How to make quotes, lists, edit, add user icon, video etc

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How to make quotes, lists, edit, add user icon, video etc

Post01 May 2006

The FAQ is the place to start... (see the link above). For editing tricks, look also at the BBcode guide (BBcode link in Options at the left of the edit window)

I have been asked to explain how to use the quote feature:

To reply to a message including quotes from another message, reply by using the "quote" button at the top right corner of that message - you then get all the message within quote tags: ie
Code: Select all
[quote="author"]... message is here ...[/quote]

then simply edit out the bits of the message you don't want quoted. You can type in your own quote tags if you are a programmer type (the ="author" part is optional - you can just type
Code: Select all
[quote] blah blah [/quote]

But, once you are in edit mode, the easiest way (and the way to use most of the buttons at the top of the edit page, including font colours and font sizes), is just to highlight the piece of text you want to quote (or bold, underline, or whatever), and press the Quote (or B or u or whatever) button, and ... hey presto. :)

Once you have quoted some text, there is no need to make a space under the quoted text as the software does that for you. All you need to do is a single carriage return, e.g.;
Code: Select all
[quote="author"]... quoted text is here ...[/quote]
Your message goes here without a space
[quote]... quoted text is here ...[/quote]
Your message goes here without a space again.

Notice the lack of spaces between the quote tags and the text that follows it. There is one carriage return only.
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Viewing forum in a new browser window

Post01 May 2006

I just wanted to offer one specific tip for this forum for those with poor eyesight or that like more space to lay their thoughts out.

If you wish to view the forum outside of the frame of the website, try command-clicking, control-clicking or right-clicking [ depending on whether you use Mac OS, Windows or Linux operating systems ] on the Forum Index link.

This will allow you to view and navigate the forum in a new browser window without the decorative frame where you can increase the font size or see entire threads better.
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Post01 May 2006

By popular demand, the Forum now offers avatars for users to chose, see ;

Profile > Avatar control panel > Show gallery to view various galleries.

Users can upload their own avatars but need to keep them within a certain size. 80 pixels wide is good, less is better.

The Admin reserves the right or remove to edit as necessary.
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Post01 Dec 2006

I have been asked to explain;

How to make lists and bullet points.

I think the easiest way is to use an example form the forum;
Code: Select all
[b]The actual root of the problem is a much bigger one. We all, so-labelled BKs, ex-BKs, PBKs, exist within a bigger box of "BK Brahmin" communication that is dominated by a small, self-elected elite within the BKWSU who seem to consider that they alone have; [color=darkblue][list]• the ownership of "God" and "The Knowledge".
• the rights to determine what and whose is it is.
• absolute and unchallengeable unaccountability to the rest of us and the right to exclude others  - so Eugene and the PBKs have demonstrated.[/list][/color]And, of course, that is over the whole of humanity not just us.[/b]

This equates to this;
The actual root of the problem is a much bigger one. We all, so-labelled BKs, ex-BKs, PBKs, exist within a bigger box of "BK Brahmin" communication that is dominated by a small, self-elected elite within the BKWSU who seem to consider that they alone have;
    • the ownership of "God" and "The Knowledge".
    • the rights to determine what and whose is it is.
    • absolute and unchallengeable unaccountability to the rest of us and the right to exclude others - so Eugene and the PBKs have demonstrated.
And, of course, that is over the whole of humanity not just us.

You see the important points;
    a) using the "list" tag/button indents the text within it.
    b)You do NOT make a space before or immediately after it but just continue on typing.
    c)If you want to make a new line in the list, just make a carriage return as you would naturally.
    d) If you want to make an alphabetical or bullet point list just use your keyboard, usually bullet points are "alt-8" or "control-8" depending on your computer; an alternative for where ever your asterix * is.
The easiest way might be to copy and paste the above and then edited yourself the first time. You do not need to make it bold or colored ... or you can as you wish. Be creative, you can always edit your own post if you get it wrong.
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Time limits to posting

Post14 Jan 2007

arjun wrote:OMshanti. Is there any limit as to how many times could a member edit his post?

There are no limits on how many edits you make for one hour after first posting it.

After that time you must contact an Admin or moderator and it is up to them to do it, depending on how much time and energy they have.


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Post30 Apr 2007

Some words get automatically capitalised.

I will have to type the following with spaces so that the autoedit facility does not act : Can the word "f ather" be not autoedited, since it comes out a "F ather", which therefore is God ? Thanks.

I think the "mother", "Brother" and "Sister" is fine whether it comes out capitalised or not. Also "he" and "his" comes out lowercase.

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Post23 Aug 2007

When I clicked "post reply", how can I undo this?
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Post23 Aug 2007

The question you seem to be asking is, "how can I delete my post?"

You cannot. If you make a mistake, edit your post to leave an Admin note and a moderator will remove it.

You have up to one hour after posting a reply to edit your posts, after that you cannot.
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Double quotes

Post12 Dec 2007

How to make double quotations.

If users can avoid complex double or triple quotation, and quoting themselves, we would appreciate it very much. If they can do so, then moderator formatting errors will not arise.

The correct way to make a double quotation is as follows;
first member wrote:First text quotation ...
second member wrote:Second text quotation ...

Is written like so;
Code: Select all
[quote="first member"]First text quotation ...[/quote][quote="second member"]Second text quotation ...[/quote]

Not ...
first member wrote:First text quotation ...
second member wrote:Second text quotation ...

Which is written like so;
Code: Select all
[quote="first member"]First text quotation ...
[quote="second member"]Second text quotation ...[/quote]

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Post13 Dec 2007

If I click "quote", I get the whole writing. That is of no use. Quote means: you take some lines. The only way I know how to quote is copy and paste ...
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Post13 Dec 2007

peter de wrote:If I click "quote", I get the whole writing. That is of no use. Quote means: you take some lines. The only way I know how to quote is copy and paste ...

That is the way it works for everyone.

Of course, it is "of use". You just select and delete the bits you do not want. The quote comes up ready made with the other member's name. Its easier to just select and delete text rather than write in who wrote what.
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How to embed video and soundtracks

Post14 Feb 2008

How to embed a Youtube video, example;

Code: Select all
[youtube=jXjaT-gkhwk]Avyakt Shiva Dance from China[/youtube]

Use only the video's identifying code taken from Youtube, e.g. "jXjaT-gkhwk" in this case, and then place a title for it between the tags.

[youtube=jXjaT-gkhwk]Avyakt Shiva Dance from China[/youtube]
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How to embed a Google video

Post14 Feb 2008

How to embed a Google video video, example;

Code: Select all

Use only the video's identifying code taken from Youtube, e.g. "842447165188167783" in this case, and then place a title after before or after the tags.

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How to embed an mp3 sound track

Post16 Feb 2008

How to embed an mp3 sound track, example;

Code: Select all
[center]Meditation commentary.[/center]

Use the soundtrack's complete URL, e.g. "" in this case, and then place a title for it, centered, below.

Meditation commentary.
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Re: How to make quotes, lists, edit, add user icon, video etc

Post17 Sep 2008

A new bbcode has been added called "video", which lets users add the following videos to their post. Previous posts will continue to display youtube videos.

Please keep on topic with your contributions;

    godtube videos

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