "hu-blu-poo",....and i feel wise now.....yes, i do believe i am 'getting wisdom' now. Does he also enjoy "flied lice" and a few dim sim's?

The only thing appearing before u is a "Shake Down".


Re: Good quotes

Post07 Oct 2015

You appear to have developed a "stutter", in your eagerness to over correct me. And a "block" in correcting yourself.
Yeah, that's a nasty stutter,..(You) x8 times.


Re: Good quotes

Post08 Oct 2015

No, He did not say; "False God's shall appear before (you)you(Iyou)". Just one you please.

And you appear to have a 'typing stutter', or a 'runaway keyboard'?

Yes, I see what you mean Edward, re-your 'missing post'. I do remember it. Probably something in it that challenges ex-l, and shows up some 'discrepencies', (porky's) of his. Be ready for some 'error in the system' ect. response, and an apology, when he 'surfaces'. I've experienced several different sytles of 'white washing' from ex-l. Best to copy everything you post, with dates ect. He can become a task within himself.

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