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PostPosted: 01 Dec 2006
by sweetchill
Attn John:

I accused you of deleting/moving my posts. I understand that was not the case, so I apologise for that.

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2006
by shivsena
Dear arjun Bhai.

Just to remind you, Brahmababa's versions are called avaykt Vanis and not Murlis; Murlis are spoken by ShivBaba and not Brahma through Gulzar Dadi; if you have overlooked this fact then please use the right words to avoid confusion.


PostPosted: 04 Dec 2006
by arjun
Dear Shivsena Bhai,
Omshanti. I think you have addressed the above post to me instead of PBKTrinityShiva by mistake. He too might have used the word 'Avyakt Murlis' by mistake. I know that he must be aware of the fact that you have pointed out.

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2006
by shivsena
Dear arjun Bhai.

I have addressed this post to you since you have titled it as "New season's Murlis"; it should have been "New season's avaykt Vanis".


PostPosted: 05 Dec 2006
by arjun
Dear Shivsena Bhai, Omshanti. I did not start that thread. Anyways, the souls which have become BKs/Ex-BKs in recent years would be more habituated to using this term which has been made popular in the recent years by the BK Administration to remove the difference between the Murlis and Avyakt Vanis so that nobody gets a doubt as to the narrator of these two versions of knowledge. They want to create an impression that both the versions are narrated by Shiv only.

Jesus calling London

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2006
by sparkal
Oh boy, here goes, while this post is genuine, I will refrain from saying that it is the truth.
I AM JESUS. I was Mama(?). I was born in 1959, so perhaps there are two of us in here after all, I don't know, but others do.
Dadi Janki, I will now shake your regime so hard, you won't know what hit you. Jayanti, Maureen, start looking for digs. And the likes of Mike George? Your feet won't touch the ground pal.
If I was Mama, then Dadi Janki has the benefit of memory with regards to our past relationship where I have none. Interesting. The first time I met Dadi Janki, she asked me, "do you know who you are?" I did not. The lion awakes, and it is not a happy pussycat.
Jim Ryan, thanks for trying to help, but you are a daft wee laddie who needs to grow up, and fast.
As for those in my local centre?, Dadi Janki could have made things a whole lot easier for all, but obviously took another root, fearful of knowing what is coming?. Or were they in that centre operating to her orders? Too bad. Shiva is here to do a job, to serve all souls, not just those with a certain body type. The twisted game takes a twist of its own, and the worm turns. If you want to be racist and sexist, well, your time is up.
Try to kill me if you like, and accept the consequences. I have not had a life for some time.
This corrupt little orgy of power will now fall, and it will be replaced by a fair and equal system which benefits all and not just a few, with laity. The game is over, accept it and move forward.
As I have said before, I came to London a number of years ago needing support, the support of the facilities and the family and you turned me away. It contributed a great deal to destroying my life, and so I will now destroy your elitist regime as a result. It will be your karma of course, remember that all of you. In short, You don't turn your own family members away, unless you are corrupt that is, or have a selfish agenda. You will know what it means to be twisted and elitist towards your own spiritual family. But don't worry, it will be done in like minded spiritual capitalist ways. We will take the lot. You created a very boring setup, which suits only a few.
London? A place which taught me the meaning of the phrase "loneliness is a crowded room"
It has always been that, if you are not part of the London scene, you are a complete and utter nobody. I will now take up Shiva's offer of having access to that ones power and use it to serve ALL souls and not just a few.
I will now use my name fame and notoriety to oust you twisted people, along with others and you can also hive off all that Hindi loot to an offshore account if you like, Baba does not like dirty money anyway.
India, waken up, we are coming back, hard and fast, and you will be shaken in a big big way.
If you are waiting for a punchline, there is not one....
Those at the helm of this forum, I may have given you power here, please use it wisely, as with you Brahmin souls who may benefit from this.
I do not know when you will next here from me, but I feel relief already, thanks forr being here.
Love to all souls, Jesus.
(and don't let Janki use her usual 'they are all possessed' line on you)

PostPosted: 19 Dec 2006
by sparkal
Oops, my Granny has been in my mail box again posting things. :wink:

PostPosted: 19 Dec 2006
by john

Am I reading this right in that you yourself are the reincarnation of Jesus?

That reminds me, whatever happened to Hanuman, the poster from XBK-chat. It seemed he had strong Christian leanings. Seemed a very nice chap to me.

PostPosted: 21 Dec 2006
by arjun
There was a separate thread on Dadi Janaki on xbkchat, but I did not have this quote at that time.

Dear Admin,

While looking at the XBKs section of this forum, I found a separate thread on Dadi Janaki. Therefore it would be better if the above two posts are transferred to that thread.

PostPosted: 26 Dec 2006
by andrey

PostPosted: 26 Dec 2006
by ex-l
Andrey wrote:ha

Which means what?

PostPosted: 26 Dec 2006
by andrey
It means wah...i posted and discovered the topick has been moved the post...but had this empty space i had to put something in it...then just when i was about to...i realised that....this empty space is a channel...and the one who spoke...ha...was a spook...are you afraid...don't be was Casper...a good one...but if you like to try yourself...then leave an empty space and wait in anticipation...

save the world

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2007
by sakshi delhi

Thanks for your reply and for a warm welcome in the forum. For your information i m the official representative of Vishnu Party.

my English is poor sorry for that, but ...

we are not BK ant PBK not ex-BK but we are simple man living in the earth who want to save the world and who want to change the world by Yoga power, we want to change this 5 element to supreme element becuse when we were deiti , we have supreme element but we lost this power by our thought, so we have to change this thought

we want your help either you are BK ,PBK or ex-BK no matter, we toghether make affered
to change this world in to heaven and give freedom the soul which is created by the this plenets.

today in India i have seen in t.v on sahara channal that there is big kaba (Muslim temple)picture in on the wall by miracle, the people of musalman became happy to know that.

what happen if this picture autometacly display in the templeof Hindu god or in brama Kumari centre ?

this kind of activities are doing by the ghost or eveil soul ,

first we have to give freedom to this soul who is doing meracle and people thinks that this is do not by god.

so there is big work we have to do. who we are this is not matter but we have to save the
seed of the earth and ready 33 cror deiti for new world.

thank you today i have writen too much but try to understand us and save the world.


PostPosted: 03 Jan 2007
by sakshi delhi
Dear sir,

pls wait i am sending you a large picture.

Thank you

world cycle is not 5ooo

PostPosted: 03 Jan 2007
by sakshi delhi
Om Shanti ,

here I present some important point , world drama or cycle is not 5,000 years and kalyug is not 1250 years.

Please go to the below link you will get the proper photo of cycle, you will get full details of world drama.


For more details