[Campaign] Murli requests from BKs to BrahmaKumaris.Info

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Re: [Campaign] Murli requests from BKs to BrahmaKumaris.Info

Post19 Jun 2013

From: kumaripraveen
E-mail : nosologist_hry@xxxxx.xx
Om Shanti.

It is obvious that Murli should be listen in the morning. I am house wife and have one daughter of 11 years. It becomes difficult for me to attend morning Murli class daily due to busy schedule in the morning. Thus, I attend Murli classes only on holidays. You are the ray for me. Could you please send me daily Murli (Avyakt and Sakar) in Hindi on my e-mail? I will be highly thankful to you. Thanks. My email id is as follows – nosologist_hry@


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Re: [Campaign] Murli requests from BKs to BrahmaKumaris.Info

Post23 Nov 2015

I wish to get tamil Murli in my e-mail id singaramvel9@gmail.com
Please do the needful.


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Re: [Campaign] Murli requests from BKs to BrahmaKumaris.Info

Post19 Aug 2018

Learn Who is God

Brahma Kumaris Murli 19 August 2018 (Hindi) Madhuban BK Murli Today
http://www.bkmurlitoday.com/2018/08/bra ... -2018.html

Brahma Kumaris Murli 19 August 2018 (English) Madhuban BK Murli Today
http://www.bkmurlitoday.com/2018/08/bra ... glish.html



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Re: [Campaign] Murli requests from BKs to BrahmaKumaris.Info

Post14 Mar 2019

Hello BK Brothers, I want to start online service. I will share all Murli website links to groups and Whatsapp and Facebook.


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Re: [Campaign] Murli requests from BKs to BrahmaKumaris.Info

Post14 Mar 2019


Stop being a parrot, don't spit out things that you don't digest. Spend more time practicing instead of being a recycler. Do introspection to see how far you have changed, how far (bad) the BK organization has changed. That would at least help you understand and realize (long shot) how much the Murli has been "revised" over a period of time.

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Re: [Campaign] Murli requests from BKs to BrahmaKumaris.Info

Post14 Mar 2019

Welcome cnn22.

I am sure you are sincere in your intentions but please allow me to explain what oldBK is speaking about.

How many years have you been in The Knowledge?

Unless you can access at least 1970s copies, or the original recordings, the Murlis are are no longer the Murlis. They have been changed, revised, re-edited, whitewashed, reduced in scale to perhaps 1/3rd of what they were originally. Several times ... perhaps once or more times every 5 years as they are repeated.

Many old BKs, like us, find this contentious.

Who is changing what ... and why would "God's words" need to be changed?

Why did the BK leadership limit access to them so much, why don't they allow access to the original copies, why do they deceive people who are giving their lives to the religion?


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Re: [Campaign] Murli requests from BKs to BrahmaKumaris.Info

Post16 Apr 2019

Is there anywhere you can get hold of the early versions of Murlis, or are they kept locked away?

I was in The Knowledge for a few years and used to hear that there were Murlis with quite dark descriptions of destruction, but that these are no longer in circulation as they wouldn't be palatable for double-foreigners. Is this right?

The problem with the Brahma Kumaris being a comparatively small 'religion' is that there is not much academic analysis of their teachings; debunkings etc.
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Re: [Campaign] Murli requests from BKs to BrahmaKumaris.Info

Post16 Apr 2019


It's true.

I don't know what access the BKs allow to the original recordings they have of Lekhraj Kirpalani speaking, or how old and original copies they keep but I know the PBKs have a set of the (approximately) 5 year cycle of Sakar Murlis that the BKs used dating back to the 1970s when Virendra Dev Dixit was a BKs. I know one ex-BK/ex-PBK Dr Anil has a copy of them outside of the PBKs. I would guess that they are largely original as the BKs were fairly naive at that time.

We have a few 100 dating back to the 1980 in the Library, but already they are "revised" and elements lost in their translation to English (Jayanti - the primary translator - being more PR savvy).

The BKs have their own semi-official "backdoor" Murli publishing project via "Dr Luhar". It mght be worth checking both of his and the PBKs' websites to see where they are up to.

I don't know the history of this, it is obviously something we raised/pursued earlier. Perhaps it is in response to us, as at the time we did, they have everything on secure servers. He appears to be sincere.

Regardless of what one thinks about the religion, I think it is a terrible shame, and terribly immature spiritually, that the religion does not present its original teachings and documents and discussing their revisions and changes. Within the very limited monotonous scope of them, there are little hints and glimmers to the organisation's history, eg references to characters within it, or those who had left, references to both the organisation's and world events and how Lekhraj Kirpalani responded to them.

I think it would make an interesting project to document and explore ... especially if one is a believer.

Surely if one trully beleives "this is god", all his utterances and the events of "his" religion would be precious?

That the BK inner circle does not treat them as such and keeps them hidden or makes access difficult, and feel empowered to chop and change and revise them at will, and in an entirely undocumented manner, says a lot about them and *their* real attitude and opinion of their "god", and his following.

They appear to see themselves above their god and knowing what is best for his following.


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Re: [Campaign] Murli requests from BKs to BrahmaKumaris.Info

Post17 Apr 2019

Surely if one trully beleives "this is god", all his utterances and the events of "his" religion would be precious?
That the BK inner circle does not treat them as such and keeps them hidden or makes access difficult, and feel empowered to chop and change and revise them at will, and in an entirely undocumented manner, says a lot about them and *their* real attitude and opinion of their "god", and his following.

They appear to see themselves above their god and knowing what is best for his following.

    This is an important point to think about - for all the NEW BKs and the OLD BKs who are having doubts or confused about the happenings within the BK organization

    Who gave the BK Seniors the authority to change the "original" Murli ?
    Does "God" verify the "revision" and approve it ?
    Why are the BK Seniors not providing details of what was "revised" ?
    Why are they not not talking about the reasons behind the "revision" ?
    How long do you keep revising, at what point does the "revised" Murli become a "NEW Murli" ?
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Re: [Campaign] Murli requests from BKs to BrahmaKumaris.Info

Post18 Apr 2019

As God is incapable of being involved in the field of karma and is totally dependent on his medium and his instruments.

He only damn well says whatever they decide he says.


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Re: [Campaign] Murli requests from BKs to BrahmaKumaris.Info

Post25 Oct 2019

Lol Lol loL LoL 123


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Re: [Campaign] Murli requests from BKs to BrahmaKumaris.Info

Post25 Oct 2019

Brahma Kumaris Murli 19 August 2018 (Hindi) Madhuban BK Murli Today

Brahma Kumaris Murli 19 August 2018 (English) Madhuban BK Murli Today
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Re: [Campaign] Murli requests from BKs to BrahmaKumaris.Info

Post25 Oct 2019

Thank you for giving us a vision of the current level of mentality within the BKWSU.

This topic was started years ago when the BK leadership kept the Murlis "under lock and key", i.e. only available from password encrypted servers on a daily basis, with BKs not allowed to take Murlis out of centres, and even only access them within centres while sat in specific places. Without a doubt, by making the issue and Murlis public, we were instrumental in them being made public.

It's called "leverage".

However, the end result is still unsatisfactory as the Murlis that are made public are heavily redacted, edited, censored, and re-written from their full and original form.

If you know of a source of the complete set of full and unrevised Sakar Murlis, in their original form, we would be very grateful for it.

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