Can anyone please tell me why my post/topic has disappeared?

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Can anyone please tell me why my post/topic has disappeared?

Post04 Jul 2007

I am surprised to see that my post on " Science and Vishnu Party" Removed . I Just wanted to make all BKs/PBKs and Ex-BKs aware of this.


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Post04 Jul 2007

Your post was not removed. As it on the subject of the Vishnu Party, it was merged with the topic on that subject matter.

Any duplicate or "cross-posting", i.e. the posting of the same message in numerous forums, will be moved to the Lost Property topic in the Admin forum.

It would appear that account beejroop is the same user as mokshiprasant and despite joining as a PBK is a Vishu Party member.
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Post04 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote:I am surprised to see that my post on " Science and Vishnu Party" Removed. I Just wanted to make all BKs/PBKs and Ex-BKs aware of this.

... Thanks Admin.
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Can anyone please tell me why my topic has disappeared?

Post05 Oct 2007

I had written a thread asking - "Is this website self-contradictory?" The thread has vanished. If this site allows open communication why such a thing has occurred? :?
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Post05 Oct 2007

master creator wrote:I had written a thread asking - Is this website self-contradictory? The thread has vanished. If this site allows open communication why such a thing has occurred?

It was amalgamated with a previous thread on the same subject.
I am sorry, we try and notify individuals of moves or merges but you can find your posts either by looking at your Profile page (accessible via your logo or username link, or the "new posts" link. To avoid such impression, we have a policy that we do not delete posts (unless where clearly errors / duplicates) and even inappropriate posts are only sent to the "Lost Property" department.

Please look over the forums, check to see if the topics you wish to raise have already been discussed. Re-invigorate old topics rather than just start new ones. The moderators retain the right to merge similar or identical topics to keep the forum short and concise and avoid duplications.

This also stops individuals from attempting to dominate forums by asking the same question over and over again but with new titles.


Not seeing my post in the PBK forum.

Post24 Oct 2007

Aum Shanti,

Dear administrator, I had posted a topic with subject "I am Prajapita Brahma" in the PBK forum. I saw my message after posting it in the PBK forum, but now I am not seeing it in the PBK forum, but is only present in the opening page. Please show my topic in the PBK forum.

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Post24 Oct 2007

Your post is in The Commonroom as it is of common interest to all elements of the BK Family.

The PBKs have previously requested that the PBK forum remains closer to orthodox PBK teachings and so general discussion is taken elsewhere.

Thank you.
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Post30 Oct 2007

Yes my 'Brian Bacon comes to Oz' thread went AWOL somewhere too ... I did not think it was that defamatory lol.
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Post30 Oct 2007

zhuk wrote:Yes my 'Brian Bacon comes to Oz' thread went AWOL somewhere too ... I did not think it was that defamatory lol

Is this it?
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Post30 Oct 2007

In case of posts being moved or similar topics being merged,
    go to > Members > your_username > "Find all posts by your_username".
Or follow the link from your username and avatar next to any post you have made.
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Post31 Oct 2007

zhuk wrote:Yes my 'Brian Bacon comes to Oz' thread went AWOL somewhere too ... I did not think it was that defamatory lol

Indeed it is joel!
Admin wrote:In case of posts being moved or similar topics being merged,

    go to > Members > your_username > "Find all posts by your_username".
Or follow the link from your username and avatar next to any post you have made.

Funny thing is, before I made the post I did do just this to check. Nothing recent appeared so I went ahead and posted. Weird! :?
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Post31 Oct 2007

zhuk wrote:Funny thing is, before I made the post I did do just this to check. Nothing recent appeared so I went ahead and posted. Weird! :?

You seem to be correct and have just highlighted a glitch in the software that we were unaware of.

Apologies and thank you.


Re: Didi Nirmala Australia

Post02 Oct 2015

Admin wrote:Following posts moved from: Re: Didi Nirmala Australia

Lol ..."Come come" ... please! ... ex-l. Gee, You do sound pretty 'Freaked Out' over a light hearted very funny post, that I myself am enjoying a lot, and am actually finding it very "theraputic". It helps to release strong pent up negative emotions. Have you not heard the saying, "laughter is the best medicine"? Do try it! "I don't understand ... & ... I cannot remember if you ever said"? ... mmmmm.

It was only a day or 2 ago that I posted the details of previous posts, I and others have commented about Didi N, under the topic of "The Stupidity of so called Seniors" ... but as I have noticed over time, you choose to be quite "Selective" about what stays on site here, and what you want to delete, even if there is nothing wrong, or breaking any violation rules? Some characteristics I have said about Didi N, have also been stated by others if you care to take notice.

I have shared what I am willing to at present, and do not need any "pushing and forced effort" by you, to explain further, my own experiences and observations of her.

Firstly, in order to go further, one needs to feel a good level of trust and safety from "others" on the site responding. And that cannot be achieved if Ex-BKs' posts can be attacked, carved up, ridiculed, and all sorts of other ridiculous downloads from other sources posted, in an attempt to further humiliate and degrade them.

I was a committed BK and have lived with Didi N, but I was not involved on the financial side of the organisation, but still experienced, observed and have heard others experiences of the same. As far as "She does not come across as 'evil'", etc ... Do you honestly think she is going to show her "dark" side up there on stage, on video, in front of masses, as a Senior giving a class for all to see??! Even when she has been confronted by BKs' for her behaviour, she refuses to take any responsibility and just argues back at them, making everything the BK's fault, even when they have 'acted' under her instructions.


Re: Didi Nirmala Australia

Post02 Oct 2015

quantum wrote:but as i have noticed over time, u choose to be quite "Selective" about what stays on site here, and what u want to delete
ex-l wrote:Please be careful. None of your content has ever been deleted.

In the whole of our history, only a handful of posts (sometimes lines or paragraphs) have ever been deleted - and I mean a handful - and those were for very obvious reasons, like profanity, very nasty sexual remarks. (Excluding those that are clearly advertising link spam).

If a post is made in the wrong place or forum, it will be moved to the best forum or topic for it so as to keep discussion on topic.

If two posts are made in a row by the same person, they are combined into one to save space.

When we had BKs and PBKs here and chatter became too much, or there were duplications, we used to move stuff to a "Lost and Found" topic, but we don't delete content and criticisms just to avoid any allegation of censorship by the BKs. I cannot even remember when the last time it happened. It's a policy.

We put the readers first, so spelling or lay out is corrected, e.g. "u" become "you" etc (some of it is automatic), but that is all. We try to have some standards, like publishing, so we are taken seriously.

So, as with the BKs, you are welcome to vent but please be accurate in your criticism.

"Please be carefull"! ... Really! ... sounds like you are trying to threaten and intimidate me!?? Not going to happen.
Yes, some of my posts have been deleted in the past, and without an email of explanation. And I was also 'cut off' from this site a while back, without any explanation as well, and prevented from re-joining after requesting a new password.

Anyway, moving along, you have put forth quite a lengthy response, whilst ignoring alot of my points.

Wow ... sooo much pressure from you AGAIN! ... "All I am asking is, Tell us more, tell us why, Please give our readers....etc. Please go into it in detail! work it out and help/save others.!!"

Please refer to my paragraph; "Firstly, in order to go further, one needs to feel a good level of trust and safety from "others" on the site responding ... etc. And, I have shared what I am willing to at present, and do not need any "pushing and forced effort" by you, to "explain further, my own experiences and observations of her"!!??

What part of that don't you get!!?? It's a good idea to value and appreciate the Ex-BKs who contribute here, and the different 'styles' people have. Do you want it to be all the same and boring? There's very few that contribute now, and it's almost a case of a "One Man Band".

Micro managing others, is really just a form of "controlling".
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Re: Didi Nirmala Australia

Post02 Oct 2015

No, I am being genuine. I understand and appreciate that you may have been hurt or frustrated and your life damaged and you are entitled to be angry for the losses you have incurred. But we and other readers don't know what they are, just that you hurt or frustrated etc (quick and rough summary).

Therefore, rather than just sit and write, "*****, *****, *****" ... which the BKs can be, we know that ... all I am asking is, "Can you tell us more? Can you tell us why?" Please give our readers, who come here looking for information about the BKs examples of what you are talking about". Remember, it's not just us talking but many others also come here anonymously.

Personally, I am quite busy and deal with a lot of forum type information (not just here) and so I do forget what or if you have said something, but this is my general impression.

Please tell us more about what happened, please go into it in detail to work it out and to help or save others. Just give us examples, e.g. you were mentioning money, or callousness etc.
quantum wrote:Yes, some of my posts Have Been Deleted in the past, and without an email of explanation.

If you can tell me what your last usernames were (on or off forum), I can check ... but no one has been blocked or restricted since we split off the BKs and PBKs to their own forum.

But as I said, none of the content your posts have been deleted.

Those are the facts.

As I offered, if you or anyone else doesn't believe me, ask to see the logs and I will share them with you. Criticising the BKs for being unaccountable, we have to set standards or accountability.

Where you posted twice in a row, the two posts were combined into one and the duplication removed ... but no content was lost; and where you posted 'off topic', I think two or three posts were either moved, or split into new topics. From memory, one of them was a quote which went from the Books and Movie topic to the Good Quote topic.

Yes, from the beginning of this forum we have tried to maintain a good standard of organisation and readability for the sake of the readers. We take what we are doing here seriously, it's in the guidelines or policy.

Please note, this off topic part of the discussion will probably be moved or split off as well. But not deleted. If you want to discuss or criticise the forum, you can do ... but in a different topic.

quantum wrote:Micro managing others, is really just a form of "controlling".

No, in this case it's more like an editor editing a newspaper or magazine. Keeping the sports and politics in separate sections, correcting the typos etc.

No one's pressurising or intimidating you, it's just that we have to protect ourselves from being sued (or criticised) for people making false or exaggerated comments. This is not just a chat in coffee shop, we are bound by the same libel laws as publishing.

You can say anything about them you want, as long as is it true and you can back it up enough to frighten off the BKs from thinking about suing us again.

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