Channelling and Psychics

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Channelling and Psychics

Post25 Feb 2007

Just watched a BBC documentary, Psychic Vietnam, about psychics talking to the dead. The method used by one of the psychics simply called "Third Eye Method", where the dead speak to the psychic who is observing the forehead of the one (usually family member) seeking the soldier killed and lost in the war, and communication via the "third eye". ... 989480.stm

Apparently this documentary got large viewing in the UK, did anyone on the forum see it ?
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Post16 Mar 2007

There is a programme on Discovery Channel about haunted tenants at 11 pm Indian standard time where psychic people are seen helping to get rid of possessed souls. A very interesting documentary. [But you need a lot of courage to see it! :roll: ]

MITRA :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Post04 Jul 2007

Hi everyone,

have you heard about Check it out. It is this lady that get in tune with this group of spirits that she named Abraham. She goes into trance and gives us tips, processes and ways to live positively. They can answer any question regarding, ETs, death, etc ... they say it is all about the law of attraction, that the Universe responds to. There is no 'organization', or any group formed to get $$ or follow principles, is a "Baba" in a very cool, loose, clear and pure way ...

Send feedback !! :lol:
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Re: something positive

Post04 Jul 2007

freedom wrote:have you heard about Check it out. It is this lady that get in tune with this group of spirits that she named Abraham. She goes into trance and gives us tips, processes and ways to live positively. They can answer any question regarding, ETs, death, etc ... they say it is all about the law of attraction, that the Universe responds to. There is no 'organization', or any group formed to get $$ or follow principles, is a "Baba" in a very cool, loose, clear and pure way

Hi Freedom !

Just to let you know that Abraham (through Esther Hicks) were responsible for the latest world-wide Movie sensation called, "The Secret". You may have seen it. If so, I'd suggest that you watch it again and look for Esther Hicks in it, and get the feeling of what she's saying, as you may just realise that she's channeling "Abraham' at that point. YOU can also download some mp3 files from the same website you mentioned as an "Introduction to Abraham" - an interesting story unfolds in that.

Considering you're enjoying this type of thing (as I do), you could also go to as they've got lots of great channelings therein. Especially their meditation room experience. You would probably find info about the 'LightBody' experience which always help to work on ...

Other good sites to visit ( some of the mediums/channels I know personally) are;You could also do a internet seach on Lazarus and Seth (from the 1970's) whose 'downloads' are still pretty much relevant to the times I feel.

Let us know if you find a common thread or info therein, wouldya? In my opinionm a lot of this is no different to what goes on in Madhuban in terms of the 'entity' appears, talks or gives class and then 'the entity' leaves.

For example, this weekend I was listening live to Ascended Master Kuthumi, Archangel Michael and the Goddess Jezebel (Great name for a Goddes I thought). I have previously heard St Germain, Serapis Bey, Archangel Gabriel, Lord Arcturus, Lord Apollo etc etc. I personally voice channel an entity known as Luthar who is an aspect of Ascended Master Sanat Kumara (i think its ironic I still work with the name Kumara considering my BK past ...) but all that is another story to tell one day.

But this stuff is not new, and as I understand it - one discovers it when one is ready to discover it, just the same as I needed to discover the BKs at that time ...
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Post04 Jul 2007

How related do you think these spooks, angels, masters and aliens all are?

It may not also be obvious but in the movie, "What the Bleep?", medium JZ Knight is not speaking just by herself but sometimes channels the entity Ramtha ... and he swears on camera!

Ramtha claims to come from the continent of Lemuria and to have conquered Atlantis over 35,000 years ago, leading an army of over 2.5 million across the continents (... zzzz!). Two of the three directors of that film are his followers. He sounds like some old Victorian hoakster talking to me. Funny English accent, and is that bad plastic surgery on the medium? If you feel bad about your time in the BKWSU, it costs $700 plus to go to a seminar of Ramtha's ...

Ramtha is described as having brought his knowledge to many ancient civilizations in the world such as the Ancient Egyptians, claiming that the original teachings and philosophies he taught 35,000 years ago have appeared throughout history in the schools of philosophers like Socrates, religions like Hinduism, and the works of great minds such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.
    Of course, it m-ii-g-h-t all be true at a push, but do all channelled entities have such delusions of grandeur?
For those of you considering going into the business of channelling, I suggest that you try channelling the spirits of reliable plumbers and electricians. It is much harder to find a reliable plumber or electrician these days and the hourly rates are higher than mediums of ancient wisdom keepers.

Its not that I do not believe in channelling, I do. I have seen it. I'd just like to see some more practical applications of the skill and some more down to earth spirits. You insights are welcome.
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Re: something positive

Post04 Jul 2007

paulkershaw wrote: I personally voice channel an entity known as Luthar who is an aspect of Ascended Master Sanat Kumara (I think its ironic I still work with the name Kumara considering my BK past ...) but all that is another story to tell one day.

Paul, can you explain what is voice channeling? More so the physical aspect of it.

Is it that the body or voice is taken over, or what? How does it work?
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Post04 Jul 2007

You lot scare me sometimes.

Next you'll be wegeboarding.
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Post04 Jul 2007

mr green wrote:Next you'll be wegeboarding.

I think you mean "ouija board". A wedgie is something altogether different but I agree it would be tempting to offer some members one.

Yes, I vote for asking paulkershaw to channel and document SPECIFICALLY what these other channelled entities think of God Shiva, Lekhraj Kirpalani, Virendra Dev Dixit and all. All to often they all have some excuse or another why they cannot give specific answer.

I reckon they all come from the same place to mess with humanity. May be even the same spooks putting on different voices. And why planet earth!?!
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Post04 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:A wedgie is something altogether different but I agree it would be tempting to offer some members one.

:lol: On a daily basis.
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Post05 Jul 2007

Thanks for the feedback ...

I agree with ex-l, if we could ask about those "people" or souls, and all that Indian stories that kind of screwed our minds up for awhile, or better, how about a chit-chat between these spirits in this spiritual worlds ...

I just think that if works in a positive way, why not? Especially if they are not cutting off our freedom/creativity and eagerness to find a nice reason for us to be here now in this time and space, actually this Abraham is really cool ...

When I open the other sites related to channeling I will give more of my opinion ... :lol:.

But anyways, thanks to Dadi Gulzar's trances we are all connected now ... !!!!
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Re: something positive

Post05 Jul 2007

john wrote:Paul, can you explain what is voice channeling? More so the physical aspect of it. Is it that the body or voice is taken over, or what? How does it work?

Thank for the interest John, I think I've answered some of these question in earlier posts, especially in the Channeling and Psychic Dimensions of the BKWSUsub-forum <I think its called>... For many 'channels the process is different and I suppose its also up to the 'listener' to decide for themselves as to how they want to take up, accept, or work with what they are hearing ...

I still question some of the channelings I hear but am thankful for an alternative viewpoint and ability to be reasonable and logical too, (G-d I hope so ...!)

In my case, I can describe the sensation: I sit for a few minutes meditation and use a specific invocation to ask "the entity" to step forward (manifest) and offer myself in service, whilst also requesting protection from low level entities.

Over the next few minutes my body begins to feel really heavy, my head area begins to heat up, my neck and throat tingle, my body feels as if I am morphing into the huge "Oros' man (a large blown up tyre tube character advertising Oros juice if you don't have this image!), my lips feel like rubber tyres (I am serious so don't laugh eh?) and it feels as if I am being pushed backwards into another 'space' inside of me. I then become aware of another being standing either in front of me or behind me and I know that they wish to speak, and so I simply surrender to that process. Two processes then can happen: either I receive mental imagery/pictures <which I somehow know are not of my own creation> which I then have to 'decipher'/translate, or I begin to hear a voice, much different to mine, speaking and which uses my vocal chords. I am aware of what is being said but only in that moment, i.e I do not remember the previous sentence at all. Apparently my face changes and my entire posture changes too, although I do not 'feel' uncomfortable.

It takes me a while to re-surface afterwards, and I have to try to ground myself and do some stretching too. I do not know how long I have been 'away' and often question the time-frames as it feels like 2-3 minutes only but can stretch into an hour perhaps ... I also do not remember what was spoken through me but am left with a beautiful loving feeling inside.

By the way this happened to me ,(I feel this is an important point considering some of the past questions but which I've kept quiet up to now) is that when I was in Gyan, my mother passed away and when we offered Bhog for her, I was taken into a trance-like state, into subtle dimension, and had specific interaction between her, myself and Brahma Baba, and the energy of great love, happiness and connetion was immense and felt by everyone in the room (about 20 people). So I can, herein, definitely say that Dada Lekrahj/Brahma Baba doesn't only work through one medium in the BKs at all ... <watch this space for reaction now ...>. I never bothered at the time, as it was all such a lot to deal with.

Oftentimes though, when working with people, I can 'pick up' the imagery directed to me by their 'guides' or 'people who've passed' and then relay this info to them. However, I'd appreciate that people understand that I have to try translate this imagery and its not always a case of 'a voice' telling me or speaking though me.

Trust that this has answered, and I've enjoyed sharing it, but hope this hasn't opened up a can of worms ... I am sure much discussion will ensue, Murli points and all ...
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Post05 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:A wedgie is something altogether different but I agree it would be tempting to offer some members one. Yes, I vote for asking paulkershaw to channel and document SPECIFICALLY what these other channelled entities think of God Shiva, Lekhraj Kirpalani, Veerendra Dev Dixit and all. All to often they all have some excuse or another why they cannot give specific answer. I reckon they all come from the same place to mess with humanity. May be even the same spooks putting on different voices. And why planet earth!?!

Better a wedgie than a woody? hmmmm :shock: BBYSOP ---> I am sure this thread should be moved to another relevant thread to do with the Channeling aspects discussed a few months ago

OK - I knew I was going to be asked this when I posted the info about me 'chanelling' - but in all honesty I've already asked and was given this answer in different ways and at different times, "There is no One way to G-d and not one person or group has or holds all the truth" - which I accepted. I posted this in various comments/guises recently too, I think. This information then free'd me as well to make more decisons on 'my life' as opposed to just blindly going where even angels may fear to tread ...

As to the post that 'they' always have some excuse or the other why they cannot give specific answer <I can say that this too is sometimes my experience, but I also honour the fact that Spirit always try to make me find my own answers/truth> that 'Spirit' will never interfere negatively in our processes and that they will not dishonour anyone either. I am starting to realise that the higher dimension 'spiritual hierarchy' don't compete on any level and tend to stick to their set goals. How that works I really don't know. Einstein once said that if you wonder about something, then think about it a lot, and if the answer comes easily then that's God ...

In every live channeling I've heard, the speaking (ascended) entity will, virtually without fail, always say or infer, that it is up to the 'listener' as to what they wish to take from the session and reject the rest. As far as I am aware, or can remember, this does not happen in the BKWSU channeling process at all, which then opens up more of the same previously asked questions about who is speaking through Gulzar ...

Therefore, I feel more able to discern, for myself, as to what it is that I wish to 'adopt' in terms of what is my truth or not. I do agree that there is a possibility of certain 'spooks' using different bodies/voices but then I would also add that they're probably lower level entities too, up to some mischief perhaps? Who really knows?

I'd like to answer the question about "why planet earth?". Sounds like a Sirian website portal advertising holidays on earth, eh? But honestly, I feel to say, "why on earth Not?" (HEAVEN Knows - we so need some help ... !) ... and the answer may then come depending on our personal concepts of what 'Spirit' wants from us ...

I have the current understanding that the earth is seen as a jewel in this galaxy and that 'Spirit' wants to ensure our survival/growth because of past connections etc, but also probably because we humans are a form of a spiritual challenge for them too. It has been important to me to remember that 'Spirit' ~ whilst knowing the other side of 'me' ~ also thankfully chooses to recognise my higher and more 'spiritual' side and therefore inspires me to become more of that and less of 'lower'. I hope what I've posted makes sense?

I am being careful too - several of my friends, who are world-renowned mediums with channeling abilities far beyond mine, and to my experience, are some of the most gentle, beautiful HUMAN BEINGS I know and an abolsute joy to be around, often get acccused of leading cults and misleading people, and I'd like to avoid that here too. My friends have had to work on themselves spiritually, continue to do so, and all profess that they do not own the entities that they channel, nor do they profess to speak the truth. I like that! Its not avoidance. Its simply allowing individuals to make up their own minds as to what their belief systems will be.

One of the reasons I posted what I did, after careful consideration, was to show a more 'human face' to those interested in same (and sane!) discussion, of a topic which I am obviously interested in ... so I remain open to comments too ...
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Post05 Jul 2007

I think that we can all promise you that we are immune to joining a new cult and worshipping you as our guru or guide. Beside which ...
    would you REALLY want a bunch of ex-BKs as your devotees !?! Life is too short.
I think we have a slight problem here which you, or they, are not addressing. And that is, most of them are talking about survival whereas the monotheist spooks from the time of Moses onwards, of which Shiva is one, appear to favour Destruction.

This somewhat places them as diametrically opposed to each other.

I raise this query as I see the BKs both infiltrating the positive thinking, creationist psychic circles AND jumping on their bandwagon, i.e. recently picking up on the "Law of Attraction" concept that has no roots in BK Gyan whilst hiding their true beliefs undercover.

Now, part of this I see as the BK chamelon character coming out and taking on others' colors for the sake of their self-promotion (aka service). And part of it I have to see as their spook's character, e.g. to pick up and accresce what he learns from us/here to use for his own agenda.

I find it difficult to believe that they would not have an opinion about such a different path. The answer being given surely depending on the question and questioner rather than being objective.

Do you know of any historical trend in the increase of channelling over simple mediumship? Is it on the increase?
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Post05 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:I think that we can all promise you that we are immune to joining a new cult and worshipping you as our guru or guide. Beside which ... would you REALLY want a bunch of ex-BKs as your devotees !?! Life is too short.

Halleluyah, I am tired of all the milk thrown over me anyhows ... :|.
I think we have a slight problem here which you, or they, are not addressing. And that is, most of them are talking about survival whereas the monotheist spooks from the time of Moses onwards, of which Shiva is one, appear to favour Destruction.
This somewhat places them as diametrically opposed to each other.

I believe I probably answered this question ages ago in my post on 'Ascencion versus Destruction' on 23rd May which, interestingly enough, did not have much comment or response from this forum ... maybe people prefer the fire and brimstone stuff instead?

Most of the live channelings I attend only discuss the 'Ascension' process, so perhaps there's a huge discussion every night in the subtle worlds as to who's going to say what, or they may have their own forum discussing same? I really don't know and can only share my experience I suppose. I asked once, and was informed that this Destruction was the case a long time ago, but because humanity's consciusness had evolved more the opportuity to Ascend is greater nowadays ... does that sound right?

That particular posting (ascension v destruction) was a mix of my own churnings, channelings and 'gathered info' this last little while. Whilst I personally feel that there is NO SUCH THING as Destruction, I also must acknowledge and recognise the immense physical changes and upheavals on our planet, that will continue to do so too for a while anyway.

I believe this to be a releasing of energy by the earth. If I used the word 'survival' ~! I haven't checked ~ then I apologise and would prefer to change this to mean more than survival, to "evolution" on a spiritual level, or even ascension of the self to a completely higher frequency and consciousness. 'Survival' dredges up dark and broody images for me ...

p.s I did survive the BKWSU though ...! 8)
I raise this query as I see the BKs both infiltrating the positive thinking, creationist psychic circles AND jumping on their bandwagon, i.e. recently picking up on the "Law of Attraction" concept that has no roots in BK Gyan whilst hiding their true beliefs undercover.

Perhaps having nothing new to offer/or work with they have looked around to see what has taken the planet by storm and are either using it for their own 'progress' or indeed as you suggest working with a 'hidden' agenda ... The Law of Attraction is not new thinking at all. However, spirit teachers such as Abraham have highlighted it differently and with a deeper sense of knowingness lately, but haven't the BKs also been trying to teach it under their "Power of Positive Thinking' Concepts for a long time too? They just called it action/reaction 'karma' thingies ... how 19th century ...
the BK chamelon character etc ...

This too has become my 'feeling' over the last period of time and its no wonder there seem to be so many splinter groups forming, all in their search for the truth.

My 2007 Motto has become: "If anyone tells me this is the Truth, R U N!"

And indeed, the question and the questioner must come into play, just the same as I did not really question what was fed to me when I first walked in through the BK doorway. So long as it made me happy, hey Jack, I was OK and no-one else mattered ... and everyone should follow this system. Talk about arrogance ...
Do you know of any historical trend in the increase of channelling over simple mediumship? Is it on the increase?

Of interest to me is that I am informed that most 'physical' channeling will cease over the next few years, as human consciousness becomes more aware and we become more connected through thought and vibration. Also I know that those in Spirit are also ascending too so, as they connect with Higher Dimensions they will ascend, and so will we in this 3rd dimension which I posted about earlier too (I cant find my post about 2012 - probably because Admin removed it too :lol: - Poor Me ...) but also which did not get much response either ...

Oh well, time to pee, this has been a long day ...
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Post05 Jul 2007

I just LOOOOOVE this thread !!!! Thanks Paulkershaw for your posts !! I have 3 CDs from Abraham and so far it makes a lot of sense.

BKs adore Destruction because who would like to live in a prison of feelings/relationships/beliefs for so long?? Golden Age sounds much better (for some).

I crave answers for our existence everyday and I believe that our vibration (spirit) is pure, gentle and powerful ... 8).

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