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PostPosted: 16 May 2006
by celtiggyan
Another topic conveniently side-stepped by the BKs. EVen the most hardened skeptic would not deny that there just has to be some form of intelligent life out there somewhere (even on earth!). Not to say that they have ever visited us - that's a different argument so let's not go there at present. Let us assume there are Aliens. Now they must have Souls - would they go through a cycle or have their own cycle? When it is Golden Age here would it be Iron-age there?

Assume there can be only one cycle then they would have to be synchronised to us. Also would human Souls stick to human hosts (just as animals are supposed to?). Is Shiva the God of the human type Souls only or all Souls including aliens? Could Shiva even be an alien intelligence of some sort trying to educate us? If somebody was receptive (i.e. Brahma Baba) then he would tell him spiritual knowledge and put it in a framework of Hinduism so he would understand.


PostPosted: 07 Sep 2006
by amaranthine