New forum for BK/PBK followers

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New forum for BK/PBK followers

Post15 Oct 2008

Admin note: add to the following post 30 October 2008

This direction of this forum has recently changed and it is specifically for ex-BKs, exiting Brahma Kumari followers and the friends & family of BKs.

For the first two years of its existence, this Forum acted as an independent, open and ecumenic discussion forum for all individuals interested or effected by the so-called Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University; a cultic and strictly millenarianistic (End of the World) religious movement which believes it has a certain monopoly on "God", who speaks in person through its psychic mediums.

The moderators sought to encourage dialogue to address problems, promote positive change and to accurately document the nature of the Brahma Kumaris leadership, their teachings and the lifestyle; not present a PR version to the world. We believe we have done so.

We believe we have sufficiently achieved that aim and are now changing our focus to support the victims of the organization, past, present and future; and to focus on outreach to other organizations that the Brahma Kumaris seek privileges from, usually under the veil of deception.

Previous discussions have been archived into read only forum for the sake of study. There is a new discussion forum for BK and PBK believers at;

BK-PBK.Info is independent from this site and no longer ex-BK run.
Arjun wrote:Dear Admin,

Hello. Today I found a change in the format of the forum with the BK, PBK and splinter groups sections being grouped in a separate block. Apart from this, some sections (including BK/PBK/splinter groups) have been clubbed together to form a 'forum for followers' or 'forum for believers'. But I found that the posts made in the BK/PBK Section of the main forum are not being reflected in the same sections of 'forum for followers'. So, do we have to make same posts in both the fora?

I would like to suggest that it would be better if only one of these two groups are retained to avoid any confusion. If members wish to see the BK/PBK sections they can click on the link 'forum for followers'.

Thanks for your efforts to streamline the various sections.

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Re: Forum for followers/believers

Post15 Oct 2008

arjun wrote:Today I found a change in the format of the forum with the BK, PBK and splinter groups sections being grouped in a separate block ... do we have to make same posts in both the fora?

We will shortly be announcing important forum changes which are currently being worked on. The BK and PBK forums on this Forum are being turned into a "read only" archive.

The good news is that a new active forum for BK and PBK followers is being created at the following address;

With the exception of the most recent contributions, all user names, password and posts have been transfered to the new forum and it is now functional. Users will be able to log on to both forums as usual until they find their preferred one. It will no longer be possible for followers to post or discuss Brahma Kumari related philosophy on this forum.

    • The main forum will no longer support BK and PBK followers' faith based discussions.
This forum be used only for uncensored ex-BK and 'Friends and Family of' discussion. It will welcome those other individuals that are questioning important issues within the movement, willing to document them or those who are thinking of leaving the BKWSU.

As neither the BKWSU nor the AIVV offers a discussion forum for their followers, we are happy to announce that BK and PBK 'faith-based discussions' will carry uncensored on at BrahmaKumaris.Info/Prajapita and all accounts suspended due to moderation limitation (language support) have been re-activated.

We believe in self-empowerment. If BK and PBK members want to continue the tradition of open discussion, honest documentation and the publication of the Murlis, you will have to organize yourselves to support their forum on your own just as you have all come forward to openly share the Murlis and classes. You will need to learn as we learned. And where you cannot, to mutally afford professional help to do so. BrahmaKumaris.Info/Prajapita will continue to be hosted independently, as long as this website remains. All necessary technical access given to any volunteers coming forward but it will neither be directed nor supported on a daily basis as before. Both forums will be linked to one another. All other resources will remain as they were.

The reasons for this are two fold;

    a) the combination of a lack of technical and moderation support
    b) the profound disappointment with the non-cooperative and destructive behavior of the BKWSU leadership and their influence upon their following.
When this forum was established, it was conceived as being inclusive and a number of leading BKs invited to take part and support the BK forum. None even responded. Since then we have suffered;

    aggressive and dishonest legal action intended to cause as much spiritual and financial damage as possible to our community,
    BKWSU global leader Janki Kripalani refusing our request to discuss the BKWSO's ethics and have our legal cost repaid,
    the BKWSU (UK) employing a UK solicitor to inform us that Janki Kripalani cannot be expect to respond to letters address to her as global leader even when they letters were address to both the BKWSU in the UK,
    the ignorance of any other correspondence by both the UK and India,
    the blocking of all emails from us to any of their centers through its centralized mail servers,
    the refusal to supply original Murlis and respond to proof of serious and evidenced historical revision with the movement.
We consider that we have now proven that there is a universal demand for direct access to the original religious teachings called the Murlis, an ability to think deeply and responsibly about serious issues, and an openness amongst BK followers to do so freely. We consider that we have proven the state of mind that governs the BKWSU ... and we consider it is now up to others to stand on their own feet and take responsibility for themselves and others.

We wish you good luck in doing so and moving on from being followers to self supporting leaders.
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Re: New "Forum for followers"

Post16 Oct 2008

Don't know if people out there know what this would mean ... you are creating a situation that a BK/PBK who is open to discussing the issues will not be able to since you are now classifying them as believers and followers ...

Its funny.



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Re: Forum for followers/believers

Post16 Oct 2008

I think you misread or misunderstood yogi 108:
Admin wrote:This forum be used only for uncensored ex-BK and 'Friends and Family of' discussion. It will welcome those other individuals that are questioning important issues within the movement, willing to document them or those who are thinking of leaving the BKWSU.
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Re: New "Forum for followers"

Post16 Oct 2008

Well, if that is the case then it's fine ... I don't intend leaving the BKs ... but would like to contribute to the forum ...

Thanks, Bkti-pit
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Re: New "Forum for followers"

Post16 Oct 2008

Dear Admin,

Thanks for the clarifications. But I find that apart from the BK/PBK/PBK Latino/BK splinter groups sections on the new forum there are sections like Admin/Newcomers/Commonroom/BKWSU history which exist in the main forum as well. The same set of topics are available in these sections in the main forum (ex-BK Forum) as well as the new 'Forum for followers'.

Suppose someone makes a post in a thread on Dadi Prakashmani in the Commonroom Section of one forum, will the same post be visible in the thread with the same name in the other forum?

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Re: New "Forum for followers"

Post17 Oct 2008

arjun wrote:uppose someone makes a post in a thread on Dadi Prakashmani in the Commonroom Section of one forum, will the same post be visible in the thread with the same name in the other forum?

No. The two forums have forked as of this month (October 15th). Whatever is posted in one forum, will not appear in the other. The content is the same up until that point. From this date onwards, the two forums will take different paths and the content change. All previous contributions in the BK, PBK and Splinter group forums will remain as a 'read only' archive.

It is up to the future administrators of if they want to leave, move or remove past content from their forum. How they work together, how they want to manage and maintain it is up to them. It is now entirely independent. If no one comes forward to administrate it, then it will remain as it is and open to whomsoever wishes to contribute it. Copies of all other posts, e.g. ex-BK forum, have been archived and will be provided to them if they request it.

It would be sensible to move some unnecessary topics and forums. All other topics from this Forum that you cannot see are saved.

In an ideal world, this forum (or these) forums would and should be supported by the BKWSU freely and without any interference. When this website was established, it was created specifically with the intent to be open, inclusive and ecumenical. We are very disappointed, but not surprised, by the official responses from the BKWSU.

Disappointed not just their lack of support but the attempts to damage, discredit and limit our work (e.g. the centralised BKWSU mail servers continue to block any emails from or about us). In our opinion, this says much about the true nature and spiritual immaturity of the organization and its leaders.

Our resources at are limited. We are choosing to invest those doing what is most important to us. If either of the AIVV or BKWSU wish to explore alternatives, then we are open to discussion on the basis that the forum remains open and uncensored.

    helping ex- and exiting BKs
    the friends and family of BKs and ex-BKs
    objectively documenting the BKWSU historical revision and changes to the philosophy
    performing outreach and providing information for other individuals and organization, especially VIPs and governmental
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Re: New "Forum for followers"

Post19 Oct 2008

The Commonroom forum has now been merged into the ex-BK forum. No posts were lost.
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Re: New "Forum for followers"

Post22 Oct 2008

Hello all,

Have been away/busy for a while now but come back for a look and see what's just happened! My thanks and appreciation to Admin and others. This is definitely a step in the right direction. I've always felt that our main mission is to support recently-exited, close-to-exiting or questioning BKs based upon our own experiences when it came to detaching from the Yagya ...

Multi-million fold congratulations and best wishes,
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Re: New "Forum for followers"

Post23 Oct 2008

It would be better if the BKWSU history section is kept in one of the forums and not both so that anyone wanting to access facts related to Yagya history can get them from one place instead of having to read both forums.


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Re: What is this forum for? Was "new forum for BK/PBK followers"

Post30 Nov 2008

There is no direction anymore in this bkinfo so I have decided to retire.

Thanks for those who have been supportive and good luck.
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Re: What is this forum for? Was "new forum for BK/PBK followers"

Post30 Nov 2008

bansy wrote:There is no direction ... There is no aim in this forum anymore.

Aim as in "Lakshmi and Narayan ... Remember your Aim and Object"? Do you mean something specific from a BK point of view? I also quote your "no aim" comment from elsewhere ...

Bansy, our aim and objective is very clear. Its for helping the victims, stopping the abuse and empowering individuals, not carrying on their religion.


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Re: What is this forum for? Was "new forum for BK/PBK followers"

Post30 Nov 2008

I will be forever grateful to this Forum for exposing the historical revisions, documenting the abuses and providing a space for critical analysis, amongst other things ...
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Re: What is this forum for? Was "new forum for BK/PBK followers"

Post30 Nov 2008

ex-l wrote:Bansy, our aim and objective is very clear. Its for helping the victims, stopping the abuse and empowering individuals, not carrying on their religion.

My two cents ...

I don't find the forum changes helpful. I think BK / PBK topics were already restricted to their own sub-forum so those not interested don't have to read them. The burden to Admin could be relieved by requiring a PBK to volunteer to moderate the sub-forum. I understand the concern of Admin to not want to promote the BK religion but I don't think that the overall content of the forum can ever be accused of this. PBK Arjun in particular has made a great contribution to the forum, not just re PBK subjects but re the ongoing exploration of the history of the BK movement. For me the overall balance and health of the forum is improved by an intelligent BK / PBK contribution. IMHO cutting out BK / PBK contribution risks unbalancing the forum and turning it into a BK-bashing exercise, thus harming the credibility and value of the forum.
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Re: What is this forum for? Was "new forum for BK/PBK followers"

Post11 Dec 2008

Dear Admin,

Herewith I am repeating my today's post to Admin in thread Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki regarding my request to move diiogenes' ill-intentioned-insulting posts and I am asking you further kindly to move this poster to the place he/she belongs because we don't need any member here who is burning with animosity against all of us. See some examples of his/her comments full of hatred to the same thread :
diiogenes wrote: And all this cloak and dagger conspiracy stuff being spun in here about the Dadi Lekraj trust and the wicked Sisters is just a witch hunt as well. ex-l would do well to revisit the 'she's a witch' scene in monty python's "Holy Grail' film. He/she might gain some perspective lost in his/her futile war.
diiogenes wrote: Things getting a little close to the bone for you fellas? You certainly don't mind dishing it out, but when someone shows your agenda and practices for what they are, you want to take your bat and ball and go home.


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