[Notice] Good byes from members leaving the Forum

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It will be tough without you, ex-l

Post23 May 2007

No one can inflame my blood (dare I say 'passions' ?? I dare not!) as you somehow manage to do. Thanks (hugs!) for all your continuous hard work starting and supporting the forum.

Best of luck ... hope to catch up with you at your new site. I am sure you'll have many more surprises in store for all of us.



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Post23 May 2007

ex-l wrote:well, it had to happen at some point, so here it is ... my official resignation notice. To paraphrase that famous old Elvis Presley movie, "ex-l has left the building ..."

Dear Brother ex-l,

You are just joking ... come on you must be!!!!

How can we do without you!? You cannot be serious ...

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need a vacation?some1 pushed u out?

Post23 May 2007

Hi. The version I know of the "sleeping beauty " tale, starts explaining that when the princess was born all fairies were invited to a celebration, except for one, who was left out. She felt so insulted, that she cursed the princess to die one day when stung by a wool winder needle. Luckily, the youngest fairy still hadn't uttered her wish, so she utilized her chance to turn that curse of death into a "the princess will sleep for 100 years".

So, little's Alladin's wish for you, ex-l is: take a well deserved break. You've given "your bones in Forum's service". We all know it and will be forever grateful. I often wondered when and if you'd feel worn out, especially with all the "digging"!

But we all appreciate I think, and value your sharing, so I hope your decision will not be final. Mr Green "threatened" us to leave as I registered but he's still here with essenceful and powerful posts. Beauty and freedom of the Forum is that we are not compelled to read everything, everyday, and post anything lengthy. However, as I remembered you from the first mails we exchanged, you are Master Commander on the ship of truth. Not in the sense that we need or seek for "leaders" here, but in the sense that the heart knows, because we share love for truth. We all need vacations, don't we? So, enjoy everything, check at least if we finally arrange to meet for leisure!!

Lots of love and thanks and good vibes and good wishes and respect. Namaste!
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Post24 May 2007

My version is that Cinderella has to leave because the clock is ticking to midnight. Not that the Prince would not love her when he finds out who she really is, but that her step Sisters (SS) and her step mom (Dadis) would try to push her out of the palace.

ex-l, you are one of the most loved in this forum! Defender of Facts about BKWSU. My gut feeling tells me you are way ahead thinking what is the best plan for yourself. Let us know if you are engaged (just kidding) and you are certainly invited to come to my paradise if you want a break or work on your own.
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Post24 May 2007

Well ex-l is taking flight, spreading his wings. One of the forums top researchers. Nay, the top researcher! Will be genuinely missed. Intellectual tour de force, wicked sense of humour and poser of difficult questions that need serious answers.

It's been quite a journey, don't forget us as we struggle to come to grips with the BKSWU phenomenon (and the off shoot parties). Good luck and may you find all you need to find for life's happiness.


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Post24 May 2007

Many thanks for your very good and worthy thoughts you have shared in this forum, as well as the support and friendship. If we don't interact, dare to say it, in the next Golden Age, well let's try again in the next Kaliyug :P !!

Take care.
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Post24 May 2007

Sorry to see you go, ex-l! although you just know when the time is right, huh ...

Your razor-wit and wicked sense of fun will be greatly missed; a welcome antidote to taking ourselves too seriously :D And you never let us do that hehe ;).

You've also been tireless in amassing documentary evidence and revealing falsehoods - a task I am sure you will carry out with your usual no-bull**** courage @ your new site :mrgreen:.

I wish you all the best! Heartfelt thanks from me for all your contributions here ... made me laugh so many times :) while bringing revelation 8).
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Post24 May 2007

Yes, I am sorry. I have a couple of posts in the process of being finished and that is it. Someone else has to come forward and do some digging. Preferably someone that is willing and able to go to India and do some work there.

It is not over for the corruption within the BKWSU. I don't want to risk damaging the positive elements of the forum and I do not have the access within the BKWSU that the next stage requires. I have left enough leads for others to start working on.|[cue commerical break ...]
But in the meanwhile, remember girls ... "Students leaving? Unable to attract VIP microphones? Need sponsorship for that next Mega Programme or new building?"

Be one of Baba's roses with new improved Nima Rose ... recommended by BapDada himself in the Murli!!!
If I can start winding up to the end, I'd give it the old ... "Ask not what the brahmakumaris.info forum can do for you - ask what you can do for brahmakumaris.info forum".
    • Keep reaching out to others.

    There are many at the edges, especially within the BKs and the their families who would like to come forward but are too afraid or too beaten. I am afraid my edge keeps them away.

    • Stop the BKWSU sucking in fresh blood to replace the discarded BKs and rejecting IPs and VIPs.

    Inform other innocent third parties not of the so bad stuff, just of the rock solid crazy truths about the BKWSU, their theories, the spookery, the use of Destruction, the failed predictions, the historical revision and re-writing and violence they have measured out to the likes of the PBKs. Speak to IP, VIPs and the folks the BKWSU are lining up as their fronts. Let them know what it is all about until it is fixed.

    Empower the innocent individual BKs but be conscious that the leadership is, in my opinion, proven to be not trusted.
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Post24 May 2007

Hey ex-l

Bye ... and thanx for being you. Here's a little lightness for your future journey:
I'll keep tuning into bkwsuwatch.com as well,

Much love
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Post24 May 2007

Huh, many have tried and failed to leave this forum. So, how much did they offer? :lol:
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Post24 May 2007

sparkal wrote:Huh, many have tried and failed to leave this forum. So, how much did they offer? :lol:

Not enough ...

But I will do a deal if I can take Sister Jaymini. And why not? I would not be the first ... allegedly. (Oooooh, God strike me down with lightning if I being a b*tch again ... Forgive me, you are welcome here anytime Jaymini. Well done for you).

Love you all long time!
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Post25 May 2007

The building has left ex-l
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Post25 May 2007

Hey, ex-l ...

You were and are so important to many of us ... I am not sure if I am ready to let you go !! :cry:
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Post26 May 2007

OK, I am off. On the basis that it is better to jump before you are pushed, or pulled; I am stepping back from this forum.

Dear ex-l,

Hello. While I was out of touch with internet for a few days (and will remain disconnected for a few more days). You have taken such an important decision without the concurrence of fellow members, just as Brahma Baba left BKs without their concurrence. This is not good and you must continue with your good work. Although many BKs and many PBKs may not agree with many of your sentences, but still your contribution is valuable and we would look forward to it as always. I hope you would reconsider your decision.
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BB leaving BKs

Post26 May 2007

I would be interested to hear more on the subject of Brahma Baba "leaving" the BKs. Is there a thread on this? Can you elaborate some more if no existing thread?

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