Banning BKs from this forum

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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post23 Jan 2013

bkti-pit wrote:Patzcuaro,

You had a good ride with the BKs. Fine! But please show some respect for those who were harmed by the BKs.

This forum is a place for their voices to be heard so please do not try to suppress them.

I agree. Sorry if my comment showed some kind of lack of respect.

What I was trying to say is that there should be no place for those asking to ban other's voices just because they have different opinions on BK. People harmed during their experience in Gyan would take equal benefit from positive coments than from negative ones in order to create a personal, but richer vision.


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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post23 Jan 2013

Patzcuaro wrote:You are wasting the fantastic opportunity given by this globalized, full connected world to learn to share your thoughts with respect and avoiding radical, blind, selfish, non fertile opinions and insults.

I think this is to be told in a BK class to BK adherents. They are the ones who are blind, selfish, non fertile and insults others (including religions).

I have wasted my youth to be a part in running the BK show. I was fully convinced what they taught me. Subsequently, I learned that they are folding their pages under the name of DRAMA. They call it full and true knowledge but fail to answer the simple question and THEY INSULT the questioners for raising the doubts on Gyan. The only thing the naïve and faithful BK left with is GUILT, GUILT AND GUILT.

Not needed to say, the BKs still insults us by thinking that we are failures even after their own continuous failures. What respect do they want from us after dragging us in nonsense?

The last BK class I attended two years back. The senior BK was entertaining the newcomers by telling various tales and was trying to connect it with Gyan. As usual he warned the listeners that we are in the ending phase of Kalpa and very less time is remaining. I asked how much time is remaining. He avoided the question by insulting me and the whole class laughed.

You are a believer Patzcuaro, and they call it full knowledge. At least full knowledge should be able to answer my simple questions. Can you answer them?
    • What percent of heaven is built up by now after 75 years completion out of 100 years?

    • How many souls are ready by now? If there is any lacking how it can be filled and how would one know it?

    • When will Krishna born? When will he grow up to Narayan? (Please keep in mind as per original teachings 2036 is the starting date of deity kingdom with 9,00,000 souls on earth)
There are many more questions to be answered ...

With due respect and honor to you



Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post23 Jan 2013

Bkti-pit: Agree with your view but can you clarify what is your stand on expression of positive opinions /experiences through BK association on this forum? Should that be allowed or you are in favour of banning BKs or such opinions on this forum?
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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post24 Jan 2013

You have not been banned and your comments have not been censored, so what are you complaining about?

The problem is usually those opinions are not very convincing and then when challenged and questioned BKs don't cope with it very well ... like you and Patzcuaro refusing to answer simple questions. Obviously, we are not interested in typical BK propaganda, nor to be a service device for the BKWSU.

Generally, when someone has been 'banned' (and very few have), it is for other reasons than being a BK and after many requests for their conduct to improve. It is because they falsely represent themselves, they are a nutcase or abusive, they type huge pages of badly written text, and so on.

Unfortunately, as a Indian cult the BKs attract a certain types of hardheaded invididuals who won't listen. Once you have heard what they have to say once, you have heard it a million times. There's even a nationalistic element to it for some. For them they see the BKs as a wonderful example of Indianism and when the goodness of the BKs is questioned, they react irrationally towards it like an offensive to national pride.

We were all BKs, we know what they say. The BK leaders are just a bunch of corrupt merchants whose aim is to become top knot Brahmins. For the lack of any other trade or education, they've taken religion as their business. They don't want to change or uplift India, they just want to be the top of the caste system. It's all very Indian ...

They don't even care about other Indian women very much. They just think they are equally impure Shudras as the males.


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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post24 Jan 2013

I value the purpose of this forum which is clearly stated when signing on but I do not have an opinion on what should be its policies regarding the expression of positive views on the BKs.

I do not deny that many have benefited from their experiences with the BKs. I did.

Personally, I usually do not mind people sharing their positive experiences with the BKs but it becomes annoying when they start preaching and try to prove us wrong, telling us that we misrepresent the BKs.

The truth is the BKs are the culprit when it comes to misrepresentation: they lie about their past, about who they are and about their intentions.

When someone comes here and says that Destruction, the 5,000 year cycle or the BK concept of God is not central to BKism, it is misrepresentation and a strong reaction from forum members does not come as a surprise.

To blame victims of BKism for the harm that was inflicted on them is offensive. It does however exemplify how BKs are taught to think and adds to our credibility.
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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post24 Jan 2013

Well said, bkti-pit :).


Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post24 Jan 2013

ex-l: Thanks for this and clarification. I asked the question because some of the forum members recommended this ban and not because I want to complain about something

Bkti-pit: Yes both sides of the views should be expressed which I agree. When I say misrepresentation, yes, I will say that again that there is indeed a lot of that out here- not from you though.
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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post24 Jan 2013

clearernow wrote:When I say misrepresentation, yes, I will say that again that there is indeed a lot of that on this forum in my view ...

If you are going to say that, you need to clarify what it is rather than make a sweeping statement.

As everyone, including the inner circle and "cool" elements of the BK movement knows, we have a very, very high accuracy rate, have exposed what they have hidden are revolutionising the understanding of the BKs and, especially, their history.

If your opinion just boils down to us not accepting the BK self-publicity, than that is not a "misrepresentation". If it just boils down to your cultural values, e.g. not speaing badly of elders etc, then, again, that is not a "misrepresentation". For example, for many people Janki, the current leader of the Kirpalani Klan, is like a Holy Cow or demi-god to some and they just don't like when we have a joke at her expense.

For me, that is perfectly acceptable. I don't respect her as she is to blame and responsible for much that is wrong with the BKWSU and I do not consider the BKWSU is good for the world.


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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post25 Jan 2013

Clearernow wrote:because some of the forum members recommended this ban and not because I want to complain about something

I recommended the ban for pukka BKs who are trying to propagating and protect their knowledge by their baseless justifications and clearly avoiding the obvious questions related to Gyan. It is not for you clearernow, who is not yet pukka and in the midway of BKs and non-Bks.


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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post05 Sep 2017

Yes ... thank you, bkti-pit.
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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post05 Sep 2017

Hi Maui.

Welcome to the forum.

How is life in the BK world where you come from? Is it mainly Indian or Western?

You say you've seen money being funneled around the BK world, what do mean by that?



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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post08 Sep 2017

Thank you ex-I. I am intrigued following your posts and learning an extraordinary amount of misguided information that I was fed by Western BKs and Madhuban.

I come from the West and, yes, I've seen large sums of money handled in cash to be brought to centers and oversees. I was accompanying other BKs on such a trip and was informed as well as to divisive measures used with families.

There was much deceit involved. Contributions were given to the personal needs of the niwasis over and over again. I, myself, have stopped all contributions.

Thanks for your informative lessons, I have just begun reading and am shocked.

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