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Post01 Feb 2007

What they want is irrelevant. Our Admin is relentless and trustworthy so don't worry about that. Wait until the worries come to you before you go to the worries, or you could worry about a lot of things that will never happen. Just keep up the positive thoughts my friend.

Thanks for the concern but BKs and their online antics don't worry me because I know another site will pop up to take the place if this one was to close. It is more fascination than worry I feel we are seeing history in the making.

So, yes, I would like to know more details of the xbkChat, even if you have to send via private message


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Post01 Feb 2007

While we are at it, so as to give Admin some guidelines, what should be the requirements be for a Youth subforum ? I don't know how many BK/PBK/ex-BK youths that have seen this forum, but maybe for them it can look like a bunch of overgrown adults watching Panorama (?) :P However, a place for them exclusive could help them.
    - Age range 10 to 22 ?
    - Moderator
    - Basic rules (swearing, porn etc)
    - It is to be a read-only forum for non youths ?
We simply have to trust everyone as to their membership. If people have issues to raise they can raise a seperate issue in the existing forums. Whilst youths can also post in any forums. Some of these youths will also grow up very quickly to be adults. If dear Krishna is really born and out there, who knows, he might even log on :lol:

Other ideas ?
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Post01 Feb 2007

bansy wrote:Other ideas ?

Does anyone know if there are any legal requirements necessary? By which I point out, the need to defend to forum from some irate BK parent whose child has just left Gyan and refuses to lpay the game any more?

I don't see any problem in letting kids in. I remember my own level of consciousness at, say, 13. It was pretty much grown up. Brahmin kids see a lot more of this life than most and there is little to nothing on this forum that is offensive. Certainly a lot less than everyday life at school would throw up. They could add a lot to the "Emperor's clothes" section.

What sort of ages are folks suggesting?
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Age range

Post02 Feb 2007

ex-l wrote:Does anyone know if there are any legal requirements necessary? What sort of ages are folks suggesting?

Other discussion sites I have seen on the internet make the user tick a box to confirm that they are 13 years old or over. I am not a lawyer, but this is what I have seen on innocuous sites such as this one is.

Upper age I would say to match the upper age limit of people going to the "Youth Retreats". Bansy, did you say this was 20 years old?

John, I am sorry I am not able to give you any more information on the old XBKChat, as it would be violating someone's confidence.
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Post04 Feb 2007

Revised Murli 10.12.2002
"This is a very elevated study. You also have to teach it to young children. Together with a worldly education this education should also be given."
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Post05 Feb 2007

sparkal wrote:PURITY IS PURITY, it is what we are, naturally.

I agree absolutely, we are all pure and it is what we are, whether we have sex or not.
ex-l wrote:I guess these are kids that are going to grow up never to be touched, held or embraced,

This is actually child abuse, as any reference on child care or any social worker will tell you. This form of neglect will cripple the child emotionally, and it will suffer from a form of post-traumatic stress disorder. I do not like to see children separated from their parents, but under these circumstances they should be taken into care by the state authorities, and given a caring upbringing with loving foster parents.
ex-l wrote:No, but we do insist that you are properly clothed when they post and have bathed beforehand ...

Oops! Forgot I had my web cam switched on there ex-l, you caught me. Well, it is unusually mild for this time of year, and I did shower yesterday afternoon. :|
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Over 13 years old

Post08 Feb 2007

"for young people over the age of 13 interested in the BKWSU or whose families are BKs"

Hey, I am qualified to post here, :-) Young in heart!
I understand there might be some lacking age limit and restrictions in the category. Shall we say 13 to less than 18 years old?

Though, I am an adult, I am just getting some feeling that we are becoming a family once again. Keep up the good work, Admin and to all.
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Post08 Feb 2007

bansy wrote:Maybe we can set up a subforum for youth BKs, a place where they can share ?

Happy to see that your suggestion has been taken up by the Admin Bansy, and that we now have this section in the forum. It will need close moderating, as we know.


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Post08 Feb 2007

Maybe we should have a sticky post at the top of the Youth Forum to give guidelines of how BK youths can use the forum. These guidelines can be split into 3 parts:

Top Part : Explain the purpose of the subforum from the viewpoint for the Youths.

Next Part : Obvious things you cannot do in this forum (e.g. swear, post obscene things etc.... though BKs don't swear anyway ?)

Bottom Part : Things you can do in this forum. and give bullet point suggestions to kickstart about what they can chat about....

Do you like Raja Yoga, why do you like it ?
Are the Dadis cool ? Is BapDada cool ?
Do you have BK friends the same age as you ? Invite them here too.
Does your family agree to you being a BK ?
Did you go on a Living Values program, tell us and your other BK friends about it.
What are the easy and hard things in practising being BKs.
Does BK study help or doe sit interfere with your school, college and University studies ?
What's the best time and/or worst time you've had with the BKs ?
Have you been on a BK Youth Retreat, was it fun ?
What's your favorite virtue and why ?

As you can see, I am only brainstorming here. Some things will be light, some more serious.

So I suggest everyone who is a genuine BK and PBK and ex-BK should participate at least some ideas to this Youth forum. After all, we were all youths once ourselves...and look where we've ended up !! (but do I hear someone say life begins at 60 ?)

After that, maybe Admin can provide some better structure for this sticky post, I am no good at that with my unstructured sanskars.
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Post08 Feb 2007

bansy wrote:Maybe we should have a sticky post at the top of the Youth Forum to give guidelines of how BK youths can use the forum.

These sound like a good start for guidelines, Bansy. I would add, "How do you feel about one/both your parents being BKs, as I feel it is important for children of BKs to post.
The sticky idea is, IMHO an essential to go up ASAP.



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Post13 Feb 2007

I am 22 and will soon be 23. Do I qualify as a youth? :D

Its really good to see that a forum dedicated to youth is being set up.

Are we free to discuss religion and religious backgrounds of the members in the group?
(Non-Gyan and westerners people might get offended by this)

But I strongly feel religious background does have a big influence in a BK's life. I had a real tough time convincing my parents (Islam) about the BK values - vegetarian food, meditation and so on. It is top down pro-hindu and that sells in India.

(BTW i am way out of religion, BKism and thank God I am an ex-BK :) )
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Youth Forum

Post13 Feb 2007

worldpeace wrote:I am 22 and will soon be 23. Do I qualify as a youth? :D

That will be a question for the Admin (Admin).
Its really good to see that a forum dedicated to youth is being set up.

I suggest you send a personal message to Admin asking about your question and telling Admin about your enthusiasm. IMHO we need some one to start off the Youth Section, and since you are so enthusiastic ...
Are we free to discuss religion and religious backgrounds of the members in the group?

Personally I do not see any reason why not. There is the "All & Everything" section, which is - "for discussing science, relationships, religion, non-BK spirituality and spiritual experiences". You could post there. Some time ago I remember there was much more discussion about general religious and spiritual subjects. The different subjects ebb and flow. At the moment there seems to be less discussion on these matters. You might try looking through the older posts and reviving a topic that interests you, or you could start a new topic of your own.
(Non-Gyan and westerners people might get offended by this)

I will not be offended, worldpeace, and I am both a westerner and an ex-BK. I would say that as long as you are not personally abusive or use bad language then if a person gets offended it is all part of the process of a robust debate. People get offended at what I say sometimes. I may have said something wrong, and if so I hope I see it and apologise. It may also be that people have different opinions and the occasional case of a person taking offence is not a problem. Tolerance is the name of the game if you want to discuss issues that people are passionate about. When I was a BK I sometimes got scared of posting here when people took offence at what I said. I now believe that was a mistake. We all have our opinions, but they are only opinions. Be prepared to be brave - I can see you have courage from your previous posts.
But I strongly feel religious background does have a big influence in a BK's life. I had a real tough time convincing my parents (Islam) about the BK values - vegetarian food, meditation and so on. It is top down pro-Hindu and that sells in India.

I agree, it is a big influence on all of us. I went to a Christian school, although my Father was an atheist. All state schools in the UK were Christian at that time. I still feel the influence of that upbringing. The Information you give about your own religious background, and how it affected you when you became a BK is very illuminating for me. Also, your saying that the BKWSU is top down pro-Hindu that sells big in India is a very important point to make. I would add that the Hindu roots of the BK religion are one of the reasons why it does not sell so easily in the West, and why these roots are being increasingly abandoned, denied, and hidden here.
(BTW I am way out of religion, BKism and thank God I am an ex-BK :) )

Good for you! I am in a similar situation myself. It is good talking to you worldpeace, and I hope you get somewhere with your enthusiasm for the Youth Section of the Forum. :lol:

Bansy, do you have any comments on what worldpeace is saying here?
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Mr Green


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Post13 Feb 2007

I think this is a great idea 8)



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Post13 Feb 2007

proy wrote:It is good talking to you worldpeace, and I hope you get somewhere with your enthusiasm for the Youth Section of the Forum.

It feels great to be in your company proy, and other members here. I will contribute with whatever capacity I have. I hope the protocol is being evolved by the senior members here regarding the content of discussion in the youth forum. (No, I do not mean hierarchy, its purely out of respect and regard for their experience).

One hardship I faced as a BK (I was a BK from 15 to 20) was the adolescent phase. The first thing was remaining pure, it was a real fight. A sense of guiltiness/crime creeps in my mind every time i try to fight impure thoughts and fail. BK teachers should speak to adolescent BKs on this rather than let them fight alone. I hope I am able to get across what I mean to.

When an adolescent in a small town in India (where distractions are relatively less) had such hardships, it should be really tough in this age of internet, sms, TV.

And the next thing is being the odd man out among friends - no movies, no good laughter and so on ... It was tough being in an heterogeneous environment. It becomes all the more important when the parents are not BKs ... to interact with the young BKs more often..

Am I complaining a lot now that I am not a BK anymore ... Oops ... the BK sanskars don't go away so easily.


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Post13 Feb 2007

I am a bit engaged in other duties so I'll be brief for a while.
I am 22 and will soon be 23 ... One hardship I faced as a BK (I was a BK from 15 to 20)

You've raised a good point, as you were a BK during your youth, and only recently.

Yes, I thought that the forum was intended for existing BKs, ex-BKs, PBKs etc who are currently having their youth experience. The emphasis was on "current" rather than past, since probably lots of people have been BKs in their teens (including Dadi J !). However, what do other members think ? Should we raise the age limit for the forum?

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