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Re: The Scorpion and the Frog

Post26 Mar 2008

In the Avyakt Vanis it is said that we say "my nature" for things which are not ours nature.

There is another story that a saint saw a scorpion in the water and decided to save it from drowning, but it bit it, so he dropped it, so he fell again in the water. He took it again, but it bit it again, so he dropped it again. It happened many times like this untill a side spectator after watching the drama for quite a long time asked the saint that why is he doing like this again and again when the scorpion bites him again and again and he said that if the scorpion is not leaving its nature why should i.
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selective memory

Post30 Mar 2008

This post merges into my previous one:
ex-l wrote:The still alive ones like Janki and so on must remember it too ...

and this made me wonder about selective memory.

SS, the very same ones that Baba (according to the English translation) calls nothing less than "great souls" in the 18.03 Murli, narrated many stories over the years, but in a "selective" way. According to which criteria? Grandmothers want to hide away the dirty old laundry from children?

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Personal membership

Post01 Apr 2008

Dear Admin, please hide my group membership title 'Vishnu Party'. I would like to post articles on independent basis without supporting/opposing any group/party/cult.
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The Preordained War of Mahabharata

Post04 Apr 2008

***** was quite divine as we all know he had only one ball

the other was removed by his mother, and is stored in the albert hall......she did this when he was young
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The Tao of the Traveller

Post07 Apr 2008

One short postscript ... this is targeted more for ranee's benefit.

The environment of this forum grew out of one in which we were told the only other support forum for ex-BK and friends and family was shut down by the BKWSU under legal threats. You need to check if this is true but I understand it to be and "sealed" by a confidentiality agreement. If it is true or not, the BKWSU should hold an inquiry and make an open statement about it.

The BKWSU, individual BKs and members here have openly both criticised and attacked the policy of anonymity even though, for example, reputable institutions such as the United Nations have themselves anonymous ombudsperson systems to handle difficult complains and situations. In many way, the legal attack on this forum was a "forced entry" devised by top attorneys on bogus grounds and, seemingly, coordinated by a "rogue BK" going off on their own without consulting others. Again this ought to be confirmed to satisfy your own concerns. Its a wonder how the legal system serves money and might ... not right. But we pulled through stronger.

PBKs get barred even in the liberal West. center-in-charges and the SS use the system to garner personal information about others in an unaccountable manner. BKs are afraid of what being exposed might mean to their eternal spirituality, even though they might support some of our aims and be genuinely interested in our research. Mail servers are centrally blocked towards us, controlling what centers can and cannot receive. Considerable disinformation has been spread about us ... although we hope relationship is improving through our initiatives, not theirs.

You have to admit, it is a bit of a crazy, hothouse, dysfunctional family situation, is not it? It is not at all benign.

So to insist that individuals step out into the open is a bit like the British Empire telling the Indians (red or brown) to step out of their cover and put down their arms before they will talk to them ... right.

    You first ranee ... let's see the whites of your eyes. :shock:
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[Policy] Locked topics

Post30 Apr 2008

Members have reported "locked topics" in which it is not possible to post.

It is not an official policy to lock topics. If members know of, or discover, any more, please let us know as it may be a technical glitch.

Thank you.
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Please bear with me

Post06 May 2008


Since many weeks or may be months I have not been able to reply to all the posts that were directly or indirectly addressed to me. Apart from that I could not reply to many of the posts, which I could have replied or would have liked to reply. The reason for this is that I have become a victim of the computer-related disorder leading to pain in the right arm, especially the wrist and fingers that I use to operate the mouse for long hours.

For many weeks I tried overcoming the problem using some creams for relief from pain and inflammation. But that hasn't worked. Since many months I have also been exercising twice a day for about half an hour each. :wink: Although physical exercises helped me overcome/avoid lower back pain and neck pain (also a result of long hours on computer) but that did not cure the pain in the right arm completely because in this case a particular organ (right arm) has been overstrained due to overuse. Then, as suggested in most of the articles on such disorders, I had to resort to giving breaks/rest to the right arm. It definitely helps, but only temporarily.

I also tried using the left hand for operating the mouse, but it is not feasible because almost all the computer tables are designed for right-handed persons. Nevertheless, when not sitting on computers I try to extract as much work as possible from my left arm, like lifting bags, holding support while standing in buses, in kitchen, etc. to give break to the right arm. :lol:

Therefore, I am left with no other choice but to give rest to the right arm/fingers until they are ready for use. Although I can browse through the forum but it is not possible to give detailed replies. I would continue to fulfil my minimum obligations to the forum everyday.

I therefore request you to kindly bear with me. I will try to reply to posts addressed to me in short, but if the same is delayed please forgive me. I particularly regret not participating to the desired level in the discussions in the PBK section. But because my learned PBK friends are competent enough to answer most of the querries, I feel that I can afford to avoid making posts there.

I don't know if I am acting against Shrimat by making this request in public, but I did not want to keep either myself or others in an illusion and hence have made this post with a heavy heart and as a last resort.

Since my present situation is because of overuse of the right arm for operation of computer/mouse, I would like to suggest others to be careful and avoid such experience. Computer/internet has become an integral part of our life/profession; therefore it is better to use the body in a balanced way so that it cooperates with us in our computer-related needs for a longer period in life.

Any suggestions in this regard would be helpful for me as well as other Members, :)

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Re: please bear with me

Post06 May 2008

Hello arjun,

Having had the condition on two occasions in the past, I can only sympathise with you. It's very painful and only time and rest will really fix the problem. All our best wishes for a speedy recovery ...
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Re: please bear with me

Post06 May 2008

Hi Arjun,

Sorry to hear about your injury and pain.

I agree that using the left hand while the right hand heals would be ideal to give your right hand a rest. An extension mouse cable may help you to do this.

Here are some other measures for helping at your desk:

    - there are gel-filled pads to rest your wrist on while your hand holds the mouse. The additional support helps some people. Similar pads are available for keyboard use. In general, you want your wrists to be close to straight. The sharper the angle in the wrist, the greater wear and tear in transmitting forces.
    - adjusting the height of your chair so that your knees are slightly lower than the tops of your thighs
    - adjusting your keyboard-drawer and/or desk so that your wrists and hands are below the level of your elbows.
    - adjusting the height of the monitor so that you are looking slightly down toward the screen
    - using an alternative pointing devices such as a touch-pad or trackball. There is even something called a head-mouse that you wear like a cap.
For improving how you position and move yourself in sitting, I would recommend looking into the Feldenkrais method. In this video you can see a trainer working with a man, helping him move more fluidly, and spontaneously finding a more efficient alignment of head, spine and pelvis. She is introducing her own program, but you can ignore that. Even just seeing the movements is instructive, the way she coaxes his movements into healthier patterns.
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Re: Please bear with me

Post06 May 2008

Yes, my respect, appreciation and sympathies. I was going to make one of the same suggestions as Joel did ... a trackpad or trackball. Perhaps if you are open to the idea, someone on the forum could send you one of theirs? Many people try a few out or go back to mice.

Is it your body telling you to rest, do other sorts of service and find some balance, or is it a dastardly demon keeping you from "the work"? I strongly suspect the former and you should avoid beating yourself up over it.
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Re: Please bear with me

Post06 May 2008


All the best and a quick recovery. :)

Now, to the practical aspect of things like Joel pointed out. I use a trackball as I too got the arm pain. I usually switch from several computers, and lap top to avoid that sort of pain again, although when writing 25 pages or more without a break will annoy it, due to the key strokes. I have a blind friend and he used the speak software and that may help you too. I have a spare new wireless track mouse if you are willing to give it a try...pm if you do.
Almost' Free Down Loads Center ... software

Good thoughts to you Arjun and thank you for always looking up the Murli questions for all beyond the PBK section. You have been a trooper, now take a well deserved rest.

Kind Regards,

P.S. No need to reply, we will all know you are moving you head in acknowledgment of the messages. :D
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bless you!

Post06 May 2008

Hi, Arjunbhai! An essenceful message: thanks for your advice and best, heartfelt wishes :D


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Re: Please bear with me

Post07 May 2008

It is said that love and happiness :biggrin: are the best medecine. May I add laughter? :lol:

Love you get from many of us. Happiness and laughter you can find in many places on the Forum :mrgreen:. And all that for free.

So I think you are in good hands and there is no need to ask the BK Centers for special Yoga for you. :D


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Re: Please bear with me

Post07 May 2008

Dear Arjun,

While sitting in your chair lean over to the site where your arm hurts. Make it feel heavy, now let your arm hang and relax completely from fingers to shoulder and make little circles to ease the pain.

Al the best
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Re: Please bear with me

Post07 May 2008

Dear arjun.

What also can be helpful to the body is to step out of the pain with mind and intellect and look at yourself let say in your case your own body.
Than take the intension to heal yourself,...than sent this spot of pain good thoughts of energy and let it go into the micro structure of the body.
You can also use colours in this self healing proces.

Let say be your own doctor :D

And for sure this works at its best when connected with the source of healing 8) .


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