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Post13 Feb 2007

bansy wrote:You've raised a good point, as you were a BK during your youth, and only recently.

Its good to have a guideline, as otherwise it will become just the same as the rest of the forums, but I think Worldpeace should volunteer to be that forum moderator.

I think it will take time to pick up interest but it would be good to have someone start discussion and welcome newcomers.

I know that BKWSU life is not the worst in the world but, in a sense, you have had a life stolen from you. Did you read Brother T's letter in the Child Abuse forum relating his experiences?

His may have been worse, growing up in the West but with the addition pressures of being Hindu-ized by the BKWSU but I guess similar.
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Post14 Feb 2007

ex-l wrote:Its good to have a guideline, as otherwise it will become just the same as the rest of the forums, but I think Worldpeace should volunteer to be that forum moderator.

I agree with both of these points.
ex-l wrote:I think it will take time to pick up interest but it would be good to have someone start discussion and welcome newcomers.

Should that someone be worldpeace himself? He has some interesting things to say which are very pertinent to the Youth Forum.

I agree with the draft policy that Bansy has outlined, with the addition that I have suggested. I assume adults other than worldpeace and other moderators/Admin will not be allowed to post on the youth forum. Is that correct?

Bansy, what do you feel? Worldpeace, what are your views please?



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Post14 Feb 2007

Thanks to Proy and ex-I for considering me.

It would be my pleasure to contribute to this forum in a positive way. Admin and other members willing, I would be happy to volunteer as the moderator of the youth forum.

Some questions I have in mind are -

1. Are non ex-BKs allowed to be moderators?

2. If so, shouldn't we get the opinions of BKs and PBKs as we are a neutral forum. (I know this is sticky, as the nature of subject of the forum is such that democracy doesn't work ... only faith works ... the sathyug way :) )


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Post14 Feb 2007

If so, shouldn't we get the opinions of BKs and PBKs

Hi worldpeace,

Glad you're already thinking about it, I was thinking the same that it will be better for a balanced moderation from the ex-BK, BK and PBK sides. However, unless they come forward, we do not know. Anyway, a moderator's job is really just to ensure that things do not get out of line, and it really depends on who or what is in on the discussion at any one time.

I am not sure how Admin will eventually set this up.

All :

However, in the meantime I suggest thinking about making more suggestions along the lines of some of those proposed above, as once the forum starts, we (well at least I) will try not to get in the way. Also, brainstorming now gives some idea what will kick off the forum, and what kind of things to be moderating.


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Post16 Feb 2007

A leaflet I've just happen come across regarding the 11th International Youth Forum in Madhuban December 2006 says the IYF is for BKs between the age of 15 and 30 with a good command of English. ("International" being the key word)

In addition, there was also an International BK Children's retreat over the same period for BKs age 7 to 14, in which will be divided into 2 age groups 7-10, 11-14.

With that in mind, should we make this website's Youth Forum 15 to 30 ? Is 30 really "youth" ? If so, those Google founding boys must be billionaire babies. :P Mind you, with the average age of people in Western countries increasing, maybe being 60 will be still youth :P
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Lower age limit.

Post16 Feb 2007

bansy wrote:In addition, there was also an International BK Children's retreat over the same period for BKs age 7 to 14, in which will be divided into 2 age groups 7-10, 11-14.

Is it certain that the lower age legally has to be 13 for participation in this forum?


not sure

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Post27 Jul 2007

Should do like those FOX Kids commercials: participating to the forum means that you do have your parents permission. Though this website is monitored and supervised, we do not hold ourselves responsible of any actions undertaken following the reading of this website (including grades rising, child becoming obedient and rooms kept clean). We encourage children's evolution in a safe and controlled environment, and respectful and positive interactions between members.

With this, even 7 year olds can get in.

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