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Re: Support the bring back Smilies Campaign

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2008
by john morgan
Dear :mrgreen:

I am sorry that your well known wide range of emotion was somewhat curtailed in your last post.

Normally just one of Bansy's headbanger smilies would be sufficient in our fight for smilie freedom of expression, but the deep rooted smilie prejudice that exists here probably means that many headbangers may be necessary to elicit change.

Perhaps I am on the wrong tack here (headbangers) as some smilies that I personally know have suggested that kindness is a often a fine balm for smilie haters. Having had their fill of benign dictatorships and suffering fools gladly, the smilies have indicated :mrgreen: that you are just the man for expressing in such measure as to elicit a change of heart in all smilie slighters resident here. Just as much good will as is necessary for everyone to get their smilies back.

:mrgreen:, whatever you decide I'd like to pass on the message that your endorsing this campaign has made a real and lasting difference to all smilies and that none of them will hold it against you if you find you have insufficient time to further their cause.

The smilies also say -

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: Hu-ru-rah!
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: Hu-ru-rah!
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: Hu-ru-rah!

Re: But Brahma Kumaris is not without its detractors

PostPosted: 20 Jun 2008
by jann
oops sorry

Re: Support the bring back Smilies Campaign

PostPosted: 20 Jun 2008
by pilatus
Dear all,

I'd just like to add my support to the "more than 8 smileys" campaign (despite ex-l's headteacher-like comparison of us smiley-lovers with bubblegum chewing teenyboppers). bansy - I am intrigued about the "headbanger" smiley - can you point me at an example?

Best wishes to you all, ;)

Re: Support the bring back Smilies Campaign

PostPosted: 20 Jun 2008
by john morgan
Hello Pilatus,

If there was a gold star smiley I'd award you one ;)

Student to student of course :D

Re: Support the bring back Smilies Campaign

PostPosted: 20 Jun 2008
by bansy
I am intrigued about the "headbanger" smiley - can you point me at an example?

I am afraid it's was way back in the early days of this website and I think john (the other one, not john morgan) also enjoyed using it more, and I used it a few times. It was a smily hitting its own head against a brick wall, a sort of "Duh, I must be going mad to believe or to have done this". :oops:

Re: Support the bring back Smilies Campaign

PostPosted: 20 Jun 2008
by john morgan
Bansy is quite correct in as much as I have never used a headbanger smiley. Thinking over the short time I've been here there have been quite a few moments when a headbanger would have been a most pertinent resource for both myself and others - including now! :shock:

For a campaign to be successful there has to be a measurable outcome, in this case it is an increase in smilies. The person who has reduced the number of smilies from eight to seven merits a "Headbanger" whilst they no doubt are sniggering or :D possibly being :oops: would be more appropriate. The loss of the Mr Green icon could be interpreted as a malicious attempt to undermine this campaign, but we are higher minded than that. Perhaps requesting the addition of a "good spanking" icon is most appropriate here ;)

Re: Support the bring back Smilies Campaign

PostPosted: 20 Jun 2008
by tete
john morgan wrote::mrgreen: :mrgreen: Hu-ru-rah!
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: Hu-ru-rah!
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: Hu-ru-rah!

I don't want to grow up :shock:.

Re: Support the bring back Smilies Campaign

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2008
by john morgan
Am on smilie watch .. there are seven today. Until Mr Greens smiley is reinstated I am posting in green, perhaps some of you would care to join in. I'd like to see a smiley too, anyone have any new smiley requests?

Re: Support the bring back Smilies Campaign

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2008
by admin
A number of smileys were removed to make way for additional shortcuts to assist our regular contributors compose their posts.

These shortcuts are seen to the right of the posting window when composing posts. By typing them, the shortcuts automatically create commonly words used in Brahma Kumari related discussion saving members the effort to repetitively type the words out.

In most browsers there are only space for seven smileys in total. Overuse will lead to them being withdrawn entirely. Where other emotions are required to be expressed, please use text in brackets or other devices. This is the final position on the matter.

Smilies Revisited

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2008
by john morgan
Further to an anonymous Admin locking the "Bring Back the Smilies Campaign" I'd like to start a motion that we revisit the topic and take a vote. I am all for ex-I treating the rogue Admin kindly as I am certain that they thought that what they were doing was for the best. The free speech that makes this forum so valuable has been compromised in a small way, but no harm done ... let's take a vote. Would anyone like to second this motion?


PostPosted: 23 Jun 2008
by john morgan
Hello Chai Bhai, Thanks for recognising the significance of the seemingly insignificant smiley campaign. The topic has been locked. I am looking for a second re my proposal for a smiley vote. The correct place for a response is "Smilies Revisited" in the all and everything forum.

daibetic diet

PostPosted: 25 Jun 2008
by jaycdp
I think diabetic diet is the best diet for all human being

except the diabetic diet is not vegitarian diet

Om Shanti

there are four food group

one is starch
in science we call it carbohydrate
modern classification of carbohydrate is

monosacharide disacharide and polysaharide

Monosaharide is simple sugar like glucose

poly sacharide is complex sugar with more than two glucose or furctose

furctose is another simple sugar found in corn ( thought to be good for daibet but now found out to be a casue for obesity)

mainly our body need energy we have three majour source

one is carbohydrate

second is fat

third is protien

fat and protien have slow on set of action. In otherwords they take time to act but they can provide energy for longer duration say (5 -12 hours)

simple sugar like glucose have sudden on set of action . And it has short duration of action

starch has longer duration of action compare to glucose

For example we eat rice / potetoe /or wheat

eventually these rice has to convert into glucose and finally insuline help our body to utilise glucose to provide energy to our body.

our body has a gland called pancreas and pancreas has mainly two types of cells
one is alpha cells and other is beta cells

alpha cells produce glucagon

and beta cells produce insuline

insulin helps our muscle cells to utilize glucose and other functions

there are two types of diabetis

one is type one or insulin depended
the other is type two or insulin non depended

type two diabtes are more seen in Indian families ( there was a double blind study for diabetic patients in american journal of pharmacology. The interseting part is they studied it own twins. And they found identical twins who has a potential for being diabetic. And they found the twins who eat and live healthy aquired diabtics in later age compare to the one who did not eat and live healthy) Om Shanti

type one diabetes can be auto immune disease. which means our body distroy our insuline producing beta cells

this kind of type 1 disease is seen in children Om Shanti

we have very good long acting and fast acting insulin in the market to assit people with type 1 daibetis

for type two

there is excersise and diet and long with medication

there are two to three majour medicines avalilable in the maket

one type help with secreting more insulines
the other typer help with helping insuline work properly in the body

insuline secretogens and insuline sensitisers

metformin is found to be the first choice becase it has good adverse effect

ace inhibitors are given for people who has blood pressure along with diabetis( which is a kidney protector).

diet and excercise is good ( almost equal to pills)

contorl blood pressure

check the eyes every ear with an eye doctor

foot care in the last stage must be done proffessionally

it seems diabetes can reduse your immune sistem ( take flax seed oil one of my friend is taking flax seed oil and it helps her immune sistem) may not work for all . give a try if you are diabetic patient

do not ever starve .

eat 4- to 5 serving of vegitables and fruits

buttermilk /yogurt /milk is found to be helpfull ( low fat )

talk to your doctor for further info

Om Shanti

the i forgot to mention protien

meat / and or meat alternatives

fish is a meat alternative

but dal and legumes and beans are the best source of protien( flax seed can be eaten for protien and fibre source)

dal and beans need milk or milk milk product to provide the complete protein

people who do not drink milk and you are vegitarian then soy drinks are good

please contact a dietician and make a chart. In India dieticains have very low fees. In the Western countries they must be free.

Fat and oils

Try virgin oils ( for example virgine olive oil or virgin coconut oil)

people who think they are obese need to bring down their weights

some medications can increase blood sugar level
for example alcohol

please talk to your doctor every thing

Om Shanti

Test long title here

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2008
by bkspiritual

Problem with This site

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2008
by sachkhand
AUM Shanti.

I have difficulty in opening this site. It is very slow. And when I sometimes write post and want to see preview or try to submit, then there is some problem and all my typed post is gone. What may be the problem? Is this site so busy that it slow to open even when Yahoo opens easily?


Verbal versus nonverbal

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2008
by jaycdp
We all know there many types of communication; mainly verbal and nonverbal.

Verbal means, "ah ... you you look so beautiful". Non-verbal tells the truth ... do you really mean what you said. Non-verbal never lies. Some time people even get angry at you and you never opened your mouth. Some people get into confrontation like, "want you looking at".

Emotion also speaks. The modern academics classify the person into few class such as; aggressive, passive, submissive etc. Truth is it is his karma or it is his sanskar.

Om Shanti
