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Re: Please bear with me

Post07 May 2008

Dear all,
Omshanti and thanks for all the good wishes and valuable suggestions. I am sure all your good wishes would help me sail through the forum till 2036 :D
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Re: Please bear with me

Post07 May 2008

Arjun Bhai,

Wish you a speedy recovery from the pain ... but couldnt resist the

" till 2036" Date conscious are you????

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Re: Please bear with me

Post07 May 2008

May be we can write to Madhuban to request a special-mouse, clicking-finger bhatti for Arjun to purify his carpal tunnels.

We can call it "Digital World Service"! (digit = finger, digital = Internet Technology ... ).


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Re: Please bear with me

Post07 May 2008


I am no medical expert , but have somehandy tips that others have helped me in the past.

On the most part, pains in the body often come (ignoring the karmic reasoning for now) from having the type of body which you are born with. Some people are more flexible than others, some are stronger with more muscular tissues etc. However, one of the most common aspects in body is the physical imbalance in our bodies. i.e. maybe your left side is stronger than the right, you are left footed, you can touch your left ear with your right hand curling your arm around your head, etc maybe your right foot is bigger than your left foot by 2mm, or your left leg is shorter than the right by 2mm etc.

(there is a new software for a computer game machine called the Nintendo Wii and there is a mat which you stand on which can check how well you stand, either more foward or sideways, more on the left foot or on the right foot etc).

So the way you sit is quite important, as just the way you stand and have a posture. Usually women have more flexible bodies than men, but this is not entirely true given the mass to weight and height ratios.

Whilst the Murlis say not to peform hatha Yoga, I think that, remembering that the Murli was in the 1930s-60s time, hatha Yoga was in itself a complete form of exotic Yoga. Nowadays, the benefits of exercise through light hatha Yoga (I mention light in terms of no need to put yourself in a position where you can touch you left ear with your right foot pose !) helps to keep your body and shape in balance in a simple and practical way. This is more important as you get older as your body tissues and materials do not have the same power density as you were in your youth.

When you use a computer and a mouse, or practically anything you do, you are really making imbalances towards your physical shape. The muscles and ligaments on one side of your hand and finger body is connected to shoulder and next of the other side. Many people suffer shoulder and back pains using a computer at length. The computer suggestions by joel are very valid, and to counterbalance the effort on one side of your body, do exercises on the other side too. It is not the side you use which causes the trouble, it could well be the other side you don't use. Have a try, if your right hand that is in pain, then squeeze and press down on your top left shoulder muscle and it will probably hurt more than the right shoulder.

Another way of helping is to massage the foot. The foot and toes and the palm of the foot have many connections to the parts of the body. For example, between the big toes and the first toe, there are senses directed linked to the eyes. From one end of the body to the other. So if you wear glasses, there is a big chance that the space between the toes hurt when you squeeze them.

Also massage the hand, and the muscles between your thumb and fore finger. When you do that hard enough it will hurt and you can feel it also running up in your arm. It is better when it hurts. No pain no gain.

Is this all body conscious ? It's your body, you are taking care of your own Chariot. As a BK, this would seem good. Even as a nonBK, it is still good exercise.

Another way of releasing pain is using water for therapy. Hot baths and saunas allow for good blood ciriculation, easing muscular tension. Though maybe India itself is hot enough for a whole day sauna, and so if access to hot water is not convenient, even laying on a concrete slab to allow the heat to absorb through the body helps the body to sweat and circulate muscles (UV protection needed) simulates a sauna effect.

These are just some handy tips which I hope are useful as general. But I do believe if the trouble worsens to seek professional chiropractioner. Even fit professional sportpeople need to do a lot of rehabilation especially when they get injured. Most of the causes is usually due to the shape of your body and how you made imbalances to it over a long period of time. Surprising what a harmless looking mouse can do. Every part of your body is somehow connected as a whole. You have had a fever before, how a small little harmless looking virus like that can give you a temperature 40 degrees and render your your whole body motionless and weak.

I guess I look at health in a holistic way. Creams do not work, they only offer immediate relief but the underlying pain exists, so use them for this reason and not as solution.

As with mind healing that takes time, the body healing also takes time.

Find what takes best for your shape and posture, and give both your mind and body a break.
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Re: Please bear with me

Post07 May 2008

yogi108 wrote:Wish you a speedy recovery from the pain ... but couldn't resist the " till 2036" Date conscious are you????

Not at all, but that is the maximum limit of Confluence Age as given in the Murlis. So, I cannot perceive a situation beyond that at present. :? Moreover, I would have very well crossed the age of retirement by then. :lol: As Sister bansy has written, body is also important. Even Baba has talked about the importance to preserve the body to be able to witness the scenes at the end. :wink:
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Re: Please bear with me

Post07 May 2008

Dear Brother Arjun,
If one could take half the pain you bear for to bear for me it will be OK. But I am sure many will agree they take a little bit of pain to bear so that none feels really any pain at all. It is still to make out how it works. As veteran i think you deserve receiving pension, but I don't know what is the unlimited meaning of receiving pension in the context of the forum. Maybe it is receiving vibrations of good wishes and pure feelings.
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A Shastric Room for Reference

Post24 May 2008


Hi all !
i have been going through the forum here and it is very nice that the media is still runing as well as results are there to be taking advantage and all along with the form technology that aswell way offers in our days, simply now from the forum i do found as an important aproach the shastras in this sense (law scripture or the law books) finding that this now very valuable their straight contributions at its time, to the world and to all the people in it at its presedented or might aswell i say prescribed time for each one out of them to appear.

so i think ! hey, what a good idea to set this topic out as in All & Everything room !
i might aswell consider each quote as valuable as i am still able to get them right sight forward.

so it then i shall Thank You for your attention here as i would, i hope that we as i do may take advantage throughout its topics the soul-consciousness development stage shall be kept rising then and rising, shall we also inculcate them, so i wish to and i hope i may grant a nice aproach following which i shall be continualy quoting here some of them important teachings, the way some of us still consider it and its self explainable precedents and/or transcendental events which, wether we beleive it or not, those are very much considerable as important authority they still hold, and i beleive, that until the end of time that will happen even forth and for then human being.

Thank You Very Much,

Shanti !
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Recent private messages - 419 "Advance Fee Fraud" Warning

Post25 May 2008

Important Warning

Many forum members have received an identical and slightly inappropriate message from a new user called "Deborah" based in Cote d'Ivorie, Africa. For example, they mention member's "profiles" even to members that have no profile showing.

Whereas we hope all memberships of this forum are genuine, even those of BKWSU, it is highly likely that this one is not. We encourage members not to provide any personal information or engage in correspondence until this matter is resolved as it reads identically to similar "419" Advance Fee Frauds. The same individual has used an identical message but with the contact address; savannaeboni@aol.co.uk.

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=de ... +419+scams

The account named "Deborah" has currently been suspended. Please report any similar messages or emails to the administrator address immediately.

Thank you

See below;
Deborah Golden wrote:Dearest one,
How are you and your working activities?hope you are fine in good health condiction.l felt greatly impressed and convince after going through your profile that is why l have decided to contact you.l have something very important and urgent which l will like to discuss with you and l will want you to contact me through my private email address,(deborah_002golden@yahoo.fr )and l will send you my picture as well.
take good care of yourself and may God bless you.
Deborah Golden.

An "advance fee fraud" is a confidence trick in which the target is persuaded to advance relatively small sums of money in the hope of realizing a much larger gain. Among the variations on this type of scam are the Nigerian Letter (419 fraud, Nigerian scam or Nigerian money offer) and the Spanish Prisoner.

The 419 scam originated in the early 1980s as the oil-based economy of Nigeria declined. Several unemployed university students first used this scam as a means of manipulating business visitors interested in shady deals in the Nigerian oil sector before targeting businessmen in the West, and later the wider population. Scammers in the early-to-mid 1990s targeted companies, sending scam messages via letter, fax, or Telex. The spread of email and easy access to email-harvesting software made the cost of sending scam letters through the Internet inexpensive. In the 2000s, the 419 scam has spurred imitations from other locations in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. The number "419" refers to the article of the Nigerian Criminal Code (part of Chapter 38: "Obtaining Property by false pretences; Cheating") dealing with fraud.

The availability of e-mail helped to transform a local form of fraud into one of West Africa's most important export industries.
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Youtube option broken

Post26 May 2008

The Youtube code button broke today but has been temporarily fixed meaning that any new videos linked to will work but old videos will not.

Will members please avoid using the Youtube option until this is fixed.

Thank you.
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Re: BKWSU leadership accessibility and reverence

Post31 May 2008

I have been asked to clarify for non-English speakers. How about

    do you think all BKs are allowed to and can easily talk to the BKWSU leadership about problems and questions they have equally and do they stop people treating them like gurus and worshipping them?
To agree means that you think the leadership ARE easy for all BKs to talk to ...
To disagree means that you think the leadership are NOT easy for all BKs to talk to ... and are treated like gurus.
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Re: BKWSU leadership accessibility and reverence

Post01 Jun 2008

To Admin,

This polls results can not be accepted. Because it reflects just the opposite of the reality. I doubted that some very laborious BKs may have cheated and tried to check if it is possible to vote more than once and this night around 01.00 a.m.

I voted more than 10 times and quit. Please check how many new ones or some old members in the name of the leadership have cheated.

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Re: BKWSU leadership accessibility and reverence

Post01 Jun 2008

Now i checked again and voted, got the response "your vote has been cast".Something with the voting system must be wrong.

All forum members can check this. A voting system where participants are allowed to vote more than once is open to deceit.

If there are now one million BKs on the world, they all know that the results of this poll are not reflecting the reality.

I was one of those privileged ones who could easily get in touch with the BKWSU leadership, but i witnessed during years how difficult, almost impossible it is for the others to contact them directly. Only with the intervention of the center-in-charges, NCOs, or RCOs, can BK teachers and students have access to them. It is a lie what we have been told and what we were telling to the students and to the public that the BKWSU leadership is open to everybody who wants to talk to them about problems or any issue.

It is also a lie what we were told and were telling to the new ones that there are no Gurus in the BKWSU, that all Seniors consider themselves students of Gyan. Starting from Brahma Baba and Om Radhe, then Dadi Prakashmani and Dadi Janki, they never let us kiss their hands or feet BUT with the assessments from the Sakar Murlis and Avyakt Murlis, and with the commitments of the Seniors around them, Dada Lekh Raj was worshiped as God's incarnation, Om Radhe was worshipped as Goddess (see: photos from Adi Devi Book in Downloads) and Dadiji and Dadi Janki are worshiped as God's right hands; Divine Angels.

All BKs know this reality, but of course knowing the truth is something, accepting is another thing. Whoever are involved with the PR work of the leadership will continue to tell us lies.


john morgan


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Re: BKWSU leadership accessibility and reverence

Post01 Jun 2008

In England, the political party in power will choose what they think is the best time for an election and the best time is when they think that they are most liable to win. In a sense, we have done the same here. We thought that the outcome was certain and when it was not we began to question it. That people are able to vote more than once in a poll is a politicians dream but once you are found out the game is up. This is not the case here, seemingly additional votes were acknowledged by the software when I tried to multiple vote but the statistics did not change, my additional votes were not counted and therefore the poll is accurate.

Maybe there is another way to fix the results. Or it may be that some pukka BKs have visited this site and voted. Who can say? As I have no vested interest in wanting others to think the same way as me I am looking forward to the results of the poll. For how long will it be open?
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Re: BKWSU leadership accessibility and reverence

Post01 Jun 2008

Prior to Tom's comment above there had been evidence of users joining simply to vote in or rig polls. When contacted with the typical welcome emails, there have been no responses and no forum posts either. These votes have been noted. In one case, it seems one user voted 12 times or more.

Since Tom's original comment we changed the settings to disallow multiple votes and are in contact with the developers of the softwares to enable a fix in the software that only allows voting in polls after a specific number of posts have been. We hope this ensures voters are genuinely interested members. Presently this modification does not work.

The modification has been attempted on a number of occasions over the last few days and a few of you might have noticed an error message similar to the following. We are waiting for further information ("Viewtopic.php" is the page which produces this page you are looking at).
Code: Select all
*Parse error*: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in * /usr/home/public_html/forum/viewtopic.php* on line *699

In theory it would be possible make numerous user accounts and vote with these but such a practise would also be transparent to administrators and counter productive. As soon as the proposed modification is complete, this poll will be reset and unless single purpose account respond to confirm their membership, votes discounted.

Our apologies for the inconvenience. There have been a number of technical issues since the forum upgrade and a lack of solutions due to the newness of the software. This is one such incident. The new forum does however offer extensive logging facilities to note such events.

Due to the failure in the technology, this poll should therefore be considered void until corrected. A corrected vote would currently read approximately;

    Strongly agree: 30%
    Disagree: 35%
    Strongly disagree: 35%
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Re: BKWSU leadership accessibility and reverence

Post01 Jun 2008

john morgan wrote:In England, the political party in power will choose what they think is the best time for an election and the best time is when they think that they are most liable to win. In a sense, we have done the same here. We thought that the outcome was certain and when it was not we began to question it.

John morgan, I am sure, you don't want to insult us. This forum is not a political party. This "anti-party" image is exactly what the BKWSU leadership is repetitively using to insult the members of this forum and to keep the active BKs away from reading the truths revealed in this forum.
That people are able to vote more than once in a poll is a politicians dream but once you are found out the game is up. This is not the case here, seemingly additional votes were acknowledged by the software when I tried to multiple vote but the statistics did not change, my additional votes were not counted and therefore the poll is accurate.

How can you know if the poll is accurate or not? I am still waiting for Administrators decision to clear this question. BTW, I don't give a damn in any poll's results, when the truth is very well known to all of us.
Or it may be that some pukka BKs have visited this site and voted. Who can say?

If it is so, is not it a sort of manipulation? I would be pitiable for BKs trying to manipulate this forum's poll.

I assume you have spent enough time in Yagya to make your our own decision, to experience how the system works and to know that all active BKs are systematically brainwashed, and pushed to brainwash new ones, that "the leadership is easily accessible for everyone and that the Seniors are very humble students of Godly knowledge and don't want to be worshiped". We were all brainwashed. By reading your posts, I just want to remind to you sometimes, "Come on Brother, move on. Liberate yourself from the patterns of BK's old brainwash influence. You have nothing to lose but your chains."
As I have no vested interest in wanting others to think the same way as me I am looking forward to the results of the poll.

What would the poll's results show you? Don't you know that the truth can not be covered with PR work?


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